Complementary and Alternative Medicine Questions

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Questions

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question posed below. Submit this assignment as a Microsoft Word document.


Define CAM.
Describe the patient who uses CAM the most.
List some common misconceptions about CAM.
Identify methods of including the use of CAM in patient education.
Discuss the safe use of CAM.
List ways in which conventional medicine and CAM can be integrated.
Define ethical theories, ethical principles, and values.
Provide examples of ethical issues in patient education and compliance, and describe ways in which an effective professional/patient relationship and a poor health professional/patient relationship can impact these issues.
Explain what is meant by “ethical patient education practices”.
Explain the purpose of informed consent.
Discuss what factors determine the patient’s ability to give informed consent.
Compose a sample informed consent form. .
Discuss the process of communication to use with the patient and the family when obtaining informed consent.

The teachers rubrics for how she wants the homework topic 5 to be

Created short paragraph (50-100 word minimum) response for each question and addressed each part of the question. (the question does not count toward the word count) – 10 points
Substance: Demonstrated accuracy, thoughtful detail and intelligence with each answer and was written in own words and had original thought. -10 pts
Critical thinking: Original Examples are provided to explain answer. (Example:) Student has original and critical thinking:-10 pts
Created APA formatted document.
Included APA title page. 1/
Included APA in-text citations – 5/
APA reference page at the end. –3 pts/ 9 points total
Homework has questions written out, numbered and are in order. ( See student Success center for details on APA formatting) – 1 point

1) Define CAM.

CAM stands for complementary and alternative medicine. CAM consists of many different therapies and treatments that are used to prevent and treat illness and disease. These methods are not typically taught in Medical school or practiced by Western medical doctors. Various practices use natural methods or substances to promote the body to heal or stay in harmony. The mind body and spirit of a person are brought into the equation of healing. (Falvo, pp.210-211, 2004)

Critical thinking:(LABEL THIS)

For example, Chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, yoga, meditation and energy fields are some of the therapies used in CAM. I had a patient with diabetes and used to also get nutritional work completed by a Chiropractor that helped to control his blood sugar.

Please include both your research from your readings and critical thinking/ examples.

Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment

Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment

C/Q paper of 500-1,000 words, describe the relationship between health care cost and quality. Address the following:

  1. Select one public agency and one private agency and differentiate their roles and major activities in addressing cost and quality in health care. See Topic 4 readings for sources regarding health care agencies.
  2. Analyze current and projected initiatives to improve quality while simultaneously controlling costs. Describe any unintended consequences. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment
  3. Synthesize implications for staff nurses and advanced practice nurses, including evidence-based practice, relative to cost and quality.


  4. Cost and Quality Analysis 
Less than Satisfactory
75.0 %Content Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment
10.0 %Describe the relationship between health care cost and quality. Does not describe the relationship between health care cost and quality.Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Describes issues related to health care cost and health care quality, but does not discuss the relationship between the two. Describes the relationship between health care cost and quality, but is insufficiently developed. Adequately describes the relationship between health care cost and quality. There are few inconsistencies. Few examples given.Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Fully describes the relationship between health care cost and quality with no inconsistencies. Clear examples given.
20.0 %Differentiate the roles and major activities between one public and one private agency in addressing cost and quality in healthcare. Does not discuss the roles and major activities of public or private agencies in addressing cost and quality in health care.Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Discusses either the roles or the major activities of one public and one private agency in cost and quality in health care, but not both. Discusses, but does not differentiate the roles and major activities of one public and one private agency in addressing cost and quality in health care.Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Differentiates the roles and major activities between one public and one private agency in addressing cost and quality in health care, but is insufficiently developed. Minimal use of examples, supporting details, or references. Clearly and systematically differentiates the roles and major activities between one public and one private agency in addressing cost and quality in health care utilizing references, examples, and supporting details.
20.0 %Analyze current and projected initiatives to improve quality while simultaneously controlling costs. Describe any unintended consequences. Does not discuss current and projected initiatives to improve quality while simultaneously controlling costs. Does not describe any unintended consequences. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Discusses either current or projected initiatives to improve quality while simultaneously controlling costs, but not both. Does not describe unintended consequences. Discusses current and projected initiatives to improve quality while simultaneously controlling costs. Does not describe any unintended consequences. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Partially analyzes current and projected initiatives to improve quality while simultaneously controlling costs. Minimally describes unintended consequences. Comprehensively analyzes current and projected initiatives to improve quality while simultaneously controlling costs. Fully describes unintended consequences. Clear examples given.
20.0 %Synthesize implications for staff nurses and advanced practice nurses, including evidence-based practice, relative to cost and quality. Does not address any implications for staff nurses and advanced practice nurses, or evidence-based practice, relative to cost and quality.Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Discusses implications for either staff nurses or advanced practice nurses relative to cost and quality, but not both. Does not consistently address evidence-based practice. Discusses implications for staff nurses and advanced practice nurses relative to cost and quality. Briefly addresses evidence-based practice. No examples given. Synthesizes implications for staff nurses and advanced practice nurses, including evidence-based practice, relative to cost and quality; insufficiently developed. Provides examples, but some inconsistencies present. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Comprehensively synthesizes implications for staff nurses and advanced practice nurses, including evidence-based practice, relative to cost and quality. Clear examples given with no inconsistencies.
5.0 %Paragraph Development and Transitions Style Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. No apparent connections between paragraphs. Transitions are inappropriate to purpose and scope. Organization is disjointed. Some paragraphs and transitions may lack logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other. A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are used as appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope. There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The writer has been careful to use paragraph and transition construction to guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. Individually and collectively, paragraphs are coherent and cohesive ? they ?sparkle.?
10.0 %Organization and Effectiveness Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment
5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, and grammar) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors that distract the reader. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. Writer is clearly in control of standard, written American English. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment
5.0 %Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes sentence construction, word choice, etc.) Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction, lack of variety in language use. Writer appears to be unaware of audience. Use of ?primer prose? indicates writer either does not apply figures of speech or uses them inappropriately. Some distracting inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Sentence structure may be occasionally ineffective or inappropriate. The writer exhibits some lack of control in using figures of speech appropriately. Sentence structure is correct and occasionally varies. Language is appropriate to the targeted audience for the most part. The writer is clearly aware of audience; uses a variety of sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary for the target audience, and uses figures of speech to communicate clearly. The writer uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choice in unique and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope.Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment
15.0 %Format Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment
10.0 %Evaluating and Documenting Sources (includes use of appropriate style, correct citation format in-text and in reference section Plagiarism; rarely follows any documentation format correctly; uses non-credible sources. No References section. Uses documentation, but frequent formatting/citation errors are present; some sources have questionable credibility. Reference section is not correctly cited. Sources used are credible and documented appropriately to the discipline; formatting and citation is usually correct, but some lack of control is apparent. Reference section is correctly cited. Documentation is appropriate and formatting/citations are correct, although a few errors/typos may be present; most sources are authoritative. Reference section is correctly cited. There are virtually no errors in documentation format or citation; all sources are authoritative. Reference section is correctly cited and at least 3 references are used
3.0 %Title page No title page. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment None Title page is incomplete or inaccurate. Title page has minor errors. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment Title page is complete.
2.0 %Page constraint Information presented does not meet minimum assigned length of 500 words. None Information presented exceeds 1000 words. None Information is presented within word limit constraints of 1000 words.


Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis

Healthcare quality and cost enjoy a complex and contentious connection. In fact, there is a consensus that improving quality and containing cost is critical in healthcare. The complexity arises from the fact that any attempt at improvement quality will typically be accompanied by an increase in costs with the reverse being equally true such that reducing cost results in quality reduction. The contention arises from an argument that improving quality will initially require higher costs but will then cause a reduction in hospital admissions and complications that cause overall healthcare costs to reduce. Between the complexity and contention (as extremes), the reality about the actual link between healthcare cost and quality falls somewhere between the two extremes such that there are occasions when improving care quality will result in an overall increase in costs while there are occasions when improving care quality will result in an overall decrease in costs. Whatever the relationship between the quality and cost, it is undeniable that where the money spent moderates that relationship (Hussey, Wertheimer &Mehrotra, 2013). This relationship is evident in the US where it is reported that although spending growth has lessened, the national per capita spending exceeds what is reported in other first world countries by between 50% and 200%. Despite spending more than any other country in healthcare, the US ranks 26th for life expectancy to imply that its costs are high while its quality is low (Burke &Ryna, 2014). In this respect, the relationship between health cost and quality can be considered as complex and contentious. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment

Select one public agency and one private agency and differentiate their roles and major activities in addressing cost and quality in healthcare.

The Institution for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is a private agency that identifies itself as an independent non-profit organization that collaborates with other agencies to achieve its goals. Based in Boston, the organization touts itself as an entity with the capacity to drive, partner, convene and innovate improvements to health care. At its core is the conception that every person is entitled to the best possible health care. To achieve this objective, IHI has focused on quality and costs. In fact, it has identified five principal areas to address costs and quality. These include improving care and health while reducing costs per capita, improving quality to drive sustainability and affordability, preventing mortality and reducing harm to ensure patient safety, applying a patient-centered approach to care, and investing in scientific research to drive health care improvements (Institute of Healthcare Improvement, 2018).Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is a government (federal) agency that is tasked with addressing patient safety, care outcomes, costs and quality issues. In fact, it is the research department of the US Department of Health and Human Services and works in concert with the National Institute of Health to improve care quality while reducing costs in the US. This is evidenced by the fact that AHRQ specializes in six research areas. First, it seeks to improve quality and patient safety. Secondly, it aims to evaluate care effectiveness and quality. Thirdly, it conducts an assessment of technology and clinical practice. Fourthly, it evaluates health delivery systems and organizations. Fifthly, it assesses primary care. Finally, appraises health care payment sources and costs. Overall, AHRQ takes in the identity of a science partner that collaborates with public and private agencies to identify the more cost-effective ways to deliver, finance, manage and organize high-quality health care, improve patient safety and reduce medical errors (US Department of Health & Human Services, 2018).Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment

Analyze current and projected initiatives to improve quality while simultaneously controlling costs. Describe any unintended consequences.

Initiative to improve health care quality recognizes that achieving such a goal must be aligned with achieving better care outcomes even as unnecessary costs are avoided. The reality is that costs are rising and causing insurance premiums to similarly rise. The issue is exacerbated by the fact that medical facilities are shifting most of these costs to their patients since insurance reimbursement does not cover some of the cost. Merely promoting care access by expanding the coverage for insurance is not enough to achieve such a goal. Nor is cost reduction by reducing the number of services that are covered by the insurance or even the insurance price. Such efforts would not achieve the best care or even reduce overall costs. Instead, the focus should be on improving care delivery as a strategy for achieving the set goals. Perhaps, the best strategy should focus on engaging all stakeholders in forums where they present their views on how best to lower costs while simultaneously improving quality. Still, the strategy of collecting opinion from stakeholders is limited by existing regulations, traditional insurance benefit designs and fee-for-service payments (Ross, 2013).Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment


Synthesize implications for staff nurses and advanced practice nurses, including evidence-based practice, relative to cost and quality.

Nurses must understand that any efforts to improve care quality while reducing costs must be addressed at four levels. The first level is the environments of accreditation, regulation, payment, and policy as factors that peripherally shape the way in which care is delivered. The second level is facility-specific practices. The third level is the functioning of medical care teams. The final level is the patients’ experiences within the care environment. For instance, different structural and performance measures will have varied cost and quality implications as is seen in eth case of increasing nurse staffing per patient to improve patient outcomes while increasing costs in terms of salaries. It is enough for nurses to understand that aligning costs with quality requires fundamental changes in how work is designed and personnel are deployed. These changes necessitate the nurses to adopt leadership positions to transform their practices and beliefs when providing care even as their practice shape the environment (Duffy, 2013).Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment


One must accept that health care quality and cost topics receive a lot of attention. That is because they enjoy a complex and contentious relationship. The complexity is seen in the inverse relationship between quality and cost whereby improving quality increases costs and vice versa. The contention is seen when spending to improve quality ultimately results in overall cost reduction since admissions and complications are reduced. This is an awareness that both public (such as AHRQ) and private (such as IHI) health agencies take into account. In addition, one must acknowledge that initiative to improve health care quality recognize that achieving such a goal must be aligned with achieving better care outcomes even as unnecessary costs are avoided. Besides that, nurses to understand that aligning costs with quality requires fundamental changes in how work is designed and personnel are deployed, necessitating them to adopt leadership positions to transform their practices and beliefs when providing care even as their practice shape the environment. Therefore, the relationship between health cost and quality can be considered as complex and contentious. Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment




Burke, L. & Ryan, A. (2014). The complex relationship between cost and quality in US health care. Virtual Mentor: American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, 16(2), 124-130.

Duffy, J. (2013). Quality caring in nursing and health systems: implications for clinicians, educators, and leaders (2nded.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Hussey, P., Wertheimer, S. &Mehrotra, A. (2013). The association between health care quality and cost: a systematic review. Ann Intern Med., 158(1), 27-34. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-158-1-201301010-00006

Institute of Healthcare Improvement (2018). About IHI. Retrieved from

Ross, T. (2013). Health care quality management: tools and applications. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

US Department of Health & Human Services (2018). What is AHRQ? Retrieved from Healthcare Cost and Quality Analysis Assignment

HL7 EHR System Functional Model

HL7 EHR System Functional Model

C​‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‌​ase 3-33.
HL7 EHR System Functional Model
You are the CIO of a 300-physician practice. The board of directors has decided to purchase an electronic medical record (EMR). You have been asked what the role of the HL7 EHR System Functional Model should have on your decision.
Explain the direct care functions of the HL7 EHR System Functional Model.
Explain the supportive functions of the HL7 EHR System Functional Model.
Explain the information infrastructure of the HL7 EHR System Functional Model.
Do you recommend that the HL7 EHR System Functional Model should be the basis upon which you evaluate the EMRs? Justify your recommendation. HL7 EHR System Functional Model


Case 3-9.
System Life Cycle
You recently heard about ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‌​the concept of system life cycle in your HIM course. You really do not understand what it is. You know that it has something to do with the different stages of the information system, but you do not understand what those stages are and what would be included in each of the stages.
Research the following information about system life cycle and write up your findings.
Identify the stages of the life cycle.
Describe how you can tell what stage an information system is in.
Cite at least two specific examples of how information systems could fall into each of the categories (e.g., update software during maintenance phase).
Explain how the HIM professional can be involved in each of the stages​‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‌​. HL7 EHR System Functional Model

lourdes week 10

lourdes week 10

After reading Chapter 10 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following


questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post.

Additionally, you are expected to reply to two other students and include a reference that justifies your post. Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs.

1. Describe the importance of evidence-based practice.

2. Describe how and where to search for evidence.

3. Describe strategies for the implementation of evidenced-based practice in nursing practice.

NURS-6050 Week 11 Discussion Assignment

NURS-6050 Week 11 Discussion Assignment

NURS-6050 Week 11 Discussion Assignment

Assignment: Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement

If you talk about a possible poor health outcome, do you believe that outcome will occur? Do you believe eye contact and personal contact should be avoided?

You would have a difficult time practicing as a nurse if you believed these to be true. But they are very real beliefs in some cultures.

Differences in cultural beliefs, subcultures, religion, ethnic customs, dietary customs, language, and a host of other factors contribute to the complex environment that surrounds global healthcare issues. Failure to understand and account for these differences can create a gulf between practitioners and the public they serve.

In this Assignment, you will examine a global health issue and consider the approach to this issue by the United States and by one other country.NURS-6050 Week 11 Discussion Assignment


Assignment: (1- to 2-page Global Health Comparison Matrix; 1-page Plan for Social Change)

Part 1: Global Health Comparison Matrix

Focusing on the country you selected and the U.S., complete the Global Health Comparison Matrix. Be sure to address the following:

  • Consider the U.S. national/federal health policies that have been adapted for the global health issue you selected from the WHO global health agenda. Compare these policies to the additional country you selected for study.
  • Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each policy.
  • Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the global health issue you selected. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Using the WHO’s Organization’s global health agenda as well as the results of your own research, analyze how each country’s government addresses cost, quality, and access to the global health issue selected.
  • Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the health of the global population. Be specific and provide examples.NURS-6050 Week 11 Discussion Assignment
  • Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the role of the nurse in each country.
  • Explain how global health issues impact local healthcare organizations and policies in both countries. Be specific and provide examples.

Part 2: A Plan for Social Change

Reflect on the global health policy comparison and analysis you conducted in Part 1 of the Assignment and the impact that global health issues may have on the world, the U.S., your community, as well as your practice as a nurse leader.

In a 1-page response, create a plan for social change that incorporates a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.

  • Explain how you would advocate for the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.
  • Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens might impact your local practice and role as a nurse leader.
  • Explain how the incorporation of a global perspective or lens into your local practice as a nurse leader represents and contributes to social change. Be specific and provide examples

NURS-6050 Week 11 Discussion Assignment

To Prepare:

  • Review the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda and select one global health issue to focus on for this Assignment.
  • Select at least one additional country to compare to the U.S. for this Assignment.
  • Reflect on how the global health issue you selected is approached in the U.S. and in the additional country you selected.
  • Review and download the Global Health Comparison Matrix provided in the Resources


Global Health Comparison Grid Template

Use this document to complete the Module 6 Assessment Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement

Global Healthcare Issue  


Country United States 





Describe the policy in each country related to the identified healthcare issue NURS-6050 Week 11 Discussion Assignment
What are the strengths of this policy?
What are the weaknesses of this policy?
Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the specified global health issue. (Be specific and provide examples) 

NURS-6050 Week 11 Discussion Assignment

How has each country’ government addressed cost, quality, and access to the selected global health issue?
How has the identified health policy impacted the health of the global population? (Be specific and provide examples)
Describe the potential impact of the identified health policy on the role of nurse in each country.NURS-6050 Week 11 Discussion Assignment
Explain how global health issues impact local healthcare organizations and policies in both countries. (Be specific and provide examples)
General Notes/Comments

Global Health Comparison

Grid Template

NURS-6050 Week 11 Discussion Assignment

Columbia Difference of Exploratory & Confirmatory Analysis Discussion

Columbia Difference of Exploratory & Confirmatory Analysis Discussion

Discuss the Difference Between an Exploratory Analysis and a Confirmatory

• 250-word minimum • At least 1 reference


Disparities in African American Maternal Care Annotated Bibliography

Disparities in African American Maternal Care Annotated Bibliography

Need 3 annotated bibliographies on disparaties in african american maternal care should be done in APA styl


answer question

answer question

Masters, K. (2017). Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice (4th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-284-07832-9

After Reading chapter 10 please answer the following questions.

1. Describe the importance of evidence-based practice.

a minumum of 700 words

add 3 more references 5 at least years old

ill will provide the book

Tags: philosophy of nursing nursing


answer the question

answer the question

Masters, K. (2017). Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice (4th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-284-07832-9


After Reading chapter 10 please answer the following questions.

Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs about 700 words

Describe strategies for the implementation of evidenced-based practice in nursing practice.


i will provide the book

add one reference 5 years old

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Paper

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a strong, working foundation for your final paper. You will identify a


topic area and develop a problem- or issue-related topic within that area of interest. As you develop this specific topic, keep in mind that your eventual goal is to formulate and present a solution to the healthcare issue or problem you identify.

Your topic proposal should include the following items and address the following questions.

The topic you wish to pursue.

Describe the topic you wish to explore.
It may be somewhat broad at this point and it may imply a problem. Use the resources in your course materials to help you search for ideas.
Identify your purpose: Why are you interested in this topic? (Narrow your topic.)

Specifically explain what it is that fascinates you or draws you to this topic.
Clearly describe the topic’s relevance in the field today.
Identify a purpose for a paper on this topic:
What might you accomplish in exploring this problem?
What is your intended goal?
To evoke change
To make new connections (new cause and effect)
To introduce a new theory, solution, or idea
Is this goal realistic?
Identify a problem within the topic and draft a problem statement. (It will likely evolve and be revised as you progress through your research.)

Identify a problem from your research questions and state it.
The problem statement should be specific and indicate the focus of your final paper.
Not too narrow, not too broad
Intellectually challenging
Who would benefit from a solution to this problem (who is the target population)?
Your paper should be 1–2 pages. Adhere to APA formatting throughout.

Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.