Healthcare Error Assessment Report

Healthcare Error Assessment Report

Use the CSU-Global Library and the internet to identify a real-world example of a healthcare error that impacted patient safety. Use the readings and your knowledge of risk management and quality/performance improvement to write a report to the chief executive and board of governors of this organization stating your assessment and recommendations for improvement. Your report should describe this situation and the impact on patient safety:

  • Who was affected and how did it influence quality service delivery at this facility?
  • How was this event handled by the healthcare leaders and internal stakeholders? By external stakeholders?
  • What recommendations do you have for performance improvement to prevent this situation or event from reoccurring?

Your report should meet the following requirements:


  • Be 3-4 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
  • Be formatted according to the APA Requirements.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four (4) scholarly articles—two (2) of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two (2) must be external. Cannot be more than 10 years old.
  • Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.


Tags: healthcare healthcare management Quality and Performance in Healthcare

Comparing Study Designs

Comparing Study Designs

In previous weeks you have reviewed, researched and evaluated finding a study, reading a study, and designing a study,


Using the knowledge you have gained from these exercises, describe, and compare the three study designs—exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory. What biases are built into these three research study designs? Provide specific examples to illustrate your points, building on the material covered to date.

Click here to download the assignment template and enter your responses in it.

​Internal Disaster Plans

​Internal Disaster Plans

Click here to read about the standard operating guidelines for hospital disaster plan.

Review the elements required for a disaster plan addressing an internal disaster. Based on your review, create a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document covering the hospital’s (internal) disaster plan for how the staff reacts and carries out their duties in the event of an internal disaster.

Your internal disaster plans should include:

  • Size and type of your hospital (you decide this)


  • Type of internal disaster (fire, explosion, biological etc.)
  • Key medical and administrative staff to be contacted
  • Central point for communication
  • Particular service areas such as intensive care unit (ICU), labor and delivery unit etc.
  • Other hospitals in your area and how you intend to coordinate with those facilities (you decide this)
  • Implementation on internal transfers (moving patients from one area of the hospital to another)
  • Implementation of external transfers
  • Evacuation plan

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Do you evaluate the logical validity of statements in your

Do you evaluate the logical validity of statements in your

Validity is measuring what is supposed to be measured. Are your method and design sound? There are several ways to do this in one’s personal and professional lives. Evaluate the question on the basis of internal and external validity factors.


Do you evaluate the logical validity of statements in your personal and professional life, in mass media and entertainment, and in your study? Review the steps you take to do this. Please provide examples to support your answer.


Tags: healthcare management heatlhcare research

Stereotyping Problem

Stereotyping Problem

Case Study Analysis Template Instructions: You will use this Case Study Analysis Template to enter your responses to all case study assignments throughout this course. Case Study Analysis 1. Clearly define the problem to be solved or identify symptoms that suggest an underlying problem.


2. Who are the stakeholders in this situation and how are they involved or impacted by this problem? 3. What alternative solutions should be considered in solving this problem? How did you arrive at these alternatives? 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative? Quantify where possible. 5. Indicate which alternative you would recommend and why. 6. Indicate the potential risks if this recommendation turns out to be wrong. 7. How do you expect each of the stakeholders to react to your recommendation? Page 1 of 1 HCM4012 Case Studies in Health Administration ©2013 South University
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Impending Reduction in Workforce

Impending Reduction in Workforce

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, consisting of 10- to 12-slides, outlining the elements required to create a memo that informs staff in an accurate manner of an impending reduction in the workforce. Think about how you will be objective and informative in communicating this major management decision without deliberately raising anxiety amongst all staff.


Consider the challenges and elements of this week’s case when constructing your memo. Your last 2–3 slides should be the actual memo.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Evaluate a case study

Evaluate a case study

Review the following two research studies.

  1. Garne, D., Watson, M., Chapman, S., & Byrne, F. (2005). Environmental tobacco smoke research published in the journal Indoor and Built Environment and associations with the tobacco industry. Lancet, 365(9461), 804–9. Retrieved from


  2. Sclar, E. D., Garau, P., Carolini, G. (2005). The 21st century health challenge of slums and cities. Lancet, 365(9462), 901–3; Retrieved from

Based on your review of the two studies, create a checklist to analyze the quality of research studies.

  • Your checklist should not have more than 20 items. Avoid repetition.
  • Explain how each item on the checklist helps evaluate a study.
  • The checklist should be clearly worded. A person using it should not have to ask for an explanation of any item.


Tags: case study healthcare management

CEO Decision

CEO Decision

WEEK 2: YOU DECIDE Southside HMO Scenario/Summary You are the chief executive officer of Southside HMO, which serves 495,000 members throughout the eastern region of the United States. It has come to your attention that several members or patients who participate in your plan have filed a complaint that your HMO plan does not provide quality healthcare delivery. Several patients have been denied healthcare services to see specialists to whom they were referred by their primary care providers. Your Role/Assignment The board of directors has asked that you provide a 750-word report detailing your strategies and recommendatio


ns to investigate the complaints and to identify strategies to ensure that quality management initiatives are in place to make sure that quality healthcare services are provided to all members. The strategies and recommendations should be as specific as possible and include the resources needed for implementation. Your primary text and journal and website research must be used as a reference to support your analysis. Key Players Review the points of view of the following people to obtain further insights on this assignment. Dr. Waters Primary Care I have been providing healthcare to patients at Sunnyside Hospital for 5 years, and the hospital recently started contracting in network with Southside HMO. Southside is denying referrals to specialists for medical treatment. Mrs. Brown Patient Advocacy Group Representative Sunnyside Hospital I represent patients at Sunnyside Hospital, and more than 30 patients have informed me that Southside HMO is not complying with primary care provider referrals to see a specialist. Mr. Robins Mr. Robins CEO Southside HMO I have been the CEO of Southside HMO for 10 years, and I ensure that our organization is in compliance with all quality management initiatives. Category Points % Description Content 10 20 Content is excellent, completely consistent, and appropriate for audienc integrity; detail is rich and specific. Organization 10 20 Organization is excellent; ideas are clear and arranged logically and the Design and Format 10 20 Document format is excellent, with strong visual impact, design, and fo Style and Readability 10 20 Readability is excellent, with strong attention to audience, appropriate t is good use of figurative language. Grammar and References 10 20 Grammar, referencing, punctuation, mechanics, and usage are correct a English; content demonstrates competent use of mechanics. Category Points Total 50 % Description A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
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These are discussion questions. I only need 1-2 paragraphs for each question. APA for citations (no plagiarism)




Q1: In your own words, explain closed and open panel health maintenance organizations and the continuum of managed care.

Q2: Discuss how a managed care plan of one type might evolve into another type of plan over time.


Tags: health medical discussions healthcare management insurances managed care

healthcare swot analysis

healthcare swot analysis

read the health care workforce shortage and its implications on America’s hospitals, at the American Hospitals Association’s (AHA) website.


Select a hospital, which is not more than two hours away from your place of residence. Based on your readings and understanding, create a 3- to 4-page report in a Microsoft Word document, that includes:

A plan for a rural, medium-sized hospital to deal with short- and long-term workforce shortages.

Your plan should include the following elements:

Problem description of the healthcare workforce shortage and its implications

  • The aspects that need immediate attention and aspects that need long-term attention
  • Provide a rationale on why these aspects need attention
  • A description of the financial implications for these issues

Evaluation of alternatives with an explanation of the risks associated with these problems
Your recommendations to solve these problems
An explanation of the methods to measure the success of the plan
A description of the next steps, if the plan failed
Reference list

should be addressed in 8-10 pages

link can be found here…