Letter to The Legislator Responding

Letter to The Legislator Responding

Student’s name 2235 Frederick Douglass Blvd. New York, NY 10027 Student’s E-mail Address November 13, 2009


Name & Title of Legislator 2354 Rayburn House Office Building United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Dear Representative Rangel: There is compelling evidence that the shortage of Nursing faculty has direct implications for worsening the already-critical nursing shortage that we are already experiencing in this country and puts American citizens at risk. As a constituent of District 15, a nursing student, and a consumer of health care, I am writing in support of House bill: H.R. 1460, the Nurses’ Higher Education and Loan Repayment Act of 2009. A report published by The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, entitled Making Health Care Safer: A Critical Analysis of Patient Safety Practices, concluded that while a “leaner nurse staffing is associated with increased length of stay, nosocomial infection and pressure ulcers” a “richer nurse staffing is associated with better patient outcomes”. I am sure you would agree that one of the most important goals of patient care is ensuring patient safety but in order to keep patients who are hospitalized safe, it is necessary that we address the nursing shortage in some important ways. While it has been well publicized that there is a nursing shortage, what has gotten much less airtime is the influence that the shortage of nursing faculty has on the overall nursing shortage, which, according to the US Department of Labor Statistics, will reach more than one million by the year 2016. In order to take steps to alleviate the shortage of nurses, nursing school enrollment levels must increase. The catch 22 becomes apparent when the effects of the shortage of nursing faculty are taken into account. Put plainly, if there is not enough faculty to educate the increasing number of nursing students needed to work toward alleviating the nursing shortage, then there is no end to the shortage in sight. The Chronicle of Higher Education reported in “The Graying Professoriate” in its September 3, 1999 issue reported that “nearly a third of the nation’s full-time faculty members were 55 years of age or older in comparison to a decade ago, when only one-fourth were over that age.” This aging trend points to how critical is to immediately begin extraordinary efforts to greatly expand the pipeline of baccalaureate and master’s prepared nurses entering doctoral study so that they may begin to train the nurses and nursing faculty of tomorrow. Clinical practice and administration often pay substantially more than do faculty positions, making it less attractive for a student who may already have loans, to not only increase their loan burden but also to consider a career in academia a viable option. By promising loan repayment for those students who pursue academic careers, House bill: H.R. 1460 would go a long way towards removing some if the financial obstacles blocking the path to nursing students becoming members of the nursing faculty. I urge you to support and pass this important legislation. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, ____________________(Signature & title) Student Nurse, SUNY Downstate Medical Center.
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Importance Of Technology In Improving Patient’s Healthcare

Importance Of Technology In Improving Patient’s Healthcare

analyze a peer-reviewed research article that you must present in class as a discussion. This article is about any nursing-practice-related topic that interests you. Example of topics are: Risk for patients who need blood but don’t want it; pain management issues for patients with sickle cell disease; does use of technology increase patient safety, This assignment is supporting SLO #6 (Integrating Evidence-Based Knowledge). Print a copy of the article and bring to class.


Paragraph 4

Paragraph 4

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


1. Mucor is a mold found in soil, plants, manure, decaying fruits, vegetables and as a common contaminant of stored and processed food in the kitchen.( Mold and bacteria consulting laboratories). Mucormycosis is a serous but rear fungal infection caused by a group of mold called mucormycetes.( CDC). According to CDC, there are five clinical forms of mucormycosis but the most common one is Rhinocerebra mycormycosis which occur mostly in diabetic patient, nutropenic cancer patients and hematopoietic stem cell transplant or solid organ transplant recipients and pulmonary mycormycosis.

Similarly, other things that can put people at risk of developing mycormycosis according to CDC are prolonged corticosteroid therapy; skin trauma, burns, or surgical wounds; iron overload; intravenous drug use; malnourishment and premature infants.

Patients is likely to get infected with mucor “through inhalation, inoculation, or ingestion of spores from the environment.”(CDC).

When the spore is inhaled, it travel tthrough the alveoli and bronchioles of the lungs causing inflammation and pneumonia with clinical manifestation of fever, cough, chest pain and dyspnea.

Furthermore, medical treatment is with antifungal medication usually, Amphotericin B, Posaconazole or Isavuconazole. Surgery may also be required to cut affected tissue (CDC). Nursing intervention that will be helpful to patient include monitoring of vital signs and laboratory result adminitration of oxygen when needed, and keeping accurate record of intake and output.

2. llaboratory result The white blood count (WBC) is high 15,200 this shows that patient have infection secondary to inhalation of mucor which may have spread inside the body causing infection. Arterial blood gas is abnormal with high PH 7.50 , PaC02 is 25 and PaCO3 25. The three ABG shows alkalosis. The patient has respiratory alkalosis secondary to hyperventilation. Patient SPO 59 room air is low , oxygen should be given to increase the level and enhance respiration.

3. Medication and medical treatment.

Three mdications for the treatment of mycormycosis are;

Amphotericin B, Posaconazole or Isavuconazole (CDC). These medication attack the structure of and function of fungal cells.They inhibit the DNA synthesis of fungus there by preventing from spreading. Amphotericin binds fungal cell membrane and leaking cellular content. Surgery may also be required to cut away the affected tissue (CDC).

Finally, controlling immunocompromising condition should be attempted (CDC).


Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Information for healthcare professionals about mycormycosis. Retrieved from.

Isavuconazole Treatment For Mucormycosis Nursing Discussion Help

Isavuconazole Treatment For Mucormycosis Nursing Discussion Help

Please write a paragraph responding to the discussion bellow. Add citations and references in alphabetical order.


Mucor is a mold found in soil, plants, manure, decaying fruits, or vegetables and also as a common contaminant of stored and processed foods in the kitchen. Mucor is also found in water damaged or moist building materials (Mold & Bacteria Laboratories). According to MBL, Mucor species that grow at high temperatures can cause infections to human beings. Mucor Indicus may cause opportunistic infections such as zygomycosis which is infection of the mucous membranes, nasal passages, eyes, lungs, skin and brain as well as renal and pulmonary infections and septic arthritis. Mucor infection affects people with weakened immune system and may infect any part of the body according to Centers for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC). It affects human beings through inhalation of fungal spores from the air or skin and after entering the body it causes infection especially if through inhalation leading to respiratory airway infection such as Pneumonia. In pneumonia, there is inflammation reaction in the alveoli and interstitium of the lung. This inflammation can result from three different sources such as, aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions which contain normal bacterial flora or gastric contents, or can be through inhalation of contaminants and also through contamination from the systemic circulation. Pneumonia may also result from inhalation of secretions from an infected person or from direct spread to the lungs due to trauma or surgery.

Medical interventions for pneumonia includes diagnostic process by a radiological chest x-ray to visualize the lungs and treating the patient with the appropriate antibiotic such as vancomycin or any broad spectrum intravenous antibiotic immediately a diagnosis is made. Nursing intervention that is very important is to check the airway and oxygenation of the patient by providing supplementary oxygen through a nasal cannula. Other nursing interventions in the acute phase is to provide comfort by placing the patient in an upright position in bed to assist in breathing and comfort. The chest x-ray provided in this finding shows a normal or more normal right lung tissues but the left lung shows opacities towards the left lower section and also more to the left margin of the lungs indicating possible pneumonia.

Examining the laboratory blood test results and arterial blood gases provided. Among the laboratory values that are considered abnormal are -White blood cell count of 15, 200/mm3, normal value range is 4,500-11, 000. The reason for the raise white blood cell count is because the white blood cells are responsible for body defense mechanism and the increase indicates infection and that is why there is high production of white blood cell count. The Lymphocytes which are part of the white blood cells are reduced (10%). The normal values are 20-40%, and the reason for the reduction is because they are destroyed by the process of infection. The Blood pH is raised 7.50 (normal levels are 7.35-7.45) and the reason for the elevated pH could be due to the toxins produced by the infection leading the blood to be more alkalotic as a way of the body mechanism responding to the changes. The Pa02 is 59 mmHg on room air which is diminished (normal is above 80 mmHg) and PaC02 is 25 mmHg which is low (normal is between 38-42 mmHg).This is because the gaseous exchange in the lungs and alveoli has been affected by the infection causing the patient not to have effective airway exchange. As the process of infection of the tissues of the body takes place, the person infected does not have adequate lung expansion and this also effects the gas exchanges through the blood system.

Three medications that are likely to be prescribed in this case are the antifungals:

Lipid preparations of amphotericin B are first line treatments due to the cost and safety. They are able to be given in higher initial doses without harming the kidneys. Posaconazole is used in patients who cannot be treated with amphotericin B. This drug is offered in oral form to follow up with after IV amphotericin B. Isavuconazole can also be taken orally after initial treatment with amphotericin B. It is available in water soluble IV formula. In general, it is well tolerated with few side effects (Jenks, 2018).


Copstead, L.C., & Banasik, J. L. (2012) Pathophysiology (5 th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

Center for Disease Prevention and Control (n.d). Pneumonia. Retrieved from http //www. cdc .gov/pneumonia

please respond to the following post.

please respond to the following post.

Running head: EATING DISORDERS 1 Social Factors Among Teens with Eating Disorders Social Factors Among Teens


with Eating Disorders There are a number of medical conditions known to have major effects on human beings. Research studies are constantly being carried out in the field of medicine in a bid to determine and adopt the best evidenced based practices in the management of some of the conditions affecting human beings. Eating disorders can be defined as a collection of all the abnormal EATING DISORDERS 2 behaviors associated with poor eating habits and constant concerns about the body shape and size by the patients (Holland & Tiggemann, 2016). There are various research based studies which are being carried out so as to arrive at the most appropriate evidence-based treatment and management options for eating disorders. PICOT Statement on Eating Disorders Eating disorders pose a great health risk among teens all over the world. Salafia et al (2015) observe that eating disorders may result from environmental, physical, psychological or a combination of the three factors. Numerous studies are being carried out in a bid to find the best protocol in the management and control of this condition among teens. Both qualitative and quantitative research studies have been conducted in order to determine the effectiveness of the use of social networks and media in the management of eating disorder among teens. Thus this paper seeks to provide a brief overview of the issues on eating disorders using the PICOT question ‘Can social networks and the social media in general be excellently exploited to impact positive body image in dealing with the eating disorder condition? Qualitative Research Study, (Patel, Tchanturia & Harrison, 2016) Patel, Tchanturia & Harrison (2016) conducted a qualitative study that tries to determine the social behaviors among teens with eating disorders. The research was conducted among teens aged between twelve years and seventeen years. While conducting the research, a total of six core factors were being monitored. The six factors were; impact of hospitalization, social belonging of the affected individuals, self-monitoring among the teens, sensitivity of the teens to issues of social concern, restricted coping approaches as well as schemes for service delivery (Patel, Tchanturia & Harrison, 2016). EATING DISORDERS 3 The study sought to determine how teens with eating disorders were managing their anxiety. Additionally, the research monitored how the affected teens were building and developing their interpersonal skills as well as their social networks (Patel, Tchanturia & Harrison, 2016). The major finding of the study was that teens with eating disorders were having difficulties building proper social networks. The results also showed that most of the teens admitted to having lost friends upon diagnosis or admission; others patients reported to suffering interpersonal adversities. Female patients suffered severe interpersonal diversity as compared to male patients (Patel, Tchanturia & Harrison, 2016). Ethical Conditions Associated with the Study Ethics and ethical guidelines are of great importance when carrying out research studies, especially in the field of medicine. For the research by Patel, Tchanturia & Harrison (2016) to be conducted, the researchers were to obtain ethical consents from the responsible organizations. The study acquired ethical authorizations from City Road and Hampstead National Health Research Authority. Furthermore, the researchers were to conduct the research in accordance with the principles of Helsinki Declaration (Patel, Tchanturia & Harrison, 2016). Consent was also obtained from all the individuals who had agreed to take part in the study and detailed explanation given to all the participants before allowing them to make informed decisions on whether or not they would take part in the study (Patel, Tchanturia & Harrison, 2016) Use of the Findings in Nursing Practice The results from the study outlined the pressures and challenges affecting teens with eating disorders. The social pressures from other peers were sounded out as the major challenge which affected these patients (Fogelkvist et al., 2016). These findings are of great essence to the EATING DISORDERS 4 nursing practice since they provide ideas and suggest channels through which nursing practitioners can provide supportive information on various platforms in order to help eating disorder patients get the most out of their social lives. Social support is or great essence to all patients (Fogelkvist et al., 2016). Building better social networks reduces the social pressure on patients with eating disorders. Additionally, friends and other family members play a crucial role in supporting and encouraging teens with eating disorders to develop better and healthy social behaviors which are vital for their road to recovery (Boon, Zainal & Touyz, 2017). Quantitative Research Study, (Leonidas & dos Santos, 2014) Leonidas & dos Santos (2014) conducted a quantitative research through reviewing of various literature on the eating disorders condition. The aim of the study was to examine scientific works on social setups and social support among patients with eating disorders. The main process of conducting article search was through use of specific terms in various journal and academic sites; the literature obtained was for papers published between 2006 and 2013 (Leonidas & dos Santos, 2014) The literature searches by Leonidas & dos Santos (2014) returned six hundred and twenty articles. However, most of the articles were eliminated for failing to meet most of the requirements which had been set for the study. The final review only included twenty-four articles which had met and passed all the set standards. The study recognized that all the selected literatures review papers had established a number of issues which were related to the incorporation and advantages of social support mechanisms to teens found to be suffering from eating disorders. The four major points highlighted were; the family as the primary source of social support to the teens, good peer EATING DISORDERS 5 relations in support of the teens, websites and other online forums as well as spiritual guidance as other sources of social support to the teens (Leonidas & dos Santos, 2014). Ethical Conditions Associated with the Study The study considered articles which had ethically conducted the research prior to analysis and publication. All the articles obtained within the given time frame were supposed to have met all the ethical requirements before going on to conduct the research (Leonidas & dos Santos, 2014) The literature review articles were also required to have passed all the requirements before being considered for review. For instance, the articles were supposed to have conducted their research on the specified disease, in this case, eating disorders (Leonidas & dos Santos, 2014) Use of the Findings in Nursing Practice Nursing practitioners can incorporate the findings of these studies into helping teens and other patients suffering from eating disorders. Social media has been established as one of the best possible ways through which positive body image campaign among teens can be spread (Voelker, Reel & Greenleaf, 2015). Since teens form the bulk of the online population, it is important to avail various guidelines and support materials to teens through websites and other online media platforms in a bid to reach out to the them about some of the best ways to support their friends with such conditions as eating disorders (Voelker, Reel & Greenleaf, 2015). Additionally, nurses can be of great help in advising parents and guardians on the importance of providing social support to their teens in order to reduce and prevent the social burdens faced by these suffering from eating disorders. EATING DISORDERS 6 References Boon, E., Zainal, K. A., & Touyz, S. W. (2017). Perceptions of eating disorder diagnoses and body image issues in four male cases in Singapore. Journal of Eating Disorders, 5(33). Retrieved from https://jeatdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40337-017-0159-x EATING DISORDERS 7 Fogelkvist, M., Parling, T., Kjellin, L., & Gustaf, S. A. (2016). A qualitative analysis of participants’ reflections on body image during participation in a randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy. Journal of Eating Disorders, 4(29). Retrieved from https://jeatdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40337-016-0120-4 Holland, G., & Tiggemann, M. (2016). A systematic review of the impact of the use of social networking sites on body image and disordered eating outcomes. Body image, 17, 100110. Leonidas, C., & dos Santos, M. A. (2014). Social support networks and eating disorders: an integrative review of the literature. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 10. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4039404/ Patel, K., Tchanturia, K., & Harrison, A. (2016). An exploration of social functioning in young people with eating disorders: A qualitative study. PloS one, 11(7), e0159910. Salafia, E. B., Jones, M. E., Haugen, E. C., & Schaefer, M. K. (2015). Perceptions of the causes of eating disorders: a comparison of individuals with and without eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 3(32). Retrieved from https://jeatdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40337-015-0069-8 Voelker, D. K., Reel, J. J., & Greenleaf, C. (2015). Weight status and body image perceptions in adolescents: current perspectives. Adolescent health, medicine, and therapeutics, 6, 149– 158. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4554432/
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flu shot project

flu shot project

I need to create a poster about the flu shot information about the vaccine what are the benefits and myths about the vaccine that causes disease and other issues. I need you to do the poster online so when I get it i just need to print the information and paste it into the real poster. If you have any question ask me.


Topic 4 DQ 2.1

Topic 4 DQ 2.1

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


Personal affiliations and networking opens limitless windows of opportunity for greater roles and positions of leadership in nursing practice. The referrals that nursing leaders get from trusted personnel’s and professionals as a result of networking remains significant in their application for other roles in leadership. The networks open opportunities that advance leadership skills among professional nurses, an aspect that builds their exposure through seminars and conferences thus equipping the care givers insights aimed at sharpening their leadership skills. The sources of motivation in professional practice through networking enables individuals to meet likeminded people having the same struggles and hold same ambitions, with this considered to advance professional practice (Al-Hamdan et al 2011). Networking is therefore essential in my career development as a nursing leader since it provides me with the opportunity of gaining access to new skills and knowledge in nursing practice, thus easily helping in the saving of time and energy. In other words, networking opens platforms for me that help in enhancing my career growth and development through the sharing of information, communication of significant issues, and the sharing of information of key issues within nursing practice and leadership.


Al-Hamdan, Z., Shukri, R., & Anthony, D. (2011). Conflict management styles used by nurse managers in the Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(3/4), 571-580. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03557.

Topic 4 DQ 2.2 Importance Of Leadership Collaboration In The Nursing

Topic 4 DQ 2.2 Importance Of Leadership Collaboration In The Nursing

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:


In the growing world of the nursing profession, its important to have leadership, collaboration and networking. It’s a crucial form of communication and sharing ideas between nurses and other professionals. Staying involved and connected with other nurses and other professionals through networking events brings great joy and updated education tools. I have attended several nursing conferences and each time I gained new skills, received free CEU’s, meet and engaged with other nurse and brought back new information to my unit. These were very fulfilling and made me feel involved with our nursing legislation of events occurring. Attending conferences/workshops, social media, taking classes will improve and increase your knowledge base and give you the opportunity to work side by side other professionals with the same or similar life goals (Gokenbach, 2012). Each year out facility has a wound care and critical symposium, various leaders from all over NC presents new evidence base practice tools on different topics to help staff and leadership understand what is changing in the healthcare. This is a public event for anyone interested, I have attended this event for the last ten years. Each time I gain new information, meet new friends and receive CEU’s. Networking provides opportunities and opens doors to new information that you wouldn’t have known unless you stay engaged. According to the UCLA Career Center (2011), “Networking and personal communications account for 80% of all positions obtained”. Its beneficial to participate in professional organizations, volunteer, and talk about your career goals. According to Matthew Howard, MSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, CPN, “Networking gives you a chance to become part of the nursing profession and not just a bystander” (ANA, 2015). Networking takes practice, so attend those conferences, meet new people and enjoy professional conversations.


ANA Career Center Staff, (2015). Professional Networking for Nurses. Retrieved from https://www.nursingworld.org

Gokenbach, Val. (2012) 9 Tips to Keep your Network Strong and Boost your Nursing Career. NursingTogether.com. Retrieved from https://www.nursingtogether.com/9-tips-to-keep-your-network-strong.

UCLA Career Center. (2011). Oops…I Almost forgot my Networking Skills. Retrieved from https://alumni.ucla.edu/seniors/tips-netowrking



1. Describe a situation in which the nurse manager would use problem resolution in the workplace. Describe a


situation in which the nurse manager would use negotiation to resolve a conflict (or potential conflict) in the workplace.

2. Compare and contrast strategies for resolving a conflict, using first the informal negotiation method and then the formal negotiation method.

3. Explore the American Nurses Association website for information on collective bargaining for nurses. Which states have nursing unions? Debate the issue of joining a union with another group of students.

4. PART 1: Log onto the website of your state nurses association and search for information on collective bargaining. Search for news articles, union websites, and other recent information on collective bargaining for nurses in your state. Is there a great deal of collective bargaining activity in your state? If not, why? If yes, what are the primary issues under discussion?

PART 2: Review the pros and cons of becoming part of a collective bargaining unit. If you were a full-time staff nurse, would you want to join a union? Why or why not?

Population Presentation

Population Presentation

***People of Italian Heritage and people of African American Heritage******


Preparation for the presentation will include synthesizing the information from readings, scientific literature, Internet resources and other sources.

This presentation should address the following:

History, values, and worldview, language and communication patterns, art and other expressive forms, norms and rules, lifestyle characteristics, relationship patterns, rituals, the degree of assimilation or marginalization from mainstream society, and health behavior and practices.

In addition to describing these characteristics, the presentation must include:

a) a comparative and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between the groups

b) a discussion of differential approaches needed by health care professionals

This is the only special assignment in this course and as I stated above it is due at the end of week 8. The assignment will be posted in Turnitin for grading and verify originality and in the discussion tab of the blackboard for your peers to view and comment. The assignment must be presented in an APA format, PowerPoint, Times New Roman 12 font attached to the forum in the assignment tab and discussion board title “Population presentation”. A rubric will be used to grade the assignment.