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Response to peers

Running head: AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURE AND AMISH HERITAGE Roxana Tejera Florida National University Nursing Department BSN Program Nur 4636 01/22/2019 Professor Cassandre Milien MSN 1 AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURE AND AMISH HERITAGE 2 1. Discuss the cultural development of the African American and Amish heritage


in the United States. African American refers to the African people who were forced to slavery in America during the slavery era. The United States constitution had given a period during which the forced slave trade will be eradicated in all the States. Therefore, after eradication of slave trade in America, the black slaves could not go back to their countries but settled in America as African Americas. African American culture has its roots in Africa. Due to the reasons that most slaves were from western Africa, African American culture is a deep blend of their practices. However, their culture was in the blink of destruction as the slavery roles did not allow African slaves to practice their culture in America. Although some of the cultural traits were lost, the African culture survived and it is now blended in the American culture. For a long period, racial discrimination prevented the growth and mixing of African culture with that of American culture (Purnell, 2013). However, African American descendants liked to maintain and have their own culture embedded in their tradition. Even if this faced stiff opposition from American Racists, they later succeeded, and today African culture dominate most parts of South America. The Amish people came from Europe to America in early 1600 to free from the religious persecution by the state church in Europe. Being white, they never faced racial discrimination as their African counterparts but were allowed to settle and even to own land at the area near Pennsylvania. AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURE AND AMISH HERITAGE 2 They are viewed as the people who have great conservative culture. Even though the Americans did not oppose or force them to abandon their culture, Amish culture remains one of the littleknown cultures in the United States. This is mainly because it is a more of religious kind of culture which most people view to be conservative. Amish culture though not famous remains in the United States up to date but only among the Amish people. 2. What are the cultural beliefs of the African American and Amish heritage related to health care and how they influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare? Both African American and Amish heritage culturally believe that things happen because they have been designated by fate to happen in that matter. For instance, an African American believes that good health is a result of luck and success while bad health is as a result of bad omen (Asiodu et al 2015). Therefore, an African American will consult a doctor only after all the home remedies’ have failed. On the same note, an Amish believes that good health is a reward from God and illness can just come as the punishment from God. Therefore, he will not seek the intervention of the doctor unless prayers have not worked at the right time. It is therefore advisable for the nurse dealing with the case of people from these cultures to exhibit high levels of tolerance. Also, the African American culture is characterized by mistrusts from the health caregivers. This is because of the past discriminations they received in the hands of health cares during and after the slave trade period. So unless the health care provider is friendly, they will be very reluctant to share family or personal information (Burkett, 2015). On the same note, Amish had been persecuted in Europe due to their strict believe in God and therefore they fear that they can be persecuted again for believing in God. Thus, in order to give evidence-based healthcare, it is advisable for the health care provider to build a trust relationship with the patients. AFRICAN AMERICAN CULTURE AND AMISH HERITAGE 2 Reference Asiodu, I. V., Waters, C. M., Dailey, D. E., Lee, K. A., & Lyndon, A. (2015). Breastfeeding and use of social media among first‐time African American mothers. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, Burkett, K., Morris, E., Manning-Courtney, P., Anthony, J., & Shambley-Ebron, D. (2015). African American families on autism diagnosis and treatment: The influence of culture. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 45(10), Purnell, L. (2013). Transcultural health care. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Running head: PEOPLE OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE AND AMISH HERITAGE 1 People of African American Heritage and Amish Heritage Karen Echenique Culture in Nursing Florida National University Prof. Cassandre Milien, MSN PEOPLE OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE AND AMISH HERITAGE 2 People of African Heritage and Amish Heritage The African American culture which is also known as the Black culture in America is the mix of African descent in Americans in our society. The African American culture is the most influential culture in the United States to this day. Owing to slavery, African Americans were restricted of many of their ethnic practices including, values and traditions. Several of these customs were blended and influenced with the white culture in America. Although Black culture was reshaped due to slavery, it is one of the most unique cultures that have impacted the American culture immensely. Subsequently after the emancipation of slaves in the United States, the traditions of black culture continued to surpass other cultures especially in literature, music, religion, food and art. On the other hand, Amish, also known as Amish Mennonite began emigrating to North American from Europe around the 18th Century. They originally Settled in the east side of Pennsylvania, where there is still great amount of residents. A separation between the religion occurred after 1850 which created two groups amongst the religion: “New Amish” which accepted technological innovation and believed in social change and “Traditional Amish” who abided to the older ways of the religion. The main aspects of the Amish church is that family and community is separated from the rest of society. Their language is a mix of German and English dialects. The Amish are best known for their old-fashioned aspects; plain clothing, furniture, transportation etc. and the use of electricity and technology is avoided. Originally, patients of African American descent were defined as “Blacks” however, most recently this is not the best terminology to describe these persons because people of African descent may have light complexion. African Americans in our society today have bleneded PEOPLE OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HERITAGE AND AMISH HERITAGE 3 heritages and it is important not to generalize race with skin color in the health care setting. Families may be matriarchal, although the role may be shared in some families. Health and Diet disparities studies have showed that residents in low-income neighborhoods of AfricanAmericans are at increased risks for health disparities. A lack of access to health care and health insurance contributes to the prevalence of chronic illnesses. African Americans have strong connections with religion, especially Christianity, however, many follow Islam. Moreover, many African Americans are becoming health conscious recently, where they seek treatments and health screenings. Healthcare for the Amish may vary from family to family but most are less likely to seek medical attention because they believe God is the ultimate healer. The Amish turn to alternative forms of treatment for minor illnesses like: folk remedies and herbal teas. Most Amish patients reject health insurance coverage and shame birth control. Abortions are forbidden by the religion even if the mother is enduring a life-threatening pregnancy. They do not rule out immunizations but only 16-26% of Amish children have actually received preventive immunizations. Nurses must be extra careful not to over educate Amish women to practice contraception and instructions must be given in a simple manner; higher education is not allowed. References Britannica, T. E. (2018, December 14). Amish. Retrieved from LibGuides: Celebrating African American Culture & History: Home. (2018, January 25). Retrieved from
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