Week 5 Health and Medical Including Nursing and Medical Discussion

Week 5 Health and Medical Including Nursing and Medical Discussion

Week 5: Analysis and Application of a Nursing Model Select either the PCN Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model. (Let’s select PCN (Personcentered care)). I also attached the lesson which where we base our answers to the questions below. Consider how the following components would be included in an analysis of the selected model: • • • • • • • Origin of the model Meaning of the model Logical adequacy of the model Usefulness of the model Generalizability of the model Degree of parsimony within the model Testability of the model What rationale can you provide which validates the selected model as a theoretical framework for nursing practice? Be sure to include


scholarly references to support your discussion. Answer: Week 5: Models and Frameworks Table of Contents Chamberlain Care Model During the NR 500 course, the Chamberlain Care Model was introduced to convey the theoretical framework for the Chamberlain College of Nursing. This week we will examine the Chamberlain Care Model as an example of a theoretical model which serves as a framework for practice in the context of nursing education. The Chamberlain Care Model is an action-oriented theoretical model which portrays the purpose, mission, and vision of the university: Purpose: To create an academic culture in which colleagues and students thrive and that cultivates extraordinary graduates Mission: To educate, empower, and embolden diverse healthcare professionals who advance the health of people, families, communities, and nations Vision: By living Chamberlain Care, we graduate extraordinary nursing professionals who transform healthcare worldwide (Groenwald, 2018). Acknowledging the centrality of care to nursing practice, Chamberlain’s philosophy of education is grounded in the belief that taking extraordinary care of students ultimately translates to the extraordinary care of patients, families, and communities and has the potential to transform healthcare worldwide (Chamberlain College of Nursing [CCN], 2017). While the Chamberlain Care Model is a foundation for educational practice, the theoretical framework within this model is readily applicable to other areas of advanced nursing practice. As depicted within the Chamberlain Care Model, the concept of care is integrated throughout, beginning with care of self at the core, and extending outward as care for faculty and staff, students, patients and families, the environment, and ultimately transforming healthcare (Groenwald, 2018). Think About This How might the Chamberlain Care Model be applied in your future professional practice? Person-Centred Nursing Framework In the NR 500 course, the Person-Centred Nursing (PCN) Framework was introduced. This week you will critically examine the PCN Framework and appraise its use as a theoretical foundation for practice. McCormack and McCance originally developed a PCN Framework in 2006. Caring continues to be a central concept in nursing; however, the context for caring is transforming, resulting in conceptual and theoretical advancements related to the evolving healthcare practice settings. In response to this need, McCormack and McCance updated the PCN Framework in 2010 to offer applications to practice across diverse and complex healthcare systems (McCormack & McCance, 2006; McCormack & McCance, 2017). The PCN Framework provides a standard of care for practice and is a multidimensional process that places emphasis on the person as the center of care delivery (McCance, McCormack, & Dewing, 2011). The PCN Framework fosters outcomes related to therapeutic relationships through respecting individuals as persons and partners in care (McCance et al., 2011). As depicted in the visual, the PCN Framework consists of four constructs: prerequisites, the care environment, person-centred processes, and outcomes (McCance et al., 2011). To deliver effective care, one must work from the outer circle first to the core. Prerequisites focus on the attributes of the nurses and include being professionally competent, having developed interpersonal skills, being committed to the job, being able to demonstrate clarity of beliefs and values, and knowing self (McCance et al., 2011). The Care Environment focuses on the context in which care is delivered and includes appropriate skill mix, systems that facilitate shared decision making, effective staff relationships, organizational systems that are supportive, the sharing of power, the potential for innovation and risk taking, and the physical environment (McCance et al., 2011). Person-centred processes focus on delivering care through a range of activities and include working with a patient’s beliefs and values (McCance et al., 2011). To overcome the gap between the concept and the reality of person-centred care, the PCN Framework offers an approach which includes engagement, sympathetic presence, shared decision making, and provision of holistic care (McCance et al, 2011). Outcomes, the central component of the PCN Framework, are the results of effective, person-centred nursing and include: satisfaction with care, involvement in care, feeling of well-being, and creating a therapeutic environment. (McCance et al., 2011). After testing, implementing, and analyzing the PCN Framework, McCormick and McCance (2017) once again updated the model to include the influence of the macro context on person-centered outcomes. Four components of the macro context were identified as: Health and social care policy Strategic frameworks Workforce developments Strategic leadership (McCormack & McCance, 2017, p. 263). Weekly Concepts to Explore Historical Perspective Models and Frameworks (https://chamberlain.instructure.com/ (https://chamberlain.instructure.com/ courses/43815/pages/week-5- courses/43815/pages/week-5-models- historical-perspective) and-frameworks) Theory Analysis Summary and References (https://chamberlain.instructure.com/ (https://chamberlain.instructure.com/ Top courses/43815/pages/week-5-theory- courses/43815/pages/week-5- analysis) summary-and-references) Week 5: Summary and References Table of Contents Summary Within the profession of nursing, theories have been constructed on grand, middle-range, and practice-level scales. Often the term “model” is used to refer to nursing theories which serve as a framework for practice. This week, we explored two specific nursing theoretical models which are foundational to the Chamberlain College of Nursing. In addition, the process of theory analysis was applied to determine the value of nursing theories and their potential applications in advanced practice. References Groenwald, S. L. (Ed.). (2018). Designing and creating a culture of care for students and faculty: The Chamberlain University College of Nursing Model. Washington, DC: National League for Nursing. McCance, T. McCormack, B., & Dewing, J. (2011). An exploration of person-centeredness in practice. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 16(2). doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol16No02Man01 McCormack, B., & McCance, T. (2006). Developing a conceptual framework for person-centred nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 56(5), 472-479. McCormack, B., & McCance, T. (2017). Person-centered practice in nursing and health care. Theory and practice (2nd ed.). Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. McEwen, M., & Wills, E. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2015). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer. Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company. Walker, L. O., & Avant, K. (2011). Strategies for theory construction in nursing (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Weekly Concepts to Explore Historical Perspective Models and Frameworks (https://chamberlain.instructure.com/ (https://chamberlain.instructure.com/ courses/43815/pages/week-5- courses/43815/pages/week-5-models- historical-perspective) and-frameworks) Theory AnalysisTop Summary and References (https://chamberlain.instructure.com/ (https://chamberlain.instructure.com/ courses/43815/pages/week-5-theory- courses/43815/pages/week-5- analysis) summary-and-references)
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