N4685 Arlington Preventing Uti in Critical Care Settings Paper N4685 Arlington Preventing Uti in Critical

N4685 Arlington Preventing Uti in Critical Care Settings Paper N4685 Arlington Preventing Uti in Critical

N4685 Capstone Capstone Reflective Journal Submit by 2359 CST Saturday of each module specified in Course Calendar. Name: Dona Robert Date: 4/6/19 Overview: Capstone Reflective Journal Each module you will make an entry into your Journal. You are asked to reflect on 3 of the key points for each module. Each entry should reflect on your understanding of the topic, your experiences and observations in your work environment or general nursing environment regarding the module topic. This is a cumulative document. You will save it to your own computer desktop or memory device and update it each week. You may choose to record more than one entry each week, especially if you have an “aha!” moment as a result of your reading, discussions, or experience. You will upload and submit the latest version of your Capstone Reflective Journal to Blackboard by 2359 the Saturday following each of the first six modules of this course. It is not necessary that your entries be formatted or written in any particular way because it is for your benefit. Your entries will only be reviewed to ensure that you are making sufficient progress and thinking deeply about the requirements in the course. ©2015University of Texas at Arlington Page 1 of 7 N4685 Capstone Rubrics Use this rubric to guide your Journal entries. There will be total of 6 Journal entries for Modules 1-6. Each Module you are expected to address 3 key points from the Module content, discuss how each point applies to your practice as a nurse, and, finally, how will your practice change in the future because of this information. In Module 7 your Journal entries will be used as you write the last paper for the program, the Synthesis Paper. Journal Rubric for each Module Target Criteria Address 3 Key Points from Module for each Journal entry Unacceptable Discuss the 3 key points selected and why they are important or memorable. Does not sufficiently record connections or reflections (50 points) (0 Points) Connect RN-BSN experiences from each key point to career goals, prior nursing practice, a previous RN BSN course, nursing theories or research. Cite and reference as necessary. Fails to connect RN-BSN experiences to goals, prior nursing practice, coursework, theories or research to key areas addressed or no references. (50 points) Relevance and Evidence Based Practice (25 points) (0 points) (25 points) Future (25 points) Describes how personal practice will be different in the future based on RNBSN program as a result of the 3 key areas addressed. (25 points) Fails to describes how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program (0 points) Late submissions will be penalized 5% per day unless prior arrangements have been made with your Academic Coach to complete the assignment at a later time. ©2015University of Texas at Arlington Page 2 of 7 N4585 Capstone Instructions Each week, record your experiences, connections to your course goals, and reflections as they relate to the given prompts and/or your course project. You must record one entry each week, but may record more (insert rows as needed). You may find it helpful and rewarding to record one entry at the beginning of the week, think about the prompt during the week, then record another at the end of the week. For privacy, refer to patients, online colleagues, and/or coworkers with initials instead of names. Save this document to your own computer desktop or storage device after each entry to create a cumulative journal. You will upload the document and submit it each week by 0800 CST Friday following the course week. (You will not submit your Reflective Journal for Week 5 entries, but may continue to record entries for your own purposes.) Remember that the more thoughtfully and intentionally you record your immediate reflections, the easier it will be for you to pull all your experiences and thoughts together for your Journal Paper in Week 5. Module Journal Entries A separate Journal entry is required for Modules 1-6 by 2359 Saturday of each indicated module. Provide details of your thinking, including insights, challenges, paradigm shifts, and goals. Identify previous course topics, readings, or research that relate to the prompt. Journal Entry Module 1: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Key Point 1 Some symptoms of UTI include strong and more often urge of short calls. The type of urine tends highly concentrated with much odor smell appearing to be cloudy and smoky. From the four-year experience in the field of nursing practice, it suggests that individuals with UTI experience much pain and some itchy feeling when urinating (Wagenlehner, & Pilatz, 2018). They also experience nausea and vomiting with muscle aches and acute abdominal pains. For people using catheters as a way of disposing of their urine experiences fever that appears as a symptom hence making the diagnosis difficult. Key Point 2 From nursing theories found in the journals, magazines and other sources of ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 3 of 7 N4585 Capstone information, suggests how to prevent the risk of developing UTI. Keeping the genital areas clean happens to be the first way of preventing UTI. Drinking a lot of water will help the body as the individual will urinate frequently making the urinary tract system functional (Alagiakrishnan et al., 2018). Individuals should avoid some fluids like alcohol and too much caffeine that causes the bladder to overwork. Theologians suggest that individuals should urinate shortly after sex to release the semen that appears to be acidic and it might tamper with the urinary tract system. Key Point 3 From the RNB-BSN experiences of the four years of providing quality baccalaureate education that gave me license to practice in the field of nursing. From the experience in the field of nursing, the most majority causes of Urinary tract Infections tend to be caused by bacterium by the name Escherichia Coli that affects the bladder and the organs around the bladder. In the field of nursing, I had the career goals of analyzing the symptoms of different diseases, and UTI falls to be one of the conditions (Anwar et al., 2018). From experience in RNB-BSN, the symptoms of UTI depends on age, gender and the presence of the catheter in the body of individuals and also the part of the whole system of the infected urinary tract. Module 2: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Key Point 1 UTI is a major morbidity of people suffering from neurogenic lower tract dysfunction (NULTD). The impact of UTI in people suffering from this kind of disease is that, it causes back pain injuries thus causing a great menace not only to the health practitioners but also to the patients (Tandogdu and Wagenlehner, 2016). In accordance to the RNB-BSN experience it has been recognized that, the factor that ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 4 of 7 N4585 Capstone has led to the increase of UTI risks include the impaired storages and poor functioning (Trautner, Greene, Krein, Wald, Saint, McNamara, Edson and Mody, 2017) In the field of nurse, the future of UTI will come to extinction according to my current research. The analysis and research that I have done already signifies that, the risk can be reduced through emptying of the bladder more often especially to those patients who are using the catheters. Key Point 2 Bladder management has been selected as one of the treatments options which provide solution to the problem of UTI. According to the RN- BSN experience, it has been indicated that, effective regulation and monitoring of the bladder content should be done always, since failure to track the bladder may be not only cause negative impacts but also to the whole body as well (Fashafsheh, Ayed, Eqtait, and Harazneh, 2015). The future of these diseases can be solved only if the people understand the protective measures and how to reduce the disease. This can be done through the use of public seminars among others. Key Point 3 The other critical area under consideration of the UTI treatments is by the use of antibiotics. This option is termed as a solution since the symptoms of those individuals suffering from UTI vary depending on whether the individual has NULTD or not. According to RN-BSN experience, the use of antibiotics in the treatment of any disease may result to drug resistance of the disease in the future. The future of this solution needs to be discussed since if it persists to be a solution in future then, there will be no antibiotics which will be used to treatment those patients who are suffering from UTI (Gomma and El-Azab, 2017). This is because the body would have become resistant to drug and therefore further intake of the drugs will have no impact in the body. ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 5 of 7 N4585 Capstone Module 3: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Key Point 1 Key Point 2 Key Point 3 Module 4: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Key Point 1 Key Point 2 Key Point 3 Module 5: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Key Point 1 Key Point 2 Key Point 3 Module 6: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Key Point 1 Key Point 2 Key Point 3 ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 6 of 7 N4585 Capstone Module 7: Identify 3 key points form this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area. Key Point 1 Key Point 2 Key Point 3 ©2015University of Texas at Arlington device after each entry. Save this document to your desktop or other storage Page 7 of 7
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Tags: nursing practice UTI nursing environment UTI treatment
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