NRS451V S GCU scientific management theory

NRS451V S GCU scientific management theory

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Scientific management theory is based on the theory that humans can be motivated by money and that there must be separation between managers and workers (GCU 2018). Management functions were, at the same time delineated as planning; organizing, staffing, directing and controlling (GCU2018).When we look at nursing today, these functions basically describe the day to day challenges of healthcare, not only at the management level but at the level of the floor nurse as well. For managers we plan the needs of our units, organize those needs, staff accordingly, and direct the staff via policies and procedure and control staff through accountability and responsibility. At the level of the floor nurse these functions may be as follows; receiving our assignment and planning our workflow, organizing our priorities and assessing and directing support staff to accomplish our tasks and controlling our day through time management. Inefficiencies occur through micromanagement, when managers refuse to allow autonomy and the feeling of ownership for the staff. Another great inefficiency is proper communication. Many times process changes don’t get communicated time or efficiently causing error or omissions that effect patient care, and may even be patient safety issues. At my institution there are multiple committees that are chaired and staffed by floor nurses that suggest process change based on evidence based practices regarding patient care. EMR is huge for us and making the documentation efficient yet compliant is very important to staff where time management is involved. This committee is made up totally of floor nurses and charge nurses. At my institution participation, engagement and ownership are encouraged of all staff. Communication seems to be challenge in health care even though it probably the most import part of it.



Grand Canyon University. 2018. NRS-451V. Lecture 1. Retrieved from: https://lc-