Shared Governance Discussion

Shared Governance Discussion

You are the supervisor of a surgical services department in a nonunion hospital. The staff on your unit have become


increasingly frustrated with hospital policies regarding staffing ratios, on-call pay, and verbal medical orders but feel that they have limited opportunities for providing feedback to change the current system. You would like to explore the possibility of moving toward a shared governance model of decision making to resolve the issue and others like it but are not quite sure where to start.


Review Learning Exercise 12.6 – Problem Solving: Working Toward Shared Governance (located in Chapter 12 of the textbook)
Answer the following questions:
Who do I need to involve in the discussion and at what point?
How might I determine if the overarching organizational structure supports shared governance?
How would I determine if external stakeholders would be impacted?
How would I determine if organizational culture and subculture would support a shared governance model?
What types of nursing councils might be created to provide a framework for operation?
Who would be the members on these nursing councils?
What support mechanisms would need to be in place to ensure success of this project?
What would be my role as a supervisor in identifying and resolving employee concerns in a shared governance model?
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All critical issues of concern in any hospital department need urgent attention since most of them are sensitive and may impact the overall performance of the hospital. As a supervisor, it is essential to involve all the stakeholders; especially the staff whom the specific issues such as hospital policies affect.


A large organizational structure supports shared governance when there are certain factors. The factors may include which is an essential way to incorporating stakeholders and how they relate regarding the processes and organizational operations to achieve desired consequences. Equity ensures consistent and improved services, patients’ care, and stuff like that; it is undoubtedly the basis that portrays shared governance.

Other factors apart from equity include collaboration, consultation, and accountability. A well-structured firm with the above-stated aspects critically supports shared governance. Furthermore, the same elements would impact the external stakeholders and also an organization with a culture comprising a practice of such factors, would promote the governance (Emerson & Nabatchi, 2015).

Nursing councils are critical bodies within a hospital since they oversee the operations ensuring better healthcare among all the patients regardless of age or race. There is need to formulate councils such as the Nursing Executive Council (NEC); which is the head of all other committees and provides guidance to what is to be done in the different nursing bodies, to provide an enhanced framework for operations. Additionally, the formation of a Nursing Coordinating Council (NCC) is also helpful in the sense that there is coordination in research and training to yield excellent patient care (Neubert, et al, 2017).

The NEC has to include professionals such as Director for Surgical Services, Director for Nursing Recruitment, Coordinator for Nursing Research, and so on. With the other nursing body, Nursing Coordinating Council, the members are somehow limited. They include NEC member, nurse managers, and council chairs and co-chairs (Neubert, et al, 2017).

Mechanisms to Ensure Success of the Project

There can be a success in ensuring shared governance through equitable resource allocation. Also, creating improved communication channels among all the key stakeholders in the nursing sector is a way to ensure shared governance. Another support mechanism can be through mentoring upcoming nursing leaders by developing and supporting them (Emerson & Nabatchi, 2015).

In a shared governance model, a supervisor ensures all the employees communicate their workload challenges to the management. He or she also enables the workers informs progress towards performance in their assigned duties. A supervisor identifies and resolves employee concerns in such ways.


Emerson, K., & Nabatchi, T. (2015). Collaborative governance regimes. Georgetown University Press.

rt, T., Williamson, J., & Brace, H. (2017). Shared leadership for nursing. Management in Healthcare, 2(2), 107-114.