MDC Nursing Inquiry & Evidence Based Parctice Continuation Research Project
MDC Nursing Inquiry & Evidence Based Parctice Continuation Research Project
PROJECT OUTLINE 1 Research Project Outline Miami Dade College PROJECT OUTLINE 2 Research Project Outline Title: Fall Caution to Decrease Risk Fall and Patient Falls at UM Hospital Miami Problem Statement: Patient fall is one of the leading unintentional cause of hospital-related injuries and death of patient globally becoming one of the major public health issues. In a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) in January 2018 indicated that there are approximated 646,000 fatal patient falls annually. Patient fall is an occurrence that leads to an ailing individual descending to the floor resulting in patient injury in some fatal instances. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2013) notes that patient’s fall could lead to internal bleeding, fractures and even the death of a sick person. In addition, Joint Commission (2015) outline patient fall is a sentinel event that requires an appropriate assessment to reduce the risk of patients falling in hospitals, thereby attaining the goal of national patient safety (NPSG). Project Goals: i. A decreased number of recorded patients fall during the year 2019 at UM Hospital in Miami. ii. Increased compliance rate by the nursing staffs in performing fall risk evaluation and indicating the severity of fall for a patient in the hospital. Behavioral Objectives: i. The nursing staffs will acquire foundational knowledge and skills required in the prevention of patients fall as well as fall-related injuries. ii. The nursing staffs, as well as health care personnel, will understand the necessity of a safe environment, open reporting, and teamwork in reducing injurious patient falls. iii. The nursing staffs will understand the benefits of performing a correct patient fall risk assessment with respect to safety care and increased patient satisfaction. PROJECT OUTLINE 3 Teaching Strategies: The teaching will involve adequate research and preparation of poster board about preventing patient fall and subsequent patient fall-related morbidities and mortality in a health care facility. Evaluation Method: i. The nursing staffs will demonstrate the understanding of classifying the admitted patient based on the severity of the risk of a patient falling. ii. There will be a verbal assessment to evaluate the understanding of the nursing staff about patient fall risk assessment and prevention measures. Implication to Nursing Staff: Patient fall is one of the major public health issues to date, with a significant implication to the nursing staffs as the primary custodians in the assessment and prevention of fall and fall-associated injuries. Notably, patient fall is the leading cause of hospital-related patient injuries such as mortality, fractures, and functional dependence by the involved patients (Kalisch, Tschannen, & Lee,2012).Hospitals are places where patients with different ailments, for instance, visual impairment, aged, and mobility issues among other sicknesses seek medical care, conditions that expose the patient to high risk of fall. Oliver, Healey, and Haines (2010) note that fall prevention and management is a pressing risk and a challenge for health facilities that pose a threat to the safety of the patient. Educating nurses about falls would enhance the taking of necessary precautionary measures to prevent falls in hospitals, which increases patient safety. Murray (2016) postulates that enhancing compliance with set policies by the nursing staff in the assessment of fall risk would result in the attainment the goal of reduced falls in healthcare facilities. Thus, educating the nurses and relevant health professional about the risk of patient falls is therefore recommended in hospitals. PROJECT OUTLINE 4 Reference List Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2013). Preventing Falls in Hospitals. Retrieved from Joint Commission (2015). Sentinel Event Alert 55: Preventing falls and fall-related injuries in health care facilities. Retrieved from Kalisch, B. J., Tschannen, D., & Lee, K. H. (2012). Missed nursing care, staffing, and patient fall. Journal of nursing care quality, 27(1), 6-12. Murray, E. (2016). Quality Improvement. Implementing a Pediatric Fall Prevention Policy and Program. Pediatric Nursing, 42(5), 256–259. Retrieved from -live Oliver, D., Healey, F., & Haines, T. P. (2010). Preventing falls and fall-related injuries in hospitals. Clinics in geriatric medicine, 26(4), 645-692. World Health Organization (2018, January 16). Key Facts about Falls. Retrieved from CATEGORIES Rubric for Scholarly Paper Possible Actual Points Points CONTENT • Topic Match Proposal 5 • Cover page • Introduction 2 5 • Background 5 • Aim/Purpose 10 • Review of Literature 10 • Content of scholarly paper to include Research Method 5-7 pages for the body • Implications for Nursing Practice • Conclusion 10 • Reference page 4-6 EBP references 8 10 5 10 ORGANIZATION APA FORMAT with APPROPRIATE CITATIONS 10 10 CLARITY / STYLE / SPELLING / GRAMMAR PUNCTUATION TOTALS 100 COMMENTS
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