Topic 4 DQ 2.1

Topic 4 DQ 2.1

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


Personal affiliations and networking opens limitless windows of opportunity for greater roles and positions of leadership in nursing practice. The referrals that nursing leaders get from trusted personnel’s and professionals as a result of networking remains significant in their application for other roles in leadership. The networks open opportunities that advance leadership skills among professional nurses, an aspect that builds their exposure through seminars and conferences thus equipping the care givers insights aimed at sharpening their leadership skills. The sources of motivation in professional practice through networking enables individuals to meet likeminded people having the same struggles and hold same ambitions, with this considered to advance professional practice (Al-Hamdan et al 2011). Networking is therefore essential in my career development as a nursing leader since it provides me with the opportunity of gaining access to new skills and knowledge in nursing practice, thus easily helping in the saving of time and energy. In other words, networking opens platforms for me that help in enhancing my career growth and development through the sharing of information, communication of significant issues, and the sharing of information of key issues within nursing practice and leadership.


Al-Hamdan, Z., Shukri, R., & Anthony, D. (2011). Conflict management styles used by nurse managers in the Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(3/4), 571-580. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03557.