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Running Head: CONCEPT MAPPING Concept Mapping Name Institutional Affiliation CONCEPT MAPPING 2 Labs CT


Scan MRI CT Angiography Medication Thrombolytic theraphy or anticougulant Nursing Diagnosis celebral edema ICP AEB restlessness ineffective tissue perfusion Confusion Desired Outcomes Mantaining desired peripherial circulation and cardiac output Promoting venous outflow andbreducig of pressure of blood fom the brain 36 year old patient Ischemic stroke Nursing Diagnosis Impaired urinary elimination Sensory motor impairement Neurological impairement AEB Bladder Distension Implementation Performing of neuro checks Administering of IV fluids Administering of anticoagulants and antiplatelets Elevating HOB Nursing Diagnosis hyporeflexia Loss of voluntary movement Aphasia Difficult in expession emotions Diminished breath sounds Memory impairement Translent problems with the Bladder and bowel functions. Desired Outcomes Show ability of understanding on how to can minimise the effect on the patient Implementation Offer foley cather if the problem persists Monitor BUN, Na, Urinary output and creatine carefuly. Report any critical value to the physician. Administer IV fluids continously CONCEPT MAPPING 3 Communication, safety and infection control of Ischemic stroke A stroke occurs if there is an Ischemia in some part of the brain that leads to the death of brain cells. Functions of the body that are controlled by the part of the brain that is affected are either impaired or lost entirely. The severity of the damage mainly depends on the extent and location of the brain which is affected. A patient who is suffering from an Ischemic stroke should be assessed immediately after arrival at the hospital. Some of the signs which the physician observed were the airway and breathing pattern of the patient. The patient was breathing slowly and at a fast pace while at some point the breathing was fading. Also, he had difficulties in breathing when placed in certain positions. The patients also had a binocular visual loss and facial droop. The patient too had a sudden decrease in the levels of consciousness. The patient was unable to express his emotions, and there were a clear indication that he had memory loss. He was not in a position to remember basic things like his name and age. He was also unable to control his bowel and bladder functions (Lakatos & Somogyi, 2013). To ensure the safety of the patient all the sharp object and anything which could hurt him were taken out of his room. He had an attendant to observe his movement all the time he spent in the hospital bed. Considering that the patient had no previous history of CONCEPT MAPPING Ischemic stroke the following measures were applied to prevent the infection; platelet antiaggregant, the patient was put on exercise on daily, Statin and his lifestyle was closed monitored. 4 CONCEPT MAPPING 5 Reference list McHugh, P., S. (2016). Concept mapping : a critical-thinking approach to care planning. Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Company. Lakatos, V. & Somogyi, B. (2013). Ischemic stroke : symptoms, prevention & recovery. Hauppauge, N.Y. : Nova Science ; Lancaster : Gazelle.
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