NRS 410V Grand Canyon Mucor Pathological Progression and Treatments Paper

NRS 410V Grand Canyon Mucor Pathological Progression and Treatments Paper

describe the pathological progression of the infection in to pneumonia and at least two medical/ nursing intervention that will be helpful in treating the patient.Examine the laboratory blood test result and arterial blood gases provided in discussion question what laboratory values are considered abnormal?Explain each abnormality and the probable causes from a pathophysiology perspective.What medications and medical treatments are likely to be prescribed by the attending physician on the case. List at least three medications and three treatments. Provide rationale of the medication and treatment.


SAE Institute Clinical Trial Excel Data Analysis Worksheet

SAE Institute Clinical Trial Excel Data Analysis Worksheet

Using the Clinical Trial on breast cancer dataset. Perform a Kaplan-Meier Analysis to determine the survival curve for the breast cancer survivors. 

H0 The risk of dying from breast cancer will occur within five years. (Null Hypothesis)

H1 The risk of dying from breast cancer does not occur within five years. (Alternative Hypothesis)

Ensure to submit the following requirements for the assignment:

  • Review the analysis from the standpoint of how many patients survive over the seven-year time period that the clinical trial covered.
  • Present your findings as a Survival Time chart in a Word document, with a title page, introduction explaining why you would conduct a survival analysis, a discussion where you interpret the meaning of the survival analysis, and a conclusion.
  • Your submission should be 3-4 pages to discuss and display your findings.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of three scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. One of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the others must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these sources and should be your primary resource for conducting research.
  • Follow APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University writing standards.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading.


Saudi Electronic University

College of Health Science

Master of Health Administration

HCM-506: Applied Biostatistics in Health


In this paper, I will be discussing the survival rate of breast cancer patients from the time of diagnosis. Cancer has been increasing in modern times due to most people’s lifestyles, exposure to harmful contaminated environments, and even gene inheritance from a person’s lineage that is prone to cause cancers.

two medications and determining subject survival. (Kishore et al., 2010)


To build a survival curve, we have to rearrange the data set into a usable format and then use the inbuilt excel chart function to plot the curve. As an initial step, we need to identify all of the distinct values in the time columns. In this case, we use the survival length column after the duplicate values have been extracted from the column. The new time column is copied to a different column and, using the countif function, find whether the patient is dead or alive from the original dataset. This counts the number of patients whose time in the clinical data is more than 0.

The resultant value gives the number of alive patients through each period of time. In the next step, we calculate the reciprocal of the division between the dead and alive patients. The value obtained can now be used to generate a function of time against the start of the patient, either dead or alive. The function of t (time) is then given by the product of the patient’s initial state, which is alive, and the reciprocal value of the division of dead and alive variables.

Fig 1: Sample values




Fig 2: survival analysis plot of the breast cancer patients.

From the plot, we can visualize the displacement of the patient data across the time period they are under treatment. For example, we can see that most of the patients have been in the trial for less than 6 years, with most of those patients being in the trial between the periods of 3 to 6 years, inferencing that most of the patients in the trial have been in the trial for a longer time.

The survival curve shows that as the number of years increases that the patient in on the clinical trial, their survival rate increases. These can be seen from the survival analysis plot. As soon as the patient on the clinical trial exceeds 6 years in the trial, their rate of survival increases significantly. Therefore, we can deduce from the analysis that the drug’s effectiveness in the clinical trial can be seen after a patient has used the drug consistently for more than 6 years. (Hung et al., 2018)




Chen, Z., Zhang, H., Guo, Y., George, T. J., Prosperi, M., Hogan, W. R., He, Z., Shenkman, E. A., Wang, F., & Bian, J. (2021). Exploring the feasibility of using real-world data from a large clinical data research network to simulate clinical trials of Alzheimer’s disease. Npj Digital Medicine, 4(1).

Hung, M., Bounsanga, J., Voss, M. W., & Saltzman, C. L. (2018). Establishing minimum clinically important difference values for the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Physical Function, hip disability and osteoarthritis outcome score for joint reconstruction, and knee injury and osteoarthritis ou. World Journal of Orthopedics, 9(3), 41–49.

Kishore, J., Goel, M., & Khanna, P. (2010). Understanding survival analysis: Kaplan-Meier estimate. International Journal of Ayurveda Research, 1(4), 274.

Mr, A., Sharifi J, Mr, P., & Paknahad A. (2015). Breast cancer and associated factors: a review. Journal of Medicine and Life, 8(4), 6–11.  SAE Institute Clinical Trial Excel Data Analysis Worksheet






Strategic Management Action Plan

Strategic Management Action Plan

Unit VIII Final Project Throughout this course, you will be developing what is known as a strategic management action plan (MAP). When all the strategic planning is done and the written strategic plan document exists, then it is time for management action planning based upon our strategies. This is where so many health care organizations of all types fall short. The same level of effort that went into creating the strategic plan needs to continue as we take action, measure progress, and reassess over time. Management action planning is a step-by-step approach developed to help health care leaders plan the action steps that will lead to positive change for our organizations. The strategic plan sets the direction for us, and our MAPs get the work done, turning strategy into reality. Developing a MAP is a six-step process, and you will actually be practicing this MAP process as you create your course project. Some suggested MAP topics are provided here, and you are certainly free to propose your own topic if you like, perhaps something which truly needs to be addressed in your own organization. You may even find the MAP to be a valuable tool as you lead your own organization. By the time you reach Unit II, you should have determined your topic. In Units II through VII, you will learn about each step of the six-step process. It is suggest that you work on each part of your MAP during the week it is discussed to ensure that you complete your project on time. The completed project is due at the end of Unit VIII and should be in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, or .txt. The project should consist of a minimum of five double-spaced pages and should be in APA format. Remember to cite any outside sources used to avoid plagiarism. Suggested HEALTH CARE topics include the following:  Nursing Recruitment and Retention in Health Care  Continuing Education Challenges  Patient Care


Technology  Staff Safety on Duty  Patient Safety in Hospitals  Stakeholder Relationships  Community Education Programs  Disaster Preparedness HCA 4320, Development and Strategic Planning in Health Care 3  Medical Director Involvement  Quality Improvement Program for Health Care  Patient Satisfaction  Rural Health Issues  Funding for Hospital Programs  Neonatal/Pediatric Services Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.


Tags: Strategic plan management action plan

Maslow’s Theory and Crises Discussion

Maslow’s Theory and Crises Discussion

Maslow’s Theory & Crises

How does Maslow’s theory apply to the FSI family? to the victims of disasters such as hurricane Katrina? Discuss how you see this theory played out in real life events?


Post your response to the above in the Discussion Board (250 words minimum)

MRU Difference of Exploratory & Confirmatory Analysis Discussion

MRU Difference of Exploratory & Confirmatory Analysis Discussion

Discuss the Difference Between an Exploratory Analysis and a Confirmatory ?

Class: Advanced Nursing Inquiry and Evidence Based practice.

APA Style

250-word minimum


At least 1 reference (the course textbook does not count as a reference)

Must address topic

References included

Sites from: org, or edu only

No plariagism

Thank You so much in advanced.

MDC Urinary Tract Infection Discussion Paper

MDC Urinary Tract Infection Discussion Paper


Discussion 1: In developing clinical and business solutions for hospital improvement, one of the plans should include catheter care and reduction of Catheter related infections. “Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are costly, common and often preventable by reducing unnecessary urinary catheter (UC) use” (Meddings, Rogers, Krein, Fakih, Olmsted, & Saint 2014). Many times patients are placed on catheters when it is unnecessary for the patient. Many patients will acquire HAI’s because the catheters are not monitored. They must have a d/c order with reasonable time frame for the patient. Additionally, proper catheter care must be provided to the patient daily. This would reduce the cost not only to the patient for medications to treat an infection, but it would reduce the hospital cost if they are responsible for the infection. By this reduction, hospitals could receive payments as rewards rather than penalties for HAI’s such as UTI’s. This overall improves the patient experience because they are not going home with an infection that was given to them by the hospital.

Questions: What are your thoughts? Why? One paragraph, one credible resource

Discussion 2:The business of healthcare is obvious and is always adapting to change as more patients are needing help with complex health issues. There are tremendous waste in healthcare and it is a result of many factors. In this post, I will only be discussing conservation of equipment and training for healthcare workers. The way we reduce cost is to use what we need at the bedside. By taking what is needed and not overuse of supplies. I remember being in the ED and some nurses, me included, would use supplies that really did not need to be used. Since the supplies that were brought to the bedside were already contaminated, even though they were not opened, they would get discarded. One must wonder, if we all did our part by only obtaining what was needed to get the job done, we could reduce waste in this manner.


Another aspect to this would be the emphasis on training. Training could be paired with the success of my first point. If we trained and remediated staff to use what is needed and to minimize errors by performing the intervention correctly (e.g. starting an IV, insertion of Foley catheter, etc.) the first time we could reduce costs and have a team of highly efficient staff. “Cost reduction in healthcare often involves a deep look at staff. However, taking a closer look at staffing as a means of reducing costs doesn’t necessarily mean layoffs. And since hospitals are already facing a nursing shortage, layoffs might not even be a realistic option. Instead, other elements like training, minimizing overtime, associate retention, and recognition programs are essential to consider in a cost-cutting strategy” (Kaplan & Haas, 2014).

Along with the point of training, when the healthcare professional is well trained in the intervention and equipment that is needed for the interaction with patients the staff become more confident. When the staff is confident, they are less anxious and stressed. The stress level of staff will positively impact patient experience. When staff is confident in their ability to perform their duties efficiently, they have more time with making a long lasting impression for their patient.

Questions: What are your thoughts? Why? One paragraph, one credible resource. MDC Urinary Tract Infection Discussion Paper

Clinical Information, Health & Medical Homework Help

Clinical Information, Health & Medical Homework Help

Research “Medical Coding Career Orientation” on  Watch various videos on orientation to Medical Coding,  and create an outline (but be descriptive enough for everyone to understand what you are saying) for a medical coding career. (What are classes you need to take, professional organizations you might join, how to begin networking, continuing education, certification, and anything else you can think of). You might think of this in terms of a career ladder, if that helps. 😉


please include all the references used.


Nursing Importance of Evidence Based Practice Questions

Nursing Importance of Evidence Based Practice Questions

1. Describe the importance of evidence-based practice.

2. Describe how and where to search for evidence.

3. Describe strategies for the implementation of evidenced-based practice in nursing practice.

Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at least 3 references (APA) included in your post.




Tags: APA implementation strategies nursing scope nursing roles search for evidence

Health in Global Community Discussion

Health in Global Community Discussion

1. Describe globalization and international patterns of health and disease.

2. Identify international health care organizations and how they collaborate to improve global nursing and health care.

3. Identify and discuss the major indicators of women’s health.

4. Identify and discuss the barriers to adequate health care for women.

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font and in Turnitin to verify originality. If you don’t post your assignment in any of the required forums you will not get the points. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used. A minimum of 700 words is required. Please make sure to follow the instructions as given.

1. Describe globalization and international patterns of health and disease.

2. Identify international health care organizations and how they collaborate to improve global nursing and health care.

3. Identify and discuss the major indicators of women’s health.


4. Identify and discuss the barriers to adequate health care for women.

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font and in Turnitin to verify originality. If you don’t post your assignment in any of the required forums you will not get the points. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used. A minimum of 700 words is required. Please make sure to follow the instructions as given.

CNUAS HCA 425 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Paper

CNUAS HCA 425 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Paper


The paper should be about four to six pages — not counting any title  page, abstract, or your references. You may choose to provide “a fix”  for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as the  ACA or Obamacare), or you may propose a general replacement for the ACA.

You should likely focus on one or two broad policies (due to the  short length of the paper). You may look at what others have proposed  and incorporate their thoughts into your writing with appropriate  attribution and citation.

Do not paraphrase or quote any other work (including your own from  other classes) without appropriate attribution. Your paper will be  submitted to a plagiarism checker. Plagiarism is grounds for failing  this assignment and, depending on the severity, of failing the course.  If you paraphrase or quote any other work — from the internet, from  another paper, from any other source, you must properly provide  quotation marks (if a quote) and citations to the source that I can  find. Use APA style for your citations.

You should have at least four sections:

An Introduction – explaining what you are proposing  in general terms which should include identifying the problem you are  attempting to address with your fix or replacement.

Your Proposal – this is the details of your proposal – although, in 4 to 6 pages, you likely can’t be as detailed as you would like to be.

Difficulties you see in getting your proposal through the  policymaking process as we have discussed it in this class and as it is  outlined in the textbook.

  • A Conclusion – don’t just leave me hanging. Tie  everything together here and tell me again why you feel your proposal is  worthwhile and what the difficulties might be. CNUAS HCA 425 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Paper