Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper

Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper

Grading Criteria for Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper

Course Number:
Student Name:
You have been assigned required readings on spirituality in your course. You may choose one or more chapters from each assigned book to read. You will then write a reflection paper regarding your thoughts, meaningful ideas, feelings, and/or reactions, and the application of these to nursing practice or your own spiritual growth and self-care.


1. Paper is typed in at least 3 pages, double spaced and turned in on time via D2L or email to your professor, with coversheet title page in APA format; thoughtful, suitable title 10 Points Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper
2. Introductory paragraph is attention-getting
10 Points
3. Spelling, grammar, mechanics, and usage are correct throughout paper 10 Points
4. Thoughts are expressed in a coherent and logical manner. 20 Points
5. Viewpoints and interpretations are insightful, demonstrating an in-depth reflection. 20 Points
6. Concluding paragraph sums up information, reiterates ideas and opinions, and leaves reader with a call to action or something meaningful to remember 10 Points Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper
7. Pertinent reference sources are skillfully woven throughout paper without over use of quotations but, rather, attempt to paraphrase 10 Points Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper
8. References are properly cited in APA format with no plagiarism. 5 Points
9. At least 3 references are cited in paper, including a reference from current class assigned chapter readings in Mauk, a reading in an assigned chapter in White, and one journal article of your own choice. 5 Points
Total 100 Possible Points Actual Points =
Mauk, K. L., & Schmidt, N. K. (2004). Spiritual care in nursing practice. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott.
White, E. G. (2011). The Ministry of healing. Guildford, UK: White Crow Books.
Journal article:
APA format reference that you may use for free:


It is recommended that you upload your paper into Turnitin on D2L to check for plagiarism prior to submission to your professor. Also, to check for correct grammar, use the Grammar Tutor on D2L. Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper

Please use the following text for references:
1. Readings in E.G. White,
The Ministry of Healing: Chapter 6 Saved to Serve
Chapter 11Working for the Intemperate
Chapter 17 The Use of Remedies

2. Readings in Mauk and Schmidt, Spiritual Care in Nursing Practice: Chapt 13 The Role of the Nurse in the Spiritual Journey

3. Any other book

Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper

Response to peers

Response to peers

People of Egyptian & Filipino Heritage Running head: PEOPLE OF EGYPT & FILIPINO HERITAGE Discussion # 6 Elsa


Sosa Florida National University 1 People of Egyptian & Filipino Heritage 2 Abstract The definition of health according to the “World Health Organization” is a “state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease. Health care in Egypt live in a central place both in peoples’ concerns and in state priorities. There is a big network of public hospitals in major towns and cities all over the country. In the Filipino culture they believe the definition of health is considered to be in a state of balance. People of Egyptian and Filipine Heritage People of Egyptian & Filipino Heritage 3 Egyptian Heritage The most common of the medical service is variable; however, people find themselves having to get treatment in private hospitals and clinics. In Egyptian communities there is a health unit offering basic medical services in practically every village. Egyptians tend to mix modern health systems with traditional practices. In villages, the midwife, for example, plays a key role in not just during childbirth and the related ceremonial activities, but also in providing general medical advice to women. There are other traditional health care practitioners such a seers and spiritual healers (Younis, 2013). The Zar ceremony marks a form of spirit possession cult that establishes a relationship between afflicted person and the spirits afflicting him or her. This relationship must be periodically reaffirmed, with the help of specialties. The ancient Egyptians experienced the same wide array of disease that people do in the present day, but unlike most people in modern era, they attributed the experience to supernatural causes. The common cold, for example, was prevalent, but one’s symptoms would not have been treated with medicine and bed rest, or not these alone, but with magical spells and incantations. The longest and most complete medical text extant, clearly expresses the Egyptian view of medical treatment: “Magic is effective together with medicine. Medicine is effective together with magic”. The magic referred to took the form of spells, incantations, and rituals, which called on higher supernatural powers to cure the patient or treat the symptoms. The most common reason for disease were thought to be sin, evil spirits, an angry ghost, or the will of the gods to teach someone and important lesson. Doctors were People of Egyptian & Filipino Heritage 4 aware that the heart was a pump and that veins and arteries supplied the body with blood, but they did not know how. They were aware of liver disease but not the function of the liver. The brain was considered a useless organ; all thought, feeling, one’s character, was believed to come from the heart. A woman’s uterus was believed to be a free-floating organ which could affect every other part of the body. Still, although their understanding of physiology was limited, Egyptian physicians seem to have been quite successful in treating their patients and were highly regarded by other cultures. The gods were present in every aspect of the ancient Egyptians’ lives. When it came to determining the root cause of disease, therefore, they looked to the same source and implemented spells and rituals to call upon gods for health and well-being with the same confidence people in the present day submit to any treatment prescribed by the modern medicine professional. Filipino Heritage According to the Filipino population, illness is also defined as the body being out of balance which usually pertains to a rapid change of hot and cold. Factors that play a role in balance include hot and cold factors, food, and diet. Illness on the other hand is when the body, mind, and spirit are out of balance or when the person and the environment are in sense of disharmony (Spector, 2013). People of Egyptian & Filipino Heritage 5 Balance is a key concept in the Filipino culture. It is also referred to as Timbang and relates to hot and cold shifts and diet. When there are too many hot and cold shifts, then the person may become ill. Balance is disrupted when a person becomes ill. Another factor that can affect the balance of someone is sudden changes in weather patterns. Along with this, the body is very vulnerable when it is overheated, but optimal health is best maintained in warm environment. There are many beliefs regarding hot and cold shifts and how to maintain this sense of balance to avoid falling ill. For example, in the morning cold drinks and food is avoided. Also, in order to maintain body warmth and protect energy, a layer of fat is often preferred on people. There are many methods that can be sued to restore balance. Prayers and rituals are often used here as well as herbal plants, massage of bones and body tissue. Taboos of the Filipino population evolve around three theories of illness. These include mystical, personalistic, and naturalistic. Mystical theory is that if there are unfulfilled obligations from ancestors then this could result in mystical experiences and behaviors. It also goes as far as to say that during sleep the soul can be lost or if you are having nightmares then they are often the result of consuming a heavy meal and it could eventually lead to death. The personalistic theory is that evil spirits or witches seeking retribution or social punishment can cause illness. This theory can be protected by wearing religious objects or by using holy oils (McBride, n. d.). The last theory is naturalistic. This theory states that stress, infection, food and drugs, and natural events such as thunder, lightning, and drafts are all causes of illness. These are the main taboos and practices that can be found about the Filipino population. People of Egyptian & Filipino Heritage 6 Filipino older adults tend to cope with illness with the help of family and friends, and by faith in God. Complete cure or even the slightest improvement in a malady or illness is viewed as a miracle. Filipino families greatly influence patients’ decisions about health care. Patients subjugate personal needs and tend to go along with the demands of a more authoritative family figure in order to maintain group harmony. Before seeking professional help, Filipino older adults tend to manage their illness by self-monitoring of symptoms, ascertaining possible causes, determining the severity and threat to functional capacity and considering the financial and emotional burden to the family. They may discuss their concerns with a trusted family member, friend, spiritual counselor or healer. Seeking medical advice from family members or friends who are health professionals is also a common practice among Filipino older adults and their family members, especially if severe symptoms arise. References Lehner, M., & Cayce, E. (1984). The Egyptian heritage: Based on the Edgar Cayce readings. VA Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press. Root, M. P. (n.d.). Contemporary Mixed-Heritage Filipino Americans: Fighting Colonized Identities. Filipino Americans: Transformation and Identity Filipino Americans. Smith, S. (1932). An Egyptian in Babylonia. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology,18(1), 28-32. doi:10.1177/030751333201800104
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Research Dissemination Plan

Research Dissemination Plan

This assignment is designed to help you understand how to make your research usable and available to other people in your field.


Develop a dissemination plan for your research. Your plan should include discussion about the following:

Who is most likely to use this research?
What is the practice setting?
End-user needs
How should you present data to make it most usable?
Is there specific language should you use to ensure your audience understands your purpose?
Does the target audience have a specific type of need based on practice setting?
What specific journals, newsletters, or publications would would you want to publish in to reach your audience?
Presentations at local, state, and national levels
What conferences, meetings, or panels would you want to present at to make sure your ideas were readily available in the field?
Format your dissemination plan as a 1000 word paper.

MN 506 Purdue Application of Standards of Care Case Scenario

MN 506 Purdue Application of Standards of Care Case Scenario

Topic: Application of Standards of Care


For the case scenario, discuss the standard(s) of care that the parties will be held to in this case. How will the standards of care and the Nurse Practice Act for your state be applied in a court of law if the case is sued?

Case Scenario

SK, age 61, was admitted to the hospital. Because of understaffing of nurses in the hospital, her assigned RN did not assess her often enough and did not monitor her oxygen level.

SK went to the hospital with what she thought was a bad cold, and was admitted with a diagnosis of pneumonia. Following admission, she became increasingly feverish and short of breath, but her family’s calls for help went unanswered. In fact, her daughter was unable to find anyone when she went to the nurses’ station looking for help. The patient eventually stopped breathing, and someone finally responded to the family’s desperate and frantic calls for help. SK was successfully resuscitated, but sustained brain damage due to oxygen deprivation. She was left unable to walk, talk, or care for herself.

There were 41 other patients on this unit. Although the hospital’s own staffing standards called for 5 registered nurses and 2 licensed practical nurses to staff this unit, only 3 registered nurses were on duty. Records for the unit in question indicated that the hospital failed to meet its own staffing standards for 51 out of 59 days before this incident.

MN 507 Discussion Topic: Third-party Payment

MN 507 Discussion Topic: Third-party Payment

Discussion Topic: Third-party Payment


How does third-party payment distort the market for health care? If it is so distorted why does every wealthy country insist on using third-party intermediaries to purchase health care? Why do we carve out a separate payment program for our elder citizens?

Need to be 1 page

Please use peer review nursing article that are less than 3 years ago for references.

Acid-base Disturbance Assignment

Acid-base Disturbance Assignment

Read the “Resource 1: Case Study.” Answer the questions at the end of the case study in a paper of 750-1,000 words. Prepare this assignment according APA guidelines . An abstract is not required.


Resource 1: Case Study 

A 22-year-old woman reports being “sick with the flu” for the past 8 days. She is vomiting several times every day, having difficulty keeping liquids or food down, and has been using more than the recommended dose of antacids in an attempt to calm the nausea. She has become severely dehydrated. After fainting at home, she was taken to a local hospital. An arterial blood gas sample was drawn and then an IV was placed to help rehydrate her. The arterial blood gas revealed the following:

Test Result           Normal levels

pH                                 7.5 7.35 – 7.45                                                               PaCO2 40 mm Hg 35-45 mm Hg

PaO2 95 mm Hg 80-100 mm Hg

SaO2                                 97% 95-100%

HCO3- 32 meq/liter 22-26 meq/liter

How would you classify the patient’s acid-base disturbance and explain why? Given the case study, what are the possible factors causing this acid-base disturbance? Explain the pathophysiology created by these factors. How would the renal and respiratory systems try to compensate for this acid-base disturbance?  What pharmacologic intervention is commonly used to correct this acid-base disturbance? Describe the pharmacological actions.  Describe the educational needs for this patient and what your approach will be. Acid-base Disturbance Assignment

Health Statistics Case Assignment

Health Statistics Case Assignment

Health Statistics Case

Respond by classifying each of the following variables as either: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio. Provide a brief explanation where indicated.

A researcher studying lifespan categorizes individuals into single, married, divorced, or widowed. What type of variable measurement is this?
A cognitive scientist places her subjects into categories based on how anxious they tell her that they are feeling: “not anxious,” “mildly anxious,” “moderately anxious,” and “severely anxious,” and she uses the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3 to label categories where lower numbers indicate less anxiety. What type of variable measurement is this? Are the categories mutually exclusive?
A Physician diagnoses the presence or absence of disease (i.e., yes or no). What type of variable measurement is this? Health Statistics Case Assignment
A person weighing 200 lbs. is considered to be twice as heavy as a person weighing 100 lbs. In this case, what type of measurement is body weight?
A nurse takes measurements of body temperature on patients and reports them in units of degrees Farenheit as part of a study. What type of variable measurement is this?
Patients rate their experience in the emergency room on a five point scale from poor to excellent (1 = very poor, 2 = not very good, 3 = neither good nor bad, 4 = quite good, and 5 = excellent). What type of variable measurement is this? Is the difference between a 1 and a 2 necessarily the same as the difference between a 3 and a 4? Explain briefly.


Part II: Statistics (1/2 page)

Given what you’ve learned in this Health Statistics Case module about the meaning of “statistics,” choose one of the examples from Part I (1-6), and raise a relevant question of your own that could be answered by a statistician. Then without answering your own question, explain how a pattern could be studied or a useful prediction made based on data that are to be collected. Health Statistics Case Assignment

Part III: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Data (approximately 1–1½ pages)

A health scientist wishes to measure how well participants diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are coping. Explain how a variable such as coping could be measured quantitatively or qualitatively. Health Statistics Case Assignment

AH Patient Encounter Paper

AH Patient Encounter Paper

AH Patient Encounter

Step 1: Complete i-Human Patients® Case for Arielle Hernandez.

Access i-Human Patients® by clicking the Exercise tab.


Click the Cases tab to complete the i-Human Patients® Case for AH.

  • Interview AH to obtain her complete patient history.
  • Document your findings in i-Human Patients®.
  • Complete a health assessment and focused physical exam based on current evidence.
  • Document your health assessment and focused physical exam findings and develop a problem list for AH.

Note: You must attempt and score a cumulative 70% on the i-Human Patients® assessments in weeks 1, 3, and 5 to successfully complete the required lab component of the course. AH Patient Encounter Paper

Step 2: Interpret the data.

Determine which tests you would expect to see for AH based on the results of the history, exam, and problem list.

Evaluate the test results to determine the actual and/or potential diseases for which AH is at risk.

Create a 350-word summary note explaining how you arrived at AH’s problem list.

  • Provide relevant assessment results (questions and answers).
  • Cite the lab results that correlate with the assessment findings.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your summary, evidence-based assessment guidance, and interview results documentation. AH Patient Encounter Paper

APN Role in Teaching

APN Role in Teaching

APN Role in Teaching
An advanced practice nurse (APN) serves a critical role in today’s health care sector by educating patients, students, staff and other learners. Patient education is an important part of managing patient care to achieve optimal outcome. Patients gain an understanding of their health status, disease processes, treatments, dietary/lifestyle modifications and health promoting behaviors. This enables patients to be an active participant in their health care decisions. In addition, APN’s educate or teach staff by assisting them in developing the knowledge and skills essential for providing care, keeping them up to date with advances in clinical practice, and mentoring/precepting nurses in the practice setting-improving the quality of patient care (Joel, 2013). This role of APN’s also extends to nursing students as they teach and guide their learning in the practice setting.


APN’s should be well versed with the concepts of learning and teaching in order to teach patients, staff, students and others. This helps APN’s in making educational decisions. Teaching process includes assessment of learning needs, planning, implementation and evaluation (Joel, 2013). However, the process is not always linear. APN’s should possess predominant qualities of effective learning like expert knowledge, clinical competence, teaching skills, positive relationships and personal characteristics. APN Role in Teaching .APN’s should be able to decipher not just the learning needs, but also the learner’s readiness to learn. This is achieved through questionnaires, pretests and observations. Assessment phase is the most crucial phase as it defines the course of action the APN has to take. Once assessment is complete, different teaching mechanisms can be inherited to impart the knowledge. The group sizeis an important factor. When educating patients or staff/students, an APN has to be innovative in determining the teaching method. The teaching method can include lecture, discussion, clinical conference, case study, multimedia, self-directed instructional methods, demonstrations, and simulations. After teaching evaluating whether the learner has comprehended the knowledge imparted is important as well.
APN’s have an important role in educating patients, staff and students. Nurses in advanced practice are well prepared for their role as an educator with their extensive knowledge base, expert clinical skills, and strong communication skills (Joel, 2013).
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2011). The essentials of master’s education in nursing. Retrieved from http://www.aacn.nche.edu/education-resources/MastersEssentials11.pdf
Joel, L.A., (2013) Advanced practice nursing: Essential for role development. (3rd Ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Pp 327-346
Penn, B., Wilson, L., Rosseter, R., (2008) Transitioning From Nursing Practice to a Teaching Role.OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing; Vol (13/ 3). Doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol13No03Man03. APN Role in Teaching

Atrial Fibrillation Essay Assignment

Atrial Fibrillation Essay Assignment

Atrial Fibrillation Essay

Please write 1 paragraph for each of the following (total 3 paragraphs) and each paragraph shall be no less than 3 sentences and no more than 6 sentences.

Please provide proper citation with page numbers of the material you are referencing.

1. Discuss one of the following: STEMI, Non-
STEMI; congestive heart failure; murmurs;
ventricular tachycardia; asystole
2. What is a safe treatment plan for a patient
with Atrial Fibrillation?
3. What is a safe treatment plan to reduce a
patient’s bilateral lower extremities pitting
edema? Atrial Fibrillation Essay Assignment


Med-Surg Assignment

Student’s Name

Institution of Affiliation

Course Name



A STEMI is a classic heart attack which happens on complete blockage of the coronary artery, preventing blood supply to a huge portion of the heart muscles. The classical symptom of a STEMI is crushing pain at the center of the chest which may radiate to the jaw, the neck or left arm, accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, anxiety, and restlessness (Dalal et al., 2014). Also known as an ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, its diagnosis can be confirmed via an EKG which is essential for all patients at high risk.  The management of a STEMI is by administering aspirin followed by immediate revascularization. Clinical evidence suggests that the earlier a patient undergoes revascularization, the higher the chances of good health outcomes. When immediately identified on EKG and a STEMI protocol implemented, a patient can undergo catheterization for possible stenting or an emergency PTCA on time (Dalal et al., 2014). Atrial Fibrillation Essay.

Cardiac atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia witnessed today n primary care settings with a global prevalence of 1.8-2%. According to Lip et al., (2014), its first line of management is by administering anticoagulants such as warfarin to prevent stroke and anti-arrhythmic agents for the heart’s restoration to a normal rhythm. The major goals of managing atrial fibrillation are: to obtain rhythm control, to reduce a high heart rate (rate control), to prevent thromboembolism and heart failure and to manage the risk factors for stroke (Lip et al., 2014). Therefore, a safe treatment plan is that which achieves all the aforementioned goals with no or few adverse effects and guarantee good patient health outcomes. Atrial Fibrillation Essay Assignment

The treatment plan of bilateral pitting edema depends on the cause. It can be as a result of deep venous thrombosis, heart failure, kidney failure, medications, liver disease or hypertension. It can also be mild, moderate or severe and the long term management should focus on the treatment of the underlying cause rather than the symptoms. Generally, although the goal of management is to get rid of the excess fluid in tissues by administering diuretics, a safe treatment plan is that which targets the cause, addresses prevention and follow-up (Simon, 2014).  Therefore, a safe treatment plan should consider both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment strategies and have fewer adverse effects. Atrial Fibrillation Essay.



Dalal, J. J., Alexander, T., Banerjee, P. S., Dayasagar, V., Iyengar, S. S., Kerkar, P. G., & Mullasari, A. (2014). 2013 consensus statement for early reperfusion and pharmaco-invasive approach in patients presenting with chest pain diagnosed as STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction) in an Indian setting. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India62, 13.

Lip, G. Y., Laroche, C., Ioachim, P. M., Rasmussen, L. H., Vitali-Serdoz, L., Petrescu, L., & Tavazzi, L. (2014). Prognosis and treatment of atrial fibrillation patients by European cardiologists: one-year follow-up of the EURObservational Research Programme-Atrial Fibrillation General Registry Pilot Phase (EORP-AF Pilot registry). European heart journal35(47), 3365-3376.

Simon, E. B. (2014). Leg edema assessment and management. Medsurg Nursing23(1), 44-53.  Atrial Fibrillation Essay Assignment