>System Planning, management homework help

System Planning, management homework help

Assignment 3: System Planning

In this course, you will progressively work on a system implementation process in six stages:

  • Week 1: System planning
  • Week 2: System analysis
  • Week 3: System selection
  • Week 4: System implementation
  • Week 5: User training and system mainten

You can use Internet resources, peer-reviewed journals, and reputable, published articles, and you may interview an executive of a healthcare facility that has implemented an electronic medical record system/electronic health record system or similar system to describe the six implementation steps.

In this week you will start with system planning complete a 3–5-page executive summary while considering the following components:


  • Describe a fictional healthcare organization: type, size of staff, and amount and type of patients it is able to serve.
  • Establish the need for a system.
  • Set achievable goals and objectives.
  • Allocate a budget.
  • Identify a project manager (a fictitious name and title) and project team (fictitious names and titles).
  • Determine whether to build in-house or acquire from outside, and support your decision with reasoning.
  • Set a timeline for system implementation or project completion.

Complete the assignment in a 3–5-page Word document and name it SUO_HCM3008_W1_A3_yourinitials.

Submit it to the W1: Assignment 3 Dropbox by Tuesday, May 16, 2017.

Cite any sources in the APA format.

Middleville Regional Health Care Paper, health and medicine homework help

Middleville Regional Health Care Paper, health and medicine homework help

Middleville Regional Health Care is one (1) of three (3) hospitals serving a community of 350,000 people. Summary statistics on Middleville and its competitors, from the AHA Guide, are shown below in Table 1. All three organizations are not-for-profit.

Table 1: Middleville, Brierfield, and Greystone Health Care Systems

Name Beds Admissions Census OP Visits Births Expenses (000) Personnel
Middleville 575 13,000 350 221,000 2,300 $125,000 2,000
Brierfield 380 17,000 260 175,000 1,200 $130,000 1,875
Greystone 350 10,000 180 40,000 900 $80,000 1,200

The governing board of Middleville hired a consulting company to evaluate its strategic performance, specifically in the areas of Human Resources, Information Technology, Financing, and Marketing. As part of the consultant’s evaluation, several leaders of Middleville’s units were asked their perspective of the organization’s performance.

You are working for the consultant. Your job is to identify the issues from the response that should be considered further by the consultant team and possibly discussed with the governing board and the CEO. The firm has a rule, “Never offer a criticism or negative finding without suggesting how the client organization can correct it,” so you must indicate what sort of correction you would recommend as part of your list. Because you know there were about two (2) dozen other interviews, you decide you should rank your issues in importance, to make sure the most critical are discussed.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Explain the governing board’s role in these strategic initiatives, determining its responsibility and involvement.
  2. Evidence-based management means that operational and strategic decisions are made based upon the evidence that goals and objectives are actually being met. Quantitative measurements must be identified and measured. This data is then used to evaluate the HCO’s performance. Name three (3) performances Middleville can use to measure its success in providing quality healthcare to the community, and identify quantifiable, measureable indicators that can be used to do so. Explain the importance of each performance measurement.
  3. Given the statistics of Middleville and its two (2) competitors provided in Table 1, recommend to the HCO what areas it should focus on to maintain its competitive market share as well as continue to provide healthcare to the community in the 21st century.
  4. Some of Middleville’s Board members are very interested in pursuing advanced technology systems over the next five (5) years, while others are concerned about the enormous expense and need assurance that the investment in technology will be worthwhile. In both monetary and process terms, describe the costs and benefits associated with implementing EMR and associated health data systems. Lay out a plan for how various systems can be implemented.
  5. Middleville has faced many challenges in recruiting and retaining nurses and other clinical employees. The economy has hit the area very hard and budgetary limitations have reduced the amount of money available for salary increases. The Board knows it needs to provide other benefits to their valued employees. Provide at least two (2) suggestions to Human Resources to promote employee satisfaction and, therefore, retain experienced personnel.


  6. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  7. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

a. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

b. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

c. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

Paper on stem cell transplants and how it posses an ethical issue in healthcare, management homework help

Paper on stem cell transplants and how it posses an ethical issue in healthcare, management homework help

Select one of the following ethical issues in healthcare from the following choices:

  • Gender selection in human embryos
  • Stem cell transplants
  • Foregoing curative medical treatment due to religious beliefs
  • Futility of care
  • Abortion after six months.

Use the CSU Global Library and select Internet sources to conduct research on your chosen topic. Based on your research, provide the history of the issue from a legal, ethical, and moral perspective. In your paper address the following questions:

  1. Do the consequences of actions always direct what is morally required?
  2. What should happen when two principles come into conflict? For example, should patient autonomy be considered more important than beneficence? Defend your position.
  3. Are moral and ethically rules always binding, or are they only guidelines to be assessed in each case? Defend your position.


Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be ten to twelve pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
  • Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of eight scholarly references – four of these references must be from outside sources and four may be from course readings, lectures, and textbooks. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.
  • Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.

ethics in healthcare, assignment help

ethics in healthcare, assignment help

STAND-ALONE PROJECT MH651 Ethics in Health Care Stand-Alone Project: County Hospital Director of Public Relations and Ethics (200 points) You should begin working on the Stand-Alone Project early in the course. Each lesson provides a benchmark for completing the Stand-Alone Project in a timely manner while working through the course. You will find this information in the “Stand-Alone Project Benchmark” section of each lesson. (200 points) (A 10-page response is required for the combination of Parts A, B, and C.) Instructions: You have been appointed


Director of Public Relations and Ethics at County Hospital. The hospital is facing several urgent situations regarding the following issues. Your Stand-Alone Project responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the project itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (A 10-page, double-spaced, response is required.) (200 points) 1. Abortion 2. Germline Experimentation 3. Randomized Clinical Research 4. Rationing Health Care 5. Organ Transplants Part A White Papers: You are charged with preparing white papers on these topics. White papers present various positions, explaining the strengths and weaknesses of each; they do not give or defend the author’s position. Using the Required Readings, your textbook, and articles and websites you find by doing your own research, write a onepage paper on each of the topics listed above. Include a bibliography formatted in APA style. (100 points) (5 pages) Part B Questions and Rationales: You must also instruct the hospital’s Ethics Committee to discuss these issues in depth and revise the hospital’s ethics handbook. As part of your work with the Ethics Committee, you must draft three (3) questions that will guide Ethics Committee deliberations for each of the five (5) topics (15 questions total). For each question provide the rationale for the question. (45 points) (2 pages) Part C Press Release Flyers: In addition to the white papers, you are charged with preparing 1/2-page summaries of your own position on each of these topics in the form of a flyer that clearly states hospital policy and the rationale behind it. (In real life, this flyer would state the position and rationale of your ethics committee). Each summary should contain less than 200 words and should cover the main ethical issues that patients and their families might have. (35 points) (3 pages) A suggested outline for these summaries is as follows. 1. State the position clearly in one paragraph. 2. Allot one paragraph for each ethical position, giving reasons for and against each of them. 3. Restate your position and give persuasive arguments for it. 4. Indicate that hospital personnel are available to discuss ethical issues with family members. Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment. ACTIVITY 6 MH651 Ethics in Health Care Lesson 6: The End of Life and The Future of Health Care Activity 6: Ethics Committee (100 points) As Director for Public Relations and Ethics for County Hospital, one of your principal duties is to organize and chair the hospital’s ethics committee. The hospital administration wants you and your committee to write end-of-life policies regarding the procedures used and permitted in the hospital for care of the dying, and especially regarding right-to-die and futility. The administration suggests the following composition for your ethics committee: a doctor, a nurse, an administrator, an accountant, several patients, a hospice worker, a right-to-life representative, and a right-to-die representative. The agenda for the first meeting is to establish the baseline topics to be developed into a new policy handbook for County Hospital. Committee members were told to bring a list of concerns that they might have regarding end-of-life policies and procedures already in place at County Hospital. Discuss at least two (2) concerns that each committee member might bring to the table during your first meeting. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required.) Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment. CATEGORY Concerns (80 points) Exemplary 80 points The student provides a clear discussion of at least two (2) concerns that each committee member might bring to the table during the first meeting. Satisfactory 64 points The student provides a mostly clear discussion of at least two (2) concerns that each committee member might bring to the table during the first meeting. Mechanics (10 Points) 10 points Student does not make any errors in grammar or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content. 8 points Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Format – APA Format, Citations, Organization, Transitions (10 Points) 10 points The paper is written in proper APA and organizational format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Excellent organization, including a variety of thoughtful transitions. 8 points The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible, and most are cited correctly. Adequate organization includes a variety of appropriate transitions. Unsatisfactory 48 points The student provides a somewhat clear discussion of at least two (2) concerns that each committee member might bring to the table during the first meeting. 5 points Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 5 points The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Essay is poorly organized, but may include a few effective transitions. Unacceptable 32 points The student provides an unclear discussion of at least two (2) concerns that each committee member might bring to the table during the first meeting. 2 points Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 2 points The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Essay is disorganized and does not include effective transitions. ACTIVITY 4 MH651 Ethics in Health Care Lesson 4: Medical Records and Safety Activity 4: Electronic Medical Records and Safety (100 points) This activity is comprised of two parts. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required for the combination of parts A and B). Part A Provide synopses of at least five (5) articles involving electronic medical records (EMR) and their protection and safety of patient information. Provide a bibliography of your selected articles. (60 points) Part B Compare and contrast five (5) advantages and five (5) disadvantages of delivering health care with an electronic medical record system. Reference the advantages and disadvantages that are outlined in the articles you chose for Part A. (20 points) Grammar and Formatting: 20 points. Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment. CATEGORY Part A: Article Synopses (60 points) Exemplary 60 points The student provides a clear synopsis of at least five (5) articles involving electronic medical records, their protection, and safety of patient information. Satisfactory 48 points The student provides a mostly clear synopsis of at least five (5) articles involving electronic medical records, their protection, and safety of patient information. Part B: Advantages 20 points 16 points and Disadvantages The student provides a clear The student provides a (20 points) comparison and contrast of mostly clear comparison and five (5) advantages AND five contrast of five (5) disadvantages of delivering advantages AND five health care with an disadvantages of delivering electronic medical record health care with an system referencing the electronic medical record advantages and system referencing the disadvantages that are advantages and outlined in the articles disadvantages that are chosen for Part A. outlined in the articles chosen for Part A. Unsatisfactory 36 points The student provides a somewhat clear synopsis of at least five (5) articles involving electronic medical records, their protection, and safety of patient information. 12 points The student provides a somewhat clear comparison and contrast of five (5) advantages AND five disadvantages of delivering health care with an electronic medical record system referencing the advantages and disadvantages that are outlined in the articles chosen for Part A. Unacceptable 24 points The student provides an unclear synopsis of fewer than five (5) articles involving electronic medical records, their protection, and safety of patient information. 8 points The student provides an unclear comparison and contrast of fewer than five (5) advantages AND five disadvantages of delivering health care with an electronic medical record system referencing the advantages and disadvantages that are outlined in the articles chosen for Part A. Mechanics (10 Points) 10 points Student does not make any errors in grammar or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content. 8 points Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 5 points Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 2 points Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Format – APA Format, Citations, Organization, Transitions (10 Points) 10 points The paper is written in proper APA and organizational format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Excellent organization, including a variety of thoughtful transitions. 8 points The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible, and most are cited correctly. Adequate organization includes a variety of appropriate transitions. 5 points The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Essay is poorly organized, but may include a few effective transitions. 2 points The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Essay is disorganized and does not include effective transitions. ACTIVITY 2 MH651 Ethics in Health Care Lesson 2: Rights, Ethics, and Care Standards Activity 2: Standards of Care Presentation Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for a staff meeting that outlines the key points about negligence, professional liability, and malpractice. Clearly explain the terminology and give at least three (3) examples of each in your presentation. You may also use other Required Readings and other references. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. Sixteen slides are required for the presentation and an extra slide may be included for your bibliography, for a total of 17 slides. (100 points) Part A Negligence (30 points) (6 slides) 1. What is negligence? 2. When does negligence most often occur? 3. List and describe three (3) examples of negligence in a medical practice or setting. Part B Professional Liability (25 points) (5 slides) 1. What is professional liability? 2. List and describe three (3) examples of professional liability in a medical practice or setting. Part C Malpractice (25 points) (5 slides) 1. What is malpractice? 2. List and describe three (3) examples of malpractice in a medical practice or setting. Grammar and Formatting: 20 points Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment. CATEGORY Part A: Negligence (30 points) Exemplary 30 points The student provides a clear description of negligence AND when it occurs most often, AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of negligence in a medical practice or setting. Satisfactory 24 points The student provides a mostly clear description of negligence AND when it occurs most often, AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of negligence in a medical practice or setting. Unsatisfactory 18 points The student provides a somewhat clear description of negligence AND when it occurs most often, AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of negligence in a medical practice or setting. Unacceptable 12 points The student provides an unclear description of negligence AND when it occurs most often, AND lists AND describes fewer than three (3) examples of negligence in a medical practice or setting. Part B: Professional 25 points Liability (25 points) The student provides a clear description of professional liability AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of professional liability in a medical practice or setting. 20 points The student provides a mostly clear description of professional liability AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of professional liability in a medical practice or setting. 15 points The student provides a somewhat clear description of professional liability AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of professional liability in a medical practice or setting. 10 points The student provides an unclear description of professional liability AND lists AND describes fewer than three (3) examples of professional liability in a medical practice or setting. Part C: Malpractice 25 points (25 points) The student provides a clear description of malpractice AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of malpractice in a medical practice or setting. 20 points The student provides a mostly clear description of malpractice AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of malpractice in a medical practice or setting. 15 points The student provides a somewhat clear description of malpractice AND lists AND describes three (3) examples of malpractice in a medical practice or setting. 10 points The student provides an unclear description of malpractice AND lists AND describes fewer than three (3) examples of malpractice in a medical practice or setting. Mechanics (10 Points) 10 points Student does not make any errors in grammar or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content. 8 points Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 5 points Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 2 points Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Format – APA Format, Citations, Organization, Transitions (10 Points) 10 points The paper is written in proper APA and organizational format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Excellent organization, including a variety of thoughtful transitions. 8 points The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible, and most are cited correctly. Adequate organization includes a variety of appropriate transitions. 5 points The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Essay is poorly organized, but may include a few effective transitions. 2 points The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Essay is disorganized and does not include effective transitions. DISCUSSION QUESTION 1-1 MH651 Ethics in Health Care Lesson 1: Laws, Ethics, and Medical Care Upon completion of the Required Readings, write a thorough, well-planned narrative answer to the following discussion question. Rely on your Required Readings and the Lecture and Research Update for specific information to answer the discussion question, but turn to your original thoughts when asked to apply, evaluate, analyze, or synthesize the information. Your Discussion Question response should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the question itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your responses and document in a bibliography using APA style. Discussion Question 1 (50 points) Suppose a patient complains of a burning sensation associated with the heparin injection that he is administered daily, but the patient is non-ambulatory. The nurse administers the heparin injection anyway because she knows it will help prevent a blood clot. (a) In this case, please explain whether or not the nurse violated the patient’s rights in any way. If so, explain how. If not, explain why not. (b) Provide a thorough explanation and defend your answer using the law to support your decision. Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment. CATEGORY Exemplary Patient’s rights (30 30 points points) The student provides a clear explanation of whether or not the patient’s rights were violated. Satisfactory 24 points The student provides a mostly clear explanation of whether or not the patient’s rights were violated. Unsatisfactory 18 points The student provides a somewhat clear explanation of whether or not the patient’s rights were violated. Unacceptable 12 points The student provides an unclear explanation of whether or not the patient’s rights were violated. Explanation and Legal Support (50 points) 50 points The student provides a clear and thorough explanation defending the answer supplied in part (a) using the law to support the decision. 40 points The student provides a mostly clear and thorough explanation defending the answer supplied in part (a) using the law to support the decision. 30 points The student provides a somewhat clear and thorough explanation defending the answer supplied in part (a) using the law to support the decision. 20 points The student provides an unclear and incomplete explanation defending the answer supplied in part (a) using the law to support the decision. Mechanics (10 Points) 10 points Student does not make any errors in grammar or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content. 8 points Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 5 points Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 2 points Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Format – APA Format, Citations, Organization, Transitions (10 Points) 10 points The paper is written in proper APA and organizational format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Excellent organization, including a variety of thoughtful transitions. 8 points The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible, and most are cited correctly. Adequate organization includes a variety of appropriate transitions. 5 points The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Essay is poorly organized, but may include a few effective transitions. 2 points The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Essay is disorganized and does not include effective transitions.
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Serious Tutors Only; No Plagiarism; 10 page paper

Serious Tutors Only; No Plagiarism; 10 page paper

Comprehensive Analysis of a Fortune 500 Company

For this Individual Project you will analyze publicly available information about a Fortune 500 Company and develop an assessment of the corporate strategy and its ability to increase competitive advantage.

This assignment requires you to obtain and analyze information at the company, industry and market levels using various databases and reports found in the AIU library, in addition to at least eight (8) professional or academic peer-reviewed articles.

Click here for a tutorial on finding company information in the library.

Click here for a tutorial on finding industry information in the library.

Your analysis should include an in-depth review of the Company’s most recent SEC Form-10k Annual Report and Form DEF-14A Proxy Statement. These SEC filings can be found at the SEC Edgar Database located at the URL http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch… . Pay particular attention to the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) sections of the SEC Form 10-K and the DEF-14A Proxy statement. Direct competitors are identified in the “Comparator Group” section of the DEF-14A Proxy Statement. ) These SEC filings also contain information relative to external and industry analysis that will be helpful in your assessment of the Company’s strategy and competitive position.

A thorough analysis requires evaluation of various external stakeholders:

  • Competitors
  • Industry
  • Vendors
  • Customers
  • Governmental entities
  • Communities

Internal stakeholders that should be considered in the analysis include:

  • Shareholders
  • Board of Directors
  • Management
  • Employees

A comprehensive SWOT analysis should be performed relative to the Company’s ability to improve its competitive advantage.

The comprehensive analysis should include both qualitative and quantitative elements, leveraging information available in SEC Filings, business databases, and peer-reviewed articles.

Your work should demonstrate your ability to:

  • Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations.
  • Apply principles of quantitative and qualitative research to business cases.
  • Describe the opportunities provided by technology for businesses.
  • Appropriately use effective communication techniques.
  • Apply the standard of APA style to all research and writing tasks.


You will prepare a report presenting the findings of your comprehensive analysis examining the Company’s corporate strategy and its ability to increase competitive advantage. The written report will have a body length of 10-12 pages excluding title, abstract, references and appendices. Quotation limits should be Not more than 10% of the body of the paper can be quotations, all of which must be properly attributed in APA format.

NOTE: Article collections (scholarly databases) may be accessed in the Library. Suggestions are:

  • ABI Inform Global
  • Academic Search Premier
  • Business Source Premier

Mission, Vision, and Values Analysis Essay, health and medicine homework help

Mission, Vision, and Values Analysis Essay, health and medicine homework help

2- Class Book and Electronic Resources Class Book Being Used: Read Chapter 6 of Moseley III, G. B. (2017). Managing Health Care Business Strategy. Jones & Bartlett Learning. https://books.google.de/books?hl=en&lr=&id=qrCgDgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Managing+Health+


Care+Business+Strategy&ots=eIWsNzY2vB&sig=IMvVTZ2n3aLw1vXn3iGGPE6szY#v=onepage&q=Managing%20Health%20Care%20Business%20Strategy&f=false Electronic Resource: Strategic and Operational Planning Read “Strategic and Operational Planning,” located on the Taugher Change Catalyst Consulting website. http://www.taugher.com/strategic-planning.htm Week 2 Assignment Instruction Mission, Vision, and Values Analysis Essay *Write a 750-1,000 word paper that analyzes the mission, vision, and value statements for a health care organization of your choosing. (Mission statements may sometimes be labeled as “purpose.” If there are multiple statements for your organization, please use the one designated as a “mission” statement.) Be sure to address the following: 1. State the mission and vision of the organization. 2. Critique the mission and value from the selected organization as a starting point for strategic planning and plan development, utilizing the criteria listed in Chapter 6 of the textbook. Does the mission have characteristics of a good mission statement according to the textbook? Does the vision have characteristics of a good vision statement according to the textbook? 3. Identify the major organizational resources needed to accomplish the mission and vision. (Competency 1:3) 4. Identify strategies to effectively manage resources to fulfil the organization’s mission. (Competency 1:4) 5. Describe the substance of an organization’s strategic objectives and the contribution they make to the strategic planning process. **You are required to use three qualified references IN ADDITION TO YOUR TEXTBOOK for this paper. ***Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines. ****You will be graded on: 1. Mission, Vision, and Critique: A description of the mission, vision, and critique of the mission is thorough and well integrated with no gaps. 2. Resources (1.3: Identify the major organizational resources needed to accomplish goals.): The organizational resources needed to accomplish the mission and vision are thorough and well integrated with no gaps. 3. Strategies (1.4: Apply strategies to effectively manage resources to fulfill the organizations mission.): The strategies to effectively manage resources to fulfil the mission of the organization are thorough and well integrated with no gaps. 4. Strategic Objectives and Strategic Planning Process: A description of the strategic objectives of the organization and the contribution they make to the strategic planning process is thorough and well integrated with no gaps. 5. Thesis Development and Purpose: Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. 6. Argument Logic and Construction: Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
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SWOT Analysis Business Plan, health & medical homework help

SWOT Analysis Business Plan, health & medical homework help

Week 4.1 Assignment Instruction Business Plan Part 1: SWOT Analysis *For the Business Plan assignment, you will create a business plan that aligns to the organization’s strategic plan. Complete Part I of the Business Plan


assignment according to the directions in the Part 1: SWOT Analysis section of the “Business Plan” resource. In addition, refer to the “SWOT Analysis” template for completing this assignment. **You are required to use two to three qualified references IN ADDITION TO YOUR TEXTBOOK for this paper. ***Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines. ****You will be graded on: 1. Strengths and Weaknesses: A description of strengths and weaknesses is thorough and well integrated with no gaps. 2. Opportunities and Threats: A description of opportunities and threats is thorough and well integrated with no gaps. 3. Thesis Development and Purpose: Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. 4. Argument Logic and Construction: Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative. Business Plan Strategic planning within organizations provides a plethora of benefits to the organization, including meeting goals specified in the plan and contributing to the long-term success of an organization. Corporate-level strategy is informed through an organization’s mission and vision statement. Portfolio management is driven by the mission, vision, and corporate-level strategy, and implemented at the Strategic Business Unit level. SBU-level strategies seek to develop resources and competencies. SBU’s also have mission and vision statements to set the strategic direction of the entire unit. The strategic direction of the SBU is related to corporate-level strategy. The functional area may include the following, but possibly on a smaller scale: clinical operations (for example, within this area you could have radiology), marketing and promotion, human resources, information and clinical technologies, and finance department. Within the SBUs, these functional areas also have strategies. Search for a strategic plan in a health care organization. After reviewing the strategic plan, select a business function or department within the selected health care organization to develop a business plan. The goal of the business plan is to help the organization implement the organizational mission and vision through setting a specific, measurable goal. Alignment between the organizational strategic plan and a business plan is key to successful implementation. The purpose of any department is to achieve the organizational mission and carry out various strategic initiatives that meet the mission and vision. In other words, the business plan intends to make the organization better in the specific direction the company wants to move in. For this assignment, select either your own health care organization or one you know enough about to complete a business plan. The same health care organization will be used for the entire Business Plan assignment, including the following parts: • • • • • Part 1: SWOT Analysis – Topic 4 Part 2: Action Plan – Topic 6 Part 3: Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Plan – Topic 6 Peer Review – Topic 7 Part 4: Revision and Final Submission – Topic 8 Create a business plan of 1,500-2,000 words, excluding title page, abstract, and appendices according to the instructions provided below for each part. Part 1: SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is part of strategy formulation that leads to goal setting and then progresses to the development of a business plan. Complete a SWOT analysis using the “SWOT Analysis” template. Using the SWOT analysis results, develop at least one strategic goal. Submit both the completed SWOT analysis document and the strategic goal. Be sure to cite two or three sources. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Part 2: Action Plan Address the following items: 1. Brief description of the project (must have instructor approval). 2. History or rationale (including industry trend data as appropriate). 3. Market analysis (including competition). 4. Goals and outcomes (relationship to strategic focus). 5. Structure (including alliances, contractual relationships, etc.). 6. Financial data overview: Include a summary of what financial data you examined or would examine. For each financial statement, describe the specific factors that informed you (net revenue, profit loss, balance sheet major). 7. Personnel/Staffing (including provider relationships as appropriate). 8. Implementation schedule: Develop an implementation schedule that identifies the resources and competences in your department and describe how they are matched to the strategic initiative. Identify how your action plan aligns to the organization’s strategic initiatives. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Part 3: Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Plan 2 Complete a stakeholder analysis to identify and prioritize the various stakeholders. Refer to the “Stakeholder Analysis – Winning Support for Your Projects,” resource (located on the Mind Tools website) and complete all steps. Include a communication plan for disseminating your action plan for all of the stakeholders. Which strategies do you plan to utilize and why? Your plan should demonstrate how you plan to use various types of communication channels to implement the plan. In addition, explain how the communication plan addresses what you are hoping to achieve with your strategic goal. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Peer Review The instructor will send you the first draft of another student’s Business Plan assignment through the classroom e-mail system. Use the feedback on your draft papers provided by your instructor to revise and complete your final change proposal for your Business Plan. The instructor will assign each student a Business Plan draft of a peer to critique. Review the draft Business Plan assigned to you. Critique the draft by analyzing the content and providing extensive comments evaluating scholarly discourse (grammar, theme development, transition, clarity, and appropriateness of content). Communicate your feedback in an encouraging, professional manner. All edits should be made on the actual document. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Submit a copy of your peer-reviewed paper to the instructor and your classmate using the Individual Forum. Part 4: Revision and Final Submission Revise your final comprehensive Business Plan to include improvements as a result of developing a deeper understanding of the concepts and strategies, as well as peer review and instructor feedback. 3 While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. 4 SWOT Analysis Strengths Use these prompts to complete this section: Weaknesses Use these prompts to complete this section: 1. What are the recognized strengths of your identified area? 1. What are the recognized weaknesses of your identified area? 2. What does your identified area do better than other companies? 2. What do competitors do better than your identified area? 3. What unique capabilities or resources does you identified area possess? 3. What areas can be improved at your current position? 4. What do other companies consider to be your strength? 4. What do other companies consider to be your weakness? Opportunities Use these prompts to complete this section: Threats Use these prompts to complete this section: 1. What trends or conditions impact the company in a positive way? 1. What trends or conditions impact the identified area in a negative way? 2. What opportunities exist for the identified area? 2. What is the competition doing that may have an impact on your identified area? 3. Does your identified area have solid financial support? 4. What impact does your weakness have on the threats your identified area faces? References 2 4- Class Book and Electronic Resources Class Book Being Used: Read Chapter 3-5 of Moseley III, G. B. (2017). Managing Health Care Business Strategy. Jones & Bartlett Learning. https://books.google.de/books?hl=en&lr=&id=qrCgDgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Managing+Health+ Care+Business+Strategy&ots=eIWsNzY2vB&sig=IMvVTZ2n3aLw1vXn3iGGPE6szY#v=onepage&q=Managing%20Health%20Care%20Business%20Strategy&f=false Electronic Resource: 2015–2016 Baldrige Excellence Framework (Health Care) Review “2015–2016 Baldrige Excellence Framework (Health Care),” located on the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Baldrige Homepage website. http://www.nist.gov/baldrige/publications/hc_criteria.cfm Websites: 1. National Committee for Quality Assurance Continue to explore the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) website for information about annual reports of for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations helpful in conducting an internal audit of health care organizations. http://www.ncqa.org/ 2. American Nurses Credentialing Center Continue to explore the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet Recognition program website for information about annual reports of for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations helpful in conducting an internal audit of health care organizations. http://www.nursecredentialing.org/Magnet.aspx
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Healthcare Administration, management homework help

Healthcare Administration, management homework help

As a health care department manager, you have 10 employees under your supervision. The attendance policy at your facility requires employees to uphold good attendance. If an employee is late more than 5 times in 1 month, the department manager must begin corrective action. One employee has been late to work 10 times this month. How will you handle this employee? Discuss the following in your paper:


  • Describe what is involved in corrective action.
  • Describe a plan of corrective action for this employee.
  • Would an employee be motivated or empowered to improve after corrective action is implemented? (Must be1-2 pages).

Create a plan that outlines a research study and the associated qualitative method, health & medical homework help

Create a plan that outlines a research study and the associated qualitative method, health & medical homework help

1 Abstract Introduction Employers experience difficulty with poor attendance, high turnover rates, and low morale among their employees. In a study of three large health insurance companies, researchers found that from 11% to 24% of employees missed one to two days of work in the last 28 days; from 5% to 9% of employees missed more than two days in a 28 day period (Bankert, Coberley, Pope, & Wells, 2015). Job satisfaction for employees or


employee engagement is a high priority of organizations. According to Forbes magazine, about 78% of management rate employee retention as a major problem (Bersin, 2014). The problem to be addressed is a decline in employee satisfaction. Why are employees dissatisfied with their jobs? There seems to be a consensus of employees being confused about their job duties as well as their employers not provideing a better understanding of job duties specific to their positions (Powell, 2015). Employers care about the satisfaction of their employees due to it helping the organization have less turnover (Chinnis, Summers, Doerr, Paulson, & Davis, 2001). Dissatisfaction with job duties can result in poor attendance and lack of interest in the job (Johnson, 2016). Deming’s Theory of quality employee satisfaction is related to job duties (Álvarez-García, Del Río-Rama, Saraiva, & Ramos-Pires, 2016). According to Discrepancy Theory, there are fewer discrepancies when employees are satisfied with their desired job duties (Lee, Wang, & Weststar, 2015). Although there are plenty of online papers and e-journals that talk about employee engagement or satisfaction as they relate to job duties, there is little research to be found on the relationship between job duties and employee satisfaction in peer reviewed academic journals 2 Purpose of Research The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between employee job duties and employee satisfaction. Rehabilitation employees in state psychiatric facilities have three major job duties: working with the patients, completing paperwork, and attending job-related training. It has been noted that employee satisfaction can help boost the success of an organization, lower its costs, and help grow revenue (Ērgle, 2016). Typically, a psychiatric rehabilitation employer conducts an annual review with employees, telling them how well they interacted with patients, completed their paperwork, and attended both required and optional job-related training. If employees are not satisfied with their ratings, it can cause cynicism toward the organization causing strain within the organization. The challenge of changing how employees feel about their job and the organization depends on the leadership of the organization (Witt, 2014). Specifically, this study will assess the extent to which to the independent variables, portion of time spent working with patients, the amount of time spent in training, and the portion of time spent on paperwork are related to the dependent variable, employee satisfaction among the rehabilitation employees of one campus in a state psychiatric facility. Employee satisfaction will be measured with the Andrew and Withey Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. Job duties will be operationalized as the portion of time spent with patients, the portion of time spent on paper work, and the amount of time spent in training. Single items will be used to measure time spent on paperwork and time spent with patients. The amount of time spent in training will be obtained from employee records. Pearson product moment correlations will be computed between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Research Questions 3 The central question driving this study is how job duties are related to employee satisfaction. RQ1: To what extent is portion of time working with patients related to employee satisfaction? H10: The portion of time spent working with patients is not related to employee satisfaction. H1A: The portion of time spent working with patients is related to employee satatifacation. RQ2: To what extent is the amount of time spent in training related to employee satisfaction? H20 The amount of time spent in training is not related to employee satisfaction. H2A: The amount of time spent in training is related to employee satisfaction. RQ3: To what extent is the portion of time spent on paperwork related to employee satisfaction? H30: The portion of time spent on paperwork is not related to employee satisfaction. H3A: The portion of time spent on paperwork is related to employee satisfaction. Ligature Review Lee, Wang, and Weststar (2015) conducted a longitudinal type survey study to determine the effect of work hour congruence on job satisfaction and absenteeism. They utilized the employee section of a large longitudinal data set drawn from the Canadian Business Register. Governmental surveys in the database ranged from 16,804 to 23,540 observations per year. Their sample from the database included only those having a discrepancy between actual hours worked and desired work hours resulting in a sample size of 12,421 individuals. Because they were using a data set already in existence and not obtaining data directly from individuals, protection of human subjects was not a concern in their study. To begin their data analysis, they operationalized the independent variable of work hour congruence in a matrix based on the level 4 of congruence and whether employees desired more or fewer work hours. They used a single item on a five-point scale to measure the dependent variable of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction and the number of paid absences were measured twice with a year intervening between measurements. To come up with a single value for each of these variables, they subtracted the first year score from the second year score. They separated their sample into two groups: those who wanted to work more hours and those who wanted to work fewer hours. Regression analyses were performed on the two groups. The researchers pointed out that the government database had high external validity. Other than that single statement, they did not mention reliability or validity within the framework of their study. This study conducted by Lee, Wang, Weststar (2015) is similar to mine in that the design is that of a survey study. However, they obtained their data from a large established database whereas I will be obtaining data through direct surveys of employees. I will be obtaining one of my independent variables from established records. Their sample size of 12,421 is huge in comparison to my sample size of 50. Both their data and mine involve statistical measures of relationship. I am using correlational analysis. They used regression analysis. I will be obtaining consent forms from all participants. Their use of a government database precluded consent forms. Kabak, Şen, Göçer, Küçüksöylemez, and Tuncer (2014) conducted a survey study in which questionnaires where mailed to 130 employees in the Turkish service sector. Only 50% of the surveys were completed and returned, resulting in a sample size of 65. Their independent variables were five total quality management (TQM) constructs: training and education, employee relations and teamwork, employee reward and recognition, quality culture, and employee empowerment. The dependent variable was job satisfaction. Their questionnaire consisted of 19 items measuring the TQM constructs, four demographic items, and five questions from an established instrument utilizing a five-point Likert scale to measure job satisfaction. A 5 factor analysis was utilized to determine the validity of the 19 items measuring the TQM constructs. The researchers computed descriptive statistics for all variables in the study. A correlational analysis was used to examine the extent to which variables were related. A t-test showed that there was no difference in employee empowerment between employees who had worked less than five years and those who had between five and ten years of work experience. The factor analysis conducted on the TQM constructs supported the content validity of the survey items for measuring those constructs. To determine the internal consistency reliability of the survey, a Cronbach’s alpha was computed (r =.656) showing that reliability was low. The study conducted by Kabak, Şen, Göçer, Küçüksöylemez, and Tuncer (2014) is similar to mine in that surveys are utilized to obtain the data. However, their surveys were mailed and mine will be obtained through the use of electronic surveys. Both their study and mine use an established instrument with a five-point Likert scale to measure job satisfaction. While their population of service employees is different from my population of rehabilitation employees at state psychiatric facilities, our sample sizes are similar. The researchers did not discuss the protection of human subjects in their article, so it is unknown if there are similarities to my study in that area. Our data analyses will be very similar, as I will be computing both descriptive statistics and correlations among variables. The only difference is that I will not be performing a t-test. Methodology The strength of a study comes from the type of methodology used. This functions as a pillar for the research. The mathematical quantification is the purpose of quantitative research. Using this type of methodology helps generalize the results. The challenges with using a quantitative methodology are that there could be an unsuitable representation of the population that is being studied. Due to this missed representation, the objective of the research could be 6 skewed. There also could be limited outcomes due to the survey being used. Quantitative methods can also be time consuming, expensive, and stressful (Datt & Datt, 2016). Though there are weaknesses, this study will be quantitative in nature. This is relationship study, which uses a single sample design and descriptive and correlational methods to address the research questions. Surveys will be utilized to measure the variables of the proportion of time spent working on paper work, the proportion of time spent working with the patients at the psychiatric hospital, and employee satisfaction. Surveys are better suited to answer the research questions in this study. Surveys are easier to measure quantitatively because they tell you the “who” and the “what” of a question. The questions used in the type of surveys employed in this study are closed ended. This enables a number value to be assigned to each of the variables There are several advantages for using a survey to collect data. Web surveys can be taken over any type of computer device including smart phones. Advantages of surveys are that a huge amount of information may be collected in a short time, they provide an efficient way of analysis for scientific research, and they are very easy to manage (Reddy, 2016). Data Collection Sample and Population My population will be the rehabilitation employees at state psychiatric facilities. The sample will consist of rehabilitation employees of one campus in a Texas state psychiatric facility who work within the rehabilitation department of North Texas State Hospital – Wichita Falls, Texas campus. Approximately 50 rehabilitation employees are employed at the Wichita Falls, Texas campus of the hospital. This is a small sample as the State of Texas Department of Health and Human Services has 10 behavioral health hospitals and 13 state supported living 7 centers for those who have sever intellectual developmental disabilities (Texas Health & Human Services Agencies, 2016; Texas Department of State Health and Services, 2016). This would be the best place to start my study due to it being where I currently work and have access to employees. Instruments and Process of Collection The Andrew and Withey Job Satisfaction Questionnaire will be used to measure employee satisfaction. This survey uses a five-point Likert type scale to measure employee satisfaction (McKee, 2013). The independent variable of time spent in training will be obtained from employee records. I will have to call the training department and ask for that information and possibly write a letter to the Superintendent and ask for permission, as I do not supervise those employees. The independent variables of proportion of time working with patients and proportion of time doing paperwork will be obtained with brief employee surveys. The format of these surveys lends themselves to a paper and pencil format as well as to formats used on technological devices such as computers or smart phones (Revilla, Toninelli, & Ochoa, 2017). Use of technology will be the best way to collect the data due to the increasing use of technology among the participants and will shorten the amount of time needed for data collection (Reddy, 2016). Strengths and Challenges This design has many strengths. It will not take much time to gather the data and, because it can be electronic, there are also programs that will calculate the data as it is returned. This project can show how much a small sample of state employees in a particular department are satisfied with their positions. A limitation that was not mentioned is that the survey will not be going to the entire State of Texas employees. This could be considered a weakness, as I am not 8 comparing the different departments within the state. This could also be another possible study to do in the future. Proposed Analysis Techniques I will compute descriptive statistics on all variables. In addition, I will conduct a correlational analysis to determine the extent to which to the independent variables, portion of time working with patients, the amount of time spent in training, and the portion of time spent on paperwork are related to the dependent variable, employee satisfaction among the rehabilitation employees of one campus in a state psychiatric facility. Reliability and Validity The Andrew and Withey Job Satisfaction Questionnaire already has an established concurrent validity of .70 and internal consistency reliability of .81 (Rentsch & Steel, 1992). I will compute a Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency reliability on the data from my study. The independent variable of amount of time spent in training will be obtained from actual employee records, which would both valid and reliable. Because only one item measures each of the independent variables of portion of time working with patients and the portion of time spent on paperwork, computations of reliability would not be feasible. I will have an experienced rehabilitation supervisor examine my questions to establish content validity. Potential Limitations Potential limitations with the type of data collection that I have chosen could be that the employees lie about the questions that they are being asked. This may not be something that can be avoided, as people will put what they think they should in many cases. Other limitation to a survey with employees that I currently work with is that they may feel intimidated to fill out a 9 survey or feel that their answers might influence their evaluations. These limitations can be somewhat overcome by making all surveys anonymous. Getting the information about the time spent in training seems like it would be an easy task as all I would have to do is look at employee records. However, I would have to call the training department and ask for that information and possibly write a letter to the Superintendent and ask for permission, as I do not supervise those employees. A possibility of overcoming that limitation would be to simply ask employees how much time they spend in training in the past two years. Ethical Issues Ethics reflect the values of those in the study, what they view as right and wrong. The primary ethical issues of this study would be the behavior of the researcher. The researcher must insure that the findings are valid, no human rights are violated, and that the information that is gathered is voluntary information (Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching, 2016). Therefore, this means a consent is needed to have access to view the employee records for training and only training. As mentioned in the discussion of limitations, records will be obtained from the training department. Consent forms should also be obtained from all participants in the study agreeing to the use of their information on a group basis. Conclusion With the type of research of employee satisfaction, it is best to use mixed methodologies of both qualitative and quantitative data. As with any type of research, there will be limitations and stressors. It is all dependent on the type of research that is being looked into and very important to know what method would be best. 10 References Álvarez-García, J., Del Río-Rama, M. d. l. C., Saraiva, M., & Ramos-Pires, A. (2016). Dependency relationships between critical factors of quality and employee satisfaction. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 27(5/6), 595-612. doi:10.1080/14783363.2015.1021243 Bankert, B., Coberley, C., Pope, J. E., & Wells, A. (2015). Regional Economic Activity and Absenteeism: A New Approach to Estimating the Indirect Costs of Employee Productivity Loss. Population Health Management, 18(1), 47-53. doi:10.1089/pop.2014.0025 Bersin, J. (Producer). (2014, April 10). Forbes. It’s Time To Rethink The ‘Employee Engagement’ Issue. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/joshbersin/2014/04/10/its-time-torethink-the-employee-engagement-issue/#6937b1171827 Chinnis, A. S., Summers, D. E., Doerr, C., Paulson, D. J., & Davis, S. M. (2001). Q methodology: a new way of assessing employee satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Administration, 31(5), 252-259. Datt, S., & Datt, S. (Producer). (2016, September 7). Limitations and weakness of quantitaitve research methods. Project Guru. Retrieved from https://www.projectguru.in/publications/limitations-quantitative-research/ Ērgle, D. (2016). AirBaltic Case Based Analysis of Potential for Improving Employee Engagement Levels in Latvia through Gamification. Economics & Business, 28, 45-51. doi:10.1515/eb-2016-0007 Johnson, R. (Producer). (2016, November 6). Key Reasons for Job Dissatisfaction and Poor Employee Performance. Small Business. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/key-reasons-job-dissatisfaction-poor-employeeperformance-25846.html Lee, B. Y., Wang, J., & Weststar, J. (2015). Work hour congruence: the effect on job satisfaction and absenteeism. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(5), 657675. doi:10.1080/09585192.2014.922601 McKee, S. (Producer). (2013, October 22). New Ways to Ask Quantitative Research Questions In Online Surveys. SurveyGizmo. Retrieved from https://www.surveygizmo.com/surveyblog/new-ways-to-ask-quantitative-research-questions-in-online-surveys/ 11 Powell, C. (Producer). (2015, May 27). Talmetrix: Stop Guessing, Start Knowing. Employee Engagement Is a Problem at Every Level. Retrieved from https://www.talmetrix.com/employee-engagement-is-a-problem-at-every-level/ Reddy, K. (Producer). (2016, June 20). Advantages and Disadvantages of Surveys and Questionnaires. Advantages and Disadvantages of Surveys and Questionnaires. Retrieved from http://content.wisestep.com/advantages-disadvantages-surveys-questionnaires/ Rentsch, J. R., & Steel, R. P. (1992). Construct and concurrent validation of the Andrews and Withey job satisfaction questionnaire. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52(2), 357-367. doi:10.1177/0013164492052002011 Revilla, M., Toninelli, D., & Ochoa, C. (2017). An experiment comparing grids and item-byitem formats in web surveys completed through PCs and smartphones. Telematics and Informatics, 34(1), 30-42. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2016.04.002 Witt, D. (Producer). (2014, November 10). Blanchard LeaderChat: A Fourm to Discuss Leadership and Management Issues. The Big Problem with Employee Engagement. Retrieved from https://leaderchat.org/2014/11/10/the-big-problem-with-employeeengagement/
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Gaps and Parities, health & medical homework help

Gaps and Parities, health & medical homework help

The Systems Gaps and Parities Analysis: List five health information systems’ leaders, and define their roles. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain who the stakeholders are in health information systems’ implementation. Describe the limitations in health information systems’ data analysis. Describe the opportunities in health information systems’ data analysis. Explain what the literature suggests. Include any applicable statistical and/or descriptive data. Summarize the impact of


predicting gaps and parities on quality improvement as it relates to the situation for your Final Proposal and Presentation. (Final proposal topic – please see reference to this on the next page) Must be two to three pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), double-spaced and formatted according to APA style. Must Include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. Must use at least two scholarly sources. Must document all sources in APA style. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style. Beaumont Health System Selects InterSystems HealthShare Thesis Statement In any healthcare management information system, the privacy and confidentiality of the patient information are critical. In the adoption of health systems, hospitals always find issues which cause serious gaps in the data security. Some of these deficiencies or inefficiencies create a parity that makes the whole system defective in some way. From the selected case, it is clear that the system is shared by several facilities and all information regarding patient details is accessible. Thus, this poses a threat of compromising the confidentiality of the patient details given that all the facilities, clinics, and other stations allied to Beaumont use the same system. Introduction Information regarding patients’ details is susceptible. Thus, the system employed in Beaumont has a gap of exposing patient information to other people and this is not an ethical practice. If I was the leader in dealing with this issue of the patient data privacy, I could have played my role by ensuring that all information is kept safe for its necessary use. There must be authorization for the utilization of any data, and healthcare workers within each of the facilities under Beaumont must have secured access (Appari & Johnson, 2010). This issue of privacy of healthcare information is important in protecting the dignity of patients. Details of the patients should only be known to the doctor and the closest family members. From the system used in this case, there are loopholes given that there is no authorized access to the patient information. Healthcare professionals should be provided with passwords, and they should also seek permission from the management when they want to use any detail related to a particular patient (Meingast et al., 2011). Otherwise, any person can access the data and also tamper with it affecting the administration of future medical procedures. The management is legally liable to ensure that the patient information is safe. From the case, the information system is integrated. However, there is no data security.
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