Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Paper

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a strong, working foundation for your final paper. You will identify a topic area and develop a problem- or issue-related topic within that area of interest. As you develop this specific topic, keep in mind that your eventual goal is to formulate and present a solution to the healthcare issue or problem you identify.

Your topic proposal should include the following items and address the following questions.

The topic you wish to pursue.

Describe the topic you wish to explore.
It may be somewhat broad at this point and it may imply a problem. Use the resources in your course materials to help you search for ideas.
Identify your purpose: Why are you interested in this topic? (Narrow your topic.)

Specifically explain what it is that fascinates you or draws you to this topic.
Clearly describe the topic’s relevance in the field today.
Identify a purpose for a paper on this topic:
What might you accomplish in exploring this problem?
What is your intended goal?
To evoke change
To make new connections (new cause and effect)
To introduce a new theory, solution, or idea
Is this goal realistic?
Identify a problem within the topic and draft a problem statement. (It will likely evolve and be revised as you progress through your research.)

Identify a problem from your research questions and state it.
The problem statement should be specific and indicate the focus of your final paper.
Not too narrow, not too broad
Intellectually challenging
Who would benefit from a solution to this problem (who is the target population)?
Your paper should be 1–2 pages. Adhere to APA formatting throughout.


Respond with a paragraph , citations , and references .

Respond with a paragraph , citations , and references .



Weekly Nursing Pediatric Clinical Journal

Weekly Nursing Pediatric Clinical Journal



Through reflective thought the student will compare and identify how their activities and observations relate to various management theories.

Each student will submit a clinical journal for each day in the field. Describe your experiences and how they apply to nursing leadership and management. Apply at least one of the topics listed below to each entry, as appropriate. Journal entry should be between 100-500 words.

Apply the nursing process as it relates to theoretical principles in the nursing management of children and adolescents within the family system.
Integrate caring behaviors, critical thinking and clinical reasoning in the therapeutic management of the pediatric client and family.
Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions that are congruent with the cultural beliefs, traditions, and behaviors of families.
Incorporate research findings in care planning.
Appraise health policies and laws that impact pediatric nursing practice.




Reflection: With minimal guidance demonstrate cultural competence in nursing practice among diverse populations in a variety of contexts to ensure culturally safe care.

Please write reflection on mention above and has to be one page double space. No Reference or incitation needed. Please check spelling and grammar and no plagiarism.


Academy for Practical Nursing and Health Occupations Evidence-Based Approach

Academy for Practical Nursing and Health Occupations Evidence-Based Approach

1——-Two barriers that can affect the long-term outcomes of an evidence-based project are (1) the lack of ongoing training and monitoring of the new practice change, and (2) not setting goals or rewarding staff for meeting time lines for the practice change. In order to overcome these barriers, the change agent needs to have clear policies and procedures in place for the new practice change. Ongoing training, especially for new staff, will be needed until the change becomes part of the normal workflow. This is often seen at Indian Health Council, when there are changes to workflows in the electronic health record. Staff can go back to the old way of doing things if they are not monitored, because they tend to be more comfortable with the old way of doing things. The change agent needs to be present to answer questions, and to make changes if the new practice project needs to be changed in any way. According to Cherry (2017), the person who is leading the change needs to be “…available to help, support, and encourage others through the process” (p. 311).

Setting clear goals allows staff to know what they are working to achieve. Small rewards can be given, for example, an ice cream or pizza party, or certificates with balloons can help staff feel recognized for their hard work. “Leadership strategies of positive feedback, encouragement, and constructive criticism reinforce new behavior” (Garon, 2014, p. 41). Once goals are met, then the new practice should still be monitored to make sure staff are compliant with the new changes. Sometimes events or changes happen in a department, and these changes may affect the evidence-based practice, so policies and procedures may need to be revised. According to Cherry (2017), the person who is making the changes should evaluate “… the change, and make modifications if necessary” (p. 311). Sometimes performing a pilot project over a few months can help the change agent fine tune a new procedure or protocol before it is rolled out to the whole department. This can alleviate stress, and help support a change, especially if the project is making improvements in patient care or the department.

When looking at this nurse’s evidence-based project, it will be important to train on screening tools, and when to call for a brief intervention, which may include training nurses on providing a brief intervention if the provider or behavioral health counselor is not available. For SBIRT (screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment) to be effective, staff must screen accurately and provide a brief intervention. Goals should be set to increase the number of SBIRT interventions by at least 50% within the next six months. The nurse can monitor the number of positive screenings and see how many brief interventions are completed over the next six months. Staff need to be updated every month, so they can meet their goals and know how the department is doing. Once the goal is reached, then a new and higher goal can be set. The staff should be rewarded once they reach their goals, so that they take ownership of the project and continue to support the practice change.

2—-Sustaining change can be one of the most challenging topics related to the long term success of any project. It’s an unfortunate truth that up to 33% of quality improvement projects are not sustained after the first year of completion (Silver, et al,2016) Through my capstone project, I feel I have incorporated blood, sweat, and tears and thus I have a very personal interest in the project’s success. The reality of this is that I can’t be the only one that makes this project successful; rather, it must be a team effort. Therefore, I recognize that I must demonstrate a good understanding of why the project is needed in order to create a vested interest in its long term success. This brings me to my first barrier, which is sustainability after the initial enthusiasm or rationale of the work has dissipated. I plan on overcoming this by maintaining focus on our objective; to keep patients healthy. I plan on doing this by reporting out monthly data on how many patients our department made contact with and of those, how many remained out of the hospital following 30-day post discharge. With this effort, I hope to continue to spotlight the work we are achieving and why the extra effort is needed.

Another anticipated barrier is how to incorporate standardization across the department. Mate (2016) identifies that incorporating clear guidelines and accountability will work to support sustained improvement. I plan on overcoming this barrier by creating standardized guidelines and expectations of the workflow. My intention for this effort would be to clearly acknowledge the goals of the project and what each team member is responsible for in order to achieve our collective goal. Furthermore, this guide would help ensure that new staff are also aware of the project and what is expected of them and why.

I know that with continued effort this project has a great potential to positively influence patients’ lives. This post recognizes that just because we are nearing the completion of our capstone project doesn’t mean that the work is done. We will need to maintain communication and continue to overcome barriers in order to ensure it’s continued success.

3——–Different barriers hinder the implementation of change proposal in a health care facility. The two potential barriers which might prevent EBP from changing proposal which in turn leads to less desired results as compared to results six months from now on include;

Access to information and organizational support
Unavailability of necessary equipment in the hospital for patient monitoring and care to prevent unforeseen cases of the pressure of ulcers.
According to a new national survey of more than 1,000 RNs suggests that resistance from nursing leaders and lack of organizational support prevent nurses from implementing evidence-based practices that improve patient outcomes (LoBiondo-Wood, & Haber, 2014). Pressure ulcers remain the chief complications of prolonged hospitalization, specifically in situations of poor nutrition, increased moisture on the skin (e.g., incontinence), prolonged pressure, and compromised sensory stimuli. Pressure ulcers increase the cost of hospitalization, increase patient morbidity and mortality, and play a significant role in the spread of infection in the clinical area. Although there is measure to prevent the prevalent cases of the pressure of ulcers, the major problem with the implementation of the change proposal is lack of organizational support and access to information and necessary equipment. Organizational support plays a major role in the implementation process, in fact, leaders and managers are important sources of communication. Their expressed support for improving pressure ulcer prevention will reinforce its importance and thus increase the impetus among staff to adhere to the new practices. However, when this support from the leaders is lacking, it becomes difficult to adhere to the practices that are supposed to prevent the pressure of ulcers. This is a barrier I have experienced, and I have heard colleagues complain about (Mwebaza et al., 2014).

To overcome the barriers, clarifying the roles of the implementation team as well as unit champions for the implementation period is very crucial. Also, communication with the managers and updating of the progress of the change proposal keeps them informed, in fact, engaging them can make them feel like part of the change proposal hence contributing ideas necessary to facilitate the implementation of the EBP. Finally, management engagement can similarly help to realize any equipment, tools, or machines that are necessary yet lacking in the implementation of the change proposal. Although these strategies can help overcome the barriers stated above, personal efforts in addressing the barriers and follow-up are equally important in accelerating the implementation of the change proposal.


MRU Difference of Exploratory & Confirmatory Analysis Discussion

MRU Difference of Exploratory & Confirmatory Analysis Discussion

Discuss the Difference Between an Exploratory Analysis and a Confirmatory ?

Class: Advanced Nursing Inquiry and Evidence Based practice.

APA Style

250-word minimum

At least 1 reference (the course textbook does not count as a reference)

Must address topic

References included

Sites from: org, or edu only


Nursing Importance of Evidence Based Practice Questions

Nursing Importance of Evidence Based Practice Questions

. Describe the importance of evidence-based practice.

2. Describe how and where to search for evidence.

3. Describe strategies for the implementation of evidenced-based practice in nursing practice.

Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at least 3 references (APA) included in your post.


Health in Global Community Discussion

Health in Global Community Discussion

. Describe globalization and international patterns of health and disease.

2. Identify international health care organizations and how they collaborate to improve global nursing and health care.

3. Identify and discuss the major indicators of women’s health.

4. Identify and discuss the barriers to adequate health care for women.

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font and in Turnitin to verify originality. If you don’t post your assignment in any of the required forums you will not get the points. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used. A minimum of 700 words is required. Please make sure to follow the instructions as given.


Formulating PICOT questions related to Nursing research

Formulating PICOT questions related to Nursing research

PICOT questions are used by researchers to focus research questions and develop an efficient literature search strategy.You will create 3 PICOT questions to search for evidence for your individual quantitative appraisal and group review of literature paper.Be sure to develop questions about topics that interest you.

PICOT Questions

Write 3 PICOT questions related to nursing. Use PICOT templates in the EBP Step by Step 3 article in Brightspace to create your questions.
Identify the PICOT elements for each question.


American Jewish cardiopulmonary resuscitation PICOT Paper

American Jewish cardiopulmonary resuscitation PICOT Paper

PICOT and Literature Search Assignment This assignment will be completed individually. PICOT questions are used by researchers to focus research questions and develop an efficient literature search strategy. You will create 3 PICOT questions to search for evidence for your individual quantitative appraisal and group review of literature paper. Be sure to develop questions about topics that interest you. PICOT Questions • • Write 3 PICOT questions related to nursing. Use PICOT templates in the EBP Step by Step 3 article in Brightspace to create your questions. Identify the PICOT elements for each question. Search Strategy and Execution • Develop a search strategy using at least 3 keywords, 1 synonym, and 1 MeSH term for your PICOT questions. • Using any one of your three PICOT questions and the search strategy for it, locate 4 articles that help answer it. o Be sure that you choose primary source quantitative research articles. (Check for data analysis using numbers and the IMRaD format.) o The population studied, issues/intervention of interest, and outcomes measured in the article should match the P, I, and C of your PICOT question. o No article can be older than 2014. • Obtain pdfs of each of the four articles you selected. Submitting Your Results • On a Word document, write each PICOT question with elements identified and the search terms for each. • Highlight the PICOT question for which you selected articles. • Provide APA references for your selected articles. • See the example at the end of this document for suggested formatting. You may use it as a template. • Name each document as follows: o Lastname PICOT • o Lastname article 1 o Lastname article 2 o Lastname article 3 o Lastname article 4 Drop all five documents (Word document and pdfs of the articles) to the submission folder by the deadline. Updated 4/18/2019 CJP PICOT Questions and Literature Search Rubric Grading Criterion 1. Elements of requirements included (3 foreground questions; 3 background questions; PICOT Identification for each of the 3 questions; at least 3 keywords, 1 synonym, and 1 MeSH term for each of the 3 questions) = 36 elements total 2. All 3 PICOT questions are nursing related 3. All parts of the PICOT are correctly identified = 15 elements 4. Articles are primary source quantitative research reports. 5. All articles help answer the same PICOT question 6. Article citations provided in APA format (see example on next page) 7. Articles are no older than 2014 8. Pdfs of all articles are provided (all or nothing) Pts Mastery 4 36 elements included Proficient 3 35 elements included Developing 2 34 elements included Beginning 1 or 0 33 (1 pt) or 32 or fewer (0 pts) elements included All 3 questions are nursing related 14 to 15 elements are correctly identified 2 questions are nursing related 12 to 13 elements are correctly identified 1 question is nursing related 10 to 11 elements are correctly identified All four are primary source reports All 4 help answer the same PICOT question 0 to 1 unique APA elements are incorrect 3 are primary source reports 2 are primary source reports 3 help answer the same PICOT question 2 to 3 unique APA elements are incorrect 2 help answer the same PICOT question 4 to 5 unique APA elements are incorrect All 4 are no older than 2014 Yes 3 are no older than 2014 2 are no older than 2014 No questions are nursing related (0 pts) 9 (1 pt) or 8 or fewer (0 pts) elements are correctly identified 1 or 0 are primary source reports 1 or 0 help answer the same PICOT question 6 (1 pt) or 7 or more (0 pts) unique APA elements are incorrect 1 or 0 are no older than 2014 No (0 pts) Total points / 8 = X.XX = conversion to 100 points Updated 4/18/2019 CJP Grade Calculation Score of 0 to 4 will be determined based on the performance level for each criterion in the grading rubric. Scores for all 8 criteria will be added and then divided by 8 for a final score between 0.00 and 4.00. Grades out of 100 points will be converted as follows and entered into the gradebook. Score out of 4 4.00 3.75-3.99 3.50-3.74 3.25-3.49 3.00-3.24 2.75-2.99 2.50-2.74 2.25-2.49 2.00-2.24 1.01-1.99
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