HSA3104 St Petersburg College U.S. Health Care System Discussion

HSA3104 St Petersburg College U.S. Health Care System Discussion

Throughout this course, we have learned about the different aspects of the U.S. Health Care System, and how they work together to promote improved health. We have also learned that there are disparities in health outcomes for specific populations, often considered to be vulnerable.

In this discussion forum, I would like you to:


1) Explain the relationships that exist between national health priorities, HealthyPeople 2020 goals and their attempts to reduce disparities. Consider answering some of the following:

  • How are national health priorities determined?
  • What role do HealthyPeople goals have in promoting national health priorities and how may they be used to target specific efforts to reduce health disparities?

2) Based on your readings about the Pre-Capstone and Capstone courses:

  • What type of mentor will you try to find?
  • What strategies will you use to find a mentor?
  • Where might your mentor/project fit within the health care system and/or national health prioriti

hus2315 lesson12

hus2315 lesson12

* Read the article “Modeling” in its entirety.

* Select one of the 17 “Thought Questions” (except # 11) to respond to in the discussion forum.

* Copy and paste the question into your discussion post

* Answer the question completely


Westcliff University Health Informatics Case Study Discussion

Westcliff University Health Informatics Case Study Discussion

The Case Study at the end of Chapter 5 of your textbook. Develop an APA formatted 3 to 4 page paper that answers the following questions: (Please keep in mind that in addition to answering the questions, you must provide significant analysis and critical thinking. This means you must research (in-text citations throughout your paper) your answer and provide justification and validity to your arguments. Merely answering the questions based on the information provided by the case study is not sufficient).

1. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the situation in the case study.

2. You are the chief medical informatics officer for the organization. You are asked to comment about how the technical plans will affect clinicians. Based on the case study, how do you respond?

3. The organization receives a $3 million gift from an informatics benefactor. You are an informatician in the organization. What would your technical priorities be to remedy the issues in the case study?



Using Big Data: A Real-Life Example Dr. John D. Halamka is the chief information officer of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. In 2011 his wife, a healthy 49-year-old Korean woman, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Using big-data technology available at all Harvard hospitals, Dr. Halamka was able to ask the big-data questions: Of the last 10,000 Asian women near age 50 who were treated for the same tumor, what medications were used? Was surgery or radiation necessary, and what were the outcomes? From his queries, he was able to ascertain the most effective treatment approach for a person with this history. His wife was treated successfully and is now cancer free.20 The challenge for informatics is: How do we develop information systems that can provide this level of care to patients in all settings?

Nelson, Ramona. Health Informatics – E-Book (p. 6). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.

Westcliff University Health Informatics Case Study Discussion

Westcliff University Health Informatics Case Study Discussion

The Case Study at the end of Chapter 5 of your textbook. Develop an APA formatted 3 to 4 page paper that answers the following questions: (Please keep in mind that in addition to answering the questions, you must provide significant analysis and critical thinking. This means you must research (in-text citations throughout your paper) your answer and provide justification and validity to your arguments. Merely answering the questions based on the information provided by the case study is not sufficient).

1. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the situation in the case study.

2. You are the chief medical informatics officer for the organization. You are asked to comment about how the technical plans will affect clinicians. Based on the case study, how do you respond?

3. The organization receives a $3 million gift from an informatics benefactor. You are an informatician in the organization. What would your technical priorities be to remedy the issues in the case study?



Using Big Data: A Real-Life Example Dr. John D. Halamka is the chief information officer of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. In 2011 his wife, a healthy 49-year-old Korean woman, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Using big-data technology available at all Harvard hospitals, Dr. Halamka was able to ask the big-data questions: Of the last 10,000 Asian women near age 50 who were treated for the same tumor, what medications were used? Was surgery or radiation necessary, and what were the outcomes? From his queries, he was able to ascertain the most effective treatment approach for a person with this history. His wife was treated successfully and is now cancer free.20 The challenge for informatics is: How do we develop information systems that can provide this level of care to patients in all settings?

Nelson, Ramona. Health Informatics – E-Book (p. 6). Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.

MHA668 Belhaven University Healthcare Quality Management Discussion Question

MHA668 Belhaven University Healthcare Quality Management Discussion Question

MHA 668 Healthcare Quality Management Belhaven University Unit 1 Understanding the U.S. Healthcare System and the Healthcare Organization 1 Welcome to Healthcare Quality Management This course is an advanced study of how to achieve quality within the structure and relationships of the complex system of a healthcare organizations. We will explore the concepts of systems thinking, improving and managing process change, performance measurement, and examine case studies. 2 Format for Unit Sessions  Class Topics       Understanding the U.S. Healthcare System Understanding the Healthcare Organization General Concepts of Quality Current State of Quality


Management: Internal Dynamics Current State of Quality Management: External Dynamics Measuring Quality of Inpatient Care 3 Format for Unit Sessions, cont.  Course topics, cont.     Understanding Quality and Performance Quantifying the Quality Performance Gaps Closing the Gaps Case Studies in Healthcare Quality Learning Tools  Class lectures   Textbook   Reading Individual homework   Hearing and seeing Analyzing Discussion forum   Completing all components is very important to accomplish the objectives of the course. Applying and examining 5 Online Learning  Characteristics   Online learners must be highly selfmotivated. Online learners must have high responsibility for assignments and discussions.  Facts    Online learning is not easier than traditional classroom learning. Learners must meet deadlines. It’s easy to think we’re anonymous because there’s no face time. 6 Tips for Success  Course Page  Activities    Weekly discussions Media    Schedule  Individual homework Discussion forum   Module Handouts & links Class lectures  Be attentive to deadlines. The week (unit) begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.   Observe the Sabbath. Manage your time. 7 Tips For Success, cont.  Do not procrastinate.    It’s easy to get behind in an online course. False security that there is time to catch up Each week builds on the previous week  Set your schedule.       Assigned readings View Lecture Initial post to discussion boards Written assignment Quiz Final response to the discussion boards Class Objectives  In this course, we will:   Apply biblical principles to the formation and application of quality management strategies and performance concepts relative to the administration of healthcare facilities. Utilize scriptural references to identify and propose quality strategies for resolution of various performance issues in healthcare administration. 9 Class Objectives, cont.   Develop sound ideas for integrating quality into planning processes for healthcare organizations. Discuss approaches that address quality and performance in the implementation of healthcare reform initiatives. Biblical Foundation  “Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38 (New Living Translation) 11 What is Quality Healthcare? The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) definition is “The degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.” (IOM, 2001) 12 Stakeholders in the U.S. Healthcare System       Regulatory and Policy Makers Payers Advocacy Organizations Providers Suppliers Consumers 13 Regulatory Agencies & Policy Makers  Federal     U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Regulatory Agencies & Policy Makers, cont.  State and Local     Legislatures Health Departments State Medical Boards State Insurance Commissions Payers  Public Sector   Private Sector   Federal, State, and Local Governments Private Insurers Consumers  Self-pay and Out-of-pocket Expenses Advocacy Organizations      American Medical Association (AMA) American Hospital Association (AHA) American Nurses Association (ANA) America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) National Patient Advocate Foundation (NPAF) Providers and Suppliers  Providers     Individual practitioners and practice groups General and specialty hospitals Ambulatory facilities ▫Integrated healthcare systems Suppliers   Pharmaceutical companies Medical equipment companies Consumers  Sick or Healthy People   Depend on the advice of a physician in making “consumption” decisions Mostly unaware of the full costs of medical choices and decisions Performance of the U.S. Healthcare System  The World Health Organization (WHO) frames performance based on three fundamental goals:  Improving health (increase in health status and decrease in health inequities)  Enhancing responsiveness to the expectations of the population (i.e. dignity, confidentiality, and autonomy)  Ensuring fairness of financial contribution (protection from financial risks due to healthcare) Variations in Performance  Variations are the results of four key functions:     Stewardship Financing Service Provision Resource Generation Differences in Performance of the U.S. Healthcare System and Other Systems     The U.S. is the only industrialized country that does not offer universal coverage. Infant mortality has steadily declined in other industrialized countries but increased in the U.S. Deaths from diabetes per 100,000 people is 99, three times as high as other countries. Life expectancy at birth is 1.3 years lower than the median of other countries. Differences in Performance of the U.S. Healthcare System and Other Systems, cont.    The U.S. has the second highest rate of hospital admissions for asthma (121 per 100,000). The U.S. spends significantly more on healthcare, both per capita and percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The U.S. healthcare system has the highest administrative costs per capita. Major Issues Faced by the U.S. Healthcare System    Outcomes Access to Healthcare Expenditures Rising Costs of Care and Its Major Components          Changes in prices Aging population Increase in population Professional services Hospital care Prescription drugs Nursing homes Administrative costs Chronic disease management          Demographic factors Geographic variations Waste Unnecessary care Fraud Administrative inefficiency Provider Errors Preventable conditions Lack of care coordination Access and Lack of Universal Coverage    The U.S. does not offer universal health coverage for its citizens. A significant number of the population does not have insurance coverage. The ACA requires most U.S. citizens and legal residents to purchase qualifying health plans or pay a penalty. The History of Healthcare Reform     The Social Security Act of 1935 The Clinton Reform and the Health Security Act of 1994 The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Social Security Act of 1935   This act was intended to provide some economic security to citizens and to the states for the purpose of medical care after the Great Depression. An amendment to the Act in 1965 provided health benefits (Medicare) to all Americans above age 65. Health Security Act of 1994   This proposed act was intended to assure care for all Americans and control healthcare costs. Although the Act was never enacted, it addressed expansive coverage, patient choice, retention of providers, and quality of care. Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003  This act was the largest expansion of Medicare since 1935 when it was created. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Major parts of the Act:  Aims to improve healthcare coverage for all Americans  Provides access to insurance for the uninsured with preexisting conditions  Focuses on quality management and improvement  Implemented value-based purchasing programs Reforms and Performance Challenges   Healthcare Cost Containment Healthcare Access Healthcare Cost Containment     Investment in information technology Improvement in quality and efficiency Adjustment of provider compensation Preventive medicine     Increase in consumer involvement Price transparency Tax incentives to expand coverage Reduction of waste in the system Healthcare Access  Greater share of costs passed on to individuals and families     Increased premiums Higher deductibles Other out-of-pocket expenses Exclusion of preexisting conditions Strategic Plans     Reflect a sense of future direction and priorities of an organization Begin with a mission statement and anticipated results Range from 3 to 10 years (usually 5 years) Articulate the organization’s strategy Organizational Performance/Mission Accountability Answers three questions: 1. 2. 3. How much mission-related activity is done? (volume) How well is it done? (quality) How efficiently is it done? (finance) All of these questions are connected. Organizational Structure   Design of the organization used to carry out targeted performance objectives which will fulfill the organization’s mission Varies by organization “Form follows function”—Louis H. Sullivan (1896) What’s next?     Complete the reading assignments. Complete the writing assignments. Answer the discussion questions. Complete the unit quiz. 38 Reference Sadeghi, S., Barzi, A., Mikhail, O., & Shabot, M. (2013). Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 39
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Legislative Action. health and medical assignment help

Legislative Action. health and medical assignment help

Legislative Action


Healthcare policy has been a critical aspect of political administrations over the past 100 years. Understanding the political process and how healthcare policy has changed over the past century is an important start.

Part I: Write a 2-3 page paper analyzing a minimum of one legislative action that would have an impact on the position and facility you selected. Make sure to include the following:

  1. Discuss the purpose of the legislative action.
  2. Describe the problem/problems that the legislative action is trying to solve or prevent.
  3. Discuss other viewpoints or opposing viewpoints of the action.
  4. This portion of your assignment will require you to research and examine information from various sources. Use a minimum of three credible sources for your paper, with three being an academic source from the Rasmussen College Online Library (don’t forget to include in-text citations throughout your paper with paraphrasing or quoting)
  5. Make sure to include your APA formatted reference page.


Part II: Memos are not a thing of the past. Many organizations use memos as a way to share important information. Write a standard memo to your supervisor highlighting the key points of each arena (Hint: Microsoft Word has many memo templates). SkillSurfer in the online tutoring platform offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced tutorials on Microsoft Office products. Make sure to include the following in your memo:

  1. Discuss why you feel the legislative action chosen best coincides with the position and facility that you’ve chosen.
  2. Discuss your stance on the chosen legislative action and how it impacts the core beliefs and ethics of the facility you that you’ve chosen.
  3. Make sure to use audience specific language and tone in your memo. Remember, you are writing to your supervisor. Also, remember to use correct formatting for a business memo.

Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates

PowerPoint essay

PowerPoint essay

Develop a PowerPoint presentation which provides an overview of your topic and is inclusive of topics covered this semester. Feel free to present useful resources and quality Internet sites to make it as real as possible by providing real life examples and statistics. Provide a full APA reference on each slid


e for sources of the information used on the slide. Your presentation must contain 20 slides, not including introductory and closing slides. Your slide presentation must be accompanied by a written transcript of your presentation, posted either as comments in the Power Point presentation for each slide, as a separate Word document attachment, or pasted directly into the discussion area window. The purpose of this paper is to present the details that the slides are highlighting and provide transition between the slides. You should write it out exactly as you would speak your presentation. If you are not using the slide comments feature in Power Point, you must include the number of the slide that goes along with your talk so it is clear what discussion goes with which slide. Don’t forget introductory, transitional, and concluding statements. Make it real to life and interesting!


Tags: Healthy People 2020 healthcare management Population Health

Measure the Effectiveness of an Improvement , Workbook Project 5-3 help

Measure the Effectiveness of an Improvement , Workbook Project 5-3 help


1. Presume you are the quality manager in a hospital that conducted an improvement project to eliminate pulmonary complications in patients who develop dysphagia (difficulty swallow) following a stroke. This project was done because the medical staff found that 45 percent of patients hospitalized following a cerebrovascular accident (stroke) had some degree of dysphagia and 10 percent of these patients developed pulmonary complications due to aspiration. A team of physicians, nurses and physical therapists was convened to study the problem and implement changes for the purpose of eliminating all pulmonary complications for patients with dysphasia following a stroke. After studying how patients were managed, the team agrees that improving the completeness and timeliness of nursing assessments and interventions would reduce pulmonary complications for patients who have strokes and secondary dysphagia.


To achieve the goal of zero pulmonary complications in patients with dysphagia following a stroke, nurses caring for patients in the intensive care unit and on the medical ward and dietitians received in-service training in the following areas:

– How to conduct a complete and accurate assessment of patients to identify signs and symptoms of dysphagia.

– The importance of assessing stroke patients for gag reflex and swallowing on admission.

-The importance of promptly notifying the patient’s attending physician within two hours if dysphagia signs or symptoms are identified.

-The importance of promptly notifying dietary services within tow hours if dysphagia signs or symptoms are identified so the patient can be put on a special diet and a nutritional assessment conducted.

2. Identify four process measures and one outcomes measure that could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken to reduce pulmonary complications in the target population.

Week 1 – Assignment: Assess the History of Managed Care

Week 1 – Assignment: Assess the History of Managed Care

Week 1 – Assignment: Assess the History of Managed Care

Managed health care has a lengthy history characterized by success and in some cases customer dissatisfaction. Nonetheless millions of people rely on some form of managed health care. Historically, this country’s health care industry was made up of a large number of independent health care providers who owned their own practices. These were either solo practices or practices jointly owned by physicians who practiced together in a clinic setting. Furthermore, almost all communities of any size had their own hospital, most of which were independent from one another. These facilities were frequently run as nonprofit institutions. The provision of basic medical-surgical services has always involved a broad continuum of care. To be effective, a managed care organization must align the financial incentives and goals of all the parties: the health plan with its benefits and the providers who deliver care.

For you to fully understand this important cornerstone concept, research and then write an analytical paper on the history of managed care.


In your paper, address the following:

  1. Validate the meaning of managed care as it has been used in health care using relevant scenarios to support your reasoning.
  2. Examine the history of managed health care systems taking your reader chronologically through its evolution.
  3. Assess the impact of managed care on the public’s health.
  4. Ascertain your role as a healthcare leader in the management of an effective healthcare system.

Support your paper with a minimum of five scholarly sources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages within the last five years; APA style

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Health Information Management, homework help

Health Information Management, homework help

Assignment 2: Discussion Assignment

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered.

For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by Saturday, May 13, 2017.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Complete your participation for this assignment by Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Privacy & Personal Information

The privacy of personal information, and of health information in particular, continues to be a dynamic issue in the United States. As more and more health information is computerized, healthcare consumers express concern about their privacy and that they are losing control over their personal health information.

Click here (https://cdt.org/issue/privacy-data/health-privacy) to access the section of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) website devoted to health privacy. CDT is, by the way, a champion of online civil liberties and human rights and is dedicated to keeping the Internet open and free. Review the insights, posts, and press releases posted in CDT’s health privacy section and respond to the following:


How has the law protecting health information impacted access to healthcare information?

According to the insights, posts, and press releases posted on the site, how successful has the law been at protecting health information?

Is there more work left to be done or are there other areas of concern, now that the law is in place? If so, what are these?

According to the insights, posts, and press releases posted on the site, has the law had any unforeseen, negative consequences? If so, what are these?

In your opinion, what direction should future efforts to protect health information take?

Support your answers with references, examples, and clearly written rationales.