Leadership in Healthcare Organizations, Assignment help

Leadership in Healthcare Organizations, Assignment help



Effective Meetings

In this assignment, you will study how a leader can conduct a variety of meetings effectively.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Read the following articles:
    • Are You Running Meetings, Or Are Meetings Running You? (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.bates-communications.com/articles-and-newsletters/articles-and-newsletters/bid/59464/Are-You-Running-Meetings-Or-Are-Meetings-Running-You
    • Matthews, A. (2009, October 14). 6 Secrets Of Effective Meetings. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSft2OeMmzQ
    • Meeting Basics, Leading a Meeting – Before, During and After. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.effectivemeetings.com/meetingbasics/before.asp
    • Taking Charge of Poorly Led Meetings When You are Not the Leader | Facilitative Leadership & Facilitator Training. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://terrencemetz.com/2012/12/13/taking-charge-of-poorly-led-meetings-when-you-are-not-the-leader/ Leadership in Healthcare Organizations, Assignment help
  • Attend a meeting. The meeting can be any one of the following:
    • A work-based meeting
    • Municipality, township, or school district meeting
    • A meeting for an organization you might be involved with
    • Any other meeting you can identify within the course required time frame.


Part I

Based on your reading, understanding of the articles, and your experience in the meeting you attended, answer the following questions:

  • Where is the meeting being conducted, and what is its purpose? Is the meeting focused on communications or problem solving, or is it a meeting with no specific agenda?
  • Is the meeting a regularly scheduled event, such as a monthly scheduled meeting or a meeting to address a specific matter?
  • Does the meeting have a set communication designed with relevant information to advance the meeting? Please explain.
  • Was the meeting opened with an announcement or explanation of its purpose and importance?
  • What was the communication style of the meeting’s leader or facilitator? Leadership in Healthcare Organizations, Assignment help
  • What were the leader’s bases of power? Select from a number of conceptual paradigms and elaborate on your selection.
    • Authoritative
    • Knowledge and Expertise
    • Correction or Castigation
    • Reward or Incentive
    • Persuasion
    • Mentoring or Coaching
    • Relationships or Individual or group interactions
    • Direction or Vision
    • Charismatic or Personable
  • Did the members or attendees have an opportunity to express opinions? Were they asked for suggestions, ideas, and information?
  • Did you recognize any conflict, disrespect, or tension among the members or attendees? If so, was the source of the conflict evident?
  • Did you observe the participants’ body language (such as posturing, positioning, or gesturing) when different topics were introduced? Describe it.
  • What was the intended outcome of the meeting? Was it achieved? Why or why not? What were the pivotal moments of the meeting which contributed to its success or failure?

Part II

Complete the following tasks to provide an overall critique of the meeting you attended:

  • Identify the positive, effective qualities of the meeting in one list, and identify the qualities which were ineffective in a separate list.
  • Arrange each list from top to bottom, from most important to least important.
  • Take the top three ranked factors from each list and explain the affect they had on the meeting.

Part III

You need to organize a meeting to introduce a new project in a health service organization. The project is sufficiently complex in size and nature to require an expanded cross-section of expertise from within and outside the organization. You are responsible for inviting the necessary individuals and representatives of involved departments and professional functions to the meeting.

Based on the principles contained in the articles, textbook, and elected independent research provided in the course, complete the following tasks:

  • Develop an agenda for the meeting.
  • Provide information, expertise, and background on the invited attendees. Explain the rationale and intended functional expertise each attendee brings to the group.
  • Recognize and develop measurable objectives to assess the success of the planned meeting. Leadership in Healthcare Organizations, Assignment help

Compile your responses to Parts I, II, and III in a 7- to 8-page Microsoft Word document.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Submission Details

Name your document SU_HCM4007_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Submit your document to the W5 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, June 14, 2016.

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points

Attended an appropriate meeting and explained its purpose clearly.20

Described the communication style of the meeting’s facilitator.20

Justified and elaborated on the bases of power of the facilitator.20

Analyzed, reviewed, and incorporated the concepts of the four articles in your response.25

Summarized an overall critique of the meeting, listing all relevant points.20

Analyzed the success or failure of the meeting, and explained the key elements of the meeting which contributed to its success or failure.30

Developed a meeting agenda for introducing the new healthcare project.25

Selected attendees with respect to their functional expertise and described what their contributions will be in the meeting.20

Developed measurable criteria to assess the success of the meeting.20

Written components.50


Adenocarcinoma | Nursing homework help

Adenocarcinoma | Nursing homework help

A 65-year-old obese African American male patient presents to his HCP with crampy left lower quadrant pain, constipation, and fevers to 101˚ F. He has had multiple episodes like this one over the past 15 years and they always responded to bowel rest and oral antibiotics. He has refused to have the recommended colonoscopy even with his history of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (diverticulitis), sedentary lifestyle, and diet lacking in fiber. His paternal grandfather died of colon cancer back in the 1950s as well. He finally underwent colonoscopy after his acute diverticulitis resolved. Colonoscopy revealed multiple polyps that were retrieved, and the pathology was positive for adenocarcinoma of the colon.


Write 2-3 pages

·  Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.

·  Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.

·  Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems. Adenocarcinoma | Nursing homework help

Nur 3178 – Assignment #3

Nur 3178 – Assignment #3

CASE STUDY: Mr. Smith is having a great deal of hip and back pain. He used to run a lot and still plays basketball, which he does not want to give up. His private medical doctor has told him that the MRI showed a pinch nerve from a herniated disc.


The doctor has suggested that Mr. Smith have back surgery to remove the disc and stabilize the vertebrae. He is very concerned about having this done. A friend suggested that Mr. Smith should try other means Complementary Alternative Medicine to treat his condition. 1. Read the case study above. 2. Use the Internet to further explore manual therapy and answer the following questions: a. Describe which of the manual therapies will benefit Mr. Smith. b. Where would Mr. Smith find a trained professional to treat his condition? c. List one action you can take to safe-guard a patient’s right to manual therapy. d. Describe the role of the nurse, educators, counselors, and change agents in manual therapy. 3. This assignment should be 1-2 pages, APA format. Nur 3178 – Assignment #3

Nursing homework help

PART I – develop an essay to address the following information:

  • Reflect on the mission, vision, values, and goals of your healthcare organization and provide examples of how individual employees, departments, and work units support all four of these as a foundation for directional strategies.
  • Describe positive and negative aspects of abandoning traditional healthcare strategic planning processes and adopting a contemporary approach.
  • How does complexity influence budget strategies and their implementation? Give examples.
  • Discuss the process of external and internal environmental analyses, and then speculate on scenarios that may result if these steps in strategic planning are omitted or are not done well.
  • Discuss mechanisms that nurse manager can use to ensure they make the best decisions for supporting the financial goals of the organization.


PART II – develop a Business Plan

  • Identify an opportunity for implementing a new service or a cost-reducing idea in your organization and write a business plan to describe your idea: explain the need (why) for it, identify stakeholders (who) will be impacted, discuss the benefits versus the disadvantages, describe the costs/expenses for the idea, and outline the implementation plan.  Nursing homework help

NUR 641E Week 4: (Patient Interview Paper)

NUR 641E Week 4: (Patient Interview Paper)

Interview a patient with a chronic pulmonary health condition who is on at least two medications.

In a 1,350-1,600-word paper, discuss the following:

1. Obtain a complete health history.

2. Obtain a complete medication history, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs or supplements.

3. Analyze the client’s current knowledge level of medications and compliance with the prescribed dosing and administration.


4. For each medication, identify the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, dose, route of administration, side effects, adverse reactions, any drug interactions, potential safety issues, and the impact on the client’s health status.

5. Formulate possible interventions related to lack of drug efficacy, lack of client knowledge, or client compliance issues as identified during the interview.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. NUR 641E Week 4: (Patient Interview Paper)

ch 6 Lourdes

ch 6 Lourdes

After reading Chapter 6 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post.

Additionally, you are expected to reply to two other students and include a reference that justifies your post. Your reply must be at least3 paragraphs.

This is due by next Sunday, June 9th at 11:59pm.


1. What do you think about the current image of nursing?

2. What factors facilitate professional role development in Nursing?


Editing, proofreading of paper.

Editing, proofreading of paper.

please put together completed chapter 4 data analysis, and do a chapter 5 conclusion, then put together as one paper, all chapters. Please feel free to clarify if you have any questions.


Woman on Contraceptive Treatment Case Study

Woman on Contraceptive Treatment Case Study

3 references within 7 years, APA

A 33-year-old Caucasian female is being seen in clinic for contraception. She is using birth control pills, but forgets to take them because her work schedule changes every week. She has been married for 14 years and has two children. She is looking for an effective method that will be easy to remember. She has a history of chronic headaches and hypertension during pregnancy. She has never been treated for a sexually transmitted infection and is in a mutually monogamous relationship. Family history is significant for an aunt with breast cancer. She smokes half a pack of cigarettes per day. She is 5 ft. 8 in. and 215 lbs. Her vital signs are: BP 120/78, p 72, reg.

To prepare:

Select one of the three provided case studies. Reflect on the patient information.
Consider an appropriate contraception treatment for the patient case study you selected.
Think about how you might facilitate the selection of contraception treatments with patients who do not agree with your recommendations.


PHHE 453 Prescott College Public Health Worksheet

PHHE 453 Prescott College Public Health Worksheet

Problem 3 – Chapter 5 Assume that a radiologist group practice has the following cost structure: Fixed costs Variable cost per procedure Charge (revenue) per procedure $ $ $ 420,000 285 650 Further assume the practice expects to perform 7,500 procedures in the coming year. a. construct the practice’s base case projected Profit and Loss (P&I) Statement Total Revenue Total Variable Cost Total Contribution Margin #VALUE! Total Fixed Costs Profit (net income) b. What is the practice’s Breakeven Point? Breakeven Volume = Fixed Costs/Contribution Margin Per Unit Revenue Per Unit $ 650 Variable Cost Per Unit $ 285 Contribution Margin Per Unit volume 7,500 Fixed Costs $ 420,000 Breakeven Volume visits c.(1) What volume is required to provide a pretax profit of $100,000 Breakeven Volume (With Profit) = (Fixed Costs+Profit)/Contribution Margin Per Unit Revenue Per Unit $ 650 Variable Cost Per Unit $ 285 Contribution Margin Per Unit Profit volume 7,500 Fixed Costs $ 420,000 Breakeven Volume visits c.(2) What volume is required to provide a pretax profit of $200,000 Breakeven Volume (With Profit) = (Fixed Costs+Profit)/Contribution Margin Per Unit Revenue Per Unit $ 650 Variable Cost Per Unit $ 285 Contribution Margin Per Unit Profit volume 7,500 Fixed Costs $ 420,000 Breakeven Volume visits Problem 3 – Chapter 5 PROBLEM 5.4(abc) – General Hospital, a not-for-profit acute care facility, has the following cost structure for its inpatient services Fixed costs Variable cost per procedure Charge (revenue) per procedure $ $ $ 12,500,000 550 2,855 The Hospital expects to have a patient load of 15,000 inpatient days next year. a. construct the practice’s base case projected Profit and Loss (P&I) Statement Total Revenue Total Variable Cost Total Contribution Margin #VALUE! Total Fixed Costs Profit (net income) b. What is the practice’s Breakeven Point? Breakeven Volume = Fixed Costs/Contribution Margin Per Unit Revenue Per Unit $ 2,855 Variable Cost Per Unit $ 550 Contribution Margin Per Unit volume 15,000 Fixed Costs $ 12,500,000 Breakeven Volume visits c.(1) What volume is required to provide a profit of $800,000 Breakeven Volume (With Profit) = (Fixed Costs+Profit)/Contribution Margin Per Unit Revenue Per Unit $ 2,855 Variable Cost Per Unit $ 550 Contribution Margin Per Unit Profit volume 15,000 Fixed Costs Breakeven Volume visits c.(2) What volume is required to provide a pretax profit of $500,000 Breakeven Volume (With Profit) = (Fixed Costs+Profit)/Contribution Margin Per Unit Revenue Per Unit $ 2,855 Variable Cost Per Unit $ 550 Contribution Margin Per Unit Profit volume 15,000 Fixed Costs Breakeven Volume visits Chpt 5 – Cost Structure VOLUME Variable cost rate Total Variable Costs Fixed Costs Total Costs Average cost per visit $ $ $ $ $ 5000 25 125,000 300,000 425,000 85 Chapter 5 Excel Table Total Costs = Total Fixed Costs + Total Variable Costs VOLUME 75,000 70,000 80,000 Total Fixed Costs 4,967,462 4,967,462 4,967,462 Total Variable Costs 2,113,500 1,972,600 2,254,400 Total Costs 7,080,962 6,940,062 7,221,862 Variable Cost Rate = Total Variable Costs/Volume Total Variable Costs 2,113,500 Volume 75,000 Variable Costs Rate 28 Cost per Visit Profit Analysis Revenue Total Costs Profit 94 99 90 7,500,000 7,080,962 419,038 7,000,000 6,940,062 59,938 8,000,000 7,221,862 778,138 Chapter 5 Excel Table Contribution Margin = Differece between Variable per unit costs and profit Per Unit Total Revenue Total Variable Cost TOTAL CONTRIBUTION MARGIN Fixed Costs Profit 100 28.18 71.82 Volume 75000 7,500,000 75000 2,113,500 75000 5,386,500 4,967,462 419,038 Chapter 5 Excel Table Breakeven Volume = Fixed Costs/Contribution Margin Breakeven Volume (With Profit) = (Fixed Costs+Profit)/Contribution Margin Revenue Per Unit 100 Revenue Per Unit 100 Variable Cost Per Unit 28.18 Variable Cost Per Unit 28.18 Contribtion Margin 71.82 Contribtion Margin 71.82 volume 75000 volume 75000 Profit 100000 Total Revenue Total Variable Costs Fixed Costs Volume ####### ####### ####### 69,165 visits Total Revenue Total Variable Costs Fixed Costs Volume ####### ####### ####### 70,558 visits 5-1 CHAPTER 5 Cost Behavior, and Profit Analysis Managers of healthcare businesses have many responsibilities, including planning, budgeting, and overseeing routine operations. All of these activities require information—a great deal of information—which is created by the business’s managerial accounting system. This chapter begins the coverage with a focus on costs and profits. Copyright © 2012 by the Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives 10/27/11 Version 5-2. PHHE 453 Prescott College Public Health Worksheet


Financial Vs. Managerial Accounting

■ Financial accounting:

● Uses organizational (aggregate) data

● Designed for use by external parties

● Primarily historical

● Must adhere to external standards (GAAP)

■ Managerial accounting:

● Uses organizational and sub-unit data.

● Designed for use by managers.

● Primarily forward-looking.

● Does not adhere to external standards. 5-3 Cost Classifications

■ Cost measurement is a critical part of managerial accounting.

● In fact, there is an entire field of accounting called cost accounting. PHHE 453 Prescott College Public Health Worksheet

● Unfortunately, there is no single definition of the term cost. Different costs are used for different purposes.

■ Costs are classified in two major ways. In this chapter, we focus on the relationship of costs to volume. 5-4 Cost Classifications (Cont.)

■ The relationship between costs and the volume of services provided is called cost behavior or underlying cost structure.

■ If the underlying cost structure is known, managers can forecast costs at different levels of patient volume.

■ In this context, costs may be:

● Fixed, which are independent of volume

● Variable, which depend on volume

● Semi-fixed, which partially depend on volume 5-5 Cost Classifications (Cont.)

■ In the long-run, all costs are variable, and hence these cost classifications hold only in the short-run, say, for one year.

■ Also, no costs are fixed throughout an infinite range of volumes. Thus, the concept of cost classifications according to volume must be applied within some relevant range of patient volume. 5-6 Cost Structure Example: Walk-In Clinic Variable Costs Per Visit Fixed Costs Per Year Clinical supplies $20 Other supplies 5 Variable cost rate $25 Facilities $ 30,000 Salaries 190,000 Overhead 80,000 $300,000 Total Fixed Variable Total Average Volume Costs Costs Costs Cost 1 $300,000 $ 25 $300,025 $300,025 100 300,000 2,500 302,500 3,025 200 300,000 5,000 305,000 1,525 1,000 300,000 25,000 325,000 325 5,000 300,000 125,000 425,000 85 10,000 300,000 250,000 550,000 55 25,000 300,000 625,000 925,000 37 Note: The relevant range is this example is unrealistic. 5-7 Cost Structure Example (Cont.)

■ Consider a volume of 5,000: ● ● ● ● ● Fixed costs = $300,000. Variable cost rate = $25. Total variable costs = $125,000. Total costs = $425,000. Average cost per visit = $85.

■ Now consider a volume of 10,000: ● ● ● ● ● Fixed costs = $300,000. Variable cost rate = $25. Total variable costs = $250,000. Total costs = $550,000. Average cost per visit = $55. 5-8 Graphical Cost Structure Costs ($) Total Costs Fixed Costs Total Variable Costs Volume (Number of Visits) 5-9 Profit (CVP) Analysis

■ Profit analysis, also called cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis, is a technique used to assess the effects of alternative volume assumptions on costs and profits. PHHE 453 Prescott College Public Health Worksheet

● Why is such information valuable to health services managers? 5 – 10 Profit Analysis Example Atlanta Clinic has forecasted the following cost data on the basis of 75,000 expected visits: Fixed costs Total variable costs Total costs $4,967,462 2,113,500 $7,080,962 5 – 11 Profit Analysis Example (Cont.) What is the variable cost rate? Variable cost rate = Total variable costs Volume = $2,113,500 75,000 = $28.18 per visit. 5 – 12 Profit Analysis Example (Cont.) What is Atlanta’s cost behavior model? Total costs = Fixed costs + Total variable costs = $4,967,462 + ($28.18 x Volume) . For example, at 70,000 visits: Total costs = $4,967,462 + ($28.18 x 70,000) = $4,967,462 + $1,972,600 = $6,940,062. 5 – 13 Profit Analysis Example (Cont.) Cost/Volume Summary: Volume = 70,000 TC = $4,967,462 + $1,972,600 = $6,940,062. Volume = 75,000 (Base Case) TC = $4,967,462 + $2,113,500 = $7,080,962. Volume = 80,000 TC = $4,967,462 + $2,254,400 = $7,221,862. 5 – 14 Profit Analysis Example (Cont.)

● What do Atlanta’s managers learn from the data on the previous slide?

● Now, suppose that the average revenue per visit is expected to be $100. What does the clinic’s cost and revenue structure look like graphically? 5 – 15 Graphical Profit Analysis Revenues and Costs Where are profits and losses? Where is the breakeven volume? ($) Total Revenues Where is 75,000 visits? Total Costs Fixed Costs Volume (Number of Visits) 5 – 16 Forecasted (Projected) Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement

■ The projected P&L statement uses cost structure information along with the revenue forecast and projected volume to forecast profitability. ■ Although it looks like an income statement, it does not have to follow GAAP.

■ Because it is a forecast, it can be influenced by managerial actions. 5 – 17 Base Case P&L Statement Total revenues ($100 x 75,000) $7,500,000 Total VC ($28.18 x 75,000) Total CM ($71.82 x 75,000) Fixed costs Profit VC = Variable costs. CM = Contribution margin. 2,113,500 $5,386,500 4,967,462 $ 419,038 5 – 18 Base Case P&L Statement (Cont.)

■ Note that base case total costs equal fixed costs plus total variable costs or $4,967,462 + $2,113,500 = $7,080,962.

■ Thus, Atlanta’s average per visit cost is $7,080,962 / 75,000 = $94.41.

● What happens to the average cost per visit as volume increases.

● Why? 5 – 19 Contribution Margin

■ The contribution margin is defined as the difference between per visit (unit) revenue and the variable cost rate.

■ It is the amount of each visit’s revenue that is available to:

● First cover fixed costs.

● Flow to profit when fixed costs are covered.

■ In this illustration, the contribution margin is $100 – $28.18 = $71.82. 5 – 20 Breakeven Analysis

■ Breakeven analysis is performed in many different finance contexts. PHHE 453 Prescott College Public Health Worksheet

■ Here, it is used to determine the breakeven volume, defined as that volume needed for an organization (or service or program) to be financially self-sufficient.

■ There are two types of breakeven:

● Accounting breakeven (zero profit)

● Economic breakeven (with profit) 5 – 21 Breakeven Analysis (Cont.) What is the accounting breakeven for Atlanta Clinic? There are two approaches to answer this question:

● Projected P&L approach

● Graphical approach P&L Approach Total revenues – Total VC FC = Profit ($100 x V) – ($28.18 x V) – $4,967,462 = $0 $71.82 x V = $4,967,462 V = $4,967,462 / $71.82 = 69,165 visits. 5 – 22 Breakeven Analysis (Cont.) Note that the P&L approach can be recast in a contribution margin format. P&L Approach (Contribution Margin Format) CM x V = Fixed costs $71.82 x V = $4,967,462 V = $4,967,462 / $71.82 = 69,165 visits. 5 – 23 Graphical Breakeven Analysis Revenues and Costs ($) Total Revenues Total Costs Fixed Costs 69,165 Volume (Number of Visits) 5 – 24 Breakeven Analysis (Cont.) What is the economic breakeven if the desired profit level is $100,000? CM x V = Fixed costs + Profit $71.82 x V = $5,067,462 V = $5,067,462 / $71.82 = 70,558 visits. Note that the accounting breakeven is 69,165 visits. The additional number of visits needed is 1,393. 1,393 x CM = 1,393 x $71.82 = $100,000. 5 – 25 Profit Analysis Under Discounted FFS

■ Suppose Atlanta Clinic is confronted with a situation in which a payer contributing 5,000 visits wants a 40 per cent discount. PHHE 453 Prescott College Public Health Worksheet

■ Atlanta’s managers might want to drop the contract because a $60 per visit payment is less than the $94.41 average per visit cost.

■ But, further analysis is required. 5 – 26 P&L Statement With 70,000 Visits Total revenues ($100 x 70,000) $7,000,000 Total VC ($28.18 x 70,000) Total CM ($71.82 x 70,000) Fixed costs Profit 1,973,600 $5,027,400 4,967,462 $ 59,938 5 – 27 P&L Statement With Discount Visits Undiscounted revenue ($100 x 70,000) $7,000,000 Discounted revenue ($60 x 5,000) 300,000 Total revenues ($97.33 x 75,000) $7,300,000 Total VC ($28.18 x 75,000) Total CM ($69.15 x 75,000) Fixed costs Profit 2,113,500 $5,186,500 4,967,462 $ 219,038 5 – 28 Graphical Profit Analysis Revenues and Costs ($) Old Total Revenues New Total Revenues Total Costs Fixed Costs 69,165 71,836 Volume (Number of Visits) 5 – 29 Marginal (Incremental) Analysis

■ Suppose Atlanta Clinic is approached by a new insurer.

● This payer is expected to contribute 5,000 additional visits.

● However, it wants a 40 per cent discount, resulting in a revenue of $60 per visit.

■ At a volume of 80,000, the clinic’s average cost per visit is $7,221,862 / 80,000 = $90.27, so again Atlanta’s managers might be tempted to say “no.” 5 – 30 Base Case P&L Statement (Review) Total revenues ($100 x 75,000) $7,500,000 Total VC ($28.18 x 75,000) Total CM ($71.82 x 75,000) Fixed costs Profit VC = Variable costs. CM = Contribution margin. 2,113,500 $5,386,500 4,967,462 $ 419,038 5 – 31 P&L Statement With Added Volume Undiscounted revenue ($100 x 75,000) $7,500,000 Discounted revenue ($60 x 5,000) 300,000 Total revenues ($97.50 x 80,000) $7,800,000 Total VC ($28.18 x 80,000) Total CM ($69.32 x 80,000) Fixed costs Profit 2,254,400 $5,545,600 4,967,462 $ 578,138 5 – 32 Graphical Profit Analysis Revenues and Costs ($) Old Total Revenues New Total Revenues Total Costs Fixed Costs 69,165 71,660 Volume (Number of Visits) 5 – 33 Marginal (Incremental) Analysis (Cont.)


■ The marginal cost of each visit is the variable cost rate of $28.18 per visit.

■ The marginal revenue on the new contract is $60 per visit, so the contribution margin is $60 – $28.18 = $31.82.

■ Thus, 5,000 incremental visits would add 5,000 x $31.82 = $159,100 to the bottom line: $419,038 + $159,100 = $578,138. 5 – 34 Discussion Item At this point, the numerical analysis indicates that the offer should be accepted. Considering all the factors relevant to the decision, what should Atlanta Clinic’s managers do? 5 – 35 Profit Analysis Under Capitation

■ Capitation changes the way in which profit analysis is conducted

■ Perhaps the best way to see the effects of capitation is by graphical analysis.

■ We will examine two approaches to graphical analysis: ● In terms of utilization (number of visits).

● In terms of membership (covered lives). 5 – 36 Analysis Based on Visits Revenues and Costs ($) Total Revenues Total Costs Fixed Costs Volume (Number of Visits) 5 – 37 Analysis Based on Visits (Cont.)

■ On this graph, the profit and loss areas are reversed from the fee-for-service graph.

■ This “perverse” result occurs because the contribution margin on a per visit basis is negative.

● $0 – $28.18 = -$28.18. ● Each additional visit increases costs with no increase in revenues. 5 – 38 Graphical Analysis Based on Members Revenues and Costs ($) Total Revenues Total Costs Fixed Costs Note: Average utilization is assumed regardless of volume. Volume (Number of Members) 5 – 39 Analysis Based on Members (Cont.)

■ Now, the profit and loss areas are the same as on the fee-for-service graph.

■ On a per member basis, the contribution margin is positive.

● Each additional member contributes positively to profits.

● If per member annual revenue is $400 and the variable cost rate (based on 4 visits per year) is 4 x $28.18 = $112.72 per year, the contribution margin is $400 – $112.72 = $287.28. 5 – 40 Discussion Items

● What do the graphs tell managers about the importance of utilization management:

● Under FFS reimbursement? PHHE 453 Prescott College Public Health Worksheet

● Under capitation?

● What do the graphs tell about the importance of the number of members under capitation? 5 – 41 The Impact of Cost Structure on Risk

■ If reimbursement is tied exclusively to volume (FFS), then the provider’s financial risk is minimized if all costs are variable.

■ If reimbursement is exclusively capitated, then the provider’s financial risk is minimized if all costs are fixed. 5 – 42 Graphical Analysis under FFS Revenues and Costs ($) Total Revenues Total VCs = Total Costs Volume (Number of Visits) 5 – 43 Graphical Analysis under Capitation Revenues and Costs ($) Total Revenues Fixed Costs = Total Costs Volume (Number of Visits) 5 – 44 Discussion Item What are the implications of the previous two slides for managerial decision making? PHHE 453 Prescott College Public Health Worksheet

Ethics Reflection

Ethics Reflection

I need an introduction to my paper about Human Trafficking and Nursing. It should talk briefly about what is known about the issue, statistics, ethical principle that nurse should use, and their dilemma, how nurses can identify their patients who may be a victims of human trafficking. Please make it about 350 words. Use one professional journal not older than 5 years.