community health
community health
Community Statistics Submit this assignment by end of day Sunday of Week 1. This assignment is worth 40 points of your final grade. Name: Date: Student ID: Email : NOTE: This assignment is about the experience of using databases to locate information about your community. Keep in mind as you complete this assignment that you may not be able to locate all data fields listed in the worksheet. Record the data you collect into the following tables. Record the source (website) of your data in the Source Column. Collect the most recent data available (usually within the last 5 years). If you cannot find that data for a few inquiries just enter “NDA” – No Data Available. However, this should be limited to two or three areas. Selected County, State: Number of population Public Services and Access to Care Data MUST be presented as number per 1000 people or in a comparable manner (i.e. percentage by population) Provider County State Nation Source/Reference of Data Hospitals Physicians (both primary care and specialty) Overdoses – heroin Public transportation Last updated 11/04/2018 % % % © 2018 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 1 of 4 NRSE 4540: MODULE 1 ASSESSMENT 2: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT – COMMUNITY HEALTH DIAGNOSES TEMPLATE Demographic and Ethnic Data (Example: search Google for “Ohio, County Name, and Population”) Data MUST be presented in a comparable manner (i.e. percentage by population) Demographic Variable County State Nation < 5 y.o. % % % 18 and younger % % % 65 and older % % % Male % % % Female % % % White % % % Black % % % American Indian % % % Asian % % % Hispanic % % % Single % % % Married % % % Source/Reference of Data Health Statistics (Example: search Google for terms such as “Infant Mortality Ohio,” etc.) Data MUST be presented in a comparable manner (%, per 1000, per 100000, etc.) Rate County State Nation Data Source Infant Mortality (Infants < 1 Y.O. Reported as per 1000 Live Births) White Black Hispanic Death Rates: (Usually reported as per 100000) Motor Vehicle Accidents Lung Cancer Breast Cancer Last updated 11/04/2018 © 2018 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 2 of 4 NRSE 4540: MODULE 1 ASSESSMENT 2: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT – COMMUNITY HEALTH DIAGNOSES TEMPLATE Cardiovascular Disease AIDS Diabetes Risk Indicators: Prenatal Care (% of Mothers delivering live infants who did NOT receive prenatal care in the 1st trimester) Obesity Insufficient Physical Activity Economic Statistical Data: (Example: search Google for “Ohio Income Range”) Variable County State Nation Poverty rate % % % Unemployment Rate % % % Data Source Income Mean Educational Levels: (Example: search Google for “Ohio Income Range”) Data MUST be presented in a comparable manner- i.e. % Variable City or County State Nation < High school % % % High school % % % College degree % % % Last updated 11/04/2018 © 2018 School of Nursing – Ohio University Data Source Page 3 of 4 NRSE 4540: MODULE 1 ASSESSMENT 2: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT – COMMUNITY HEALTH DIAGNOSES TEMPLATE Analysis: Reflect on the ways the information you obtained relates to the county where you live and the Healthy People 2020 National Health Objective you have selected to study. Write a minimum 600 word summary of the key risks and concerns that you can support based upon the statistical data you have retrieved. You may want to look up some additional data that specifically pertains to the Healthy People 2020 National Health Objective that you have selected if additional information is still needed. Be sure to use citations/references APA formatted. Type here… In addition, write two priority community health nursing diagnoses. Use the correct format for your diagnoses: Problem, Population or location of problem, Etiology, Signs/Symptoms (***Chapter 6, pp. 102 in your textbook). Formatting would be: Problem related to the etiology as evidenced by the signs/symptoms. For example: Risks of asthma complications among children in a southeast Ohio County related to poor air quality, overcrowded living conditions, inability to access health care, high number of animals living in homes, lack of knowledge regarding treatment options, and lack of access to medications as evidenced by increasing numbers of hospitalizations due to asthma complications. Priority Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #1 Type here… Priority Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #2 Type here… Last updated 11/04/2018 © 2018 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 4 of