Topic 5 DQ 2.2

Topic 5 DQ 2.2

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references

Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is a viewpoint or attitude for assessing processes and improving them in order to increase customer satisfaction (Huber, 2014). CQI focus in healthcare is usually related to improving patient outcomes (Connor, 2014).

At the hospital I work in they initiated hourly rounding on patients. Although I did agree that the evidenced-based practice and research studies have proven that hourly rounding was beneficial, and had improved areas such as, decrease fall rate, and increased patient satisfaction. It was not something that was beneficial in the postpartum care unit. We actually found that customer satisfaction had decreased. We still wanted to do frequent rounding on patients but not every hour. We heard from patients they felt that too many people and too many times they were disturbed when not necessary. As part of a small committee we surveyed patients and came up with the idea to place magnetic time sheets on the door frame outside the room to initial when someone had been in the room last and we increased rounding to every two hours. It was helpful to staff to know when the last person was in the room, decreased the number of interruptions and it helped nurses to cluster their care which increased our satisfaction scores. The managers were impressed that we had come prepared with survey results, suggestions from patients and an idea to implement. They agreed that we should trial to increase rounding to every two hours and using the time sheets for a few months to see how it went. Patient satisfaction was up because they felt like the staff was available for them but not interrupting them continuously which interfered with getting rest and bonding with their new baby. Management was extremely happy with the results and initiated a committee that focused on researching improvements tailored for our special unit.



Connor, B. T. (2014, June). Differentiating research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement. American Nurse Today9(6), p 26-31. Retrieved from…

Huber, D. L. (2014). Leadership and nursing care management (5th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

The Application Of Data To Healthcare Organisation Problem-solving

The Application Of Data To Healthcare Organisation Problem-solving

Discussion: The Application of Data to Problem-Solving

In the modern era, there are few professions that do not to some extent rely on data. Stockbrokers rely on market data to advise clients on financial matters. Meteorologists rely on weather data to forecast weather conditions, while realtors rely on data to advise on the purchase and sale of property. In these and other cases, data not only helps solve problems, but adds to the practitioner’s and the discipline’s body of knowledge.

Of course, the nursing profession also relies heavily on data. The field of nursing informatics aims to make sure nurses have access to the appropriate date to solve healthcare problems, make decisions in the interest of patients, and add to knowledge.

In this Discussion, you will consider a scenario that would benefit from access to data and how such access could facilitate both problem-solving and knowledge formation.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the concepts of informatics and knowledge work as presented in the Resources.
  • Consider a hypothetical scenario based on your own healthcare practice or organization that would require or benefit from the access/collection and application of data. Your scenario may involve a patient, staff, or management problem or gap.


Post a description of the focus of your scenario. Describe the data that could be used and how the data might be collected and accessed. What knowledge might be derived from that data? How would a nurse leader use clinical reasoning and judgment in the formation of knowledge from this experience?


Assignment: The Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker

Assignment: The Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker

Assignment: The Nurse Leader as Knowledge Worker

The term “knowledge worker” was first coined by management consultant and author Peter Drucker in his book, The Landmarks of Tomorrow (1959). Drucker defined knowledge workers as high-level workers who apply theoretical and analytical knowledge, acquired through formal training, to develop products and services. Does this sound familiar?

Nurses are very much knowledge workers. What has changed since Drucker’s time are the ways that knowledge can be acquired. The volume of data that can now be generated and the tools used to access this data have evolved significantly in recent years and helped healthcare professionals (among many others) to assume the role of knowledge worker in new and powerful ways.

In this Assignment, you will consider the evolving role of the nurse leader and how this evolution has led nurse leaders to assume the role of knowledge worker. You will prepare a presentation with an infographic to educate others on the role of nurse as knowledge worker.

Reference: Drucker, P. (1959). The landmarks of tomorrow. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.

To Prepare:

  • Review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources.
  • Reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed.

The Assignment:

  • Explain the concept of a knowledge worker.


  • Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Develop a simple infographic to help explain these concepts. (BE SURE TO MAKE POWERPOINT)

    NOTE: For guidance on infographics, including how to create one in PowerPoint, see “How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint” as presented in the Resources.(

  • Present the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your examination of the data that you could use, how the data might be accessed/collected, and what knowledge might be derived from that data. Be sure to incorporate feedback received from your colleagues’ replies.

Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

Nature offers many examples of specialization and collaboration. Ant colonies and bee hives are but two examples of nature’s sophisticated organizations. Each thrives because their members specialize by tasks, divide labor, and collaborate to ensure food, safety, and general well-being of the colony or hive.

Of course, humans don’t fare too badly in this regard either. And healthcare is a great example. As specialists in the collection, access, and application of data, nurse informaticists collaborate with specialists on a regular basis to ensure that appropriate data is available to make decisions and take actions to ensure the general well-being of patients.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your own observations of and/or experiences with informaticist collaboration. You will also propose strategies for how these collaborative experiences might be improved.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the evolution of nursing informatics from a science to a nursing specialty.
  • Consider your experiences with nurse Informaticists or technology specialists within your healthcare organization.


Post a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization. Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions.


Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes

Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes

Assignment: The Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies

In the Discussion for this module, you considered the interaction of nurse informaticists with other specialists to ensure successful care. How is that success determined?

Patient outcomes and the fulfillment of care goals is one of the major ways that healthcare success is measured. Measuring patient outcomes results in the generation of data that can be used to improve results. Nursing informatics can have a significant part in this process and can help to improve outcomes by improving processes, identifying at-risk patients, and enhancing efficiency.

To Prepare:

  • Review the concepts of technology application as presented in the Resources.
  • Reflect on how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence may help fortify nursing informatics as a specialty by leading to increased impact on patient outcomes or patient care efficiencies.

The Assignment: (4-5 pages)

In a 4- to 5-page project proposal written to the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your project proposal should include the following:


  • Describe the project you propose.
  • Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project.
  • Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why.
  • Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist in the project team.

Response to Anna Valdez DQ1

Response to Anna Valdez DQ1

There are a lot of risk factors that contribute to adolescent pregnancy. These factor can be classified as individual, social and family risk factors. Individual risk factors include drug and alcohol use, poor school performance, being the victim of sexual abuse, lack of knowledge about sex or contraception, negative attitude towards using contraception, lack of goals for the future and having sex at a young age. Social risk factors include pressure from peers to have sex, poor peer relationships, dating at an early age and dating older people. Family risk factors include limited communication between parents and teen, single-parent families, poor parental supervision, negative family interactions and family history of teenage pregnancies. Even though the exact cause is unknown the teen pregnancy rate in my state has decreased. The teen birth rate in Florida declined 73% between 1991 and 2017 and the teen pregnancy rate, which includes all pregnancies rather than just those that resulted in a birth, has also fallen steeply, by 66 % between 1988 and 2013. Some resources available at my state and community include the Teen Age Parenting Program (TAPP), Women, Infant and Children Program (WIC), and community pregnancy clinics .TAPP is a step-by-step educational and hands on program providing prenatal well-care education for expecting mothers, parenting techniques for future parents and for parents with children 0 -5 years old. WIC is a supplemental food and nutrition education program funded by federal and state governments to make nutritious foods available to women, infants and children. Community Pregnancy Clinics includes services such as: pregnancy testing, ultrasound exams, pre-natal education classes, material assistance, and STI screening.


Martin, J.A., Hamilton, B.E., Michelle, J.K., Driscoll, A.K., & Drake, P. (2018). Births: Final Data for 2017. National Vital Statistics Reports, 67(8), 1-50. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2016). Natality Public-Use Data on CDC WONDER Online Database, for years 2007-2014 [Interactive Data Tables]. Available Februray 2016



Kost, K., Maddow-Zimet, I., & Arpaio, A. (2017). Pregnancies, Births and Abortions Among Adolescents and Young Women in the United States, 2013: National and State Trends by Age, Race and Ethnicity New York: Guttmacher Institute. Retrieved from:

Morin, A. (2018). Risk Factors for Teen Pregnancy. VeryWellFamily . Retrieved from

****** please response to discussion above, add citation and references 🙂 *******


Tags: nursing references citation nurse

Healthcare Nursing Discusion Building A Health History

Healthcare Nursing Discusion Building A Health History

Discussion: Building a Health History

Effective communication is vital to constructing an accurate and detailed patient history. A patient’s health or illness is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental setting. As an advanced practice nurse, you must be aware of these factors and tailor your communication techniques accordingly. Doing so will not only help you establish rapport with your patients, but it will also enable you to more effectively gather the information needed to assess your patients’ health risks.

For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for one of the following new patients:

  • 76-year-old Black/African-American male with disabilities living in an urban setting
  • Adolescent Hispanic/Latino boy living in a middle-class suburb
  • 55-year-old Asian female living in a high-density poverty housing complex
  • Pre-school aged white female living in a rural community
  • 16-year-old white pregnant teenager living in an inner-city neighborhood

To prepare:

With the information presented in Chapter 1 in mind, consider the following:

  • How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient?
  • How might you target your questions for building a health history based on the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, or environment?
  • What risk assessment instruments would be appropriate to use with each patient?
  • What questions would you ask each patient to assess his or her health risks?
  • Select one patient from the list above on which to focus for this Discussion.
  • Identify any potential health-related risks based upon the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, or environmental setting that should be taken into consideration.
  • Select one of the risk assessment instruments presented in Chapter 1 or Chapter 26 of the Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination text, or another tool with which you are familiar, related to your selected patient.
  • Develop at least five targeted questions you would ask your selected patient to assess his or her health risks and begin building a health history.


Post a description of the interview and communication techniques you would use with your selected patient. Explain why you would use these techniques. Identify the risk assessment instrument you selected, and justify why it would be applicable to the selected patient. Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient.

I do not have access to Chapter 1 or 26 at this time. May be able to find some information by searching online for Chapter 1 or Chapter 26 of the Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination text, or use another tool like it states.

NSG416 Phoenix Autism Theoretical Foundations & Development

NSG416 Phoenix Autism Theoretical Foundations & Development

Theories are made up of ideas attempting to structure thinking around a specific happening. Your readings for this week introduce the ideas of phenomena, concepts, propositions, and assumptions. This assignment is designed to help you think about those four aspects and explain the connections between each to help strengthen your understanding of the foundations and working parts of theory.

Define the following four terms in your own words, citing at least one source: phenomenaconceptpreposition, and assumptions.

Review your definitions and think of an example from your day-to-day life or your practice experience that includes each of the four ideas.

For example, falls in clinical practice is a phenomenon you encounter. The idea that dementia patients are at greater risk for falls is a related concept. The related proposition is that dementia is related to falling in some way. An underlying assumption is that patients with dementia don’t intend to fall.


Explain how all four aspects of your example work together to form the basis for a testable theory.

Cite a minimum of two sources in-text and in an APA-formatted reference page or slide.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 15- to 20-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes
  • 1,050- to 1,225-word paper

**(please note: I used to work as a private duty nurse at a pediatric home health, an adult rehabilitation hospital, as a case manager at a home health agency and a pediatric care manager at an MCO

Response to Mayzie Smith DQ1

Response to Mayzie Smith DQ1

Research has shown that in the last few years teen pregnancy has been decreasing (Morin, 2018). It has not yet been determined why teen pregnancy has decreased, but there are still risks factors that put certain individuals at an increased risk. Some individual risk factors are alcohol/drug use, sexual activity at a young age, low self-esteem, lack of knowledge about contraception, and being a victim of sexual abuse. There can also be peer pressure about having sex, or pressure when dating an older person (Morin, 2018). The adolescent pregnancy rate has slowly gone down, but from ages 18-19 it has increased by a few digits. I think some of the decrease is due to the increase in education in school systems; schools are providing more information about contraception, and different contraception options are being offered for free. There are various resources available to pregnant adolescents, one of the resources is called hope squared, and it offers shelter, life skills training, counseling and mentoring services. Another resource is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC provides a variety of resources on their websites that concerns parents and pregnant adolescents. The websites helps prevent pregnancy, as well as providing resources for gestation.



Morin, A. (2018, October 23). The Biggest Risk Factors That Contribute to Teen Pregnancy. Retrieved from…

******* please respond to the discussion above, add citation and references 🙂 ********

Response to Caroline Rivera DQ1

Response to Caroline Rivera DQ1

Adolescent pregnancy can be a very challenging obstacle for patients and health care providers. Teen pregnancies are generally viewed as stressful, it is difficult to become an adult on demand and this can be taxing for the mother, father, and baby as well as the support system surrounding them. Although teen pregnancy can happen to anyone there are several risk factors associated with a higher risk; socioeconomic status, education, home environment, being a child of teen parents, prevalence of substance abuse within the household, and low self-esteem ( Because teen pregnancy has detrimental affects on the individual, the individual’s support system/family, and the community, it is important to be knowledgeable about available resources through the community and state. According to, as of 2013 there were 10,160 pregnancies among teens age 15 to 19 in New Jersey or 36 teen pregnancies to every 1000 teen girls; this is a 23% drop since 2011 and a 68% drop since 1988. Changes in statisitcs can be attributed to an increase in available resources as well as access to smart phones and the internet. Resources are available for teen parents in the community as well as state-wide. On the State of New Jersey website, NJParent Link provides teen parents with access to resources; a list of available resources specific to this population is available and provides information such as, adolescent and young adult support services and New Jersey’s Paternity Opportunity Program (POP) which facilitates paternity establishment for babies born to unmarried parents. Through NJParent Link there is information available for specific counties in New Jersey, one in particular is the availability of Family Success Centers throughout the state; these centers are considered a “one-stop” shop and they provide resources and supports for families before they find themselves in crisis. Family Success Centers bring together community residents, leaders, and community agencies to address the problems that threaten the safety and stability of families and the community (Department of Children and Families, 2019).


Department of Children and Families, (2019). Family Success


Centers.…, (2019).…

State of New Jersey, (2019). Parent Link- Teen Moms and Dads.… Youth Topics- Pregnancy Prevetion.…

******* please respond to the discussion above add citation and references 😉 ******