Specialty Track Family Nurse Practitioner and Fall Risk Patients Paper

Specialty Track Family Nurse Practitioner and Fall Risk Patients Paper

My PICOT question for nursing course 500 was the fall risk Patients under transitional care have a high risk falling while going through their daily recovery process especially when going to the bathroom. When these patients are admitted into the program, they are educated about these risks are consequently provided with mechanism of


avoiding them. One such prevention technic is asking for help when the need anything like going to the bathroom. Most of the patients that experience falls have prior diagnosis and history of falls or have suffered from gait debility or a Cognition deficit. With most falls taking place on Wednesdays between 2am and 6am, they forget to call for help when getting out of bed or wheelchair. describing our Rehabilitation unit and this population is at high risk for falls. Many of the patients have a diagnosis of fall, history of falls, gait debility from cardiac and or respiratory issues as well as fractures of all sorts. Once admitted to the unit the patients are orientated to the room explaining the main important factor is how to use the call light and reinforcing that they are to ask for assistance prior to getting out of bed/wheelchair. Many of the patients may state they understand to call before getting up and will forget to call for help when they need to go to the bathroom. Many of the falls on the unit are due to the patient trying to get up and go to the bathroom. On my unit we have had the most falls a total of 19 in a 3 month span with majority of the falls, occurring on Wednesday between the hours of 2am and 6am , the safety committee is working diligently stressing the importance of being proactive verse reactive to decrease this number .Re-educating the staff on fall preventive measures ensuring proper equipment is available , assessing patient for high risk factors and doing hourly rounding. Hourly rounds include toileting the patient, and to ensure safety measures are in place and to reduce falls with or without injuries. The question raised is, are all staff members really doing hourly rounding to ensure patient safety and satisfaction. Hourly rounding is an EBP and has proven to decrease patient falls. My question is does hourly rounding help decrease falls if done persistently P: population/Fall risk patients I: hourly rounding C: not doing hourly rounding O: prevent/decrease the number of falls References Hicks, D. (2015). Can Rounding Reduce Patient Falls in Acute Care? An Integrative Literature Review. MEDSURG Nursing, 24(1), 51-55. P- (Patient, population, or problem): Fall risk patients. I- (Intervention): Persistent hourly rounds. C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice): Not doing rounds hourly. O- (Desired outcome): Decrease in the number of falls T- time period of 30 days
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