responding to the discussion bellow. DQ2 Erick Moreno

responding to the discussion bellow. DQ2 Erick Moreno

When I hear the term “Academic Integrity”, I think of high standards. I think of someone who is honest and professional and always striving to do the right thing. Some of the ways I can make sure to comply with this is to avoid plagiarism. Using the tool’s GCU has provided such as Turnitin, the reading material in this course detailing the matter, and using the APA format are just a few. Looking at all of the examples of plagiarism (intentional, unintentional, paraphrasing) coupled with citing resources properly and how to use all of the tools provided properly seemed pretty overwhelming. Having not been in the classroom environment in so long has me pretty “gun shy” about the whole process. I constantly preach to my team about ownership and taking responsibility and being honest. To inadvertently be guilty of unintentional plagiarism is something that I need to be especially mindful of.