Global health

Global health

Select one of the articles you were provided with for this week: the article is listed below for health determinants

1. Write a brief summary of the main ideas presented (300 words APA format

A summary is a concise paraphrase of all the main ideas in an essay or article. See more information on summarizing in these links,

2. Following the summary of the article you selected formulate an open-ended question that would generate a discussion on the topics covered this week. The questions should lead discussions and not answered in a yes or no format. Your classmates will write a short response essay to your question.

Here are examples of open ended questions from the Module 1 Readings:

  • As a health provider, physician, nurse how can learning (reading/writing) narratives influence their work in providing health care?
  • What is the significance of narrative medicine?
  • How long should a health provider spend with a patient to listen to their stories. Explain your response
  • How does narrative medicine affect the sick, or people with health issues?