Nursing homework help

Note: Kindly respond to this discussion post.

250words, APA format, and 2 references

Thank you.

There are notable differences between research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement, but they all promote quality in our organization and allow us to identify excellence in the delivery of care and services to patients.

Most concrete evidence stems from research. Research is all about developing new knowledge and validating existing knowledge. Evidence-based practice (EBP) isn’t about developing new knowledge or validating existing knowledge. It’s about translating the evidence and applying it to clinical decision-making. The purpose of EBP is to use the best evidence available to make patient-care decisions. Evidence-based practice (EBP) involves innovation in terms of finding and translating the best evidence into clinical practice (Fowler, 2021). EBP goes beyond research use and includes clinical expertise as well as patient preferences and values. The use of EBP takes into consideration that some evidence is that of opinion leaders and experts, even though no definitive knowledge from research results exists. Nursing homework help


My organization’s quality assurance performance improvement (QAPI) plan is based on current quality improvement practices and the guidelines published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Hospice Conditions of Participation. The program consists of quality and performance improvement activities that are designed to maintain and improve the quality of patient care, patient/family satisfaction, management, and business functions while adhering to state and federal regulatory requirements. Our QAPI plan also focuses on three functional areas including clinical practices, management practices, and risk management practices.

These differences help improve safety and quality by closing the gaps between research and practice and by changing organizational behaviors. Through research, EBP, and QI programs nurses can generate new knowledge, advance existing knowledge, and improve bedside care.

Fowler S. B. (2021). Quality Improvement, Evidence-Based Practice, and Research. Home healthcare now39(3), 178. Nursing homework help

Project, Transition And Planning Assignment

Project, Transition And Planning Assignment

Please refer this project to the attached problem which is a presentation.

The Problem is about pressure ulcer.

Note: APA format, 3-4 references

In this assessment, you will work through the planning and implementation stages of the project. This will require you to determine goals and resources needed and to select an evidence-based practice (EBP) model.


Part 1 – Literature Review

Research best practices to identify an effective intervention for your selected problem. Your goal is to gather evidence from scholarly literature to support the most effective intervention strategy.

The performance appraisal tools in this week’s learning activities will help you determine appropriate scholarly sources of evidence to cite. Project, Transition And Planning Assignment

Locate at least 3 original research articles that support your proposed solution to your selected problem.

  • The articles must be peer-reviewed, published within the past 5 years, and statistically significant.

To begin, write a 350-word summary of each article in which you:

  • Identify current guidelines or best practices relating to your proposed solution, or if there are protocols, the current standard of care.
  • Define your proposed intervention(s) to address the problem.
  • Explain how the intervention will result in a solution to the problem

Continue to Week 4 to complete Part 2 of the summative assessment and submit both parts at the end of Week 4. Project, Transition And Planning Assignment.

Discussion 4 Respond Diversity

Discussion 4 Respond Diversity

Discussion 1 Geanny Garcia

Cultures around the world have long recognized the benefits of prenatal care. In Tae-Kyo, pregnant women, families, and communities are obligated to deliver healthy babies and to pay attention to their development from birth. As a result of this comprehensive view, prenatal care can be conceptualized as encompassing multiple aspects. Taegyo or the additional Korean traditional prenatal education is part of the health care practices and cultural practices that many traditional mothers in Korea have to observe. They are post and prenatal behaviors that women have to integrate into their pregnancy lives to enhance the physical growth and psychological development of the fetus and themselves. It is founded on the idea that a child becomes a person from the conception period and therefore they deserve to be taken care of. most of the mothers and people that hold on to the practice believe that it is for optimal health. Thus, Taegyo facilitates good health and intelligence inborn and also makes parents ready for parenthood as early as possible as it prepares and shapes their habits and mental thinking. According to Lee et al. (2016) women who practice the culture have in most cases had positive outcomes. That means that it is congruent with the allopathic recommendation of pregnancy care because both have suggestions that improve the wellness of both the child and mother. Discussion 4 Respond Diversity


During Pregnancy and the postpartum period, women experience massive physiological and psychological changes. Some women might crave to eat more proteins than others while others might crave vegetables. Regardless, there is an optimal range of diets that women in Korea. According to numerous studies, the range of diets does not vary much before and after delivery. Mothers, however, are advised to eat a lot of seafood, vegetables, and fruits during pregnancy. This is to ensure that their body gets the necessary vitamins necessary for child growth and development. In addition, the cultural beliefs and practices of Koreans do not allow pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to take any amount of alcohol or related drinks (Lee et al., 2016). It is believed taking alcohol increases the risk of harm to the fetus.

Over the past decades, numerous strategies to help in curbing drug use and abuse have been formulated. The most relevant and culturally acceptable in this case are dealing with life pressures, community-based programs, and information dissemination (Tang et al., 2016). All of the three will target Jay. For instance, the health provider should help Jay to learn that life is not a smooth straight line. Everybody has challenges in life and the secret is constantly learning how to fight them without giving up as life has no balance. By doing so, he will accept the truth that it is his responsibility to provide and care for his family and nothing can change. Jay can also be helped by being connected to community working programs to get himself money and busy dealing with the pressure. Discussion 4 Respond Diversity


Lee, Y., Lee, J., & Tulo, N. (2016). Korean traditional Taegyo prenatal education. IJCE31, 34-39.

Tang, Y. Y., Tang, R., & Posner, M. I. (2016). Mindfulness meditation improves emotion regulation and reduces drug abuse. Drug and alcohol dependence163, S13-S18.

Discussion 2 (Lindsay)


  1. Describe the Korean cultural practice tae-kyo. Is this practice congruent with allopathic recommendations for prenatal care?

Tae-kyo has been practiced and emphasized since ancient time. Tae-kyo is a concept that involves thoughts, mindsets, and behaviors. These thoughts and actions are taken by pregnant women to have good effects on a pregnant fetus (Kyung-Sook et al., 2020). Tae-kyo is a type of health care behavior that integrates and improves physical and psychological growth and development for the baby. The practice of tae-kyo promotes a wide variety of caring activities. These include control of the mind to be peaceful and happy, maintenance of a graceful demeanor, selection of food by the quality of ingredients, identification of saints and great persons, and practice in control and protection from sensory and sexual stimulation. The Korean cultural practice of tae-kyo is congruent with allopathic recommendations for prenatal care. This practice recognizes the importance of physical health management and psychological stability for mothers from the prenatal period (Kyung-Sook et al., 2020).

  1. How do food choices among Koreans differ with pregnancy and postpartum?

Koreans adhere to strict food choices during both pregnancy and postpartum. During pregnancy Korean women follow many rules and taboos to ensure a healthy child and safe delivery. Foods such as rabbit, squid, crab, duck, chicken, eggs, and peaches are considered to be harmful to eat (Korean Embassy, 2000). It is believed, for example, if mothers consume large amounts of chicken, the skin of the child would be prickly like a chicken or if she ate large amounts of duck meat, the child would walk like a duck (Korean Embassy, 2000). During the postpartum period in Korea mothers consume a large bowl of seaweed soup three times a day (Hye-jun, 2013). They believe seaweed cleanses blood, detoxified the body, helps the womb contract, and increases breast milk (Hye-jun, 2013). Discussion 4 Respond Diversity

  1. Describe cultural attitudes toward drinking among Koreans.

Drinking is prevalent in the Korean culture. The culture of drinking in Koreans is done so with the purpose of promoting relationships or developing acquaintance with other individuals. Drinking behaviors are counted as one’s leisure activities, and one’s daily life is composed of working and leisure time. The culture of giving reception to one’s guests with drinking is counted as a bridge that connects both working and leisure in one’s daily life (Ko & Sohn, 2018). In Korea if your superior in the workplace offers you out for drinks it is considered a huge compliment. They regard drinking together as an avenue for expression of respect and support (Ko & Sohn, 2018). Drinking is important in that it releases tension and misunderstandings in the workplace.

  1. Identify two or three culturally congruent strategies a healthcare provider might use to address Jay’s drinking.

A strong partnership between the provider and patient is essential in treating alcohol abuse. By including the patient in both problem definition and problem-solving it ensures the patients personal situation, perspective, and current level of understanding of their disorder is taken into consideration (Sullivan et al., 1994). Patient’s collaboration encourages them to participate in their care and take responsibility for their recovery. Jay’s drinking problem is partially due to family stress. Alcohol abuse therefore may result from and affect his family situation. Therefore, it is vital to address problems related to this environment. When addressing an individual’s drinking problem, it is important to determine their awareness and education on the harmful effects of alcohol. By assessing the patient’s knowledge, we can provide information targeted to their current level of understanding. Health care providers can teach patients about responsible alcohol use, risk factors such as family history or excessive use connected with work or recreation, alternatives to alcohol use and abuse such as stress management or recreational activities, and the disease of alcoholism (Sullivan et al., 1994).


Hye-jun, L. (2013). Korean postpartum care is special. The Korea Times.

Ko, S., & Sohn, A. (2018). Behaviors and culture of drinking among Korean people. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 47, 47-56 . Discussion 4 Respond Diversity


Media Anthropology : Reflective Essay

Media Anthropology : Reflective Essay

Assignment Instructions

In a 1-to-3-page reflective essay, consider how anthropologists study modern media, and consider how you, in your nursing career, see yourself using modern media professionally.

Think critically, as anthropologists do.

  • First, describe in your essay how anthropologists study modern media.
  • Then, apply those observations regarding ways anthropologists study modern media and describe ways nurses do or could use modern media professionally.
  • Describe ways you, as a nurse, could use modern media professionally.
  • What would be some potential benefits of the use of modern media to the modern nurse?
  • What would be some potential drawbacks? How might such media use affect the nurse-and-patient relationship? Media Anthropology : Reflective Essay
  • Integrate the textbook reading in your reflection, using concepts, quotes, and/or paraphrases and citations, from both the “Doing Fieldwork” Chapter 3 by Nelson and the “Media Anthropology” Chapter 16 by Peake. Paraphrase or quote and cite from at least one scholarly, outside source to support your reflections, also.



Week 13: Reflective Essay_ANT300Week 13: Reflective Essay_ANT300CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA, Formatting, and Mechanics (30%)Standard APA formatting is present (12 pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced). Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are correct. Both sentence and paragraph structures conform to current conventions. Citations (both parenthetical and full) are present and in correct APA format.9 ptsExemplary (30%)Meets all guidelines with no errors.7.5 ptsAccomplished (25%)Meets all guidelines; contains minor errors.6 ptsAcceptable (20%)Meets some of the guidelines; contains major errors.4.5 ptsInadequate (15%)Does not meet the guideline0 ptsNo Submission9 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis (40%)Discussion of anthropology and modern media is clear, detailed, and supported by scholarly sources as described in the assignment description.12 ptsExemplary (40%)Meets all guidelines with no errors.10.5 ptsAccomplished (35%)Meets all guidelines; contains minor errors.10 ptsAcceptable (30%)Meets some of the guidelines; contains major errors.7.5 ptsInadequate (25%)Does not meet the guideline0 ptsNo Submission12 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication (30%)Applications and implications for Nursing practice are considered; pros and cons are both addressed.9 ptsExemplary (30%)Meets all guidelines with no errors.7.5 ptsAccomplished (25%)Meets all guidelines; contains minor errors.6 ptsAcceptable (20%)Meets some of the guidelines; contains major errors.4.5 ptsInadequate (15%)Does not meet the guideline0 ptsNo Submission9 pts Total Points: 30PreviousNext  . Media Anthropology : Reflective Essay


Concepts of Epidemiology and Nursing Research

Concepts of Epidemiology and Nursing Research

Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment.

Communicable Disease Selection

Choose one communicable disease from the options below.

  1. Chickenpox
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Influenza
  4. Mononucleosis
  5. Hepatitis B
  6. HIV
  7. Ebola
  8. Measles
  9. Polio
  10. Influenza

Epidemiology Paper Requirements

Address the following:

  1. Describe the chosen communicable disease, including causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment, and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). Is this a reportable disease? If so, provide details about reporting time, whom to report to, etc.
  2. Describe the social determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.
  3. Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general population?
  4. Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collection, data analysis, and follow-up) and why demographic data are necessary to the health of the community.
  5. Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organizations contribute to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.
  6. Discuss a global implication of the disease. How is this addressed in other countries or cultures? Is this disease endemic to a particular area? Provide an example.

A minimum of three peer-reviewed or professional references is required.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Cutting for stone – Global health essay

Cutting for stone – Global health essay

Write a discussion essay on the question below:

  1. In the issues raised in Cutting for stone (so far In the first 3 chapters): What determinants of health are associated with the illnesses that sister Mary Joseph Praise and other characters faced?
  2. What do you think could change in order to alter or influence in a positive manner the outcome of ill health (think in terms of changing or intervention to influence the determinant of health). Provide specific examples (cite the page when citing an example from the book).


Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of Schizophrenia

Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of Schizophrenia

Prepare a Power Point Presentation OF 15 slides

1- Provide Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of Schizophrenia


2- Epidemiology

3-Etiology and risk factors

4- Treatment (including)

a- Pharmacotherapy


c-Lifestyle management

7- Conclusion

8- References

Address all the points above


good nutrition Nursing response

good nutrition Nursing response

Nutrition is probably one of the most important things a person can do to improve and maintain their health. Feeding your body, providing the nutrients it needs to heal, is really the first step to healing.

Patient’s that have CHF have to maintain fluid and salt restrictions in order not to exacerbate their conditions. At our hospital there is a frequent flyer that refuses to take Lasix, won’t take bumex, and will not abide by diet restrictions at all. We see her every 6 weeks or so when her fluid overload becomes too much for her to live at home.

Another difficulty I see often is patients who have sores, or non-healing wounds, either because they are diabetic and too poorly control their sugar, or they simply don’t eat enough to get adequate nutrient or protein intake. I see a surprising amount of failure to thrive patients at the hospital. They have either no family or distant family, and typically have poor eating habits. Not because they don’t want to eat, but rather because they simply have no appetite, so they don’t eat. They will pick at their meal trays. The dietician will see them, order them ensure and then it will be all they can manage to bother eating half the time. I suppose it doesn’t help that our hospital’s food is… subpar. It’s really not any good at all, which.. I don’t get because one of the other hospitals in our same network has a really nice cafeteria with great food. Either our facility doesn’t have the same company or it’s just the difference in the staff. When patient’s don’t like the food, they either don’t eat, or they will have family bring in food which is often times how they ended up in the hospital to begin with.


Chapter 3 – Assignment

Chapter 3 – Assignment

Ten Lessons I Learned from Peter Drucker By Jim Collins Foreword to the 50th Anniversary Edition of The Effective Executive May 17, 2016 If you are to read one book on executive self-management, it should be this, Peter Drucker’s definitive classic, The Effective Executive. It doesn’t matter the size of your organization, or even whether you run an organization at all. Anyone who has responsibility for getting the right things done—anyone who seeks how best to self-deploy on the few priorities that will make the biggest impact—is an executive. The most effective among us have the same number of hours as everyone else, yet they deploy them better, often much better than people with far greater raw talent. As Drucker states early in these pages: people endowed with tremendous brilliance are often “strikingly ineffectual.” And if that’s true for the exceptionally brilliant, what hope is there for the rest of us? Actually, there is something much better than hope: Drucker’s practical disciplines. I first read The Effective Executive in my early thirties, and it was a huge inflection point in my own development. Reading the text again, I’m reminded of how its lessons became deeply ingrained, almost as a set of commandments. Some of Drucker’s examples and language might be dated, but the insights are timeless and modern, as helpful today as when he wrote them more than five decades ago. Here are ten lessons I learned from Peter Drucker and this book, and that I offer as a small portal of entry into the mind of the greatest management thinker of all time. #1: First, Manage Thyself “That one can truly manage other people is by no means adequately proven,” Drucker writes, “But one can always manage oneself.” How can you possibly expect others to perform at the highest levels without first expecting that of yourself? Drucker lays out a law of organized performance: the ratio of a leader’s performance to those on his or her team remains constant; therefore, if you want the average performance of those around you to go up, you must first improve your own performance. #2: Do What You’re Made For One of Drucker’s most arresting points is that we are all incompetent at most things. The crucial question is not how to turn incompetence into excellence, but to ask, “What can a person do uncommonly well?” This leads, inevitably, to a conclusion: your first responsibility is to determine your own distinctive competences—what you can do uncommonly well, what you are truly made for—and then navigate your life and career in direct alignment. “To focus on weakness is not only foolish; it is irresponsible,” challenges Drucker. Does Drucker’s “Build on strength” imperative mean never confronting our (or others’) deficiencies? Yes and no. It means that if you’re made to be a distance runner, don’t try to be a middle linebacker. At the same time, you must address deficiencies that directly impede full flowering of your strength. When Michael Jordan was reaching the end of his basketball career, he could no longer fly to the basket with the same height and power as when he was younger, so he began to build a strength he’d never previously had: a fade-away jumper. He eradicated a crucial weakness within his strength, turning his fade-away jumper into yet another Jordan-can-kill you-strength on the court. Do what you’re made for, yes, but then get better and better; eradicate weakness, yes, but only within strength. #3: Work How You Work Best (And Let Others Do The Same) If you’re a tool put here on this Earth to be useful, how does the tool best work? Some people work well at night; others work better in the morning. Some absorb information best by reading, others by listening. Some thrive in full-immersion, others work better in short bursts with variety in the day. Some are project oriented; others are process oriented. Some need vacations; others think the best part about vacations is that they end. Some prefer teams, whereas others produce much greater impact working alone. Per Drucker, we are wired for ways of working the same way we are right-handed or left-handed. I discovered early that I cannot exchange morning creative hours for afternoon creative hours (the morning ones are always better). Drucker gave me the confidence to calendar white space in the morning and to be belligerently reclusive during creative hours. No one but you can take responsibility to leverage how you best work, and the sooner you do, the more years you have to gain the cumulative effect of tens of thousands of hours well-spent. #4: Count Your Time, And Make It Count Drucker taught that what gets measured gets managed. So, how can we possibly hope to manage our time if we don’t measure precisely where our time goes? Inspired by Drucker’s challenge, I’ve kept a spreadsheet with one key metric: the number of creative hours logged each day, with the self-imposed imperative to stay above a thousand creative hours a year. This mechanism keeps me on the creative march—doing research, developing concepts, and writing—despite ever-increasing demands for travel, team leadership, and working with executives. But you also have to make your time count. The “secret” of people who do so many difficult things, writes Drucker, is that they do only one thing at a time; they refuse to let themselves be squandered away in “small driblets [that] are no time at all.” This requires the discipline to consolidate time into blocks, of three primary types. First, create unbroken blocks for individual think time, preferably during the must lucid time of day; these pockets of quietude might be only 90 minutes, but even the busiest executive must do them with regularity. Second, create chunks of deliberately unstructured time for people and the inevitable stuff that comes up. Third, engage in meetings that matter, making particular use of carefully constructed standing meetings that can be the heartbeat of dialogue, debate, and decision; and use some of your think time to prepare and follow up. #5: Prepare Better Meetings The oft-repeated quip, “I’m sorry to write you a long letter, as I did not have time to write a short one” could be applied to meetings: “I’m sorry to imprison you in this long meeting, as I did not have time to prepare a short one.” Effective people develop a recipe for how to make the most of meetings, and they employ their recipes with consistent discipline. And while there are many varieties of good meeting recipes, just as there are many recipes for baking tasty cookies, Drucker highlights two common ingredients: preparation with a clear purpose in mind (“why are we having this meeting?”) and disciplined follow-up. Those who make the most of meetings frequently spend substantially more time preparing for the meeting than in the meeting itself. To abuse other people’s time by failing to prepare shorter, better meetings amounts to stealing a portion of their lives. And while we must all lead or join meetings, they should be limited to those that do the most useful work; if meetings come to dominate your time, then your life is likely being ill-spent. #6: Don’t Make A Hundred Decisions When One Will Do We’re continually hit by a blizzard of situations, opportunities, problems, incidents—all of which seem to demand decisions. Yes. No. Go. No-go. Buy. Sell. Attack. Retreat. Accept. Reject. Reply. Ignore. Invest. Harvest. Hire. It can feel like chaos, but the most effective people find the patterns within the chaos. In Drucker’s view, we rarely face truly unique, one-off decisions. And there is an overhead cost to any good decision: it requires argument and debate, time for reflection and concentration, and energy expended to ensure superb execution. So, given this overhead cost, it’s far better to Zoom Out and make a few big generic decisions that can apply to a large number of specific situations, to find a pattern within—in short, to go from chaos to concept. Think of it as akin to Warren Buffett making investment decisions. Buffett learned to ignore the vast majority of possibilities almost as background noise. Instead, he made a few big decisions—such as the decision to shift from buying mediocre companies at very cheap prices to buying great earnings machines at good prices—and then replicated that generic decision over and over again. For Drucker, those who grasp Buffett’s point that “inactivity can be very intelligent behavior” are much more effective than those who make hundreds of decisions with no coherent concept. #7: Find Your One Big Distinctive Impact When a friend of mine became the chairman of the board of trustees of a leading university, he posed a question: “How will I know I’ve done a great job?” I pondered what Drucker would say, and then answered: “Identify one big thing that would most contribute to the future of the university and orchestrate getting it done. If you make one distinctive contribution—a key decision that would not have happened without your leadership (even if no one ever credits you for your catalytic role)—then you will have rendered a great service.” Drucker applied this idea to his own consulting. When I asked him what he contributed to his clients, he modestly said, “I have generally learned more from them than they learned from me.” Then, pausing for effect, he added, “Of course, in each case there was one absolutely fundamental decision they would not have made without me.” What is your one absolutely fundamental contribution that would not happen without you? #8: Stop What You Would Not Start The presence of an ever expanding to do list without a robust stop doing list is a lack of discipline. To focus on priorities means clearing away the clutter. Sometimes the best way to deal with a platter piled high with problems is to simply toss the entire pile into the trash, wash the platter, and start anew. Above all, we must not starve our biggest opportunities because we’re so busy throwing ourselves at our biggest problems and dwelling on past mistakes. Pivot from past to future, create forward, always ask, “What’s next?” Yet how to do this, when past problems clamor for our attention, when we live with the accumulated legacy of what came before? Drucker gives an answer in the form of a question, one of the most impactful in his arsenal: If it were a decision today to start something you are already in (to enter a business, to hire a person, to institute a policy, to launch a project, etc.), would you? If not, then why do you persist? #9: Run Lean One of Drucker’s most important insights is that an organization is like a biological organism in one key way: internal mass grows at a faster rate than external surface; thus, as the organization grows, an increasing proportion of energy diverts to managing the internal mass rather than contributing to the outside world. Combine this with another Druckerian truth: The accomplishments of a single right person in a key seat dwarf the combined accomplishment of dividing the seat among multiple B-players. Get better people, give them really big things to do, enlarge their responsibilities, and let them work. Resist the temptation to redesign seats on the bus to specific personalities (except for the exceptionally rare genius), as this will inevitably create seats you don’t need. “The fewer people, the smaller, the less activity inside,” writes Drucker, “the more nearly perfect is the organization.” #10: Be Useful When I was just 36, Tom Brown, editor for Industry Week magazine, somehow got Drucker to invite me to visit with him in Claremont. I clicked on my answering machine one day after teaching my classes at Stanford, and heard a resonant Austrian accent: “This is Peter Drucker.” When I called him back to arrange a day, I asked if I should schedule with his assistant, to which he replied, “I am my own secretary.” He lived a simple life, no staff, no research assistants, no formal office. He typed on a clickity-clack old typewriter, set at 90 degrees off of a small desk, working in the spare bedroom of a modest house. He met in his living room with powerful CEOs, sitting not at a desk, but in a wicker chair. And yet with this minimalist method, Drucker stood as the most impactful management thinker of the twentieth century. My first meeting with Drucker is one of the ten most significant days of my life. Peter had dedicated himself to one huge question: How can we make society both more productive and more humane? His warmth—as when he grasped my hand in two of his upon opening his front door, “Mr. Collins, so very pleased to meet you; please come inside”—bespoke his own humanity. But he was also incredibly productive. At one point, I asked him which of his twentysix books he was most proud of, to which Drucker, then 86, replied: “The next one!” He wrote ten more. At the end of that day, Peter hit me with a challenge. I was on the cusp of leaving my faculty spot at Stanford, betting on a self-created path, and I was scared. “It seems to me you spend a lot of time worrying how you will survive,” said Peter. “You will probably survive.” He continued, “And you seem to spend a lot of energy on the question of how to be successful. But that is the wrong question.” He paused, then like the Zen master thwacking the table with a bamboo stick: “The question is: how to be useful!” A great teacher can change your life in thirty seconds. We are all given only one short life, composed of the same 168 hours a week as everyone else. What will it add up to? How will other people’s lives be changed? What difference will it make? Peter Drucker—one man with no organization, a modest house, and a wicker chair—models how much one highly-effective person can contribute, and that we should never confuse scale of impact with scale of organization. He was, in the end, the highest level of what a teacher can be: a role model of the very ideas he taught, a walking testament to his teachings in the tremendous lasting effect of his own life. Ten Lessons I Learned from Peter Drucker By Jim Collins Foreword to the 50th Anniversary Edition of The Effective Executive May 17, 2016 If you are to read one book on executive self-management, it should be this, Peter Drucker’s definitive classic, The Effective Executive. It doesn’t matter the size of your organization, or even whether you run an organization at all. Anyone who has responsibility for getting the right things done—anyone who seeks how best to self-deploy on the few priorities that will make the biggest impact—is an executive. The most effective among us have the same number of hours as everyone else, yet they deploy them better, often much better than people with far greater raw talent. As Drucker states early in these pages: people endowed with tremendous brilliance are often “strikingly ineffectual.” And if that’s true for the exceptionally brilliant, what hope is there for the rest of us? Actually, there is something much better than hope: Drucker’s practical disciplines. I first read The Effective Executive in my early thirties, and it was a huge inflection point in my own development. Reading the text again, I’m reminded of how its lessons became deeply ingrained, almost as a set of commandments. Some of Drucker’s examples and language might be dated, but the insights are timeless and modern, as helpful today as when he wrote them more than five decades ago. Here are ten lessons I learned from Peter Drucker and this book, and that I offer as a small portal of entry into the mind of the greatest management thinker of all time. #1: First, Manage Thyself “That one can truly manage other people is by no means adequately proven,” Drucker writes, “But one can always manage oneself.” How can you possibly expect others to perform at the highest levels without first expecting that of yourself? Drucker lays out a law of organized performance: the ratio of a leader’s performance to those on his or her team remains constant; therefore, if you want the average performance of those around you to go up, you must first improve your own performance. #2: Do What You’re Made For One of Drucker’s most arresting points is that we are all incompetent at most things. The crucial question is not how to turn incompetence into excellence, but to ask, “What can a person do uncommonly well?” This leads, inevitably, to a conclusion: your first responsibility is to determine your own distinctive competences—what you can do uncommonly well, what you are truly made for—and then navigate your life and career in direct alignment. “To focus on weakness is not only foolish; it is irresponsible,” challenges Drucker. Does Drucker’s “Build on strength” imperative mean never confronting our (or others’) deficiencies? Yes and no. It means that if you’re made to be a distance runner, don’t try to be a middle linebacker. At the same time, you must address deficiencies that directly impede full flowering of your strength. When Michael Jordan was reaching the end of his basketball career, he could no longer fly to the basket with the same height and power as when he was younger, so he began to build a strength he’d never previously had: a fade-away jumper. He eradicated a crucial weakness within his strength, turning his fade-away jumper into yet another Jordan-can-kill you-strength on the court. Do what you’re made for, yes, but then get better and better; eradicate weakness, yes, but only within strength. #3: Work How You Work Best (And Let Others Do The Same) If you’re a tool put here on this Earth to be useful, how does the tool best work? Some people work well at night; others work better in the morning. Some absorb information best by reading, others by listening. Some thrive in full-immersion, others work better in short bursts with variety in the day. Some are project oriented; others are process oriented. Some need vacations; others think the best part about vacations is that they end. Some prefer teams, whereas others produce much greater impact working alone. Per Drucker, we are wired for ways of working the same way we are right-handed or left-handed. I discovered early that I cannot exchange morning creative hours for afternoon creative hours (the morning ones are always better). Drucker gave me the confidence to calendar white space in the morning and to be belligerently reclusive during creative hours. No one but you can take responsibility to leverage how you best work, and the sooner you do, the more years you have to gain the cumulative effect of tens of thousands of hours well-spent. #4: Count Your Time, And Make It Count Drucker taught that what gets measured gets managed. So, how can we possibly hope to manage our time if we don’t measure precisely where our time goes? Inspired by Drucker’s challenge, I’ve kept a spreadsheet with one key metric: the number of creative hours logged each day, with the self-imposed imperative to stay above a thousand creative hours a year. This mechanism keeps me on the creative march—doing research, developing concepts, and writing—despite ever-increasing demands for travel, team leadership, and working with executives. But you also have to make your time count. The “secret” of people who do so many difficult things, writes Drucker, is that they do only one thing at a time; they refuse to let themselves be squandered away in “small driblets [that] are no time at all.” This requires the discipline to consolidate time into blocks, of three primary types. First, create unbroken blocks for individual think time, preferably during the must lucid time of day; these pockets of quietude might be only 90 minutes, but even the busiest executive must do them with regularity. Second, create chunks of deliberately unstructured time for people and the inevitable stuff that comes up. Third, engage in meetings that matter, making particular use of carefully constructed standing meetings that can be the heartbeat of dialogue, debate, and decision; and use some of your think time to prepare and follow up. #5: Prepare Better Meetings The oft-repeated quip, “I’m sorry to write you a long letter, as I did not have time to write a short one” could be applied to meetings: “I’m sorry to imprison you in this long meeting, as I did not have time to prepare a short one.” Effective people develop a recipe for how to make the most of meetings, and they employ their recipes with consistent discipline. And while there are many varieties of good meeting recipes, just as there are many recipes for baking tasty cookies, Drucker highlights two common ingredients: preparation with a clear purpose in mind (“why are we having this meeting?”) and disciplined follow-up. Those who make the most of meetings frequently spend substantially more time preparing for the meeting than in the meeting itself. To abuse other people’s time by failing to prepare shorter, better meetings amounts to stealing a portion of their lives. And while we must all lead or join meetings, they should be limited to those that do the most useful work; if meetings come to dominate your time, then your life is likely being ill-spent. #6: Don’t Make A Hundred Decisions When One Will Do We’re continually hit by a blizzard of situations, opportunities, problems, incidents—all of which seem to demand decisions. Yes. No. Go. No-go. Buy. Sell. Attack. Retreat. Accept. Reject. Reply. Ignore. Invest. Harvest. Hire. It can feel like chaos, but the most effective people find the patterns within the chaos. In Drucker’s view, we rarely face truly unique, one-off decisions. And there is an overhead cost to any good decision: it requires argument and debate, time for reflection and concentration, and energy expended to ensure superb execution. So, given this overhead cost, it’s far better to Zoom Out and make a few big generic decisions that can apply to a large number of specific situations, to find a pattern within—in short, to go from chaos to concept. Think of it as akin to Warren Buffett making investment decisions. Buffett learned to ignore the vast majority of possibilities almost as background noise. Instead, he made a few big decisions—such as the decision to shift from buying mediocre companies at very cheap prices to buying great earnings machines at good prices—and then replicated that generic decision over and over again. For Drucker, those who grasp Buffett’s point that “inactivity can be very intelligent behavior” are much more effective than those who make hundreds of decisions with no coherent concept. #7: Find Your One Big Distinctive Impact When a friend of mine became the chairman of the board of trustees of a leading university, he posed a question: “How will I know I’ve done a great job?” I pondered what Drucker would say, and then answered: “Identify one big thing that would most contribute to the future of the university and orchestrate getting it done. If you make one distinctive contribution—a key decision that would not have happened without your leadership (even if no one ever credits you for your catalytic role)—then you will have rendered a great service.” Drucker applied this idea to his own consulting. When I asked him what he contributed to his clients, he modestly said, “I have generally learned more from them than they learned from me.” Then, pausing for effect, he added, “Of course, in each case there was one absolutely fundamental decision they would not have made without me.” What is your one absolutely fundamental contribution that would not happen without you? #8: Stop What You Would Not Start The presence of an ever expanding to do list without a robust stop doing list is a lack of discipline. To focus on priorities means clearing away the clutter. Sometimes the best way to deal with a platter piled high with problems is to simply toss the entire pile into the trash, wash the platter, and start anew. Above all, we must not starve our biggest opportunities because we’re so busy throwing ourselves at our biggest problems and dwelling on past mistakes. Pivot from past to future, create forward, always ask, “What’s next?” Yet how to do this, when past problems clamor for our attention, when we live with the accumulated legacy of what came before? Drucker gives an answer in the form of a question, one of the most impactful in his arsenal: If it were a decision today to start something you are already in (to enter a business, to hire a person, to institute a policy, to launch a project, etc.), would you? If not, then why do you persist? #9: Run Lean One of Drucker’s most important insights is that an organization is like a biological organism in one key way: internal mass grows at a faster rate than external surface; thus, as the organization grows, an increasing proportion of energy diverts to managing the internal mass rather than contributing to the outside world. Combine this with another Druckerian truth: The accomplishments of a single right person in a key seat dwarf the combined accomplishment of dividing the seat among multiple B-players. Get better people, give them really big things to do, enlarge their responsibilities, and let them work. Resist the temptation to redesign seats on the bus to specific personalities (except for the exceptionally rare genius), as this will inevitably create seats you don’t need. “The fewer people, the smaller, the less activity inside,” writes Drucker, “the more nearly perfect is the organization.” #10: Be Useful When I was just 36, Tom Brown, editor for Industry Week magazine, somehow got Drucker to invite me to visit with him in Claremont. I clicked on my answering machine one day after teaching my classes at Stanford, and heard a resonant Austrian accent: “This is Peter Drucker.” When I called him back to arrange a day, I asked if I should schedule with his assistant, to which he replied, “I am my own secretary.” He lived a simple life, no staff, no research assistants, no formal office. He typed on a clickity-clack old typewriter, set at 90 degrees off of a small desk, working in the spare bedroom of a modest house. He met in his living room with powerful CEOs, sitting not at a desk, but in a wicker chair. And yet with this minimalist method, Drucker stood as the most impactful management thinker of the twentieth century. My first meeting with Drucker is one of the ten most significant days of my life. Peter had dedicated himself to one huge question: How can we make society both more productive and more humane? His warmth—as when he grasped my hand in two of his upon opening his front door, “Mr. Collins, so very pleased to meet you; please come inside”—bespoke his own humanity. But he was also incredibly productive. At one point, I asked him which of his twentysix books he was most proud of, to which Drucker, then 86, replied: “The next one!” He wrote ten more. At the end of that day, Peter hit me with a challenge. I was on the cusp of leaving my faculty spot at Stanford, betting on a self-created path, and I was scared. “It seems to me you spend a lot of time worrying how you will survive,” said Peter. “You will probably survive.” He continued, “And you seem to spend a lot of energy on the question of how to be successful. But that is the wrong question.” He paused, then like the Zen master thwacking the table with a bamboo stick: “The question is: how to be useful!” A great teacher can change your life in thirty seconds. We are all given only one short life, composed of the same 168 hours a week as everyone else. What will it add up to? How will other people’s lives be changed? What difference will it make? Peter Drucker—one man with no organization, a modest house, and a wicker chair—models how much one highly-effective person can contribute, and that we should never confuse scale of impact with scale of organization. He was, in the end, the highest level of what a teacher can be: a role model of the very ideas he taught, a walking testament to his teachings in the tremendous lasting effect of his own life.
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NUR4827 MDC Leadership Theories In Nursing

NUR4827 MDC Leadership Theories In Nursing

  1. Please select one (1) leadership theory, and describe why it is particularly suited for healthcare organizational and especially nursing. Be very specific.
  2. Then, describe which aspects make it particularly suited for nursing today while it is in such turmoil and the issues have become so critical to the profession of nursing.
  3. Also either based on reality or theoretically, why does this leadership model appear to have the most important explanation and description for a leader in such a role today?
  4. Answer the questions as thoroughly and concisely as possible.
    1. Be sure to reference any works that you utilize in answering the questions (Be sure that references are in APA format).