Part 3 Response to Anileydis

Part 3 Response to Anileydis

The population is growing so fast, and we have a diversity of culture mixing every day more and more , and we are living in the same society but with different background and cultures . Nurses have the unique opportunity to learn about many cultures and grow their cultural competency skills because of their frequent, if not daily, care of patients from different cultures (Rahimaghaee & Mozdbar, 2017). Culture is “a pattern of traditions, beliefs, values, norms, symbols and meanings among a group of people,” (Byrne, 2016, p. 114). There are many different cultures, all with varying values and beliefs. The nurse can use differente tool or assessment available in hospital upon admission of the patient .Taking detailed notes on family history is also crucial. Factors such as divorce, involvement of extended family members, power of attorney, end-of-life wishes, paternity, adoption, child custody, and familial violence all play essential roles in the patient’s individualized plan of care. Never forget to ask which religion is patient involved . Knowing which culture you are working with it made the communication between nurse and patient easier.Also plan of care can be realistic and patient feel more comfortable doing it . The nurse demonstrates cultural competency when she is aware of his/her own culture and does not show any biases with patient culture.Cultural competency means being aware of differences related to religion and adjusting plans of care accordingly as well as remaining sensitive and respectful of choices patients may make based on their culture.No judging any culture but helping your patient with his /her belief . One of the most common examples is Jehovah witness that do not have blood transfusions; we have to respect their decision and advocate for them.

Read Chapter 3 in Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum.

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