Health Care Financial Management

Health Care Financial Management

You have been hired in the finance department at a large, metropolitan for-profit hospital. Your duties are very important to the entire hospital in terms of financing operating costs. Additionally, you are also in charge of 3 employees who work under you to help with the day-to-day accounting activities. Your role includes budgeting, managing the general ledger accounts, utilizing financial formulas to perform accounting activities, and training and development of your 3 employees. This professional career is exciting and challenging for you but is also enjoyable and rewarding as you work your way up the career ladder toward reaching your goal of becoming the chief executive officer (CEO) of the hospital. Due to scarce resources, your organization is faced with the decision of choosing between mutually exclusive projects (I.e., Build a Rehab. Center or Build a Neonatal Wing). You have been asked to develop a financial analysis of two projects and based on Net Present Value (NPV), Return on Investment (ROI), and Profitability Index (PI), Briefly explain the following concepts and their use/value in assessing the validity of the two mutually exclusive projects:




payer (aka case) mix

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

1. TITLE PAGE. Remember the Running head: AND TITLE IN ALL CAPITALS

2. ABSTRACT. A summary of your paper, not an introduction. Begin writing in third person voice.

3. BODY. The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The type face should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 3-4 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.

4. REFERENCE PAGE. References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hang indention, italics, and upper and lower case usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference Page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.


Please submit your assignment.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

This assignment will also be assessed using the Common Assessment criteria provided here.

SNHU Personal Mission Statements and Short Term Goals Discussion

SNHU Personal Mission Statements and Short Term Goals Discussion



Personal mission statements are valuable because they make us think about, reflect on, and plan for where we want to be in the long-term. This gives us something we can take measurable steps toward rather than just daydream about. Short-term goals are also important and offer their own unique benefits in helping us achieve success. Many people argue that the difference between a goal and a dream is that a goal is something you can actively work toward to measure your progress.


Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts.

For your initial post, address the following:

  1. Explain the value of personal mission statements and short-term goals in your own words. Don’t just restate a book definition.
  2. Identify how personal mission statements and short-term goals will impact your ability to be successful.
    1. Consider providing a real-world example of how these can be used for your success. SNHU Personal Mission Statements and Short Term Goals Discussion

Service Blueprinting Essay

Service Blueprinting Essay

watch the video. think of a service that you enjoy using where everything goes smoothly. now talk about a recent visit to a service where everything did not go smoothly. could they benefit from service blueprinting ?


APA format, No Plaigarism, Discussion Board and Response, follow directions closely

APA format, No Plaigarism, Discussion Board and Response, follow directions closely

MODULE D INSTRUCTIONS Voice Thread: Participate in the Module D audio discussion. Assigned learning Activities: Readings 1. Guido, G. W. (2014). Legal and ethical issues in nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. [Read pp. 240-260, 275-292, 315-329.] 2. Lachman, V. D. (2008). Whistleblowers: Troublemakers or virtuous nurses? MEDSURG, 17(2), 126-128, 134. Retrieved from 3. Texas Board of Nursing. (2013). Practice – peer review: incident-based or safe harbor. Retrieved from

ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Audio/Visual 1. Beil, L. (2018). Three days in Dallas [Episode 1]. Dr. Death. Podcast retrieved from or [Warning: includes adult language] 2. Karimi, F. (2017). Utah officer fired for forcibly handcuffing nurse who defied him. Retrieved from 3. National Public Radio. (2010). Texas nurse on trial after reporting doctor. Retrieved from 4. National Public Radio. (2014). Was CDC too quick to blame Dallas nurses in care of Ebola patient? Retrieved from Part I – Complete all of the assigned learning activities and then select one nurse’s employment related case to study further: pick one person Anne Mitchell, Nina Pham or Alex Wubbels. Part II – Conduct a literature search for at least three peer-reviewed articles related to the nurse/case you selected, AND three or more from the Assigned Learning Activities (these were given on the first page) 6 references total Part III – Prepare and post one 3- to 5-minute long audio comment in Voice Thread with your responses to all of the following questions: I will need a script here please to answering the following questions Do you agree with the nurse’s actions? Why or why not? Would you have done anything differently? Was the nurse acting as a patient advocate? Why or why not? Did the nurse promote patient safety? Could the nurse have initiated any type of peer review? If so, which type? What implications does the case have on the nursing profession or practice of nursing? Part IV- post one written comment to each of 75 to 150 words (post a total of 3 written comments). Your written comments to other students should be thoughtful and based upon your review of literature, personal experience, or further insight. I need 3 generic responses answering one of the questions above for all three Individual above within Part I in order to complete Part IV MODULE D INSTRUCTIONS Voice Thread: Participate in the Module D audio discussion. Assigned learning Activities: Readings 1. Guido, G. W. (2014). Legal and ethical issues in nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. [Read pp. 240-260, 275-292, 315-329.] 2. Lachman, V. D. (2008). Whistleblowers: Troublemakers or virtuous nurses? MEDSURG, 17(2), 126-128, 134. Retrieved from 3. Texas Board of Nursing. (2013). Practice – peer review: incident-based or safe harbor. Retrieved from Audio/Visual 1. Beil, L. (2018). Three days in Dallas [Episode 1]. Dr. Death. Podcast retrieved from or [Warning: includes adult language] 2. Karimi, F. (2017). Utah officer fired for forcibly handcuffing nurse who defied him. Retrieved from 3. National Public Radio. (2010). Texas nurse on trial after reporting doctor. Retrieved from 4. National Public Radio. (2014). Was CDC too quick to blame Dallas nurses in care of Ebola patient? Retrieved from Part I – Complete all of the assigned learning activities and then select one nurse’s employment related case to study further: pick one person Anne Mitchell, Nina Pham or Alex Wubbels. Part II – Conduct a literature search for at least three peer-reviewed articles related to the nurse/case you selected, AND three or more from the Assigned Learning Activities (these were given on the first page) 6 references total Part III – Prepare and post one 3- to 5-minute long audio comment in Voice Thread with your responses to all of the following questions: I will need a script here please to answering the following questions Do you agree with the nurse’s actions? Why or why not? Would you have done anything differently? Was the nurse acting as a patient advocate? Why or why not? Did the nurse promote patient safety? Could the nurse have initiated any type of peer review? If so, which type? What implications does the case have on the nursing profession or practice of nursing? Part IV- post one written comment to each of 75 to 150 words (post a total of 3 written comments). Your written comments to other students should be thoughtful and based upon your review of literature, personal experience, or further insight. I need 3 generic responses answering one of the questions above for all three Individual above within Part I in order to complete Part IV
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Healthcare information system

Healthcare information system

Read the Executive Summary of the institute of Medicine’s (2011) report entitled Health IT and Patient Privacy: Building Safer Systems for Better Care and answer the following:


  • How can patient safety concerns arise from Health IT designed to enhance or improve patient quality?
  • Do you agree that, when implementing a health care information system, patient safety is a partnership between the health care organization and health IT vendor? Why or Why not?
  • Explain the role of both the health care organization and the health IT vendor and explain your rationale.

Be sure to read Chapter 9 before you begin.

Instructions and Due Dates

Present your findings in a short, well-organized, and edited essay (800- 1000 words). Please adhere to APA

Hardware and Software essay

Hardware and Software essay

Health Care Information Systems are important in dispensing of information throughout the organization. You will develop a research paper on a health care technology that has become essential to the sharing of information via electronic communication mediums (i.e., EMR, Telehealth, HMR, etc.).

  • Explain each part of the key components.
  • Explain each part of contributing factors.
  • Provide examples of ways to measure each part.

Present your findings as a 4-5 page Word document formatted in APA style.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.

Submit your assignment.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

  1. TITLE PAGE. Remember the Running head: AND TITLE IN ALL CAPITALS
  2. ABSTRACT. A summary of your paper – not an introduction. Begin writing in third person voice.
  3. BODY. The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The type face should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 4-5 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.


  4. REFERENCE PAGE. References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hang indention, italics, and upper and lower case usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference Page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

What are three factors that are realonsible for hospital downsizing?

What are three factors that are realonsible for hospital downsizing?

Interoperability ISEM 542 Interoperability “In healthcare, interoperability is the ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate, exchange data, and use the information that has been exchanged”. 1 Quoted 10/31/2018 from HIMSS article (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 2 The healthcare reality Volume of patient data increasing exponentially Quality of patient data declining Fragmented, duplicate and conflicting patient information within and across databases and touch points Regulatory and safety issues drive new requirements ADT Rob Johnson 1000 Main St. PACS Bob Johnson (555) 123-4567 Lab Robert Johnson Billing Bobby M. Johnson credit card# 5555-55-1234 Patient identification enables the interoperability of tomorrow’s virtual health record EHRs, RHIOs and NHIN  Improve patient care and reduce medical risks  Improve  Support efficiency consumer by reducing directed health redundant care informatio


n activities management ROI  Comply with regulations  Enhance operational productivity and efficiency Interoperability challenges in healthcare ecosystem Public Health Hospital 2 Hospital 1 County General Hospital 3 Identity General Identity Clinics, Labs, Imaging Real-time Query Hospitals Identity (for Inpatients & Outpatients) Identity API EHR, RHIO, NHIN Identity NCPDP Pharmacy & Pharmacy Benefits Mgmt. Real-time Updates Clinical System Physicians Network Real-time Query Identity Identity Lab Systems Labs & Imaging Physician Interoperability with Initiate starts with the Identity Hub P&C policyholder data Debbie Dozier -Becker 9146 E VIA DEL SOL NETOWN, CA 45883 Local identifier 12/19/61 – 727 Trusted system of record Claims and billing data Debbie Becker NULL 5555-55-1234 Debbie Dozier NEED INFO 5555-55-1234 Debbie Becker Local identifier DBECKER1234 9146 VIA DEL SOL NETOWN, CA 45883 480-473-3486 5555-55-1234 Local identifier 12345ABCDE Commercial policyholder data Debbie Becker 9146 E VILLA DEL SOL NETOWN, CA 45885 Web self service data Store #3908, Zip = Debbie Becker 9146 VIA DEL SOL 480-473-3486 Local identifier HOSPABC98765 Local identifier BECKER4804733486 Initiate Identity Hub™ software 1: 12/19/61 – 727 2: DBECKER1234 3: 12345ABCDE 4: HOSPABC98765 5: BECKER4807343486 1. Derives & standardizes data for efficiency 2. Finds all potential matches 3. Use sophisticated probabilistic statistics to compare many attributes & score records 4. Puts results in 3 buckets – link, don’t link, needs manual review Interoperability HIMSS describes three levels of Information Technology Interoperatiblity: 1 • Foundational • Structural • Semantic What is Interoperability? 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 7 Interoperability Foundational 1 Simple information exchange that does not require interpretation by receiving system. What is Interoperability? 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 8 Interoperability Structural 1 Structure and format of data is well defined. What is Interoperability? 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 9 Interoperability Two or more systems have complete exchange capabilities. Semantic 1 • Uses structure and codification of data • Used to connect disparate systems • Sometimes referred to as “true HIE” What is Interoperability? 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 10 Interoperability For data to be exchanged a standard format for the data structure is required HL7 is the Healthcare data format 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 11 HL7 1 – Video What is HL7 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 12 HL 7 – Video part 2 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 13 HL 7 – Video part 3 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 14 Health Exchange2 HIS – is a generic abbreviation for Health Information Exchange. • They can be Regional Health Information Organizations (RHIO) • Qualtiy Information Organizations (QIO) • … and more locally or privately funded. 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 15 Health Exchange2 Types 10/31/2018 •State •Private •Hybrid •Regional (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 16 Health Exchange2 State These are operated by the local state government or by some state contracted entity. 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 17 Health Exchange2 Private Usually centered around a single community or network, many times based in a single healthcare unit (probably hospital) 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 18 Health Exchange2 Hybrid Usually a result of a vendor combining forces with a state or regional system. 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 19 Health Exchange2 Regional Typically a non-profit community operated HIE to service a local area or region. 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 20 Health Exchange2 Importance •Enhanced care to the patients •Quick access to information at the right time •Efficient •Improvements in healthcare quality 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 21 Health Exchange This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 22 Health Updates Interoperability also posing big challenges in the UK • A new report from KLAS shows NHS data sharing to be cumbersome and disruptive to clinical workflows in England. • “[About] 26% have no means to receive electronic patient data”4 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 23 Health Updates CORHIO goes live with new tool to improve care documentation, efficiency • The Colorado HIE with a network of 74 hospitals will use the technology to help manage data into comprehensive continuity of care documents.5 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 24 Health Updates Nonprofit and HIE work together to tackle advance care planning • “Making Choices Michigan offers free advance directive services that Great Lakes Health Connect enables clinicians to access, and Community Manager Carol Robinson said doing so helps the organizations pursue the Triple Aim.” 6 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 25 Health Updates Nonprofit and HIE work together to tackle advance care planning • “Making Choices Michigan offers free advance directive services that Great Lakes Health Connect enables clinicians to access, and Community Manager Carol Robinson said doing so helps the organizations pursue the Triple Aim.” 6 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 26 References 1. What is Interoperability? (2017, October 13). Retrieved from 2. FAQ: Health Information Exchange (HIE). (2017, July 5). Retrieved from 3. FAQ: Health Information Exchange (HIE). (2017, July 5). Retrieved from 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 27 References 1. What is Interoperability? (2017, October 13). Retrieved from 2. FAQ: Health Information Exchange (HIE). (2017, July 5). Retrieved from 3. FAQ: Health Information Exchange (HIE). (2017, July 5). Retrieved from 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 28 References 7. PMC, E. (n.d.). Health information exchange among US hospitals. Abstract – Europe PMC. Retrieved from 10/31/2018 (c) 2018 BL Boyer, Harrisburg University 29
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Healthcare Informatics

Healthcare Informatics

Article Review: Select an article from a peer-reviewed journal on the topic of Data Mining or Big Data. Post a summary (300-word minimum) of your selected article. Do not copy the abstract from the article.


Quality Management Essay

Quality Management Essay

How does Statistical process control influences total quality management?


Write a 2 page paper answering the above question and be sure to cite sources.

Research paper

Research paper

It’s a research paper. write about assisted living, skilled nurses, CCRC, and Hospice.

I need 4 pages.


First page: 1-Assisted Living facilities

Second: 2-Skilled nursing facilities


Fourth: 4- HOSPICE

site the refrences.