Importance of Data Collection and Analysis-Discussion, health & medical homework help

Importance of Data Collection and Analysis-Discussion, health & medical homework help

Choose a specific classification system, clinical vocabulary, or commonly collected data set and provide a thorough description of what you have chosen. Find a classmate who selected a different classification system, vocabulary, or data set from yours and comment on the similarities and differences between the two.

300 Word Minimum; Cite References


Vital Statistics Paper, health & medical homework help

Vital Statistics Paper, health & medical homework help

prepare a 2-3 page report documenting the exploration of vital statistics at the state and national levels. Your report should address the following:


  1. Explore the vital statistics published by your state’s Health Department. Select a vital statistic to study.
    1. Choose either birth or death rates within your home state.
    2. Next select the most current data on your vital statistics topic for the last 2 years reported.
    3. Compare and contrast them and document the trend being reported.
  2. Use the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System website to find the corresponding data at the national level for the last 2 years reported. Compare the data reported for those 2 years and document the trend being reported.
  3. In your report, explain how the state data trends compare to the national data trends.
  4. Include the specific web links where data was found.
  5. Be sure your report is free of spelling and grammatical errors.

APA Format; Must include References

Delinquent Record Statistics, health & medical homework help

Delinquent Record Statistics, health & medical homework help

DELINQUENT RECORD REPORT 20XX ITEM Total Inpatient Discharges Total Ambulatory Surgeries Total Inpatient Operations Total Discharges Total Operations Actual Delinquent Records Actual Delinquent H & Ps Actual Delinquent OR Reports # of Delinquent Records Permitted # of Delinquent H&Ps Permitted # of Delinquent OR Reports Permitted JAN 1499 168 672 1667 840 426 27 13 834 33 17 FEB 1311 243 888 MAR 1297 289 553 APR 1314 348 540 MAY 1708 551 354 JUN 1567 296 468 JULY 1736 342 494 AUG 1499 350 416 SEP 1578 301 518 OCT 1609 333 437 NOV 1588 312 279 DEC 1834 421 599 391 15 14 406 31 20 429 7 18 509 23 26 614 21 30 598 18 29 679 9 37 796 11 42 690 34 59 537 46 33 711 39 34 TOTAL

Assume that you are the manager of the HIM Department of General Hospital. The hospital is due for a Joint Commission accreditation survey in six months. The CEO has asked for a report regarding medical staff compliance with Joint Commission requirements for delinquent records last year.

Information Regarding Joint Commission Standards

The following are Joint Commission standards that address timeliness of medical record completion.

Information Regarding General Hospital’s Policies, Procedures, Rules, and Regulations

To implement this standard, General Hospital’s policies and procedures state:

  • The medical record delinquency rates are monitored on a monthly basis;
  • Action will be taken when a problem is indicated; and
  • Data will be available to demonstrate improvement.

In addition, to ensure the timely entry of all significant clinical information into the patient’s record, the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations list the following documentation requirements:

  • The total number of delinquent records may not exceed 50% of the total number of inpatient discharges and ambulatory surgeries performed for the month.
  • The total number of delinquent history and physicals may not exceed 2% of the total number of inpatient discharges and ambulatory surgeries performed for the month.
  • The total number of delinquent operative reports may not exceed 2% of the total number of inpatient operations and ambulatory surgeries.

Assignment Instructions

Use the attached Delinquent Record Report and use the data it contains to complete the following:

Part-1: Create Delinquent Record Report Table

  1. Using Microsoft Excel, input the data from the Delinquent Record Report. Include report, column and row titles, and the monthly data.
  2. Use Excel to calculate and automatically insert the total number of discharges for the month.
    1. Total discharges = total inpatient discharges + total ambulatory surgeries.
    2. Total operations = total ambulatory surgeries + total inpatient operations.
  3. Use Excel to calculate and insert the number of delinquent records, history and physical exam reports (H & Ps), and operative reports permitted according the Medical Staff Bylaws for each month in 20XX based on the hospital’s statistics for that month. To calculate the year’s figure, the monthly average should be used. Therefore, have a final monthly average column and use Excel to compute the averages for all rows.

Part-2: Create Line and Bar Graphs


  1. Using Microsoft Excel, construct both line graphs and bar graphs showing the following:
    1. The hospital’s actual delinquent records compared to the total number of delinquent records permitted by the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations for the 12 months in 20XX (do not include the total for the year)
    2. The hospital’s actual delinquent H & Ps compared to the total number of delinquent H & Ps permitted by the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations for the 12 months in 20XX (do not include the total for the year).
    3. The hospital’s actual delinquent ORs compared to the total number of delinquent ORs permitted by the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations for the 12 months in 20XX (do not include the total for the year).

Part-3: Write Narrative Analysis

  1. In a Word document, provide a narrative analysis of the findings for the CEO.
    1. Reference the table and use the graphs you prefer to illustrate compliance in the report.
    2. Include in the analysis whether the hospital was in compliance with the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations in each of the three areas during each month of the year.
    3. Was the hospital in compliance for the whole year?
    4. Be sure your analysis is free of spelling and grammar errors.

Submit the following to your instructor:

  1. Delinquent Record Report Table
  2. Line and bar graphs
  3. Narrative analysis of findings

New Hospital Proposal for Jefferson County Report 4-5 pages

New Hospital Proposal for Jefferson County Report 4-5 pages

Alternatives for developing a hospital Jefferson County has never had a hospital. To obtain acute care services, residents have to travel 20-30 miles to a hospital in an adjacent county. For many years, the civic leaders have talked about building a hospital and, for more than ten years, the board of county commissioners has been putting its annual budget surplus in its hospital fund. At the present time, the county commissioners have accumulated 25 million in cash, which is earmarked for a hospital,


but the commissioners have been informed that 100 million will be required to build and equip a hospital of the appropriate size. The county commissioners have considered several proposals for developing a hospital. 1. Establish a public hospital to be owned and operated by the county. Under this plan, the county would use the 25 million in the hospital funds as a down payment and would finance the remaining 75 million by tax exempt bonds. Once the building is complete, the county would hire and administrator to run the hospital. Commissioner Green likes this idea, because she has a nephew who needs a job and thinks running a hospital sounds like fun. 2. Establish a nonprofit corporation and have the county make a grant of 25 million to the nonprofit corporation for the purpose of building a hospital in the community. The nonprofit corporation would use bond financing for the remaining 75 million in capital cost. Once construction is complete, the hospital would be operated by the nonprofit corporation. If the nonprofit corporation ever dissolved or ceased to operate the hospital, it would have to return the entire 25 million grant to the county. Commissioner Blue, if everything in the county, including the new hospital, were to be destroyed someday by nuclear war, the county would not be able to get back any of the money that it gave to the nonprofit corporation. Commissioner Brown think Commissioner Blue is an idiot. 3. Establish a for profit corporation that will raise 100 million by selling shares in the new corporation to investors on the open market. This alternative was proposed by Commissioner Black. Because of his success in business, he believes private enterprise can build and operate the hospital in the most efficient manner. Under his proposal, the county will use the 25 million in its hospital fund to buy one fourth of the shares in the new for profit corporation. Therefore, the county will be a minority shareholder, but will probably be the largest single shareholder in the new corporation. Commisioner Green, who want the county to build and operate the hospital itself, is opposed to the idea of using a for profit corporation because of a concern for the uninsured and indigent people in the community. As you might expect, the board of commissioners has been unable to agree on a proposal, and at the last meeting they almost came to blows. Therefore, the chair has appointed a committee to study the issue and report back at the next meeting. In turn, the committee has hired you as a consultant and wants your advice as to the best alternative for the county. The best alternative might be one of the aforementioned three proposals, some combination of those proposals, or a completely different proposal. Before evaluating each alternative, please fill in the chart showing the advantages and disadvantages for each type of legal structure. Then make a written recommendation to the county explaining your reasoning. Issues Exempt from income taxes Exempt from property taxes Eligible for taxdeductible donations Able to use tax-exempt bond financing Able to use equity financing Able to use employee incentives of stock options Subject to public oversight and control Subject to public employement laws Obligated to provide charity care Subject to restrictions on use of public funds Subject to IRS rules for 501 (c)(3) corporations Public Private, Non-Profit Private, For-Profit
Purchase answer to see full attachment

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research

Scholarly Activity

Using Online Library and other disciplinary resources, research how quantitative research is used in your discipline (Healthcare Management). Using this information, write an essay that describes how quantitative research tools can be used to aid in decision making within your field. Be sure your essay addresses the following questions/topics:

1. Describe specific quantitative methods and tools that could be used within your discipline to gather data. Include your rationale.


2. Evaluate their effectiveness with respect to certain areas within your discipline.

3. Include company or organizational examples within your essay, as relevant.

4. In your opinion, what is the future of quantitative research both within your discipline and in general?

Your APA-formatted response must be a minimum of three pages (not including the title page and the reference page) and must include an introduction, a thesis statement (concise summary of the main point of the paper), and a clear discussion of the questions/topics above. Your response must include a minimum of two credible references. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Standards and Regulation for Healthcare Admiistrators

Standards and Regulation for Healthcare Admiistrators

Federal Benefit Developments The New HIPAA Regulations: Some Answers, More Questions Russell E. Greenblatt and Daniel B. Lange R ecently released portability regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended, (HIPAA), provide additional information regarding what exclusionary practices are or are not permitted. Plan sponsors and insurance carriers may need to update their documents and procedures to come in line with the new requirements, effective for some plans as early as July 1, 2005. On December 29, 2004, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services (Departments) released final regulations for health coverage portability under HIPAA. The final regulations were published in the Federal Register at 69 Fed. Reg. 78720 (December 30, 2004). In addition to answering many questions left unanswered by the interim regulations that were published in the Federal Register on April 8, 1997, the final regulations close several loopholes and create additional obligations that leave plan sponsors and insurance companies with additional obligations (along with a corresponding increased opportunity for error) in a highly technical area of plan administration. The final regulations go into effect for plan years beginning on or after July 1, 2005 (January 1, 2006, for calendar plan years). Until such time, the interim regulations apply. Discussed below are some of the more significant issues addressed in the final regulations and the impact that they may have on plan sponsors and insurance companies. Pre-Existing Condition Loopholes The final regulations and the preamble thereto discuss several examples of practices that, while not specifically permitted by the interim regulations, were not prohibited thereunder. In the final regulations, the Departments adopted language intended to curtail the practices set forth below. As clarified in the final regulations, denials of coverage based o


n the following types of plan provisions are subject to HIPAA’s limitations for pre-existing condition exclusions: Russell Greenblatt and Daniel Lange are attorneys in the Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Group of the Chicago office of the law firm Katten Muchin Zavis Rosenman. BENEFITS LAW JOURNAL BLJ Sum05 18.2.indd 77 77 VOL. 18, NO. 2, SUMMER 2005 4/18/2005 11:43:45 AM Federal Benefit Developments • A plan provision that provides coverage for accidental injury only if the injury occurred while covered under the plan; • A plan provision that counts amounts received under prior health coverage against its own lifetime benefit limits; and • A plan provision that denies benefits for pregnancy until 12 months after an individual generally becomes eligible for benefits under the plan. In addition to the above, the final regulations also contain rules prohibiting the total denial of coverage for specific congenital conditions if the plan generally covers such conditions. For example, if a plan covers treatment for a cleft palate only if the participant has been covered by the plan since birth, then the denial of coverage for a cleft palate of a participant who began coverage after birth would be a pre-existing condition exclusion subject to the limitations of HIPAA. The Departments stated, however, that such coverage would be unavailable if, by plan terms, no coverage for such conditions was available to any participant. Therefore, if the plan never covered treatment for cleft palates, then no HIPAA violation would result from a total denial of claims related to such treatment. Another loophole the Departments closed in the final regulations was the practice of disallowing coverage altogether for pre-existing conditions that arose before a new insurance contract becomes effective with respect to an ongoing plan. Such denials of coverage were based on the argument that HIPAA (and the interim regulations) only provided for limited pre-existing condition exclusionary periods upon an individual first becoming eligible for coverage under the plan. The argument therefore was that individuals already covered under the plan were susceptible to pre-existing condition exclusions, without the limitation of periods provided under HIPAA, when the plan switched to a new insurance provider. The final regulations clarify that an exclusionary period can apply when a participant first becomes eligible for coverage under the plan, as well as under specific insurance contracts thereunder. Therefore, if a new insurance company attempts to deny coverage for a pre-existing condition when a plan changes to the new carrier, then the limitations of HIPAA will apply to the exclusionary period, and such periods will thus be limited to the extent prior creditable coverage can be shown or as otherwise provided under HIPAA. Applicability to Dependents Under the final regulations, a “dependent” is defined as any individual who is or may become eligible for coverage under the terms BENEFITS LAW JOURNAL BLJ Sum05 18.2.indd 78 78 VOL. 18, NO. 2, SUMMER 2005 4/18/2005 11:43:45 AM Federal Benefit Developments of a group health plan because of a relationship to a participant. Therefore, it appears that while certain tax code provisions may apply with respect to whether an individual is eligible for tax-free benefits from a plan, such rules are irrelevant for purposes of HIPAA. More simply stated, under the final regulations, if a plan allows coverage for individuals that are outside of the definition of a dependent allowed under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Sections 105, 106, and 152, the fact that the cost of coverage provided with respect to such individuals may be taxable to the participant does not affect whether such individual is allowed all of the rights afforded to other plan dependents under HIPAA. This includes the use of creditable coverage to offset pre-existing condition exclusions, individualized certificates of creditable coverage, and special enrollments periods, all provided under HIPAA and the final regulations. Special attention to such rules should be paid by plans and insurers that provide coverage to dependent children beyond December 31 of the year in which such child reaches age 18 (age 23 for full time students), as well as domestic partner/same-sex spouse coverage. Lifetime Limits Where an individual has a claim denied under a prior plan due to a lifetime limit on benefits, HIPPA provides a special enrollment period under the new plan. Under both the interim regulations and the final regulations, a plan must offer such special enrollment periods, during which certain individuals are allowed to enroll outside of the annual enrollment period as a result of certain events. Under the interim regulations, such special enrollment periods arose, for example, if a person lost other health coverage, if employer contributions toward the other coverage cease, or if a person becomes a dependent (through marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption). In order to qualify for such special enrollment, a person must otherwise have been eligible for coverage under the plan (i.e., they must meet the plan’s eligibility requirements). Under the final regulations, special enrollment right arises upon the date that a claim is first denied under a prior plan by reason of exceeding its lifetime limit, and continues for 30 days thereafter. The preamble to the regulations identifies that if an individual is aware that the limit has been surpassed, then the special enrollment period could begin on the date the claim was incurred, even though the 30 days would not commence until the claim is denied, effectively extending the special enrollment period. Allowing a special enrollment for reaching lifetime benefit limits can result in a substantial benefit for employees with sick dependents. For example, consider the case where an employee with a sick dependent changes jobs at a time when the dependent is nearBENEFITS LAW JOURNAL BLJ Sum05 18.2.indd 79 79 VOL. 18, NO. 2, SUMMER 2005 4/18/2005 11:43:45 AM Federal Benefit Developments ing a lifetime limit under the prior employer’s plan. The dependent can elect to remain covered by the prior employer’s plan under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (to the extent applicable). Then, upon exhaustion of the lifetime limit, the dependent can enroll in the new employer’s plan and start over with a new lifetime limit. In addition, because of the closure of the loopholes discussed above, the new plan’s lifetime limit may not be offset by claims incurred under the prior plan. Required Notices According to the interim regulations, a plan may not impose a pre-existing condition exclusion against any individual without first providing a general notice to the participant. The interim regulations were unclear, however, as to the timing of such notice. Some plans would delay sending a notice until after a large claim was filed by the participant. Under the final regulations, however, the general notice must be provided as part of any written application materials distributed by the plan or insurer for enrollment or, if not provided at such time, by the earliest date following a request for enrollment that the plan or insurer, acting in a reasonable and prompt fashion, can provide the notice. The final regulations also have additional requirements for information that must be included in the general notice, including the terms of the plan’s exclusion and the name and contact information of someone who can provide additional assistance. In addition, the final regulations make clear that the general notice must apply specifically to the plan or policy of the participant receiving the notice. Therefore, if an insurance company has policies with six-month exclusions and others with 12-month exclusions, then the general notice sent to participants in the respective policies must specifically state the timeframe for the exclusion under their own policy. Apparently, a general statement that either a six-month or 12-month exclusion may apply (to the extent not reduced by prior creditable coverage) is not acceptable. For compliance assistance, a model general notice was supplied in the final regulations. Once a plan or insurance company determines that a pre-existing condition exclusion applies to a specific participant or dependent (a determination that, under the final regulations, must be completed within a reasonable time), the plan or insurance company must provide such participant with an individual notice stating the length of such exclusion. Such notice is not required to identify any specific medical condition to which the exclusion applies. For clarity and compliance assistance, the final regulations contain a sample notice. BENEFITS LAW JOURNAL BLJ Sum05 18.2.indd 80 80 VOL. 18, NO. 2, SUMMER 2005 4/18/2005 11:43:46 AM Federal Benefit Developments While compliance assistance is given in the regulations through the use of examples and model notices, the plan sponsors and insurers should be aware that failure to provide the required notices could lead to a pre-existing condition exclusion becoming nonenforceable. Exceptions for Certain Benefit Plans The final regulations also provide guidance with regard to which particular types of benefits and benefit plans are not covered by the HIPAA portability requirements. Set forth below is a brief summary of those rules—though it should be noted that referring to the regulations alone is unlikely to provide the researcher with all the guidance available on the subject. Rather, the preamble to the regulations provides many examples and conditions or limitations regarding excepted benefits and benefit plans. Generally, the requirements do not apply to a plan with respect to a plan year if on the first day of that plan year the plan has fewer than two participants who are current employees. In addition, some types of benefits are excepted from HIPAA in all circumstances. These benefits include coverage only for accident (including accidental death and disability coverage), disability income coverage, workers’ compensation and similar coverage, automobile medical payment insurance, and coverage for on-site medical clinics. Limited scope dental benefits, limited scope vision benefits, and long-term care benefits are excepted if they are provided under a separate policy, certificate, or contract of insurance or are otherwise not an integral part of the plan, if participants have the right not to elect coverage for the benefits, and if participants who elect such coverage must pay an additional premium or contribution for it. The regulations (supplemented by the preamble) provide significant guidance as to how to determine whether a particular arrangement qualifies for this exemption, and the exception has been significantly expanded and clarified from the interim regulations. Health Flexible Spending Arrangements (FSAs) are generally excepted from the portability requirements. The final regulations contain standards for determining which health FSAs are or are not eligible for the exception. Generally, the final regulations expand the list of requirements that must be met, including incorporating into the final regulations the “clarification” to the interim regulations issued on December 29, 1997.1 Among such requirements is that the maximum benefit payable for the employee under the FSA for the year does not exceed two times the employee’s salary reduction election under the FSA for such year, the employee must have other coverage available under a group health plan of the employer for such year, and such coverage cannot be limited to the benefits that are excepted under HIPAA. BENEFITS LAW JOURNAL BLJ Sum05 18.2.indd 81 81 VOL. 18, NO. 2, SUMMER 2005 4/18/2005 11:43:46 AM Federal Benefit Developments Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are also excepted from the HIPAA portability rules. This exception is because HSAs are generally not employee welfare benefit plans.2 What about Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs)? Unfortunately, neither the final regulations nor the preamble addresses the question of whether HRAs are excepted benefit plans. Language in the regulations and preamble that pertains to other excepted benefit arrangements, however, would seem to apply with equal force in the case of an HRA, and thus, presumably, HRAs will similarly be excepted. For example, 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 2590.732(c)(5)(C) provides that “supplemental benefits” are excepted from HIPAA portability coverage if they are ”provided under a separate policy, certificate, or contract of insurance” and, after giving several examples, defines one type of exception as follows: Similar supplemental coverage provided to coverage under a group health plan. To be similar supplemental coverage, the coverage must be specifically designed to fill gaps in primary coverage, such as coinsurance or deductibles. Similar supplemental coverage does not include coverage that becomes secondary or supplemental only under a coordination-of-benefits provision. The preamble, when discussing the exceptions provided to other types of benefit arrangements (such as FSAs), refers to the purpose and operation of those arrangements in a manner that can apply with equal force to most HRAs. Thus, it would appear that, at least with respect to those HRAs that are sponsored by employers who also provide coverage under a primary health care plan, an HRA would appear to be eligible for the exclusion. Hopefully, guidance will be provided in the near future with respect to this question. Conclusion As the reader undertakes to bring a plan into compliance with the final regulations, care should be taken to read the preamble in conjunction with the regulations. Several examples and explanations (absent from the actual regulations) are set forth in the preamble that allow for a greater understanding of the intent of the final regulations. In reacting to the final regulations, plan sponsors should be careful to complete a timely amendment of plan documents, summary plan descriptions, and plan administrative procedures. In addition, sponsors should work with insurance providers (including stop-loss carriers) and third party administrators to ensure total plan compliance on a timely basis. Finally, take note, in addition to promulgating final regulations, the Departments also published a request for comments and a notice of proposed rule-making on issues that are not addressed in BENEFITS LAW JOURNAL BLJ Sum05 18.2.indd 82 82 VOL. 18, NO. 2, SUMMER 2005 4/18/2005 11:43:47 AM Federal Benefit Developments the final regulations, such as extending the break in coverage allowance to up to 107 days (from the 63 days currently allowed) as well as benefits-specific waiting periods.3 Therefore, additional HIPAA guidance can be expected in the near future. Notes 1. 62 Fed. Reg. 67688. 2. DOL Field Assistance Bulletin 2004-01. 3. See 69 Fed. Reg. 78800–78825, 69 Fed. Reg. 78825–78827 (Dec. 30, 2004). BENEFITS LAW JOURNAL BLJ Sum05 18.2.indd 83 83 VOL. 18, NO. 2, SUMMER 2005 4/18/2005 11:43:47 AM Scripts for Success When It Comes to HIPAA Implementation Examples of Work Products That Could Be Adapted to Fit Your Needs Robert Falk T Robert Falk is counsel at Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy LLP in Washington, DC. He concentrates on advising health care providers in matters associated with regulatory compliance, including fraud and abuse, reimbursement, and privacy issues. He can be contacted at 202/ 624-7318 or by email at he April 14th deadline for HIPAA implementation has now passed, but the practice of HIPAA remains new. HIPAA implementation is rolling out in stages. In phase one, providers engage in a mad scramble towards meeting the technical requirements of the rule. Here, basic questions drive the HIPAA juggernaut. Is the notice of privacy practices in place? Do we have a procedure that enables us to provide an accounting to patients? In phase two, HIPAA privacy officials spend a great deal of time responding to the minute questions that arise from living day-today with HIPAA. Another provider claims we have to have an authorization form before they share information. What do we do? A police officer is at the front door asking if Mr. X is a client here. What can we tell him? Given the enormity of HIPAA, phases one and two generally leave the staff members who are charged with implementing HIPAA exhausted. At some juncture, however, organizations living with HIPAA need to move on to phase three, in which the fundamental question becomes: How do we making living with HIPAA easier? The purpose of this article is not to provide a regurgitation on the technical requirements of the rule or to identify its gray areas. Rather, it offers some sample tools or scripts that could make working in this brave new HIPAA world more manageable. The article takes some real-life problems that staff will frequently encounter and provides guidance on how communication can be handled in such a way that the HIPAA workload might be lightened. We identify an issue, the challenge, and a potential path for reducing the impact of the problem. The scripts are offered as models and should be adapted to the needs of any particular provider. Issue: Explaining the Notice of Privacy Practices The Challenge: If line staff members feel that they are required to explain the notice Journal of Health Care Compliance • July-August 2003 of privacy practices to each client on the first post-HIPAA encounter, registration procedures will slow to unacceptable levels. On the other hand, patients will want the opportunity to talk to someone regarding what is in the notice. The Objective: To let the client know in general terms what the document is, that they do not have to agree to it now, and that they can get further information about the contents but at a later time. The Script: Ms. Jones, I am required to give you this document. It is our organization’s notice of privacy practices. The notice informs you of your federal and state rights related to the confidentiality of your medical information, and it tells you how we might use your information. If you have recently gone to another doctor or another provider, you probably have been given a similar document about your rights. I am required to ask you to sign the last page, which states that we have given this document to you. You may choose to sign this acknowledgment form now, or you may refuse to sign it. If you would like to take time to read the document and then ask questions about our confidentiality policies, we have staff members who are available to you. You can call them at __________ between the hours of ______ and ______. Would you mind signing the form for me? Issue: Patient Requesting Copies of His or Her Medical Record The Challenge: If the individual has been a longstanding patient, the medical chart may be quite thick. If the request is not narrowed, significant staff time can be spent copying the record. The Objective: To encourage the patient to either narrow the scope of the request or to consider reviewing the record in hard copy rather than obtaining a photocopy. The Script: Mr. Rodriquez, I understand that you have asked for a copy of your medical chart. Under federal regulations and our policies, you have a right to receive a copy of your record unless certain limited 19 Scripts for Success When It Comes to HIPAA Implementation exceptions apply. I want you to know that we would like you to have access to whatever information you feel you need. Please understand, however, that it can take a good bit of time for us to copy your record. If you could tell me a little bit more about what you want the copy for, maybe we could figure out if a copy of only parts of your record would meet your needs. Or, if you only want to see what information is in your chart, we could arrange for you to come in to read it, rather than giving you a copy. If you want to just read your chart, you would save copying costs, which are $__ per page. Do you think that either approach, either copying only a portion of the record or reading it in person, will work for you? If so, let’s discuss how we can make this happen. Issue: Routine (or Non-Routine) Audit of Patient Records by Outside Agency The Challenge: An auditor may show up asking to review 30, 50, or 100 patient charts. It may be difficult to create a contemporaneous entry in the accounting log for each file. The Objective: To get sufficient information from the auditor to create a photocopied sheet with a blank name and date that can be inserted into each patient file as the auditor goes through it. The Script: Ms. Chen, I recognize that your agency has the right to audit our patient files for compliance purposes. Under the federal privacy regulations, however, we have certain obligations with respect to our patients. One of these obligations is to be able to account for disclosures made to outside entities if our patients want that information. I would like to ask for your help in making sure our patient rights are protected. First, I would like to know your name, your agency, and what the purpose of this audit is. I will then take five minutes to prepare a standard form that can be inserted in each patient file. I will provide you with a stack of (30/50/ 100) of these forms. When you look at a file, would you mind writing the patient’s name on the top of one of these forms so that it can be inserted in the patient’s chart? If you are not comfortable doing that, would you at least pull the file and set it aside so that we can insert the form later? I thank you for your help in this process. (Please see Exhibit 1 for an example of the form.) Clearly, this form could be adapted for other purposes, including public health reporting purposes like cancer registry review or reporting sexually transmitted diseases. Issue: Personal Representative Seeks to Act on Behalf of the Patient The Challenge: An individual may arrive at your door demanding their rights to one of your patient’s medical records as the patient’s personal representative. Staff must avoid releasing information to the person improperly and must gather the relevant information from this individual to determine if the individual is entitled to the information. The Objective: To obtain necessary information based on a few targeted questions to ensure that the individual qualifies as a personal representative under federal and state law but without appearing hostile or unhelpful to the individual. The Script: Mr. Smith, I understand that you would like to review the medical records of Ms. Green as her personal representative. We hope you understand that Exhibit 1—Notice of Disclosure Form Information about you has been disclosed to the _______ department, which is responsible for overseeing compliance with regulatory standards regarding ________________. This disclosure is permissible under HIPAA as a public purpose disclosure and is required by [state/federal] law. The purpose of this disclosure is to enable the agency to _________________________________________________. The following information may have been disclosed about you: [_] Your entire medical file may have been reviewed by the auditors. [_] Limited portions of your medical file may have been reviewed by the auditors. These portions would include: _____________________________________________. [_] Records regarding the billing for services provided may have been reviewed by the auditors. To the extent necessary, the auditors may have reviewed medical information to determine medical necessity. [_] Other This disclosure was made on ____________________ (Date). The contact information for the agency conducting the review is as follows: [Contact name or position] [Agency address] [Agency phone number] 20 Journal of Health Care Compliance • July-August 2003 Scripts for Success When It Comes to HIPAA Implementation we are very concerned about the privacy of our patients, and other providers across the country have had problems with individuals who have falsely claimed to be an individual’s representative to get improper access to an individual’s medical information. I am required to confirm that you qualify as a personal representative of this patient under federal and state law. Would you explain how you are related or have responsibility for the patient? Are you a parent, guardian, acting in loco parentis or ______? Can you provide some form of documentation relating to this role? Do you have any court order or a power of attorney for health care that might give you the right to review the information? If you don’t mind, I am going to make a copy of this documentation for the file so that next time you come into the office, our staff will know who you are when you request copies of Ms. Green’s records. [Some alternative language] I understand that you are Ms. Green’s [husband, brother, son, partner]. However, I am not authorized to give you access to her information automatically in the circumstances. I would like to have you talk directly with our chief privacy officer so that he or she can help you. Would you like me to place this call now, or would you like the number so that you can call him or her directly? Issue: A Patient Seeks to Make Complaints The Challenge: An upset patient makes complaints to various staff members. Staff must determine whether the patient’s complaint may be resolved informally or if the patient actually is requesting to formally lodge a complaint. The Objective: To determine the actual nature of the complaint and, if possible, provide the patient with informal solutions that will be less cumbersome than formal procedures and to encourage the patient to use the provider’s grievance process exclusively. The Script: Ms. Todd, I understand that you would like to lodge a complaint relating to how our office handled your medical information. I am really sorry that you feel that you have had a negative experience, and I want to help make sure we get the matter resolved. Under federal law, you have a right to file your complaint in writing with our office. We do have a formal grievance process, and I can give you that form to fill out. I’m wondering, however, whether there’s anything I can do to help resolve the problem more immediately. Would you like to talk to me about the issue? What is the nature of the problem? What would you like to see happen as a solution? Are there any steps you think we could take to minimize the impact of the problem? What Journal of Health Care Compliance • July-August 2003 do you think we could do to prevent the problem in the future? If you would like, I would be glad to arrange a conversation with our privacy officer about these matters. Would that be helpful? Issue: Refusals to Disclose Medical Records Without Patient Authorization The Challenge: When a provider needs to obtain the medical records of a patient from another provider for treatment or payment functions and the provider refuses to disclose this information without patient authorization. The Objective: Provide staff members with the tools to educate providers regarding how they may share the information without patient authorization. The Script: Dr. Brown, I understand that you are refusing to send to our office certain medical records relating to Ms. Jones without her written consent or authorization. We need access to this information in order to treat Ms. Jones. The federal privacy regulations expressly permit health care providers to share patient information with one another for the purpose of treating patients without having to get patient authorizations. As we have not obtained an authorization from Ms. Jones and federal law allows you to disclose these records, would you send these records to our office today? If you need confirmation of your ability to do this, I would suggest going to hipaa, and then looking at the frequently asked questions section. If you then look at question six: Can a physician’s office FAX patient medical information to another physician’s office?1—I think you will find information that will give you comfort. If you don’t have Internet access, I can fax the text to you. Would that be helpful? These scripts are samples of work products that might be helpful to line staff. They clearly would need to be adapted to reflect state law and provider internal policies. Now that the initial push to achieve HIPAA compliance should be over, however, compliance officers should take the time to make the day-to-day administration easier. Reference 1. Q: Can a physician’s office FAX patient medical information to another physician’s office? A: The HIPAA privacy rule permits physicians to disclose protected health information to another health care provider for treatment purposes. This can be done by fax or by other means. Covered entities must have in place reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the privacy of protected health information that is disclosed using a fax machine. Examples of measures that could be reasonable and appropriate in such a situation include the sender confirming that the fax number to be used is in fact the correct one for the other physician’s office and placing the fax machine in a secure location to prevent unauthorized access to the information. See 45 CFR164.530(c). 21 Copyright of Journal of Health Care Compliance is the property of Aspen Publishers Inc. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.
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MBA healthcare management capstone, assignment help

MBA healthcare management capstone, assignment help

Discussion Question 1_01 Two (2) key factors in determining the cost-effectiveness and potential profitability of bringing any product or service to market are supply and demand and price determination. After reviewing your Required Readings, address the following issues. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. What is learned from a well-formulated supply and demand curve analysis and how does this information help determine optimum production rates for maximum profitability? 2. What is the correlation between employee benefits and return on


investment assets, return on equity, and return on sales? 3. How can the inability to compete profitably on price be overcome? Discussion Question 1_02 Having successfully brought a new product to market, you are now ready to take your company public. Discuss how each of the following economic indicators may affect the environment for the launching of your initial public offering (IPO). Overall, how soon should you launch a public offering given the cyclic nature of the economy? (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. Nominal Gross Domestic Product (NGDP): The nominal gross domestic product is increasing at the rate of 2.6% annually, while the Real Gross National Product (RGNP) is rising only 2.3%. 2. Consumer Price Index (CPI): The Consumer Price Index has been rising at a fraction of a percent per quarter for each of the last four (4) quarters. 3. Discount Rate: The Federal Reserve has announced a reduction in the discount rate of 0.5% and hinted that further cuts may be forthcoming. 4. Unemployment Rate: The rate of unemployment is holding steady, although the rate of new claims is declining somewhat. Discussion Question 2_03 Describe the three (3) basic types of organizational structures and the challenges/crises faced by the organization as it moves through each stage of corporate development. In addition, describe the matrix and network organizational structures. Discuss when their use is appropriate. (26 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 2_04 Briefly discuss twelve (12) reasons why strategy implementation can fail and twelve (12) safeguards that can prevent implementation from failing. An APA-formatted bibliography is required. (24 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 3_05 Define benchmarking and describe the six (6) steps involved in evaluating performance using this method. What are the benefits of benchmarking? (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 3_06 Respond to each of the items below. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. List the five (5) basic steps in financial analysis. 2. Why do you believe these steps would be important when conducting a financial analysis? 3. Provide two (2) examples of liquidity ratios and two (2) examples of profitability ratios. For each, include their meaning and how they are expressed. Discussion Question 4_08 Discuss ten (10) ways in which an organization can develop and maintain a culture of innovation. (20 points) (A 1-page response is required.) Discussion Question 4_09 Compare and contrast product and process research. (30 points) (A 1½ -page response is required.) Discussion Question 5_11 Answer the following two (2) questions. (26 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. What are four (4) reasons why the not-for-profit sector is important? 2. What five (5) resources are needed for successful strategic piggybacking? Discussion Question 5_12 Discuss the five (5) constraints on strategic management and three (3) complications for strategy implementation for non-profit organizations. (24 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) Discussion Question 6_14 Given that the concept of competitive intelligence has become extremely important for the success of an industry and organization analysis, it is a subject with which all successful business managers should become highly familiar. With that fact in mind, answer the following questions. (20 points) (A 1½-page response is required.) 1. What are five (5) questions you might ask to better understand a competitor, and why is each important? 2. Discuss the seven (7) steps of CI. Discussion Question 6_15 Discuss the evolution of an industry from fragmented to consolidated, new entry into an industry, and seven barriers to new entry into an industry. (30 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)
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Legal and Ethical Dilemma Case Study Evaluation, health and medicine homework help

Legal and Ethical Dilemma Case Study Evaluation, health and medicine homework help

This assignment provides an opportunity to evaluate a real-world ethical dilemma from the perspective of the heathcare/hospital administrator. You will use your skills and knowledge of ethics and health law as well as role playing to create a postmortem evaluation plan for prevention of future situations to present to your Senior Leadership team and the Board of Governors. A postmortem analysis is performed after the fact to evaluate the situation and identify a plan for prevention of future incidents.

Choose one of the cases on end-of-life on pages 294-298 in Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics. ( Will be Provided in an attachment)

Write a 12-15 page report evaluating this case and providing recommendations of this case. Your report should address the following substantive requirements:

  • Description of what occurred, who was affected, and rationale
  • Assessment of the case from the following perspectives:
    • Ethical – describe the ethical principles involved and expectations for all involved.
    • Legal – define and argue the legal implications for each party. Explain health laws involved and the influence of the legal environment at the time of this case.
    • Regulatory compliance – examine regulatory standards and compliance involved.
    • Health reform – illustrate how this case and your role as administrator are different now due to changes in health law and expectations from health reform.
  • Recommendations – argue at least three recommendations for the current and future prevention of this type of situation in your facility.
  • Action plan for prevention – create an action plan for prevention explaining how you would implement these recommendations.

Your report should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Be 12-15 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.


  • Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of ten (10) scholarly articles. Five (5) of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but at least five (5) must be external. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.
  • Use correct terminology pertaining to the law and ethics
  • Utilize the following headings to organize the content in your work.
    • Introduction and Description
    • Assessment
    • Recommendations
    • Action Plan for Prevention
    • Conclusion


Case Study – Medicare Fraud and Abuse Report

Case Study – Medicare Fraud and Abuse Report

In this assignment we examine the legal and ethical implications of fraud and abuse with Medicare. Use the CSU-Global Library and the internet to identify a real-world case of Medicare fraud and/or abuse. Write a 4-5 page report using the readings, research, and your knowledge of health law and ethics to analyze this case.

Your report should address the following substantive requirements:

  • Description of what occurred, who was affected, and why
  • Assess the case from the following perspectives:
    • Ethical – identify the ethical principles involved in this situation from the perspective of all those involved.
    • Legal – what are the legal implications and what laws or statutes were involved?
  • Provide two recommendations for how to manage this case from the perspective of the healthcare organization involved. What could have been done to prevent this situation?


  • Recommend next steps to manage this case.

Your report should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Be 4-5 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
  • Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four (4) scholarly articles. Two (2) of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two (2) must be external. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.
  • Utilize the following headings to organize the content in your work.
    • Introduction
    • Assessment
    • Recommendations
    • Conclusion

Create a Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Plan, writing homework help

Create a Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Plan, writing homework help

Business Plan Strategic planning within organizations provides a plethora of benefits to the organization, including meeting goals specified in the plan and contributing to the long-term success of an organization. Corporate-level strategy is informed through an organization’s mission and vision statement. Portfolio management is driven by the mission, vision, and corporate-level strategy, and implemented at the Strategic Business Unit level. SBU-level


strategies seek to develop resources and competencies. SBU’s also have mission and vision statements to set the strategic direction of the entire unit. The strategic direction of the SBU is related to corporate-level strategy. The functional area may include the following, but possibly on a smaller scale: clinical operations (for example, within this area you could have radiology), marketing and promotion, human resources, information and clinical technologies, and finance department. Within the SBUs, these functional areas also have strategies. Search for a strategic plan in a health care organization. After reviewing the strategic plan, select a business function or department within the selected health care organization to develop a business plan. The goal of the business plan is to help the organization implement the organizational mission and vision through setting a specific, measurable goal. Alignment between the organizational strategic plan and a business plan is key to successful implementation. The purpose of any department is to achieve the organizational mission and carry out various strategic initiatives that meet the mission and vision. In other words, the business plan intends to make the organization better in the specific direction the company wants to move in. For this assignment, select either your own health care organization or one you know enough about to complete a business plan. The same health care organization will be used for the entire Business Plan assignment, including the following parts: • • • • • Part 1: SWOT Analysis – Topic 4 Part 2: Action Plan – Topic 6 Part 3: Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Plan – Topic 6 Peer Review – Topic 7 Part 4: Revision and Final Submission – Topic 8 Create a business plan of 1,500-2,000 words, excluding title page, abstract, and appendices according to the instructions provided below for each part. Part 1: SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is part of strategy formulation that leads to goal setting and then progresses to the development of a business plan. Complete a SWOT analysis using the “SWOT Analysis” template. Using the SWOT analysis results, develop at least one strategic goal. Submit both the completed SWOT analysis document and the strategic goal. Be sure to cite two or three sources. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Part 2: Action Plan Address the following items: 1. Brief description of the project (must have instructor approval). 2. History or rationale (including industry trend data as appropriate). 3. Market analysis (including competition). 4. Goals and outcomes (relationship to strategic focus). 5. Structure (including alliances, contractual relationships, etc.). 6. Financial data overview: Include a summary of what financial data you examined or would examine. For each financial statement, describe the specific factors that informed you (net revenue, profit loss, balance sheet major). 7. Personnel/Staffing (including provider relationships as appropriate). 8. Implementation schedule: Develop an implementation schedule that identifies the resources and competences in your department and describe how they are matched to the strategic initiative. Identify how your action plan aligns to the organization’s strategic initiatives. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Part 3: Stakeholder Analysis and Communication Plan 2 Complete a stakeholder analysis to identify and prioritize the various stakeholders. Refer to the “Stakeholder Analysis – Winning Support for Your Projects,” resource (located on the Mind Tools website) and complete all steps. Include a communication plan for disseminating your action plan for all of the stakeholders. Which strategies do you plan to utilize and why? Your plan should demonstrate how you plan to use various types of communication channels to implement the plan. In addition, explain how the communication plan addresses what you are hoping to achieve with your strategic goal. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Peer Review The instructor will send you the first draft of another student’s Business Plan assignment through the classroom e-mail system. Use the feedback on your draft papers provided by your instructor to revise and complete your final change proposal for your Business Plan. The instructor will assign each student a Business Plan draft of a peer to critique. Review the draft Business Plan assigned to you. Critique the draft by analyzing the content and providing extensive comments evaluating scholarly discourse (grammar, theme development, transition, clarity, and appropriateness of content). Communicate your feedback in an encouraging, professional manner. All edits should be made on the actual document. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Submit a copy of your peer-reviewed paper to the instructor and your classmate using the Individual Forum. Part 4: Revision and Final Submission Revise your final comprehensive Business Plan to include improvements as a result of developing a deeper understanding of the concepts and strategies, as well as peer review and instructor feedback. 3 While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. 4 6- Class Book and Electronic Resources Class Book Being Used: Read Chapter 9 of Moseley III, G. B. (2017). Managing Health Care Business Strategy. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Care+Business+Strategy&ots=eIWsNzY2vB&sig=IMvVTZ2n3aLw1vXn3iGGPE6szY#v=onepage&q=Managing%20Health%20Care%20Business%20Strategy&f=false Electronic Resource: Stakeholder Analysis – Winning Support for Your Projects Read “Stakeholder Analysis – Winning Support for Your Projects,” located on the Mind Tools website. In addition, view the video “Stakeholder Analysis Video: Stakeholder Management and Power Interest Grid Example” that accompanies the article. Additional Material: Business Plan Review the “Business Plan” resource for guidance in completing the topic assignment. Running head: BUSINES PLAN PART 2-ACTION PLAN 1 Business plan part 2- Action plan A description of strength and weaknesses The business will ensure that it has a right ratio of nurses to patients so that patients are guaranteed with quality service. Sourcing of highly educated and experienced employees who will be able to attend to patients and give their best. In addition to the employees, the fertility will employ consultants and specialists on a long-term contract to ensure the services are on a daily basis and at any time. The services will be patient centered to avoid any destruction that may arise. On boosting the services, additional specialists of the heart and brain be hired. On the other, hand the weaknesses of the entity range and circulate on time management. Time management is a factor that is not well utilized by most of the employees. Employees to be guided through the time management skills so that they can manage time. Description of opportunities and threats The business is well structured that it can quickly tap the opportunities in the market. The business can expand and accommodate more specialists of different ailments. It is a chance that will see the entity attract more attention as it deals with various diseases. The fact that the entity has a record of accomplishment of highly specialized employees in chronic illness, it will attract people from far who will be coming in need for the services (Abrams, 2013). However much the business is open opportunities, it faces threats from competitors more so as it is running out of strategies that kept it unique in the market. The business is having a financial problem as it has no stable funding to sustain the fertilities and to increase the remuneration of its employees who are threatening to shift to their competitors. BUSINES PLAN PART 2-ACTION PLAN 2 Description of goals and outcomes Goals are always set so that to establish a pace and a focus that will make employees work towards. The business has a goal that it will install new fertilities that will be able to treat chronic disease. It is backed by the fact that they will also employ more specialized and experienced individuals that can handle the equipment and assure patients of better services. They are also looking forward to admitting and treating more patients than they used to at the beginning. The outcome is seen to be in place for the employees, and the business is working towards the set goals. Description of business plan The structure of the program of activities is in the position to ensure that it can accommodate all the important aspects of the organization. There will be a provision that will take care of all the specialists and employees to be sourced. The plan will give an estimate of the total amount that each entity will require. All the salaries for all employees to be future as it will be an expense for the business that should be considered (Crego, Schiffrin & Kauss, 2015). All the expenditure of the entity will be incorporated with each overhead having its budget. Financial data over view The finances of the entity seem to be more compared to the amount of money that the entity is having. Since expenses are on a daily basis, it means that the body requires a system that will record and trace all the transactions. Getting external funders will boost the finical status as it is at a point that needs boosting. Personnel and staffing BUSINES PLAN PART 2-ACTION PLAN 3 Staffing the business will mean that the entity will source for more nurses so that to certify the nurse to patient ratio. Since the organization deals with chronic diseases, it will say that they source more particular and experienced individuals in chronic diseases (Doughty, 2013). The body requires experts who will be dealing with the financial transaction. Implementation schedule Implementing the set strategies requires a program that will see a smooth transition of each plan. The company will ensure that it has the necessary finances that will ultimately fund the project to success. Implementation will start from the initial point of installation of all the required equipment all the way to the point of admitting employees. Thesis development and purpose Developing an action plan is important for a strategy, as it will help the management team to know how and when to execute the plan. It is designed with a reason that it will give guidelines and be able to point out places that may have a weakness. It also provides estimates on the amount that is required by the business. Logic and construction argument The fact that an action plan is developed and well structured is a clear indication that this business is in the best position to succeed. An action plan can point out weaknesses in any business and can give an indicator whether the firm will succeed or not. A successful action plan that has included all the necessary factors is in the best position to also attract external investors to the business. BUSINES PLAN PART 2-ACTION PLAN References Abrams, R. (2013). The successful business plan : secrets & strategies. Palto Alto, Calif: Planning Shop. Crego, E., Schiffrin, P. & Kauss, J. (2015). How to write a business plan. Watertown, MA: American Management Association. Doughty, K. (2013). Business continuity planning : protecting your organization’s life. Boca Raton: Auerbach 4 Running head: BUSINES PLAN PART 2-ACTION PLAN 1 Business plan part 2- Action plan A description of strength and weaknesses The business will ensure that it has a right ratio of nurses to patients so that patients are guaranteed with quality service. Sourcing of highly educated and experienced employees who will be able to attend to patients and give their best. In addition to the employees, the fertility will employ consultants and specialists on a long-term contract to ensure the services are on a daily basis and at any time. The services will be patient centered to avoid any destruction that may arise. On boosting the services, additional specialists of the heart and brain be hired. On the other, hand the weaknesses of the entity range and circulate on time management. Time management is a factor that is not well utilized by most of the employees. Employees to be guided through the time management skills so that they can manage time. Description of opportunities and threats The business is well structured that it can quickly tap the opportunities in the market. The business can expand and accommodate more specialists of different ailments. It is a chance that will see the entity attract more attention as it deals with various diseases. The fact that the entity has a record of accomplishment of highly specialized employees in chronic illness, it will attract people from far who will be coming in need for the services (Abrams, 2013). However much the business is open opportunities, it faces threats from competitors more so as it is running out of strategies that kept it unique in the market. The business is having a financial problem as it has no stable funding to sustain the fertilities and to increase the remuneration of its employees who are threatening to shift to their competitors. BUSINES PLAN PART 2-ACTION PLAN 2 Description of goals and outcomes Goals are always set so that to establish a pace and a focus that will make employees work towards. The business has a goal that it will install new fertilities that will be able to treat chronic disease. It is backed by the fact that they will also employ more specialized and experienced individuals that can handle the equipment and assure patients of better services. They are also looking forward to admitting and treating more patients than they used to at the beginning. The outcome is seen to be in place for the employees, and the business is working towards the set goals. Description of business plan The structure of the program of activities is in the position to ensure that it can accommodate all the important aspects of the organization. There will be a provision that will take care of all the specialists and employees to be sourced. The plan will give an estimate of the total amount that each entity will require. All the salaries for all employees to be future as it will be an expense for the business that should be considered (Crego, Schiffrin & Kauss, 2015). All the expenditure of the entity will be incorporated with each overhead having its budget. Financial data over view The finances of the entity seem to be more compared to the amount of money that the entity is having. Since expenses are on a daily basis, it means that the body requires a system that will record and trace all the transactions. Getting external funders will boost the finical status as it is at a point that needs boosting. Personnel and staffing BUSINES PLAN PART 2-ACTION PLAN 3 Staffing the business will mean that the entity will source for more nurses so that to certify the nurse to patient ratio. Since the organization deals with chronic diseases, it will say that they source more particular and experienced individuals in chronic diseases (Doughty, 2013). The body requires experts who will be dealing with the financial transaction. Implementation schedule Implementing the set strategies requires a program that will see a smooth transition of each plan. The company will ensure that it has the necessary finances that will ultimately fund the project to success. Implementation will start from the initial point of installation of all the required equipment all the way to the point of admitting employees. Thesis development and purpose Developing an action plan is important for a strategy, as it will help the management team to know how and when to execute the plan. It is designed with a reason that it will give guidelines and be able to point out places that may have a weakness. It also provides estimates on the amount that is required by the business. Logic and construction argument The fact that an action plan is developed and well structured is a clear indication that this business is in the best position to succeed. An action plan can point out weaknesses in any business and can give an indicator whether the firm will succeed or not. A successful action plan that has included all the necessary factors is in the best position to also attract external investors to the business. BUSINES PLAN PART 2-ACTION PLAN References Abrams, R. (2013). The successful business plan : secrets & strategies. Palto Alto, Calif: Planning Shop. Crego, E., Schiffrin, P. & Kauss, J. (2015). How to write a business plan. Watertown, MA: American Management Association. Doughty, K. (2013). Business continuity planning : protecting your organization’s life. Boca Raton: Auerbach 4 Running head: BUSINESS PLAN PART ONE Special Aid Center Student Name University Name Date 1 BUSINESS PLAN PART ONE 2 Special Aid Center The Special Aid Center (SAC) is a well-established health care facility. There is a wide variety of services that are offered at the facility. Due to this variety, the facility has employed many employees. The facility faces many challenges which it fights to deal with in the competitive health care service provision industry. A Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis could come in handy towards the determination on what the facility may face. With the findings of the facility’s SWOT analysis, it is possible to formulate strategic goals which if accomplished the facility will have improved on the weak areas. Strengths The SWOT analysis yielded the following results. Firstly, as far as the strengths are concerned, it was discovered that SAC has employed a substantial number of employees; this enables it to provide good health care services. It also boasts of employing health practitioners that are highly educated. There are several consultants that work at the facility on a permanent basis. This has enabled the facility to offer specialized health care services to patients diagnosed with or seeking a diagnosis on critical and uncommon illnesses. The service delivery at the facility is patient focused. With this method of service delivery the patient is assured of good and quality services (Mirzaei et al., 2013). The facility also specializes on heart and brain illnesses and also doubles as a referral center. Weaknesses As far as the weaknesses are concerned, it has been determined that there is the unethical use of time at the facility by the staff members. It is noticeable that the staff members are wasting too much time doing non-essential activities and taking personal breaks. It has also been determined that SAC’s competitors are better at time management in the context of the staff BUSINESS PLAN PART ONE 3 members. There is need to improve on the time management skills of the staff members. It is also critical that as system is developed that will help the management to track the employee’s activity and performance. Notably, other companies consider the laxity and poor time management of the staff members to be a major weakness. Opportunities and Threats The SWOT analysis brought to light the opportunities available to the facility which include the ability and capacity to expand and accommodate more specialists. This capacity includes financial capability. Also, as a result of employing highly educated staff health practitioners, the facility is highly regarded by other facilities and considered to be a go to facility when it comes to complicated conditions. Nonetheless, it faces several threats such as remuneration packages. Often, they demand a raise and as a result this continually offers a great level of pressure on its financial sustainability. With continued competition on the services offered, the facility is at threat or running out of ways to stand and remain strategically placed before the client (Moseley, 2017). Also, there is no sustainable financial support for the facility. As such, the specialized health care services provided by the facility are not sustainable for the long term unless the facility secures sustainable finances. Strategic Goal One strategic goal that the organization could adopt is the development of a strategic salaries and remuneration policy. This policy could be developed to deal with the remuneration issues. When staff members are satisfied with their remuneration and they are convinced and well informed of their rightful remuneration, they are likely to function better and be more effective and settled (Mokaya, Musau, Wagoki, & Karanja, 2013). As such, this cannot go unattended. According to Terera and Ngirande (2014), there is a direct relationship between BUSINESS PLAN PART ONE 4 employee satisfaction and job retention as well as performance. Job satisfaction is affected by the employee remuneration. When the employee is given a remuneration package that coincides with their efforts at work, then they get motivated to perform better. BUSINESS PLAN PART ONE 5 SWOT Analysis: Special Aid Center Strengths ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ The health care facility has employed a substantial number of employees enabling it to have a good patient to staff member ration that allows for prompt service delivery. It boasts of employing health practitioners that are highly educated. There are several consultants that work at the facility on a permanent basis. This has enabled the facility to offer specialized health care services to patients diagnosed with or seeking a diagnosis on critical and uncommon illnesses. The service delivery at the facility is patient focused. With this kind of service delivery methodology, the patient is assured of good and quality services (Mirzaei et al., 2013). The facility also specializes on heart and brain illnesses. These are areas that are covered by the specialists. It is important to note that most facilities do not offer such specialized services and patients diagnosed with such illnesses have to be referred to other hospital such as Special Aid Center. As such, other facilities consider the Special Aid Center to have this as a major strength. Weaknesses ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Opportunities ➢ ➢ The facility has the ability and capacity to expand and accommodate more specialists. This capacity includes financial capability. As a result of employing highly educated staff health practitioners, the facility is highly regarded by other facilities and considered to be ago to facility when it comes to complicated conditions. The identified areas of weaknesses include the unethical use of time at the facility by the staff members. It is noticeable that the staff members are wasting too much time doing non-essential activities and taking personal breaks. Competitors are better at time management in the context of the staff members. There is need to improve on the time management skills of the staff members. It is also critical that as system is developed that will help the management to track the employee’s activity and performance. Other companies consider the laxity and poor time management of the staff members to be a major weakness. Threats ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ With the attitude that it has the best brains in the medical fraternity the staff members at the facility are often found to be on edge regarding their remuneration packages. Often, they demand a raise and as a result this continually offers a great level of pressure on its financial sustainability. With continues competition on the services offered, the facility is at threat or running out of ways to stand and remain strategically placed before the client (Moseley, 2017). There is no sustainable financial support for the facility. The specialized health care services provided by the facility are not sustainable for the long term unless the facility secures sustainable finances. BUSINESS PLAN PART ONE 6 References Mirzaei, M., Aspin, C., Essue, B., Jeon, Y. H., Dugdale, P., Usherwood, T., & Leeder, S. (2013). A patient-centered approach to health service delivery: improving health outcomes for people with chronic illness. BMC health services research, 13(1), 251. Mokaya, S. O., Musau, J. L., Wagoki, J., & Karanja, K. (2013). Effects of organizational work conditions on employee job satisfaction in the hotel industry in Kenya. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 2(2), 79-90. Moseley, G., III. (2009). Managing health care business strategy. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ISBN-13: 9780763734169 Terera, S. R., & Ngirande, H. (2014). The impact of rewards on job satisfaction and employee retention. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1), 481.
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