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Response to peers

Running head: AFRICAN AMERICAN AND AMISH HERITAGE IN THE U. S. Discussion # 3 Melvys Barrios Florida National University Culture In Nursing Prof. Cassandre Milian, MSN 1 Running head: AFRICAN AMERICAN AND AMISH HERITAGE IN THE U. S. 2 Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania nest religious and cultural groups in large and smaller communities , also in other states including Wisconsin. These communities with this type of religion and culture are called Amish. The Amish population grows every day because they are large families with enough members. Studying the Amish culture is very important to be able to offer health care correctly. The knowledge that a nurse can acquire in terms of beliefs and understanding of this religion will make it easier for health professionals to provide the best possible care as well as gain confidence from these Amish patients. At another point, AfricanAmericans have generally adopted the cultures of the general population of the United States, but they will still also assume certain customs and cultures, such as; in an African-American family it could be matriarchal, although the father or mother can acquire the role of the decision. African-American women tend to be single longer than men and have done more university than men. African-Americans are increasingly aware in the field of health and research treatments and examinations for their health although sometimes the knowledge or education about health in this population tends to vary according to their generations. Those who are older tend to be suspicious of health professionals because of what has been rumored about the Tuskeege experiments on African-Americans, which makes them more untrustworthy until they realize that health care providers are friendly and can be counted with them in a positive way letting them know that they are truly interested in them and their health. It is clear that AfroAmericans depend on a relationship of trust, patient vs health care provider since it is crucial for them. The African-Americans are very religious people mainly affiliated to the Baptist religion as well as the church of God in Christ but in spite of this many follow the Islam. Running head: AFRICAN AMERICAN AND AMISH HERITAGE IN THE U. S. 3 Many times they maintain good health corresponds with a very good religious practice. Also many of their churches or parishes maintain a health ministry through which nurses provide their health support , like with flu vaccines, blood pressure control, and health education in general. The rich population on the other hand tend to move away from these communities and become less traditional, while the poor choose to practice traditional cultures and religions. the elderly particularly practice and experience many home and natural remedies. It is more part of the African-American culture, going through an herbalist to reach remedies because this is part of the African-American culture since the era of slavery. In general, it is very difficult for African-Americans to divide the use of medicinal herbs from their African religions, including Igbo, Yoruba and others. As we all know medical treatments during slavery were rejected for Africans so they had no choice but to resort to home remedies and natural since then continue to affect their cultural communities and religions. Most African-Americans today have tried home remedies before seeking professional help in health or a treatment from a doctor. In 1700 a group of Anabaptists emigrated from Europe to the United States called the Amish. These groups called Amish are extremely religious and hard-working people who believe in their beliefs that worldliness prevents humans from being closer to God. These communities choose to have a simple life by evading all technological use or even modern comforts by supporting their conservative thinking. The Amish are governed by their personal code of conduct called Ordnung which shows their way of dressing, their behavior and their way of expressing themselves or talking in order a link of relationships and rules to follow correspond to the Amish faith. There are many differences between the Amish and the non-Amis. For example, Running head: AFRICAN AMERICAN AND AMISH HERITAGE IN THE U. S. 4 the Amish do not believe in birth censorship. Therefore, their level of infant mortality is low, which leads to overpopulation in a rapid increase. The Amish Loaf and its beliefs are unique, in their style and practice in difference to the English. Healthcare providers benefit in many ways by applying the power of cultural competence, since by gaining knowledge they can select clues that lead to positive diagnoses where the patient appreciates the care of cultural support by establishing a familiarity or trust between the patient and the patient’s health care professional. The Amish also expose themselves to try remedies before asking for medical help. Maybe these remedies could mask the problem a bit in the first place. The Amish for example do not receive immunizations so in this way it is obvious that diseases that are not common to English, will be more common in the Amish. Also taking into account that the Amish tend to prefer natural treatments instead of prescriptions as a cause in consideration of the cost. The Amish ‘s patient will accept a treatment at a lower cost since their does not have health insurance. Bearing in mind that due to their way of transporting themselves to places, such as the horse and the buggy, it limits them to continue correctly with a follow-up of any treatment that is ordered by their doctor. In conclusion, that is why it is very important to maintain and learn more about the different cultures of our patients in order to develop a plan of care that fits their needs and beliefs, to build a relationship of trust between the patient and caregivers of the health care provider. Relating quickly guarantees effective communication between patient and providers. Making connections with the members of the community is another very important fact in order to recognize the conditions of the communities. In addition to learning and learning a little more Running head: AFRICAN AMERICAN AND AMISH HERITAGE IN THE U. S. about different cultures and beliefs, the health professional can educate the different communities more in confidence about the well-being of each patient. 5 Running head: AFRICAN AMERICAN AND AMISH HERITAGE IN THE U. S. 6 References Health Care for African American Patients/Families. (2011, May 16). Retrieved May 15, 2018, from Smith, M. (2001). Writing a successful paper. The Trey Research Monthly, 53, 149-150. Weyer, S. M., Hustey, V. R., Rathbun, L., Armstrong, V. L., Anna, S. R., & Ronyak, J. et al. (2003). A look into the Amish culture: What should we learn? Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 14(2), 139-145. World Health Organization (2007). Mental health: Strengthening mental health promotion Retrieved 7/30/09, from Running head: PEOPLE OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE AND AMISH HERITAGE 1 People of African American Heritage and Amish Heritage Karen Echenique Culture in Nursing Florida National University Prof. Cassandre Milien, MSN PEOPLE OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE AND AMISH HERITAGE 2 People of African Heritage and Amish Heritage The African American culture which is also known as the Black culture in America is the mix of African descent in Americans in our society. The African American culture is the most influential culture in the United States to this day. Owing to slavery, African Americans were restricted of many of their ethnic practices including, values and traditions. Several of these customs were blended and influenced with the white culture in America. Although Black culture was reshaped due to slavery, it is one of the most unique cultures that have impacted the American culture immensely. Subsequently after the emancipation of slaves in the United States, the traditions of black culture continued to surpass other cultures especially in literature, music, religion, food and art. On the other hand, Amish, also known as Amish Mennonite began emigrating to North American from Europe around the 18th Century. They originally Settled in the east side of Pennsylvania, where there is still great amount of residents. A separation between the religion occurred after 1850 which created two groups amongst the religion: “New Amish” which accepted technological innovation and believed in social change and “Traditional Amish” who abided to the older ways of the religion. The main aspects of the Amish church is that family and community is separated from the rest of society. Their language is a mix of German and English dialects. The Amish are best known for their old-fashioned aspects; plain clothing, furniture, transportation etc. and the use of electricity and technology is avoided. Originally, patients of African American descent were defined as “Blacks” however, most recently this is not the best terminology to describe these persons because people of African descent may have light complexion. African Americans in our society today have bleneded PEOPLE OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE AND AMISH HERITAGE 3 heritages and it is important not to generalize race with skin color in the health care setting. Families may be matriarchal, although the role may be shared in some families. Health and Diet disparities studies have showed that residents in low-income neighborhoods of AfricanAmericans are at increased risks for health disparities. A lack of access to health care and health insurance contributes to the prevalence of chronic illnesses. African Americans have strong connections with religion, especially Christianity, however, many follow Islam. Moreover, many African Americans are becoming health conscious recently, where they seek treatments and health screenings. Healthcare for the Amish may vary from family to family but most are less likely to seek medical attention because they believe God is the ultimate healer. The Amish turn to alternative forms of treatment for minor illnesses like: folk remedies and herbal teas. Most Amish patients reject health insurance coverage and shame birth control. Abortions are forbidden by the religion even if the mother is enduring a life-threatening pregnancy. They do not rule out immunizations but only 16-26% of Amish children have actually received preventive immunizations. Nurses must be extra careful not to over educate Amish women to practice contraception and instructions must be given in a simple manner; higher education is not allowed. References Britannica, T. E. (2018, December 14). Amish. Retrieved from LibGuides: Celebrating African American Culture & History: Home. (2018, January 25). Retrieved from
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