Please respond to the following post.

Please respond to the following post.

Please respond to the following post, add citations and references.

In a short essay (500-750 words), answer the Question at the end of Case Study 2. Cite references to support your positions.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Nurse Graduation Speech (RN)

Nurse Graduation Speech (RN)

I need a powerpoint presentation for my Ethics in Nursing class. The topic is Racism in Nursing. It is a group project and my part is to focus on racism towards patients. I have one article The Ethics of Perinatal Care for Black Women: Dismantling the Structural Racism in “Mother Blame” Narratives that needs to be used and the rest is up to you. I will provide the article later. The article must be from year 2014 to 2019- nothing older than 2014 and it has to be a professional journal. Also there must be a case study, and statistics include. Consider those points: Ethical principles involved, Case Study, Examples of how this is addressed in institutions, Nursing care strategies, Plans for implementing strategies to address the ethical dilemma. I will need between 8-10 slides and please make them as detailed as possible.



Tags: ethics in nursing Structural racism racism in nursing

Ethics Principles The Growing Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance Paper

Ethics Principles The Growing Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance Paper

The Growing Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance: What has been done and where are we now? Focus: Differentiate how application of the identified ethics principles to the health issue has resulted in population disparities.


write a formal paper of 200-300 words that examines the previously addressed aspects of health policies, finance, global/national prevention, or treatment initiatives related to the health issue by identifying applicable ethics principles.

Writer is clearly in control of standard, written American English.

There are virtually no errors in documentation format or citation; all sources are authoritative. Reference section is correctly cited and at least 2 creditable references are used


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not required.


Tags: APA format health issue antimicrobial resistance ethics principles

Is Health Care a Basic Right in The United States Reflective Paper

Is Health Care a Basic Right in The United States Reflective Paper

Debate the question: “Is health care a basic right in the United States?” Answer this question through the lens of your role as RN. Support your response utilizing ethical theories and principles.


write a formal paper of 500 words


Writer is clearly in control of standard, written American English.

There are virtually no errors in documentation format or citation; all sources are authoritative. Reference section is correctly cited and at least 2 creditable references are used

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not required.

Ethical Dilemma Related to Health Policy

Ethical Dilemma Related to Health Policy

Select an ethical dilemma related to health policy from the categories of moral values, professional regulation, health of individuals in society, or distributive justice. What are the controversies surrounding this issue? What are the opposing ethical principles? How has past or current health policy addressed this dilemma? Support your reasoning with reference citations

write a formal paper of 500 words


Writer is clearly in control of standard, written American English.

There are virtually no errors in documentation format or citation; all sources are authoritative. Reference section is correctly cited and at least 2 creditable references are used

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not required.

Racism in Nursing Racism Towards Patients Presentation

Racism in Nursing Racism Towards Patients Presentation

I need a powerpoint presentation for my Ethics in Nursing class. The topic is Racism in Nursing. It is a group project and my part is to focus on racism towards patients. I have one article The Ethics of Perinatal Care for Black Women: Dismantling the Structural Racism in “Mother Blame” Narratives that needs to be used and the rest is up to you. I will provide


the article later. The article must be from year 2014 to 2019- nothing older than 2014 and it has to be a professional journal. Also there must be a case study, and statistics include. Consider those points: Ethical principles involved, Case Study, Examples of how this is addressed in institutions, Nursing care strategies, Plans for implementing strategies to address the ethical dilemma. I will need between 8-10 slides and please make them as detailed as possible.


Tags: ethics in nursing Structural racism racism in nursing

Evaluating Organizational Changes, health and medical assignment help

Evaluating Organizational Changes, health and medical assignment help

This assignment can be any practice guideline of your choice.

Assignment Details

Evaluating Organizational Change


This Assignment provides an overview of how to evaluate evidence-based practice quality improvement in a practice change.


  1. Introduce an overview of a healthcare system practice guideline, preferably where you work or have worked.
  2. Discuss how different professionals in the healthcare system (nurses, pharmacists, technicians, etc.) are held to this guideline.
  3. Identify the research/reference used by the system to adopt the guideline.
  4. Define the evidence used to define the guideline.
  5. Determine the level of evidence used in the EBP identified.
  6. Provide an opinion on how well this guideline is followed by professionals in the system.
  7. Conclude with a concise overview of the guideline and the discussion in the paper.
  8. Write the paper in 8–10 pages, using APA format.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment 1 Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above)
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary;


  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well orderedlogical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and;
  • use APA 6th edition format

MN507-5: Discuss the role of health policy and organizational structure on quality, assignment help

MN507-5: Discuss the role of health policy and organizational structure on quality, assignment help

Implementation and Evaluation Strategies for Implementing a Policy Revision on Improved Medical Care for Immigrants (Documented and Undocumented).


Approximately 3-4 pages, double spaced, in APA format. Include 3-4 scholarly articles, that are current (within 5 years).

You must support your work with scholarly peer reviewed articles. Your literature review must evaluate quantitative and qualitative data from research articles. In addition, you must gather and analyze data and make a valid assumptions based on reasoning.


You will write your position paper on your chosen policy change as if you were writing for your chosen journal.


Tags: strategies kaplan university Policy Implementation Policy Evaluation

Strategic Management Action Plan

Strategic Management Action Plan

Unit VIII Final Project Throughout this course, you will be developing what is known as a strategic management action plan (MAP). When all the strategic planning is done and the written strategic plan document exists, then it is time for management action planning based upon our strategies. This is where so many health care organizations of all types fall short. The same level of effort that went into creating the strategic plan needs to continue as we take action, measure progress, and reassess over time. Management action planning is a step-by-step approach developed to help health care leaders plan the action steps that will lead to positive change for our organizations. The strategic plan sets the direction for us, and our MAPs get the work done, turning strategy into reality. Developing a MAP is a six-step process, and you will actually be practicing this MAP process as you create your course project. Some suggested MAP topics are provided here, and you are certainly free to propose your own topic if you like, perhaps something which truly needs to be addressed in your own organization. You may even find the MAP to be a valuable tool as you lead your own organization. By the time you reach Unit II, you should have determined your topic. In Units II through VII, you will learn about each step of the six-step process. It is suggest that you work on each part of your MAP during the week it is discussed to ensure that you complete your project on time. The completed project is due at the end of Unit VIII and should be in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, or .txt. The project should consist of a minimum of five double-spaced pages and should be in APA format. Remember to cite any outside sources used to


avoid plagiarism. Suggested HEALTH CARE topics include the following:  Nursing Recruitment and Retention in Health Care  Continuing Education Challenges  Patient Care Technology  Staff Safety on Duty  Patient Safety in Hospitals  Stakeholder Relationships  Community Education Programs  Disaster Preparedness HCA 4320, Development and Strategic Planning in Health Care 3  Medical Director Involvement  Quality Improvement Program for Health Care  Patient Satisfaction  Rural Health Issues  Funding for Hospital Programs  Neonatal/Pediatric Services Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Biomechanical Foundations, health and medicine homework help

Biomechanical Foundations, health and medicine homework help

1. Reflect on your own physical education classes in elementary or secondary school. Were you the student who exhibited poor motor skills or well-developed motor skills? Was your teacher helpful in your learning motor skills or detrimental? What would you have done different? What would you have done the same?

2. Define biomechanics. Why study biomechanics?

3. Complete the following task:

A. Design your own cardio respiratory endurance program. (What activity? How often? How much intensity? How long?)
B. Create a healthful fast food meal under 400 calories. List food and beverage. List total calories, fat, sugar, sodium and fiber grams.


C. Find your resting heart rate. Calculate your target heart rate at 60% intensity using the Karvonen Equation (pg. 229). Show your work. I need to see if you are doing it correctly. Karvonen Equation- THR=(Target Intensity)(HR max-RHR+RHR
D. Time yourself running or walking 1 mile, taking heart rate at the end.
E. Did you find your heart rate to be less than, close to, or higher than your target heart rate? What is the significance of the target heart rate?