This paper is on Ethical Decision Making Model for Nursing.

This paper is on Ethical Decision Making Model for Nursing.

Grading Criteria NSG/426 r2 University of Phoenix Material Grading Criteria Wk 1 – Legal Issues Facing Nurses Content: 160 points possible Points possible Summarizes the legal issues present in the case 60 Lists risk-mitigation techniques 50 Includes potential nurse actions for improving the outcome 50 Format: 20 points possible Points possible Cites at least 3 evidence-based, peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years 10 Assignment is free of grammatical errors, language maintains a scholarly and succinct tone 5 Follows a structure that is clear, concise, and appropriate 5 Points earned Comments Points earned Comments Points earned/possible /180 Copyright © 2018, 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1 Grading Criteria NSG/426 r2 Wk 2 – Applying


Regulations in Varying Practice Settings Content: 160 points possible Points possible Chooses 2 different practice settings, with varying CfCs and CoPs 40 Compares and contrasts conditions for coverage 40 Compares and contrasts conditions of participation 40 Selects 2 appropriate factors 40 Format: 20 points possible Points possible Cites at least 3 peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years 10 Assignment is free of grammatical errors, language maintains a scholarly and succinct tone 5 Follows a structure that is clear, concise, and appropriate 5 Points earned Comments Points earned Comments Points earned/possible /180 Copyright © 2018, 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 2 Grading Criteria NSG/426 r2 Wk 3 – Applying an Ethical Decision Making Model Content: 160 points possible Points possible Clearly states the ethical issue and its relevance to nursing practice 40 Analyzes additional information: • Populations served • Key stakeholders • Information needed to overcome the problem • Was the problem stated correctly initially? 40 Lists alternative programs that address the issues 30 Explains why this is important, needed, or beneficial for vulnerable populations 30 Lists strategies to implement the plan 20 Format: 20 points possible Points possible Cites at least 3 peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years that clearly support the position(s) 10 Assignment is free of grammatical errors, language maintains a scholarly and succinct tone 5 Follows a structure that is clear, concise, and appropriate 5 Points earned Comments Points earned Comments Points earned/possible /180 Copyright © 2018, 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 3 Grading Criteria NSG/426 r2 Wk 4 – Signature Assignment: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities See embedded signature assignment rubric in the classroom. Copyright © 2018, 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 4 Grading Criteria NSG/426 r2 Wk 5 – Learning Team: Current Issues in Nursing Content: 60 points possible Points possible Discussion shows evidence of selection of appropriate topic 20 Discussion shows evidence of personal stance with sources to support 20 Discussion shows evidence of consideration for other viewpoints with evidence to support positions 20 Format: 20 points possible Points possible Discussion is substantive and provides evidence to support stance 10 Discussion is professional, appropriate, and maintains scholarly, respectful tone 10 Points earned Comments Points earned Comments Points earned Comments Points earned/possible /80 Wk 5 – Reflection: Current Issues in Nursing Content: 80 points possible Points possible Chooses an appropriate decision-making model 20 Summarizes the decision-making model 20 Explains each person’s position and evidence 20 Explains how seeing other positions affected their own stance 20 Copyright © 2018, 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 5 Grading Criteria NSG/426 r2 Format: 20 points possible Points possible Cites at least 3 peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years 10 Assignment is free of grammatical errors, language maintains a scholarly and succinct tone 5 Follows a structure that is clear, concise, and appropriate 5 Points earned Points earned/possible /100 Copyright © 2018, 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Comments 6 NSG/426: Integrity In Practice: Ethic And Legal Considerations Wk 3 – Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model [due Mon] Wk 3 – Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model [due Mon] Assignment Content 1. This assignment reinforces the importance of ethical decision-making in nursing. You will apply an ethical decision making model from this week’s readings to an ethical issue. Review “An Integrated Ethical-Decision-Making Model for Nurses” from this week’s University Library Readings. Apply the ethical decision-making model in the article to access to care or an ethical issue of your choice. Note: If you have questions about your chosen topic, contact your faculty member to ensure it is appropriate. o o o o o o o o o o o o Follow the steps provided in the model, including the following: State the ethical issue and its relevance for nursing practice. Collect and analyze additional information: What populations does this serve? Who are the key stakeholders? What information is needed to overcome the problem? After looking at additional information, decide whether the initial problem was correctly stated. Develop alternatives and compare them: What alternative programs address the issues? Justify the decision: Explain why this is important, needed, or beneficial for vulnerable populations. Find strategies to implement the plan: What ethical arguments could you use to dissuade someone who disagrees with the program? o o o o Format your assignment as one of the following: 18- to 20-slide presentation 15- to 20-minute oral presentation 875-word paper Another format approved by your instructor Cite at least 3 evidence-based, peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years to support your position(s). Include an APA-formatted reference list. Submit your assignment. o o o o Resources: Center for Writing Excellence Reference and Citation Generator Grammar and Writing Guides Learning Team Toolkit Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Required Reading • • • • Epstein, B., & Turner, M., (2015). The Nursing Code of Ethics: Its value, its history. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 20(2), 33-41. Park, E.J., (2012). An integrated ethical decision-making model for nurses. Nursing Ethics, 19(1), 139-159. Winland-Brown, J., Lachman, V.D., & Swanson, E.O., (2015). The new ‘Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements’ (2015): Practical clinical application, Part I. Medsurg Nursing, 24(4), 268-271. Winland-Brown, J., Lachman, V.D., & Swanson, E.O., (2015). The new ‘Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements’ (2015): Practical clinical application, Part II. Medsurg Nursing, 24(5), 363-366+. Recommended Reading • • • • • Griffith, R., & Tengnah, C., (2013). Shared decision-making: Nurses must respect autonomy over paternalism. British Journal of Community Nursing, 18(6), 303-306. Ivanov, L.L., & Oden, T.L., (2013). Public health nursing, ethics and human rights. Public Health Nursing, 30(3), 231-238. Menendez, J.B., (2013). Informed consent: Essential legal and ethical principles for nurses. JONA’s Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation, 15(4), 140-144. Muhammad, L., (2013-2014). Ethical issues faced by health care professionals: Finding a solution. i-Manager’s Journal on Nursing, 3(4), 6-9. Rushton, C.H., & Broome, M.E., (2015). Safeguarding the public’s health: Ethical nursing. Hastings Center Report, 45(1), 1. Multimedia • • • Cinema House Films Inc., (2006). ANA Code of Ethics (04:14) [Video file]. Films on Demand. Medcom, (2006). INTRODUCTION: Concepts, Values and Decision Making (23 mins) [Video file]. Nursing Education in Video. Nevco Educational Videos Inc., (2011). Ethical Conduct (02:31) [Video file]. Films on Demand. Publications • • • • Advancing Professional Nursing Practice Everyday Medical Ethics and Law Lachman, V., (2005). Applied Ethics in Nursing, 8. Ulrich, C.M., (2012). Nursing Ethics in Everyday Practice, 115-128.
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Florida National Week 8 Community Nursing Illness and Disability Review

Florida National Week 8 Community Nursing Illness and Disability Review

Read chapter 21 and 23 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Once done, answer the following questions.


1. Define and discuss in your own words the definitions and models for disability.

2. Discuss the difference between illness and disability.

3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of rural and urban communities.

4. Discuss the impact of structural and personal barriers on the health of rural aggregates.

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 8 discussion questions” for grading and in the tab titled “Week 8 assignment” in Turnitin to verify originality. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used. You must post two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references and make sure that the references that you use in your assignment are properly quoted in it. A minimum of 700 words is required.

Discussion board post!!

Discussion board post!!



Tags: nursing community health nursing Nursing BSN

please respond to the following post, with a long paragraph with your opinion add citations and references.

please respond to the following post, with a long paragraph with your opinion add citations and references.

please respond to the following post, with a long paragraph with your opinion add citations and references.

What is the role of health care reform in shifting the focus from a disease-oriented health care system toward one of wellness and prevention, and how does nursing fit into this shift?

The role of the health care reform in shifting the focus from a disease-oriented health care system toward one of wellness and prevention by presenting a guideline of measures that creates a healthy lifestyle. This includes creating healthy living environments, safe communities, better access to community and preventive measures such as screenings and immunizations and elimination of health disparities. Other areas of priority include: healthy eating and exercise, mental health, reproductive health and a drug and tobacco free lifestyle (Benjamin, 2011).

The nurse fits into this shift by educating the patient about health and wellness measures. Explaining the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and what interventions can be taken that is obtainable by the patient such as a proper diet. They also have the ability to assess the needs of the patient and refer them to programs and resources within the


community. Resources such as home aids to prevent falls, dieticians to help with healthy eating, AA meetings or clinics that offer educational programs or screening for diabetes etc. In addition, nurses are the patient’s advocate and work closely with the patient more than any other health team member. Nurses can join their concerns together and become a voice to change polices or create improvement in their facilities, hospitals, communities or even their state.



Tags: nursing Grand canyon trend please help citations and references

Ohio State University Mod 1 Delaying Newborn Initial Bath Project

Ohio State University Mod 1 Delaying Newborn Initial Bath Project

Clinical Practice Project (CPP) Goals and Objectives: Module 1 Assignment Objectives: • Students will identify QSEN’s competencies for nursing. • Students will have the opportunity to synthesize knowledge and apply skills acquired in the nursing academic and practice settings. • Students will extend their academic experience into areas of nursing practice interest, working with new ideas, issues, organizations, and individuals. • Students will demonstrate the ability to think and act critically and creatively about nursing practice issues and will further develop their analytical and ethical leadership skills necessary to address and help solve these issues. • Students will refine the ability to


utilize evidence based research and demonstrate proficiency in written and communication skills. Assignment Instructions: The CP is the culminating academic endeavor of nursing students who earn a baccalaureate degree in nursing. The project provides students with the opportunity to explore a problem or issue of particular professional interest that is somehow related to one of the following nursing QSEN competencies: patient-centered care, teamwork/ collaboration, evidence based practice, quality improvement, safety or informatics (QSEN: Each of the QSEN competencies somehow link to nursing excellence. You will actually implement your project during this five week course. For your project you will need to: 1. Select an issue/problem that you have a professional interest in. Example: Creation of a patient education tool to prevent falls 2. Select a QSEN competency that relates to that problem. Example: Example: Safety 3. Select a health care organization that can help support your issue: Example: The CDC 4. Develop a global objective: Example: At the completion of this project I will have developed a patient educational tool to present to staff on 1-South to be distributed to all patients on 1South to prevent falls. 5. Develop at least four project objectives: Example: a. Research current literature on the prevention of falls and patient educational material content. b. Seek falls data from ABC Hospital quality department and specifically from the 1South Unit. c. Review data results and evaluate for trends. d. Develop a patient educational tool on fall prevention. e. Educate staff on use of the patient educational tool f. Implement patient educational tool and present to at least ten patients on 1-South. 6. Develop possible resources needed to help meet your goals/objectives. a. Meet with unit manager and seek approval on project implementation. b. Review the CDC web site for current references and resources on fall prevention. c. Create patient educational tool, copy and prepare to distribute. d. Create a timeline to implement the patient educational tool. This week’s assignment is the first of five assignments to complete your Clinical Practice Project (CPP). Each weekly assignment will build upon the last one. It is very important that you follow the directions carefully and review your teachers document/grading rubric for comments so that you can improve each week. To complete this assignment type in the boxes below, the boxes will expand as you type. Be sure to save your document frequently. Points will be deducted for incomplete work, spelling/grammar errors, lack of thought and use of abbreviations. All content must be in your own words, not directly quoted; however you must provide supportive details by using in text citations (Journal Article references at the end of the form-please see your rubric for an explanation of refereed Journals). This assignment is worth 25 points…be sure your work reflects 25 points. Module 1: Clinical Practice Project Goals and Objectives Student Name Date: Jennifer Rubrecht 6/20/19 Project Topic: Give a brief explanation of your topic. QSEN Competency: (example, Patient-centered Care) Delay a newborns initial bath until 12-24hours of age Evidence Based Practice QSEN Definition: Define your QSEN Competency in your own words (paraphrase) using the web site>competencies>graduate KSAS, (example: for competency Patient-Centered Care the definition on the web site is Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs—take this information then write your definition in your own words (paraphrasing, remember to cite the QSEN site). Delaying an infants initial bath to promote skin protection and breast feeding, as well as reducing the risk for hypoglycemia. List two Knowledge/Skills/Attitudes (KSAs)- use two each (Knowledge/skills/attitudes) from the web site which are listed under your chosen competency that you think will help you to meet your selected competency. Then write your KSAS in your own words (paraphrasing/editing related to your specific project —remember to cite the QSEN site). Knowledge Skills Attitudes Discuss Health Care Organization (this is not the facility/organization where you are implementing your project, may be a nursing organization, or any organization which sets standards, conducts research, or publishes evidence based literature in relation to your topic) that will help support your project. Discussion should include the mission/values of the organization (in your own words). Provide citations and references (no direct quotes). Global Objective: the purpose of a global objective is to provide a vision for your overall project-what are you developing and implementing-what is your expected impact on patient outcome? It should be broadly statedin one sentence. (Do Not Use Any Abbreviations) Project Objectives: Now your global objective should be broken down into more focused steps. Be sure your Project Objectives support your Global Objective! How will you achieve your global objective? Be specific. Write 4 Project Objectives…objectives should start with an action verb! (Do Not Use Any Abbreviations) For example; Research on…Develop a tool/guide/protocol/policy/process to…Develop and present education to staff on new tool…Implement new tool on ___number (the number should be adequate to meet your minimum of 1-2 log hours in direct patient contact) of patients to improve (how will your project impact patient outcomes)… Possible Steps to Assist Me in Completing My Project: List at least 4 steps in your project (Do Not Use Any Abbreviations) Example: 1. Talk with manager on unit to discuss project. Date I hope to accomplish by, Provide hopeful completion date for each 1. Complete by 1/16/15 Direct patient engagement: Describe in a one or two sentences how you will provide direct engagement in your clinical practice project and how this will impact patient outcomes. Be specific. Log update: Begin typing documentation on your Clinical Log, provide here a brief explanation of time you have completed this week – you will need to document on your clinical log in addition to the templates, this update does NOT take the place of completing your required log. This is a non-graded item. — Do not include: Orientation off the Unit, Observation, writing or researching papers/assignments, Lunch or Break time. — Do include: A total over the course includes a Minimum of 3 hours with preceptor, Maximum of 6 hours on research of topic, a minimum of 1-2 hours in direct patient engagement and the remainder- 10-11 hours in implementation of your project, Total of 21 true hours. Type Date Time (ex: 1:00pm-2:0 0pm) Total Time Spent (ex: 1 hour) Description (describe specifically what you did in one or two sentences) Preceptor (a minimum of 3 hours is required for the course) Research on topic (a maximum of 6 hours is allowed for the course) Direct Patient Engagement Time (a minimum of 1-2 hours, Specify number of patients) Implementation (the remainder should be spent in implementation, 10-11 hours) Total Time spent this week (by the end of the course you should spend at least 21 true hours) Total for this week = References (double-space and use correct APA format)
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peer response essay

peer response essay

1—– Implementing an evidence-based practice or program (EBP) increases the likelihood that students’ performance will improve. An EBP is one that is supported by rigorous research demonstrating its effectiveness and changes, even the most effective EBPs do not work for all or students. Further, the more practice or program implemented with fidelity as intended by the researchers or developers a higher likelihood that it will produce positive student outcomes. To judge my project made a difference in practice.
1. Systematically monitor one’s learning outcomes: The purpose of monitoring progress is to determine whether individuals are improving. One of the best ways to measure improvement is progress monitoring, a type of formative assessment in which learning evaluated regularly. Example, each week, comments and grades received from my professor.
2. Systematically monitor the reliability of implementation: The purpose of monitoring fidelity is to ensure that the EBP is being implemented as intended, which will increase the likelihood of improved younger student outcomes.
3. Examine the relation between learner outcomes and fidelity of implementation: The purpose of comparing the two sets of data is to determine whether the EBP is useful for students with whom you are working (
If commitment is high, increases in performance can be attributed to the evidence-based practice or project. Likewise, if fidelity is high and there is no change in performance, it can be inferred that the plan was not effective for those students. However, if loyalty is low, the relation between the practices of student outcome data would be unclear.

2—-One major thing to review is to see if the nurse navigation staff are actually doing the task to make the difference. Making the mini diabetic assessment a mandatory fill in area in the EMR would help with this compliance. Having a meeting after several weeks of implementation with the navigation staff would look at areas of difficulty and concerns with the new assessment. Getting nursing feedback would determine barriers and open the door to questions and concerns.

One way to evaluate whether the project made a difference is to look at the patient satisfaction ratings. We send each patient a survey after they’ve been discharged to describe their experience. If patients feel as though their needs have been met then one would see an increase in the satisfaction rating. One ratings system we review is the Press Ganey scores. They are reviewed every three months.

Additionally, we can look at the readmission rates. At lot of our patients get readmitted for wound complications. This could be contributed to a low immune system and lack of nutritional intake due to their cancer diagnosis and if they are in active treatment with chemo and/or radiation. Having uncontrolled or poorly managed diabetes can further complicate this issue.

3– “Outcome standards and measures refer to whether the services provided by the organization make any difference: Were they effective?” (Pelletier, 2014, p. 297). In order to see an effective change in practice using the SBIRT (screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment) model, the change agent can look at patient and staff satisfaction. Many patients have never used behavioral health services before, so performing a survey on patient experiences (when providing SBIRT services) can provide information on how well the clinic is providing care. Positive survey responses would show that patients are more likely to use behavioral health services after the practice changes were made. “Collaborations are needed with patients and families to better understand their preferences and ways to engage them in making healthcare decisions and improving health behaviors”, according to Cullen, Hanrahan, and Kleiber (2018, p. 7). If responses are negative, then changes should be made in the new practice to include patient preferences. In addition, it is important to see how staff view the results of the project by asking for feedback in a meeting or through a staff survey. Removing barriers for SBIRT can decrease staff frustration, thus, improving staff satisfaction. A survey can provide information on barriers.


The most important part of evaluating the project is making sure that those patients who have positive screenings, get a brief intervention or keep an appointment for a referral to treatment. Because the medical department has access to behavioral health’s schedules, the referral team can see if patients kept appointments in behavioral health. It is important to track the number of screenings, the number of brief interventions, and the number of referrals to treatment. If the number of brief interventions increase for positive screenings, it means that patients may be getting education on substance abuse that could potentially help them abstain from using drugs or alcohol. If the number of kept appointments for referrals to treatment have increased, it means that patients may be more comfortable scheduling appointments in behavioral health and may be more likely to get treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. These changes would show that the SBIRT project is making a difference at Indian Health, since these issues have been barriers for providing SBIRT services in the past.

peer response should be minimum of 60 words with proper citation and references.

HIV Infections Worldwide Ethical Conduct of Research

HIV Infections Worldwide Ethical Conduct of Research

• Select a healthcare related research study. Identify the sample population. Analyze and critique the study to identify if sampling method reflects ethical principles including consent, conditions of the participants, study approved by IRB,


• Minimum 15 pages excluding title and reference page. • APA format

Papers MAY NOT show evidence of similarity beyond 20% excluding reference pages!

At least 5 references, of this at least 3 within 5 years old and 2 within 10 years.

Align Public Policy Options to Meet the Needs of Various Stakeholders

Align Public Policy Options to Meet the Needs of Various Stakeholders

Align public policy options to meet the needs of various stakeholders. Directions: For this Assignment, you will create a slide and audio presentation in which you will present information to support the passage of HR 5223. You may use PowerPoint, Google Slides, or another presentation software of your choosing. Your audio presentation should put forth a convincing argument based on your research and should be designed as if you were addressing a group of legislators whose support you are trying to obtain. Your slide and audio presentation must address: • A description of current risks that healthcare providers face from violence in the workplace. • Information from professional nursing associations which support your argument for minimizing the risk of


violence in the healthcare setting. • Identification of a theoretical or regulatory model which would be applicable to the passage of HR 5223. • Identification of stakeholders who will benefit from the passage of HR 5223 and how they would benefit. • Potential barriers to passage of HR 5223 and how they can be overcome. • Include a minimum of 8 slides (not counting the title or reference slide). • Your slides should contain speaker notes, to assist in your audio delivery. • Your slides should be professional in appearance and tone, and reflect a thoughtful and meaningful application of your research to your argument. Speak clearly and convincingly. Your presentation should not be longer than 10 minutes. • You must include a minimum of (5) different scholarly references. Assignment Requirements Before finalizing your work, you should: • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above); • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors. Your writing Assignment should: • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and • use APA formatting and citation style.
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Diabetes in Older Adults on Signs Discussion

Diabetes in Older Adults on Signs Discussion

  • Create a simple one-page handout on the signs and symptoms of a disease of your choice that is prevalent in your population chosen for this assignment.



  • 1.Cardiovascular disease
    • 2. Diabetes



NUR3846 St Pauls Hypertension Depression Caesarean Section Evidential Paper

NUR3846 St Pauls Hypertension Depression Caesarean Section Evidential Paper

Patient AD is 38 years old. Full code. Primary diagnoses Pancreatitis. Medical History – Hypertension, Depression, History of cesarean section, Cholelithiasis, obesity, Hyperlipidemia, anxiety and the recent diagnosis of gallstone. AD marred has 3 kids. The three one only 6 weeks. Patient activity level performs the activity safely with an assistive device. Diet status NPO. Iv left-hand 100/hr. patient orders pending sugar consult, getting ready cholecystectomy.

Do you need help in this or a different assignment? Let our experienced writer handle


Patient vital signs 98.3, Pulse 103, Resp 16, Blood pressure 150/89 , pulse 96, Lab value Glucose 90, Creatine 0.53 (low), Albumin 3.1(low), ALT 493 (high), WBC 11.2 (high), Alkalive phosphate 553 (high), HGB 10.8 (LOW), HCT 34.4 (LOW). Patient Cholecystectomy localized to the epigastrium. Patient Nero status – no risk for fall. Alert and oriented x4. patient answering all question appropriately. Depression and anxiety. Cardic – Palpable distal pulses , Hypertention , hyperlipidemia. GI- independent tolerate, pump breastfeeding. Pt NPO for more than 36 hours. Epigastric, soft, mild, difficult pain, gallstone, pancreatitis, tender across the upper abdomen, GI consult. Pending Gl evaluation, multiple gallstones with thicking tiny gallstone. GU – recent pregnancy. Post bowel sounds diminished. Intake and output – use of IV 100/HR pump every 3 hours. Pain- extreme abdominal pain, upper right abdomen. A patient takes oxycodone for pain. Activity, no musculoskeletal, independent, perform the activity safely without assist, ambulated in a room, bathroom independently. Skin- warm to touch c-section scar wks postpartum. Part 2: Written Assignment, p. 3-4 Part 3: Oral Presentation, p. 5 Assignment Explanation- This main focus of this assignment is designed to help you to further analyze your care of the individual, participate in the delivery of safe and apply best practice standards and use available evidence to assess or improve upon your nursing care in entry level BSN practice. Please do not include any names (use initials only) in your paper or presentation. Assignment Layout 1. Pick a client, you worked with during clinical and describe what you did for that client (assessments and interventions). If you were unable to do some of the cares but were aware of nursing and medical interventions in place please include these in this section also. It is ok to speak in the first person for this section of the paper. Included is a list of health patterns (Gordons, 2013; Clements & Averil, 2006) and examples of disorders you may find in your clinical setting. Once you have identified your patient, the specific system or disorder you want to research and compare clinical practice to research. Once you have chosen your patient for the case study move on to #2 etc… and please follow the instructions below. Regulation – Acute Renal Failure, Hyperthyroid/Hypothyroid, Cushing & Graves’ Disease Intracranial Regulation (CVA, Parkinsons Disease Perfusion – (CAD, Myocardial Infarction) Tissue Integrity – Arterial Stasis Ulcers, Venous Stasis Ulcers Burn) Neuro Cognition Regulation – Delirium Versus Psychosis Acute Stroke Migraines Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Regulation (Liver Failure, Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Kidney Stones, Acute kidney Disease, Disorders of the Spleen Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Myasthenia Gravis End of Life (Palliative Care, Hospice, Cancer — pick only one type (Skin, Breast, Lung, Colorectal, Prostate, Bone , Pancreatic , Stomach, Liver, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, Brain tumor Perfusion – Coronary Artery disease, Angina and Acute Coronary Syndrome Anemias, Metabolism – Liver failure, Chronic Pancreatitis, Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis 2. Write about your client’s primary or most pertinent pathophysiological process that affected their care using at least two scholarly resources. (See Article “Seven Steps of Evidence based Practice Melnyk et al, 2010) 1a Evaluator(s) Name Date planned to enhance readability and is creative. is 1-2 areas that are difficult to read or lacking creativity. content, but there is 3 or more areas that are difficult to read and lacking creativity. Points Spelling and Grammar 5 Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. 3 Presentation contains 3-4 misspellings, but no grammatical errors. 2 Presentation contains 3-4 misspellings, and 1-2 grammatical errors. 0 Presentation does not meet the proficient level 3 Points References and APA formatting 5 References present and in correct APA format References present, but contain 1-2 deviations from correct APA format 2. 0 References present, but References not present or contain a 2 or more present, but contain a 3 or deviations from correct APA more deviations from format correct APA format Total possible=100 /100 Points Comments: 41 Pag Name Evaluator(s) Oral Presentation Layout Date your oral presentation near the end of class will allow you a chance to describe your case scenario and what you have learned from your research do differently if you were to care for this patient again? What obstacles were in your way that may have or did prevent you or the nurse from providing care that was evidenced-based or within the realm of best practice guidelines? 15 7.5 Oral Assignment Guidelines 1. Presentations should be between 4-6 minutes in length. 2. You may have 1-2 minutes for questions from classmates afterwards that are not included in this time. 3. Presentation must include some type of visual aide or handout for your classmates. You will have access to AV materials (ex. Power Point) if desired. Please let the instructor know ahead of time if there are any more advanced technological requirements for your presentation. 4. You will have peer evaluations done (in class) for your speaking assignment in addition to your grade for this project. Instructor will organize this. No points toward the class are applied through these peer evaluations. They are simply for feedback purposes so you can continually improve on your presentation skill Criteria Points possible Impact of visual aids: Visual aids (Powerpoint/poster or pamphlet/handout) were effective, organized, and helpful Critical thinking demonstrated by presentation: Presentation includes description of clinical scenario Should include nursing interventions provided Describe what he/she learned from research Clarity/connection with audience: 25 12.5 ideas were clearly expressed and sufficient eye contact was maintained with audience Length requirement: 10 Demonstrated time management skills by delivering a clear and concise presentation in the time allotted (6 minutes) Total possible=75 0 . 25 12.5 0 0 5 0 SlPage Evaluator(s) Name Date 3. Research best practice standards of nursing care for your client’s pathophysiological process or specific nursing needs/skills being performed. Explain these standards of nursing practice and 4. for research sources that describe how to best provide care for your patient. Areas covered should include expected assessment findings, nursing interventions, expected outcomes, and health promotion activities related to the specific condition or health need. Please use at least two scholarly nursing resources to demonstrate where you obtained this information. 5. Week Eight (8) drop box draft copy and print 2 copies for peer review. Part 1: Peer Evaluations Assignment Description (25 Points) The rough draft of the final paper will be due about 2 weeks before the final written paper is due. During this time students will be randomly given another student’s paper to evaluate and offer feedback before the final draft is due. Instructor collect papers and the completed feedback form, grade the quality of the feedback provided and hand back the feedback and the draft to the original paper to the writer so that this can be used to improve upon his or her final paper. Feedback provided will not be anonymous, but rather a way to offer constructive criticism to peers in order to improve on the overall quality of the final paper. Grading rubric Student must turn in a completed, printed rough draft of his or her paper in class. No points will be allocated for peer evaluation assignment if the student’s own rough draft is not done on this date or the student does not return his or her peer’s paper with feedback in class (See Schedule – Week 8 or 9) The late policy does not apply with this assignment as timeliness is a necessity for the feedback to be helpful for your peer. Peer evaluation complete. In depth responses and demonstration of knowledge of peer’s paper. Notes written on the paper itself. – 25 points Peer evaluation form partially complete. Little evidence of clear understanding of paper. Brief answers that provide little feedback. None or few notes written on paper itself. – 15 points Rough draft not turned in on time/Peer evaluation form not done or not turned in on time-0 points Points 25 15 0 Criteria Peer evaluation complete. In Peer evaluation form partially Rough draft not turned in on depth responses and complete. Little evidence of time/Peer evaluation form not demonstration of knowledge clear understanding of paper. done or not turned in on time of peer’s paper. Notes Brief answers that provide written on the paper itself. little feedback. None or few notes written on paper itself. Total possible= 25 21P
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