NSG482 Phoenix Cardiovascular Disease and Action plan Presentation

NSG482 Phoenix Cardiovascular Disease and Action plan Presentation

Imagine you are a nurse working with Doctors Without Borders to address an emerging global health issue in a specific region of the world. You are preparing to travel to the region to improve an issue or illness.

Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation, with detailed speaker notes, analyzing emerging global health issues related to the country or region of world of your choice. In your presentation:


  • Analyze the cause of the issue or illness. Consider:
  • Individual issues (e.g., personal cleanliness )
  • Community (e.g., resources, demographics)
  • Family roles and structures (e.g., single-family households)
  • Culture (e.g., values, beliefs)
  • Environmental issues (e.g., access to technology and health care, geographic concerns)
  • Examine the factors that continue to exacerbate the issue or illness. Consider:
  • Individual
  • Community
  • Culture
  • Environmental
  • Create an action plan to improve the issue or illness. Consider:
  • Education
  • Communication
  • Relief workers
  • Technology

Cite at least five peer-reviewed references in your presentation, and include a separate APA-formatted reference page.


Tags: APA nursing Cardiovascular Disease Public Health Nursing Global Threats
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