Formulating PICOT questions related to Nursing research

Formulating PICOT questions related to Nursing research

PICOT and Literature Search Assignment This assignment will be completed individually. PICOT questions are used by researchers to focus research questions and develop an efficient literature search strategy. You will create 3 PICOT questions to search for evidence for your individual quantitative appraisal


and group review of literature paper. Be sure to develop questions about topics that interest you. PICOT Questions • • Write 3 PICOT questions related to nursing. Use PICOT templates in the EBP Step by Step 3 article in Brightspace to create your questions. Identify the PICOT elements for each question. Search Strategy and Execution • Develop a search strategy using at least 3 keywords, 1 synonym, and 1 MeSH term for your PICOT questions. • Using any one of your three PICOT questions and the search strategy for it, locate 4 articles that help answer it. o Be sure that you choose primary source quantitative research articles. (Check for data analysis using numbers and the IMRaD format.) o The population studied, issues/intervention of interest, and outcomes measured in the article should match the P, I, and C of your PICOT question. o No article can be older than 2014. • Obtain pdfs of each of the four articles you selected. Submitting Your Results • On a Word document, write each PICOT question with elements identified and the search terms for each. • Highlight the PICOT question for which you selected articles. • Provide APA references for your selected articles. • See the example at the end of this document for suggested formatting. You may use it as a template. • Name each document as follows: o Lastname PICOT • o Lastname article 1 o Lastname article 2 o Lastname article 3 o Lastname article 4 Drop all five documents (Word document and pdfs of the articles) to the assignment submission folder by the deadline. Updated 4/18/2019 CJP PICOT Questions and Literature Search Rubric Grading Criterion 1. Elements of requirements included (3 foreground questions; 3 background questions; PICOT Identification for each of the 3 questions; at least 3 keywords, 1 synonym, and 1 MeSH term for each of the 3 questions) = 36 elements total 2. All 3 PICOT questions are nursing related 3. All parts of the PICOT are correctly identified = 15 elements 4. Articles are primary source quantitative research reports. 5. All articles help answer the same PICOT question 6. Article citations provided in APA format (see example on next page) 7. Articles are no older than 2014 8. Pdfs of all articles are provided (all or nothing) Pts Mastery 4 36 elements included Proficient 3 35 elements included Developing 2 34 elements included Beginning 1 or 0 33 (1 pt) or 32 or fewer (0 pts) elements included All 3 questions are nursing related 14 to 15 elements are correctly identified 2 questions are nursing related 12 to 13 elements are correctly identified 1 question is nursing related 10 to 11 elements are correctly identified All four are primary source reports All 4 help answer the same PICOT question 0 to 1 unique APA elements are incorrect 3 are primary source reports 2 are primary source reports 3 help answer the same PICOT question 2 to 3 unique APA elements are incorrect 2 help answer the same PICOT question 4 to 5 unique APA elements are incorrect All 4 are no older than 2014 Yes 3 are no older than 2014 2 are no older than 2014 No questions are nursing related (0 pts) 9 (1 pt) or 8 or fewer (0 pts) elements are correctly identified 1 or 0 are primary source reports 1 or 0 help answer the same PICOT question 6 (1 pt) or 7 or more (0 pts) unique APA elements are incorrect 1 or 0 are no older than 2014 No (0 pts) Total points / 8 = X.XX = conversion to 100 points Updated 4/18/2019 CJP Grade Calculation Score of 0 to 4 will be determined based on the performance level for each criterion in the grading rubric. Scores for all 8 criteria will be added and then divided by 8 for a final score between 0.00 and 4.00. Grades out of 100 points will be converted as follows and entered into the gradebook. Score out of 4 4.00 3.75-3.99 3.50-3.74 3.25-3.49 3.00-3.24 2.75-2.99 2.50-2.74 2.25-2.49 2.00-2.24 1.01-1.99
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Formulating PICOT questions related to Nursing research

Formulating PICOT questions related to Nursing research

PICOT and Literature Search Assignment This assignment will be completed individually. PICOT questions are used by researchers to focus research questions and develop an efficient literature search strategy. You will create 3 PICOT questions to search for evidence for your individual quantitative appraisal and group review of literature paper. Be sure to develop questions about topics that interest you. PICOT Questions


• • Write 3 PICOT questions related to nursing. Use PICOT templates in the EBP Step by Step 3 article in Brightspace to create your questions. Identify the PICOT elements for each question. Search Strategy and Execution • Develop a search strategy using at least 3 keywords, 1 synonym, and 1 MeSH term for your PICOT questions. • Using any one of your three PICOT questions and the search strategy for it, locate 4 articles that help answer it. o Be sure that you choose primary source quantitative research articles. (Check for data analysis using numbers and the IMRaD format.) o The population studied, issues/intervention of interest, and outcomes measured in the article should match the P, I, and C of your PICOT question. o No article can be older than 2014. • Obtain pdfs of each of the four articles you selected. Submitting Your Results • On a Word document, write each PICOT question with elements identified and the search terms for each. • Highlight the PICOT question for which you selected articles. • Provide APA references for your selected articles. • See the example at the end of this document for suggested formatting. You may use it as a template. • Name each document as follows: o Lastname PICOT • o Lastname article 1 o Lastname article 2 o Lastname article 3 o Lastname article 4 Drop all five documents (Word document and pdfs of the articles) to the assignment submission folder by the deadline. Updated 4/18/2019 CJP PICOT Questions and Literature Search Rubric Grading Criterion 1. Elements of requirements included (3 foreground questions; 3 background questions; PICOT Identification for each of the 3 questions; at least 3 keywords, 1 synonym, and 1 MeSH term for each of the 3 questions) = 36 elements total 2. All 3 PICOT questions are nursing related 3. All parts of the PICOT are correctly identified = 15 elements 4. Articles are primary source quantitative research reports. 5. All articles help answer the same PICOT question 6. Article citations provided in APA format (see example on next page) 7. Articles are no older than 2014 8. Pdfs of all articles are provided (all or nothing) Pts Mastery 4 36 elements included Proficient 3 35 elements included Developing 2 34 elements included Beginning 1 or 0 33 (1 pt) or 32 or fewer (0 pts) elements included All 3 questions are nursing related 14 to 15 elements are correctly identified 2 questions are nursing related 12 to 13 elements are correctly identified 1 question is nursing related 10 to 11 elements are correctly identified All four are primary source reports All 4 help answer the same PICOT question 0 to 1 unique APA elements are incorrect 3 are primary source reports 2 are primary source reports 3 help answer the same PICOT question 2 to 3 unique APA elements are incorrect 2 help answer the same PICOT question 4 to 5 unique APA elements are incorrect All 4 are no older than 2014 Yes 3 are no older than 2014 2 are no older than 2014 No questions are nursing related (0 pts) 9 (1 pt) or 8 or fewer (0 pts) elements are correctly identified 1 or 0 are primary source reports 1 or 0 help answer the same PICOT question 6 (1 pt) or 7 or more (0 pts) unique APA elements are incorrect 1 or 0 are no older than 2014 No (0 pts) Total points / 8 = X.XX = conversion to 100 points Updated 4/18/2019 CJP Grade Calculation Score of 0 to 4 will be determined based on the performance level for each criterion in the grading rubric. Scores for all 8 criteria will be added and then divided by 8 for a final score between 0.00 and 4.00. Grades out of 100 points will be converted as follows and entered into the gradebook. Score out of 4 4.00 3.75-3.99 3.50-3.74 3.25-3.49 3.00-3.24 2.75-2.99 2.50-2.74 2.25-2.49 2.00-2.24 1.01-1.99
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American Jewish cardiopulmonary resuscitation PICOT Paper

American Jewish cardiopulmonary resuscitation PICOT Paper

PICOT and Literature Search Assignment This assignment will be completed individually. PICOT questions are used by researchers to focus research questions and develop an efficient literature search strategy. You will create 3 PICOT questions to search for evidence for your individual quantitative


appraisal and group review of literature paper. Be sure to develop questions about topics that interest you. PICOT Questions • • Write 3 PICOT questions related to nursing. Use PICOT templates in the EBP Step by Step 3 article in Brightspace to create your questions. Identify the PICOT elements for each question. Search Strategy and Execution • Develop a search strategy using at least 3 keywords, 1 synonym, and 1 MeSH term for your PICOT questions. • Using any one of your three PICOT questions and the search strategy for it, locate 4 articles that help answer it. o Be sure that you choose primary source quantitative research articles. (Check for data analysis using numbers and the IMRaD format.) o The population studied, issues/intervention of interest, and outcomes measured in the article should match the P, I, and C of your PICOT question. o No article can be older than 2014. • Obtain pdfs of each of the four articles you selected. Submitting Your Results • On a Word document, write each PICOT question with elements identified and the search terms for each. • Highlight the PICOT question for which you selected articles. • Provide APA references for your selected articles. • See the example at the end of this document for suggested formatting. You may use it as a template. • Name each document as follows: o Lastname PICOT • o Lastname article 1 o Lastname article 2 o Lastname article 3 o Lastname article 4 Drop all five documents (Word document and pdfs of the articles) to the submission folder by the deadline. Updated 4/18/2019 CJP PICOT Questions and Literature Search Rubric Grading Criterion 1. Elements of requirements included (3 foreground questions; 3 background questions; PICOT Identification for each of the 3 questions; at least 3 keywords, 1 synonym, and 1 MeSH term for each of the 3 questions) = 36 elements total 2. All 3 PICOT questions are nursing related 3. All parts of the PICOT are correctly identified = 15 elements 4. Articles are primary source quantitative research reports. 5. All articles help answer the same PICOT question 6. Article citations provided in APA format (see example on next page) 7. Articles are no older than 2014 8. Pdfs of all articles are provided (all or nothing) Pts Mastery 4 36 elements included Proficient 3 35 elements included Developing 2 34 elements included Beginning 1 or 0 33 (1 pt) or 32 or fewer (0 pts) elements included All 3 questions are nursing related 14 to 15 elements are correctly identified 2 questions are nursing related 12 to 13 elements are correctly identified 1 question is nursing related 10 to 11 elements are correctly identified All four are primary source reports All 4 help answer the same PICOT question 0 to 1 unique APA elements are incorrect 3 are primary source reports 2 are primary source reports 3 help answer the same PICOT question 2 to 3 unique APA elements are incorrect 2 help answer the same PICOT question 4 to 5 unique APA elements are incorrect All 4 are no older than 2014 Yes 3 are no older than 2014 2 are no older than 2014 No questions are nursing related (0 pts) 9 (1 pt) or 8 or fewer (0 pts) elements are correctly identified 1 or 0 are primary source reports 1 or 0 help answer the same PICOT question 6 (1 pt) or 7 or more (0 pts) unique APA elements are incorrect 1 or 0 are no older than 2014 No (0 pts) Total points / 8 = X.XX = conversion to 100 points Updated 4/18/2019 CJP Grade Calculation Score of 0 to 4 will be determined based on the performance level for each criterion in the grading rubric. Scores for all 8 criteria will be added and then divided by 8 for a final score between 0.00 and 4.00. Grades out of 100 points will be converted as follows and entered into the gradebook. Score out of 4 4.00 3.75-3.99 3.50-3.74 3.25-3.49 3.00-3.24 2.75-2.99 2.50-2.74 2.25-2.49 2.00-2.24 1.01-1.99
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NURS6640 Walden University Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Application Paper

NURS6640 Walden University Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Application Paper

Practicum Experience Time Log and Journal Template Student Name: E-mail Address: Practicum Placement Agency’s Name: Preceptor’s Name: Preceptor’s Telephone: Preceptor’s E-mail Address: (Continued next page) © 2014 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 1 of 3 Practicum Experience Time Log and Journal Template Time Log List the objective(s) met and briefly describe the activities you completed during each time period. If you are not on-site for a specific week, enter “Not on site” for that week in the Total Hours for This Time Frame column. Journal entries are due in Weeks 4, 8, and 11; include your Time Log with all hours logged (for current and previous weeks) each time you submit a journal entry. You are encouraged to complete your practicum hours on a regular schedule, so you will complete the required hours by the END of WEEK 11. Time Log Week Dates Times Total Hours for This Time Frame


Activities/Comments Learning Objective(s) Addressed Total Hours Completed: © 2014 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 2 of 3 Practicum Experience Time Log and Journal Template Journal Entries • • Include references immediately following the content. Use APA style for your journal entry and references. © 2014 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 3 of 3
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The Limbic System Psychiatric Nursing Assignment

The Limbic System Psychiatric Nursing Assignment

As psychiatric nurse tell me what you know about Limbic system. 700words.

I need to do presentation about the factors in cultural assessment of (Haitians). The two factors that i am going to present are

– Communication


– Physical space or distance

it must be in APA format ( 1 page and half )

Saudi Electronic University eCommerce Business Presentation

Saudi Electronic University eCommerce Business Presentation

E-commerce business

golden scent is a two-part compound word.

golden scent is an online retailer providing a wide range of perfume  items, including machines, grinders, and other perfume-related materials. At golden scent, you can find everything you need for your perfume capsule device, from the devices themselves to the accessories, replacement parts, and after-sales care goods, all under one roof. golden scent also offers the best customer support in the industry. golden scent offers a wide range of information and explanations to assist device owners in managing and maintaining their devices.

Machines, grinders, equipment and appliances that are used to make perfume  or to consume perfume  are included in this category.

Capsules – instant coffee capsules in this form are an innovative step forward for the industry.

Different types of perfume  and the goods made from it

Sweeteners, including as flavorings and syrups, are an important part of the coffee-brewing process.

Tools for distillation – a distillation instrument

When it comes to enjoying perfume  , nothing beats application from one of the finest perfume  mugs. Glasses of all shapes and sizes are available(Tarigan, W., Thamrin, T., Sembiring, L., Sembiring, I., Silalahi, H., & Sihaloho, T. P. (2021). Saudi Electronic University eCommerce Business Presentation

Parts for the shop’s machinery, tools, gadgets, and appliances are spare parts goods that may be used to supplement the shop’s inventory.


Customers may buy a variety of perfume  goods, equipment, and other ingredients for making perfume  online at golden scent Online Store. At golden scent , you can find everything you need for your perfume  capsule device, from the devices themselves to the accessories, replacement parts, and after-sales care goods, all under one roof. golden scent also offers the best customer support in the industry. golden scent offers a wide range of information and explanations to assist device owners in managing and maintaining their devices. They may get in touch with the company through a variety of methods, including email, a toll-free phone number, and social media. They adhere to the return and exchange policies, use local couriers and delivery services, and make payment alternatives more convenient by accepting Visa and MasterCard from worldwide partners as well as accepting payment via online payment centers.

Customers’ faith in us is our greatest achievement, and it is the key to our long-term success, and we work tirelessly to preserve and strengthen this trust as the foundation of our business.

We want to provide much more than simply perfume  ; we want to offer an experience!

We’re excited to keep expanding our store’s inventory and expanding the range of services we provide, so that you, our valued client, will be able to take advantage of more innovative items at rates that are always in line with the local market.

The money comes from the sales of its items, which are advertised on the company’s website and on social media.

Customers can expect to see more new goods in the shop, all of which will be provided at affordable pricing for the local market, as Simply golden scent continues to expand its product offerings and services.

Web/Direct Sales are the company’s primary income generators. Sales of their items that have been published online or for sale are the primary source of income for the company.

In terms of commodity markets, perfume is the second-largest after oil, and expansion is projected to continue for some time(Roy, U. K., & Tang, W. (2021). We are pleased about the prospects that golden scent has in the bigger and neighboring regional markets, given its expansion and the good opportunity it provides for new enterprises to join this market. Saudi Electronic University eCommerce Business Presentation

Customers may learn more about golden scent brand and products by following them on social media and visiting their website. As well as advertising, freebies, and mobile apps may be used on social media.

golden scent company may benefit from the use of social media by attracting new consumers, soliciting feedback from existing ones, and fostering a sense of community among existing clients.

expand your presence into new markets, especially foreign ones

lower marketing expenses by doing market research.

developing client networks and advertising are two ways to boost income.

Increase the visibility of your website and its search engine position by using job networking sites like LinkedIn to find and hire qualified employees. Keep an eye on the activities of your rivals.

  1. Describe the system’s layout.

The system’s design should be explained in depth (business objectives, system functionality, information provided)

By growing the goods and services we provide our customers and broadening the services we provide, golden scent System hopes to continue to grow its shop and the honorable client will see more new things in the store, which will always be supplied at reasonable pricing for the local market.

In addition to a wide variety of perfume  goods, golden scent Online Store offers perfume  machines and other perfume  essentials for purchase online. At golden scent, you can find everything you need for your perfume  capsule device, from the devices themselves to the accessories, replacement parts, and after-sales care goods, all under one roof. golden scent also offers the best customer support in the industry. golden scent offers a wide range of information and explanations to assist device owners in managing and maintaining their devices. They may get in touch with the company through a variety of methods, including email, a toll-free phone number, and social media. They adhere to the return and exchange policies, use local couriers and delivery services, and make payment alternatives more convenient by accepting Visa and MasterCard from worldwide partners as well as accepting payment via online payment centers.

Provided data includes: Simply There are a wide variety of perfume  items and equipment available for purchase online at golden scent golden scent. At golden scent, you can find everything you need for your perfume  capsule device, from the devices themselves to the accessories, replacement parts, and after-sales care goods, all under one roof. golden scent also offers the best customer support in the industry. golden scent offers a wide range of information and explanations to assist device owners in managing and maintaining their devices.

You may get a wide variety of various perfume  goods and other perfume  essentials in their online to digital catalog.

A dynamic collection of text and images: golden scent makes advantage of a traditional online catalog’s language and visual layout, which makes it simple and intuitive to use. Its goal is to make things as simple as possible for clients.

Can you think of any ways to make this system even better?

One of the most significant areas for development is the inclusion of more technical specifications of the company, detail, and more secure payment processing, and of course, the web design should be updated on a regular basis to deal with the newest, expanding, and competitive perfume  enterprises..

  1. Describe the existing aspects of company e-commerce

Do you know what’s currently available on the site?

On the current website you may see and purchase products as well as create a user account and get a discount.

These characteristics are irritating to consumers, what are some examples of them? Take a few photos.

Attached is a photo of the subject.

It’s the filter button that doesn’t function at all that’s frustrating.

The present elements of the website can be improved upon, so what can you do?

As a consumer, I should be able to save time by searching and sifting through all of the things that interest me.

  1. Describe the e-commerce procedure in company.

Describe in detail the whole process of a customer visiting a website and then making a purchase.

Visits the webpage of a customer

The customer inspected, selected, and searched for the thing he/she desired.

Performs a verification of the relevant technical requirements. Saudi Electronic University eCommerce Business Presentation

Include the number of items you’d like to purchase.

Add to cart.

Ensure that you include accurate contact and delivery information.

Phase of payment.

A receipt for the transaction.

a methodical approach

Product delivery.

Verifies the contents of the bag.

It’s possible to send it back or get a replacement (if there is an error to the ordered product)

What may be made better as a result of this process?

It is important to emphasize the product’s limited technical characteristics so that the client may give it a positive review and make an informed purchase decision

Designing the website is the fifth step in the process

Evaluate the website’s design based on the eight most critical aspects in effective e-commerce site design (ease of use, ease of purchase, simple graphics … etc.). You must take into account all of the variables.

  1. Usefulness: golden scent has benefited from this feature so far.

Technical specs aren’t paid much attention, therefore I’m not quite happy with the information.

  1. Ease of use: the interface is simple to understand and follow.

If the same goods appear in more than one product category, it’s considered duplicate navigation.

It’s simple to buy since the transaction takes place through the Internet.

Links to other social media networks are given for verification on many browsers.

Visually basic, yet nonetheless instructive and understandable

The content is readable and can be read, however the formatting is not very nice at all.

For e-commerce success, what has to be done to make this site one of the best?

Although the site’s content design may need some work to make it more appealing to online shoppers’ eyes, it nevertheless accomplishes its intended goal.

  1. Software for business

If you’re building an e-commerce website, you’ll need more interactive features, such as the capacity to process client orders, clear credit card transactions in real-time, consolidate pricing and product databases, or even alter advertising on the screen depending on user attributes (Chopra, A., Joshi, N., & Saxena, S. (2021).

Describe the various kinds of software utilized to carry out the existing functions of the website.

golden scent website has just a minimal amount of software installed.

How may the software be made better?

A data management service may help them handle order processing in a safe and efficient manner. Even more so in the area of payment processing, which is critical.

  1. Paying and Protecting Yourself

In the online shop, what payment options are available?


Pay as You Go

Apple’s payment system, called Apple Pay, is



Mada’s Payroll

What additional options are available? What’s the rationale for this?

International payments could be made easier by including PayPal or Payoneer as a payment option.

In this digitally-driven industry, they should be able to keep up with the current trends and new financial marketplaces, so they may accept cryptocurrency as payment as well.

What are the security measures in place on the website?


What further innovations are possible? What’s the rationale for this?

Third-party authentication should be added to payments, notably for credit and debit card transactions. To protect both parties, an extra layer of protection has been added to the system.

What is the online store’s current privacy policy? Tell us how and why you gather and utilize that information?

There isn’t any such policy in place. Saudi Electronic University eCommerce Business Presentation

What more may be included in the privacy statement? What’s the rationale for this?

Adding an online privacy agreement form signed by the customer to ensure that the firm will be held accountable if a breach occurs is an extra data privacy policy.

Marketing and advertising strategies and methods may be categorized.

What are the e-commerce company’s current online, offline, and social media marketing strategies?

Using Discounts and Wholesale Prices in Online Marketing

No data is provided for offline strategies since the company now exclusively provides services over the internet.

Brand recognition, product launch, and significant market penetration are some of the goals of social media marketing strategies.

What can be done to enhance the company’s marketing efforts?

Creating a significant and visible campaign to establish the brand as the company’s flagship is a vital enhancement.

Be aware of your competition.

Look at the website of one of your selected company’s competitors in the same industry (locally or worldwide). Explain why the competitor’s website is better or worse than the one you’ve picked. An explanation should accompany the screenshots.

Competitive Website Selected: Starbucks

golden scent began out as a tiny and local firm; however, the competitor’s website is more polished since they are a worldwide corporation. It’s impossible for me to declare that golden scent website is worse, but comparing it, golden scent website could learn how to simplify and make it more user-friendly and adhere to clear formatting.

What can you accomplish by taking notes on what your competition has done?

Using a “benchmark,” we may learn that golden scent should embrace a concept of a good website characteristic, following the example of the rival but not precisely imitating it. Rather of copying their ideas, we should just follow in their footsteps and learn from them. 


Chopra, A., Joshi, N., & Saxena, S. (2021). Ecommerce Business Operations: Going Beyond Normal through Knowledge Management.

Roy, U. K., & Tang, W. (2021, July). Transformation the Business of eCommerce Through Blockchain. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 85-91). Springer, Cham.

Tarigan, W., Thamrin, T., Sembiring, L., Sembiring, I., Silalahi, H., & Sihaloho, T. P. (2021). FP_Tree ASSOCIATION RULE MINING ECOMMERCE PRODUCT ADVERTISING EFFORTS TO IMPROVE PRODUCT BRAND SALES STRATEGY TO SUPPORT ECOMMERCE BUSINESS IN INDONESIA. International Journal of Social Science1(3), 225-232.

Golden Scent’s E-Commerce

Golden Scent’s eCommerce

Golden Scent is a company based in Saudi Arabia and was founded in 2014 by Malik Al-Shehab (CEO) and Ronny Froehlich (managing director). It is the leading company that retails perfume and cosmetics in Saudi Arabia. To be specific, it specializes in quality perfumes that are branded and used in the whole world, cosmetics, hair, and products for skin care. They ship their products to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Furthermore, through mobile apps and their website (, 2022), they retail approximately perfumes more than 10,000 and over 300 brands of products of beauty. In Saudi, whenever a customer buys a product worth at least 300 Riyal in the country, they are offered free transport.

As we discuss Golden Scent’s eCommerce we cannot fail to mention these three points. One, it is popular because of the exclusive offers they provide to its customers. Two, million followers, and three feature is called Augmented reality. Through the feature which is contained in their app, customers can try a significant number of products before purchasing. In addition, it enables one to order different products wherever they are and at any time (, 2022).  Due to these advantages, the app has been downloaded by over 3 million people.

  1. Evaluating Golden Scent’s website design based on eight critical factors for having a site design that is successful and evaluating each factor

            For successful eCommerce website design, the following factors should be considered: A legible text, simple graphics, ease of buying the products, a website that is easy to use, detailed information about products, speed of loading, navigation redundancy, and a site that works well with other popular browsers (Li, 2014).

Legible Texts

For a text to be legible, it is recommended that either the text be black and have a white background or a white text with a background that is black. In Golden Scent, a black text on a white background is used and it is easy to read (Li, 2014).

Simple Graphics

            On this company’s website, a white background is used while the beauty products and perfumes are photographed using light of high quality. The graphics are very simple and easy to understand and description is added for explanation purposes (Li, 2014).

Ease of Buying the Products

In most cases, for a site to be easy to buy a product, a maximum of two clicks should be used. In Golden Scent, you click just below the product were written “add+” then add to cart, and then the next steps are very simple to follow (Li, 2014).

Ease of Using the Website

This website is very easy in using because there is a search bar on top where a customer can type what they want and it appears immediately instead of going left to right and top to bottom searching for the products they want (Li, 2014).

An Informational Website is informational since when customers want a certain product but they do not know its exact name, they can go to the top and choose the category it belongs then follow the process until they get the exact product and order (Li, 2014).

Loading Speed (Functionality)

This company’s site loads fast since whenever a person types into a browser like chrome within a second they are directed and the products on the site are loaded fast also (Li, 2014).

Navigation Redundancy

            Navigating over the web to get a new product is simple on this website. You just go to the top and click new and exclusive then you are taken to the page with actual products (Li, 2014). Saudi Electronic University eCommerce Business Presentation

The functionality of Other Browsers

This website works conveniently with other browsers that are popular like chrome and others.

What can be improved in the design of this website to make it more successful?

In the section “about us”, they should include the specific types of products they deal with. Secondly, they should add other methods used internationally for the payment of their products like Paypal and Payoneer. Thirdly, there should be regular updates, especially on the most current products (Li, 2019).

  1. Explanation of Various Types of Software Used in Golden Scent

First, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is used for understanding the company’s relationship with its customers and boosting its growth through the analysis of how they interact with them (Kordov & Eminov, 2018).

Secondly, time tracking software is used by this company in knowing the time a product takes from its stores to the customers. In addition, they use it to ensure that they deliver it to the customer at the time they had informed them. It is the one that is used in ensuring that time is managed well in a company (Kordov & Eminov, 2018).

Thirdly, data consolidation software is used for the consolidation of databases for products and prices. This software enables firms in breaking any barrier related to the information so that their data may be easily accessible. Whenever data is consolidated, data can be controlled well (Kordov & Eminov, 2018).

Fourthly, communication software is used for ensuring internal and external effectiveness and efficiency in communication. Through this software, the customer care for the company can communicate with their customers effectively in case they have questions or there is information they want. This eventually results in the company’s efficiency (Kordov & Eminov, 2018).

Fifthly, payment transactions software is also used in the company where it focuses on checking whether the customer has paid for the products they ordered. Furthermore, it can be used in paying their employees (Kordov & Eminov, 2018).

Sixthly, accounting software that combines tax, payroll, and bookkeeping software. Payroll one ensures that there is efficiency in the payment of salaries, bonuses, pay slips processing, and other transactions related to these. On the other hand, tax software is used to make sure the firm pays the required tax as well as employees and customers for the products they buy while bookkeeping stores each transaction in the company and they are critical in decision making (Kordov & Eminov, 2018).

What to do to Improve the Software?

The quality and performance of the software can be improved. Quality can be improved through the encouragement of innovations, implementation of quality control, effective communication, and the use of a risk register (Kordov & Eminov, 2018). On the other hand, performance can be made better by practicing coding warm-up, collaboration, and the use of efficient tools.

  1. Methods of payment available in Golden Scent

They include credit cards (specifically Visa and MasterCard), Apple Pay, Tabby, Cash on Delivery, STC Pay, and Tamara (Alotaibi  & Faleel,2021).

Other Methods With Explanation

            On top of the above methods of making payments, the company can add other methods such as Payoneer and Paypal. These are used internationally for making payments and since this company is expanding its wings to the rest of the world, it should include them for efficient payments of their products (Alotaibi  & Faleel,2021).

Technologies Used on the Website to Securing Transactions Done Online

            The firm uses encryption where the data a customer gives them is encrypted and making sure that is safe and no third party can have access to it. The information is only used for better service and processing orders in this company (Khari et al., 2019).

Other Technologies With Explanation

Other methods that can be used include signing digitally, detection of intrusion, hash, and use of a firewall. Combination of all these ways, online transactions can be highly protected (Khari et al., 2019).

Current Privacy Policy for Golden Scent

The policy is that customers’ information is seriously taken and their information is treated with confidentiality. The policy is related to how customers use their website, the data they give the company, and how it is used by the company (, 2022).

Outline on Information Collection and Usage

During shopping at the website, individuals are asked for their data such as name, date of birth addresses (delivery, email, and billing), the identity of their product, password, and phone number. When signing up so that they may receive the company’s email, they are asked to email and names (, 2022).

What can be added to the Privacy Policy? Explain why?

Security questions, photos, and digital signatures should be added. The reason is that they can protect customers’ information better.

  1. Explaining Current Online, Offline, and Social Media Marketing Strategies Used by the Company

            The company markets its products online through google ads. Offline they use billboards while on social media they do it through Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram and also through referrals by friends (Berthon et al., 2012).

How can we Improve the Marketing Aspects of the Chosen Company?

The advertisement should be extended to Tvs, Radio stations, and other social networks such as tweeter, tick-tock, and others (Berthon et al., 2012).

  1. Can you Choose a Competitor in an Industry Similar to the Company you Chose and Compare the two?

I am comparing Adore Beauty and Golden Scent. Both of them are private companies and deal with the same products. Their top executive is the CEO. Adore was started in 2000 while Golden was in 2014. The former has a funding of $192 million while the latter has %9 million (Zhao et al, 2012). Saudi Electronic University eCommerce Business Presentation

 Can you Indicate why the Website for Your Competitor is Worse or Better Than the Website for Your Chosen Company?

            Adore’s website is better since it uses the following tech stacks: ZoomInfo, Packet, YouTube, and NS1 while Golden uses Google Global Site Tag,, jsDelivr, and Jenkins (Zhao et al, 2012).

Can you Provide Screenshots with Explanations?

logo and logo.


What can be Done After Learning From the Experiences of Competitors?

The company should add more tech stacks like the other company.

  1. Conclusion

In summary, there are eight critical factors in determining an e-commerce design. For a business to be efficient, different types of software should be used. In addition, there are a significant number of methods of payment used internationally for smooth payments. Marketing strategies make the business known and comparing a company with its competitor enables it to know where it is in the market.


Alotaibi, A. R., & Faleel, J. (2021). INVESTIGATING THE PREFERRED METHODS OF       PAYMENT FOR ONLINE SHOPPING BY SAUDI CUSTOMERS. PalArch’s Journal          of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology18(13), 1041-1051.

Berthon, P. R., Pitt, L. F., Plangger, K., & Shapiro, D. (2012). Marketing meets Web 2.0, social    media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing            strategy. Business Horizons55(3), 261-271. (2022). Retrieved 28 April 2022, from

Khari, M., Garg, A. K., Gandomi, A. H., Gupta, R., Patan, R., & Balusamy, B. (2019). Securing data in the Internet of Things (IoT) using cryptography and steganography       techniques. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems50(1), 73-80.

Kordov, K., & Eminov, D. (2018). Applied software for managing a small business. Mathematical and Software Engineering4(1), 12-17.

Li, S. (2014). 8 Things for Successful E-Commerce Site Design. Retrieved 27 April 2022, from           design/.

Zhao, J., Duan, Y., Wang, S., & Huo, J. (2012). Coordinated drop shipping commitment contract             in dual-distribution channel supply chain. Journal of Electronic Commerce in             Organizations (JECO)10(4), 19-30.

Part 2

  1. Analysis of the Existing Systems

Over the past few years, a few clients who shop on Jumia had whined about the nature of the items they get. There are by all accounts a few varieties in the items particular on their site and the genuine items got by the purchaser. This is clear through a negative survey remark they say on a portion of the items that they purchase. One more is the cost of the items they sell. Clients at times grumble that their item is somewhat costly when contrasted with getting it at an alternate source. Once more, there are times that it requires a more extended investment for a client to get input when they make an impression on them (Jumia) using their web-based entertainment channel. This is generally inferable from a lot of messages they get through the stage. Last but not the least, a significant shortcoming of Jumia is the unfortunate strategies issue. Even though there has been a huge improvement, the organization can’t convey items to many parts of the nations in which they work.


One significant danger to Jumia is low confidence in web-based business concerning the purchasers. A few purchasers lately really like to see an item before they purchase or pay for it. Accordingly, purchasers sometimes resort to homegrown stores or organizations to purchase their items from for the explanation of being defrauded or getting an inferior quality item and the other. Despite the organization being recorded on the New York Stock Exchange, its notoriety has endured due to extortion and comparative sorts.

The items they offer available to be purchased have been sorted for simple ID. The client has the choice to look for a thing utilizing the inquiry base. On top of this, they continue to refresh their site with the items they have available and make them available for purchase. Jumia gives a correspondence stage on their site and versatile applications for their clients and possible clients to make some genuine memories in direct cooperation which the provisions and Jumia client assistance group. This has helped penetrated a significant prattle; a stream of data in deals. Jumia has thought of easy-to-understand portable applications which are upheld by the Android Operating System (AOS) and the iPhone Operating System (iOS). The constant messenger has additionally helped the organization in its mission to battle fake exercises as clients can report any dubious false or a deceitful movement to them progressively. Saudi Electronic University eCommerce Business Presentation

  1. System Evaluation

The company is a complete success. As a feature of Jumia’s strategy to build their piece of the pie and make client feels that they are important to them, they have various web-based entertainment stage including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. Jumia has one LinkedIn Account, they have been utilizing it to advance their items, have operations, and convey their business activities and news connected with their clients and possible clients. On top of this, clients can hold up any grumblings and complaints to them on the stage. One of the methodologies that Jumia utilizes on their online entertainment stage is the “offer procedure”. The effect of this procedure is the mindfulness that they have made about their business which has helped increment their clients. As a feature of the ways of empowering their items to contact more clients, Jumia advances its Facebook page through Facebook commercials sporadically.

  1. Suggestions for the Company

Six internet advertising procedures can assist with growing a business. They are, responsive, cutting-edge web architecture which includes a firm guaranteeing that their site is refreshed consistently with regards to content, plan, and responsiveness. A site is a focal point of an organization’s presence trailed by promoting the business around the Web and long-range informal communication destinations, discussions, etc. Once more, the business ought to influence email advertising. Through this, they can keep in contact with their current and likely clients. Likewise, the business ought to set up a blog and regularly update it. The post ought to illuminate, teach and additionally engage peruses while telling them more about the association’s items as well as administrations. One more is site website streamlining which is planned to further develop indexed lists. Website streamlining incorporates both the specialized and the imaginative components expected to further develop rankings, advance catchphrase phrases, drive traffic, and increment mindfulness in web indexes. On top of this, internet searcher advertising is additionally another procedure that B2C organizations can take on. It is a paid publicizing on web indexes and it can assist a firm with becoming noticeable to likely clients. In conclusion, the business ought to run an online entertainment showcasing where they advance and promote their items on the different web-based entertainment stages.

  1. Conclusions

To conclude, an Internet business can assist with working on the existences of Africans through items procurement and furthermore business amazing open doors. Assuming organizations take benefits of web-based entertainment, they can advance their items and contact more clients. Assuming that organizations make their activities entirely adaptable, it will draw in additional clients. Assuming organizations endeavor to keep up with their old clients and observes new clients, it would build their development.

  1. References

Antwi Samuel, Bashir N. Peter, Musonda M. Rodwell, Magoshe M. Don. (2020). Assessment of Jumia’s E-Marketing Plan. Research Gate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36241.86880.’s_E-Marketing_Plan. Saudi Electronic University eCommerce Business Presentation

Contemporary Issues Teenagers Face today Research Paper

Contemporary Issues Teenagers Face today Research Paper

Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission:

  1. Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue.
  2. Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian.
  3. Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented.


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Tags: APA social interaction human behavior healthcare systems social psychology ADN to BSN

Adolescent pregnancy essay

Adolescent pregnancy essay

Adolescent pregnancy is viewed as a high-risk situation because it poses serious health risks for the mother and the baby. Describe various risk factors


or precursors to adolescent pregnancy. Research community and state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at least two of these resources. Research the teen pregnancy rates for the last 10 years for your state and community. Has this rate increased or decreased? Discuss possible reasons for an increase or decrease.

Academy of Healing Arts Factors in Cultural Assessment of Haitians Paper

Academy of Healing Arts Factors in Cultural Assessment of Haitians Paper

I need to do presentation about the factors in cultural assessment of (Haitians). The two factors that i am going to present are

– Communication

– Physical space or distance


it must be in APA format ( 1 page and half )For this Assignment, you will examine the stakeholders impacted by the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Your paper must include the following topics: • Differentiate between at least three groups of stakeholders impacted by the ACA. • Examine the financial impact of the ACA on each group of stakeholders. • Summarize benefits of the ACA on each group of stakeholders. • Summarize drawbacks of the ACA on each group of stakeholders. The word count for your paper, excluding the title page and references page, will be 800-1200 words. You must include a minimum of (5) different scholarly references.

451V Grand Canyon University Bullying in Nursing Profession Paper

451V Grand Canyon University Bullying in Nursing Profession Paper

In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), or magnet designation.
  2. Describe the selected issue. Discuss how it impacts quality of care and patient safety in the setting in which it occurs.
  3. Discuss how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct.
  4. Explain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers in this instance and discuss the different approaches they take to address the selected issue and promote patient safety and quality care. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.


  5. Discuss what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate in order to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue.
  6. Describe a leadership style that would best address the chosen issue. Explain why this style could be successful in this setting.

Use at least three peer-reviewed journal articles other than those presented in your text or provided in the course.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.