Topic 4 DQ 1.1

Topic 4 DQ 1.1

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references.


Extraneous variables are any variables that you are not intentionally studying in your experiment or test (“Extraneous Variable,” 2015). These variables are undesirable, and a researcher’s goal is to decrease or control the influence of these variables in a quantitative research design. They are considered extra variables that change continuously and are seen in the participants and conditions of the experiment. Examples of these in participants would be “different backgrounds, heights, weights, personalities etc.” (“WordPress,” 2012, para. 1). Examples of extraneous variables in the conditions of an experiment would be “lighting, temperature, weather changes, people getting tired or bored and so on” (“WordPress,” 2012, para. 1). A researcher can control extraneous variables by identifying the variables that could affect the dependent variable but there no way to avoid extraneous variables in research. “This is done based on the researcher’s common sense, simple logical reasoning and past experience” (“WordPress,” 2012, para. 3). When the extraneous variables that can be controlled have been identified, the researcher can create consistency with the variables by standardizing the environment and making it “so that all variables are the same in each condition” (“WordPress,” 2012, para. 3). An example of a controlled extraneous variable is completing a research process in a quiet room preventing distractions that may occur from a loud and busy room. When an extraneous variable can’t be controlled by the researcher it can become called a confounding variable and can cause a false conclusion to the experiment (“WordPress,” 2012). Extraneous variables might influence the dependent variable and can change the outcome of the experiment.


Extraneous Variable Simple Definition. (2015). Retrieved November 18, 2018, from…

WordPress website. (2012).…

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