Pediatric NursingCare Plan

Pediatric NursingCare Plan



PATIENT INITIALS: Criteria COURSE: ___________ PATIENT DISEASE/DISORDER: 4 Exceeds Expectations History of Present Illness HPI explained in detail with accurate and in-depth understanding of chief complaint and supported by evidence based citations. Physical Assessment, & Diagnostic tests/ procedures Identifies 5-6 key assessments parameters relevant to medical diagnoses with relevant diagnostic procedures supported by evidence based citations. Past medical/surgical history detailed with full explanation of Pathophysiology for each diagnosis & accurate details with specific detail related to the client’s history and symptoms and supported by evidence based citations. Past Medical & Surgical History, Pathophysiology Erikson’s Developmental Stages Page 1 of 3 DATE: Identifies and defines correct stage with examples of meeting/not meeting tasks supported by evidence based citations. 3 Meets Expectations HPI explained in some detail with moderate understanding of chief complaint or no support from evidence based citations. Identifies 3-4 key assessments parameters relevant to medical diagnosis with relevant diagnostic procedures supported by evidence based citations. Past medical/surgical history given with partial explanation of identified preexisting medical diagnoses & explanation accurate with some detail related to the client’s history and symptoms. supported by evidence based citations. Identifies and defines correct stage with examples of meeting/not meeting tasks supported by evidence based citations. 2 Approaching Expectations HPI explained in limited detail with marginal understanding of chief complaint and no support from evidence based citations. Identifies 1-2 key assessments parameters relevant to medical diagnosis, relevant diagnostic procedures and vaguely supported by evidence based citations. Past medical/surgical history given with minimal explanation of identified preexisting medical diagnoses & few details related to the client’s history and symptoms or not supported by evidence based citations. Identifies correct stage without adequate definition or example of meeting/not meeting tasks without evidence based citations. 1-0 Does Not Meet Expectations HPI details limited with poor understanding of chief complaint and no evidence based citations to support. Score Identifies assessments parameters not relevant to medical diagnoses, relevant diagnostic procedures or not supported by evidence based citations. X2 No past medical/surgical history given without explanation; no pre-existing medical diagnosis identified or explanations inaccurate and not related to the client’s history and symptoms without evidence. X2 Identifies incorrect stage without definition or inappropriate examples given, not supported by evidence based citations. X2 X2 Course: NURS 317L NURSING CARE PLAN RUBRIC NURS 101L, NURS 210L-AB, NURS 317L Criteria Socioeconomic/ Psychosocial Assessment Interprofessional Consults & Discharge Referrals Potential Health Deviations Priority Nursing Diagnosis 4 Exceeds Expectations Describes socioeconomic and cultural background in complete detail with references; Identifies 3 psychosocial concerns. Lists 3 or more appropriate collaborative issues/concerns; Rationale demonstrates excellent understanding of consults and interventions. Identifies TWO prioritized risk factors in proper format; Writes 3 independent nursing interventions. TWO (2) prioritized diagnoses written correctly with proper format with proper etiology with sufficient data to support the diagnosis. Planning/Goals & Evaluation Goal is measureable, realistic, related to the problem; Data supports if goal is met, not met with appropriate revisions. Implementation and Rationale Identifies 4 independent interventions with teaching; Each is supported with scientific rationale using Page 2 of 3 3 Meets Expectations Describes socioeconomic and cultural background in some detail with references; Identifies 2 psychosocial concerns. Lists 2 appropriate collaborative issues/concerns; Rationale demonstrates satisfactory understanding of consults and interventions. Identifies 1 prioritized risk factor in proper format; Writes 2 independent nursing interventions. One (1) prioritized diagnoses written correctly with proper format with proper etiology with sufficient data to support the diagnosis. Written correctly without sufficient data to support diagnosis. Goal is not measureable, realistic, related to the problem; Data somewhat supports if goal is met, not met with appropriate revisions. Identifies 3 independent interventions with teaching; Scientific rationale is supported with scientific 2 Approaching Expectations Describes socioeconomic and cultural background in vague detail without references; Identifies 1 psychosocial concern. Lists 1 appropriate collaborative issue/concern; Rationale demonstrates vague understanding of consults and interventions. Identifies 2 prioritized risk factors but not in proper format; Writes 1 independent pertinent nursing intervention. Written incorrectly with sufficient data to support diagnosis, not a priority. Goal is not measureable, not realistic, related to the problem; Data vaguely supports if goal is met, not met with inappropriate revisions. Identifies 2 independent interventions with teaching; Scientific rationale is 1-0 Does Not Meet Expectations Describes socioeconomic and cultural background with no detail without references; Identifies no psychosocial concerns. Lists inappropriate collaborative issues/concerns; Rationale demonstrates unsatisfactory understanding of consults and interventions. Does not identify prioritized risk factors; Writes 0-1 independent nursing intervention not pertinent to the diagnosis. Written incorrectly, not in correct format, or without sufficient data to support diagnosis. Score Goal is not measureable, not realistic, not related to the problem; Data does not support if goal is met, not met with inappropriate revisions. Identifies 1 independent interventions with teaching; Scientific rationale is not X2 X1 X2 X3 X4 X2 Course: NURS 317L NURSING CARE PLAN RUBRIC NURS 101L, NURS 210L-AB, NURS 317L Criteria Medications General Organization 4 Exceeds Expectations textbook or evidence based citations. Lists all MAR medications with relevant side effects and nursing considerations specific to patient and reasons why patient is receiving drug. Accurate APA format; Appropriate citations & references; No spelling or grammar errors. 3 Meets Expectations rationale using textbook or evidence based citations. Lists all MAR medications but does not include relevant side effects and nursing considerations specific to patient and why patient is receiving drug. 1-2 APA format errors; Some citations, references are appropriate; Minimal spelling or grammar errors. 2 Approaching Expectations vaguely relevant & not supported from textbook. Lists most of the MAR medications with relevant side effects and nursing considerations specific to patient and why patient is receiving drug. Many APA format errors; Inappropriate citations or references; Many spelling or grammar errors. 1-0 Does Not Meet Expectations relevant & not supported from textbook. Lists some MAR medications but does not include relevant side effects and nursing considerations specific to patient. Score No APA formatting; No citations or references included; Many spelling or grammar errors. Total X1 X2 /100 % COMMENTS: FACULTY SIGNATURE: Page 3 of 3 DATE: Course: NURS 317L NURSING CARE PLAN TEMPLATE NURS 101L, NURS 210L-AB, NURS 317L Student Instructor Patient Initial Code Status Allergies Temp (C/F Site) Date Course DOB Height/Weight Unit/ Room# Pulse (Site) Respiration Pulse Ox (O2 Sat) Blood Pressure Pain Scale 1-10 History of Present Illness including Admission Diagnosis & Chief Complaint (normal & abnormal) supported with Evidence Based Citations Physical Assessment Findings including presenting signs and symptoms supported with Evidence Based Citations Relevant Diagnostic Procedures/Results & Pertinent Lab tests/ Values (with normal ranges), include dates and rationales supported with Evidence Based Citations Past Medical & Surgical History, Pathophysiology of medical diagnoses (include dates, if not found state so) Supported with Evidence Based Citations Erikson’s Developmental Stage with Rationale And supported by Evidence Based Citations Socioeconomic/Cultural/Spiritual Orientation & Psychosocial Considerations/Concerns (3) supported with Evidence Based Citations Page 1 of 3 Course: NURS 317L NURSING CARE PLAN TEMPLATE NURS 101L, NURS 210L-AB, NURS 317L Potential Health Deviations, Predisposing & Related Factors; (At least two) Include three independent nursing interventions for each (“At Risk for…” nursing dx) Diagnostic Label Priority Nursing Diagnosis (at least 2) Written in three part statement Page 2 of 3 Related to Planning (outcome/goal) Measureable goal during your shift (at least 1 per Nursing diagnosis) Inter-professional Consults, Discharge Referrals, & Current Orders (include diet, test, and treatments) with Rationale supported with Evidence Based Citations Contributing Factors Prioritized Independent and collaborative nursing interventions; include further assessment, intervention and teaching (at least 4 per goal) As evidenced by Rationale Each must be supported with Evidence Based Citations Signs and Symptoms Evaluation Goal Met, Partially Met, or Not Met & Explanation Course: NURS 317L NURSING CARE PLAN TEMPLATE NURS 101L, NURS 210L-AB, NURS 317L MEDICATION LIST Medications (with APA citations Page 3 of 3 Class/Purpose Route Frequency Dose (& range) If out of range, why? Mechanism of action Onset of action Common side effects Nursing considerations specific to this patient
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Module 3 – SLP


Read the following article:

Abdulaziz, A. (2013). Leadership of healthcare professionals: Where do we stand? Oman Medical Journal, 28(4), 285-287. doi: 10.5001/omj.2013.79

For this assignment, you will identify an area of health care (i.e., long-term care, facility operations, finance, health care insurance, etc.) you find particularly interesting. Locate a health care leader (supervisor, manager, director, etc.) that is currently working in your selected area of health care. You are to conduct an interview with your chosen leader. Your interview can either be by phone or an in-person interview. You are to compose a list of 8-10 questions to ask the interviewee. Your questions should be directly related to this module’s readings and should not be closed-end questions (requiring more than a yes or no response). See example questions below:

  1. What is your leadership style and how do you apply it in your everyday activities?
  2. What are some leadership qualities that are needed in today’s health care environment?
  3. How do you balance power and authority as a leader? LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT


You are to complete a voice-recorded, narrated 12- to 15-slide PowerPoint (PPT) presentation covering the following:

  1. Name of leader interviewed, years in the health care industry, education, and management experience.
  2. Provide a brief discussion of his/her role and a brief description of the health care program/department managed, and the organization itself.
  3. Summary of questions asked and responses.
  4. Identify both leadership and management characteristics of your interviewee.
  5. Explain how you will apply what you learned in your interview in your career as a health care leader.

(Note: One resource that you can use to find a health care professional to interview is For assistance with creating a PPT with a voiceover see the following two (2) sources: (1) (2)

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support the importance to questions asked and information presented in PPT.
  2. Support your SLP with peer-reviewed articles, using at least 2 references. Use the following source for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
  3. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:




Assignment Overview

Most of us are familiar with the role of a manager and that of a leader. We also know the functions each is expected to perform. However, there is a trend in the UK that puts managers in a different role. This trend is manager as coach (MAC) and will be the focus of this assignment. Before beginning the tasks, please read the following article: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT

Ladyshewsky, R. K. (2010). The manager as coach as a driver of organizational development. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 31(4), 292-306. doi: 10.1108/01437731011043320

Case Assignment

In a 3-page paper, answer the following questions:

  1. What is meant by the term manager as coach (MAC)?
  2. Is this role more appropriate for a leader or manager?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages regarding MAC?
  4. How does it fit with the other roles of a manager and leader?
  5. Would this be an effective tool in a health care setting as a leader? Why or why not?

Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your responses to each question.
  2. Support your case with peer-reviewed articles, using at least 3 references. Use the following source for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
  3. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT

GCU Health Organization Case Study

GCU Health Organization Case Study

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.


Research a health care organization or a network that spans several states within the U.S. (Example: United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Healthcare, etc.).

Harvard Business Review Online and Hoover’s Company Records, found in the GCU Library, are useful sources. You may also find pertinent information on your organization’s webpage.

Review “Singapore Airlines Case Study.”

Prepare a 1,000-1250-word paper that focuses on the organization or network you have selected.

Your essay should assess the readiness of the health care organization or network in addressing the health care needs of citizens in the next decade, and include a strategic plan that addresses issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction. Provide a comparison to the health care organization or network and the Singapore Airlines. Include any cultural issues that may influence the practices listed above.


Culturally Competent Care In Nursing Mrs. G Case Study

Culturally Competent Care In Nursing Mrs. G Case Study

you have the opportunity to share your thoughts about how to deliver client-centered culturally competent care and work collaboratively with others



The Case of Mrs. G.
Mrs. G. is a 75 year old Hispanic woman who has been relatively well all of her life. She had been married for 50 years and had five children. Her children are grown with families of their own. All but one of her children live in other states. Mrs. G.’s husband passed away last year, which was devastating for her. She had been very close to him and relied upon him for everything. He was “the life of the party” she always said and was a loving and caring man. Since his passing, Mrs. G. has continued to live in the house they shared for 35 years. In the last month, Mrs. G. has fallen twice sustaining injuries, though minimal. Her home health nurse comes weekly to check in on her. Mrs. G. likes her very much and wishes she could come more often. Mrs. G.’s daughter who lives in the next town over, has been worried and decided with the urging of her siblings and the doctor to start looking for an assisted living facility for her mother. She found one last week and talked with the Director who said she would be happy to help in whatever way was best. The daughter decided to tell her mother that it was time for her to move, so she can be cared for and be safe. When she told her mother, Mrs. G. cried and said, “This will not happen ever. I plan to stay in this house of loving memories for the remainder of my life.”

In 3 – 4 pages answer the following questions:

How would you best describe Mrs. G.’s feelings about her life, her family, her traditions, and her future?
Did Mrs. G.’s response to her daughter surprise you? Please explain your answer.
In what way do you believe her culture might be influencing her decision?
If you were Mrs. G.’s daughter what would you say to her that shows you are caring and have compassion for her situation? What nonverbal communication would support that level of communication?
Suppose Mrs. G. stands firm about not leaving her house. What resources and collaborations might be available and helpful so the daughter and other healthcare providers can keep her mother safe and make the most effective decision?
please use apa format and in some 2 reference with gov,.org

Stimulus Control Essay Assignment

Stimulus Control Essay Assignment

Example 1


behavior in which you regularly engage. 

An example of discriminative stimuli is one in which every I get in the car to go somewhere, whether it be to work, school, or for pleasure, I start the car and then put on my seat belt. 

identifying the discriminative stimulus (sD) for the behavior The discriminative stimulus for this behavior is the blinking red light in the front of my car and a loud chime noise reminding me and whom ever else is in the car to put on seat belts. The reinforcer is the repeated reminder every time I get into a vehicle that I will be safe and have peace of mind about the car ride, and the consequence of possibly losing my life from lack of safety precautions Stimulus Control Essay.



The above examination can be an illustration of various circumstances that require the utilization of wellbeing gear albeit the boost is something similar. It can apply to the light in overhead canister on a plane reminding you to put on a safety belt or some other admonition; like the model gave in the lecture. Stimulus Control Essay Assignment

Example 2


Another behavior in which I regularly engage in is, walking my children to school every morning. 

identifying the discriminative stimulus (sD) for the behavior. Every morning at 8 am, I walk my children to school. I have an alarm set that wakes me in enough time to help assist my children in getting ready for school. The reinforcer that maintains the behavior is getting them to school promptly and avoiding tardy or absence calls from their schools, and getting personal time to meditate before starting my work day Stimulus Control Essay. 


Borgen, J. G., Mace, F. C., Cavanaugh, B. M., Shamlian, K., Lit, K. R., Wilson, J. B., & Trauschke, S. L. (2017). A method to establish stimulus control and compliance with instructions. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 50(2), 830–842

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson.

Chapter 2, “Basic Concepts and Principles” (pp. 25–46)

Discussion: Stimulus Control

Photo Credit: zenstock –

In the context of ABA, the applied behavior analyst often seeks to increase socially desirable behaviors and decrease socially undesirable behaviors. When a behavior is triggered (i.e., promoted or inhibited) by the presence or absence of some stimulus, the situation is said to have stimulus control. In operant conditioning, the stimulus control originates in something that comes before the behavior, called the antecedent. Therefore, in order to change a behavior, it is useful to understand what antecedents might promote or inhibit a behavior.


For this Discussion, you will consider examples of stimulus control in your environment, including identifying the stimuli that evoke certain desired and undesired behaviors Stimulus Control Essay.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, including the required weekly media program, to gain an understanding of stimulus control. Note: It is important for you to review the media for this week prior to completing this Discussion.
  • Consider stimuli in your environment that evoke certain desired and undesired behavior.
  • Review the interactive media in the Learning Resources, “Stimulus Control Knowledge Check.” Stimulus Control Essay Assignment

By Day 4 of Week 10

Post what is meant by stimulus control and describe stimuli in your environment that evoke certain desired and undesired behavior.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

Note: For this discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the To Participate in this Discussion link, then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

By Day 6 of Week 10

Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts by expanding on each colleague’s explanation of what is meant by stimulus control and whether you would respond in a similar way to the stimulus.

Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to behavior-analytic theory and research. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your posts and responses. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources Stimulus Control Essay.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights that you have gained because of your colleagues’ comments.


Stimulus Control is term used to allude a circumstance wherein a conduct in an organism is set off but the either the presence or absence of specific upgrade. Dissimilative preparing is by which a conduct is supported within the sight of a specific upgrade and not other this causes operant reaction. A reinforcer is expected to really to bring out operant reaction. Upgrade delta alludes to the situation wherein a specific response will not be built up.


in my model I realize my folks possibly gift me when I perform well in everyday schedule I accomplish something incredible that will carry acclaim to them . So, whenever I want to get gifts from them am constantly enticed to try sincerely and get passing marks or accomplish something that will do right by them to be gifted. I additionally avoid engaging in awful practices since I realize I will be beaten .


In school I know whether the chime rings and I hurry to class promptly the instructor will laud me and advise the understudies to copy me .This possibly happens when am in school since I realize somebody will praise me for been in class on schedule . Stimulus Control Essay Assignment


When In school we are given a sweet every time we wash come from the washroom and clean up . At home exactly, the same thing occurs. So, when am not in everyday schedule home or nobody is watching me closely I will more often than not fail to remember that I need to clean up when I come from the washroom.


I actually additionally will more often than not perform well in school in case there is something negative that will be done to me when I come up short. I know fall flat in my numerical test will make the instructor give ten strokes on my legs . So, to keep away from this I will generally ensure I read well for my tests so as not fizzle Stimulus Control Essay.



Dinsmoor, James A. “Stimulus control: part I.” The Behavior Analyst 18.1 (1995): 51-68.\Stimulus Control Essay

Comparison of Fluid Electrolyte Exemplars

Comparison of Fluid Electrolyte Exemplars

Comparison of Fluid Electrolyte Exemplars: SIADH Pathophysiology Etiology Clinical Manifestations including Laboratory data Interventions Possible Complications Diabetes Insipidus Acute Renal Failure Chronic Renal Failure
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Nurses Role and Responsibility as Health Educator

Nurses Role and Responsibility as Health Educator

Describe the nurse’s role and responsibility as health educator. What strategies, besides the use of learning styles, can a nurse educator consider when developing tailored individual care plans, or for educational programs in health promotion? When should behavioral objectives be utilized in a care plan or health promotion?


Health Promotion Model Discussion

Health Promotion Model Discussion

Describe a health promotion model used to initiate behavioral changes. How does this model help in teaching behavioral changes? What are some of the barriers that affect a patient’s ability to learn? How does a patient’s readiness to learn, or readiness to change, affect learning outcomes?


Nursing evolving

Nursing evolving

As the country focuses on the restructuring of the U.S. health care delivery system, nurses will continue to play an


important role. It is expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in the community, and fewer will be available in acute care hospitals. 1. Write an informal presentation (500-700 words) to educate nurses about how the practice of nursing is expected to grow and change. Include the concepts of continuity or continuum of care, accountable care organizations (ACO), medical homes, and nurse-managed health clinics. 2. Share your presentation with nurse colleagues on your unit or department and ask them to offer their impressions of the anticipated changes to health care delivery and the new role of nurses in hospital settings, communities, clinics, and medical homes. 3. In 800-1,000 words summarize the feedback shared by three nurse colleagues and discuss whether their impressions are consistent with what you have researched about health reform. 4. A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models 1 Unsatisfactory 0.00% 2 Less than Satisfactory 75.00% 3 Satisfactory 79.00% 4 Good 89.00% 5 Excellent 100.00% 80.0 %Content 40.0 %Clearly Main concept is Main concept is Main concept is Main concept is Main concept is States How the not clearly not clearly identified, and a easily identified easily identified, Practice of identified, and identified, and few subconcepts and most and subconcepts Nursing and subconcepts do few subconcepts branch from the subconcepts branch Patient Delivery not consistently branch main idea. branch from the appropriately Will Evolve, branch from the appropriately. Addresses many main idea. from the main While Addressing main idea. Does Addresses at of the issues Addresses all of idea. Addresses Relevant not address any least one issue related to the the issues related all of the issues Concepts That issues related to related to the evolving to the evolving related to the Include the evolving evolving practice practice of practice of evolving practice Continuity or practice of of nursing and nursing and nursing and of nursing and Continuum of nursing and patient care patient delivery patient care patient care Care, patient care delivery. and patient care delivery. delivery. Accountable Care delivery. delivery. Organizations, Medical Homes, and NurseManaged Health Clinics 20.0 %Evidence No evidence of Evidence of Evidence of Evidence of Evidence of of Feedback and feedback and feedback and feedback and feedback and feedback and Forecasting of forecasting of the forecasting of forecasting of forecasting of the forecasting of Nursing Role nursing role from the nursing role the nursing role nursing role from the nursing role From Colleagues colleagues is from colleagues from colleagues colleagues is from colleagues included. may be incomplete or lack relevant scope. is included. described in detail. is described in detail, with relevant personal insight, reflection, or analysis. 20.0 %Use of No recommended Few Some Most All of the Vocabulary terms have been recommended recommended recommended recommended Regarding included in the terms have been terms have been terms have been terms have been Evolving Practice correct context. included in the included in the included in the included in the of Nursing and correct context. correct correct context. correct context. Patient Care context. Delivery 15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 10.0 %Originality Content is an Content is a Content shows Content shows Content shows extensive minimal evidence of evidence of significant collection and collection or originality. originality and evidence of rehash of other rehash of other While based on inventiveness. originality and people’s ideas, people’s ideas, other people’s While based on inventiveness. products, products, ideas, products, an extensive The majority of images, or images, or images, or collection of the content and inventions. There inventions. inventions, the other people’s many of the is no evidence of There is no work does offer ideas, products, ideas are fresh, new thought or evidence of new some new images, or original, inventiveness. thought. insights. inventions, the inventive, and work extends based upon beyond that logical collection to conclusions and offer new sound research. insights. 15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Mechanics Surface errors Frequent and Some Prose is largely The writer is of Writing are pervasive repetitive mechanical free of clearly in (includes enough that they mechanical errors or typos mechanical command of spelling, impede errors distract are present, but errors, although standard, written punctuation, communication the reader. are not overly a few may be academic grammar, and of meaning. Inconsistencies distracting to present. The English. language use) Inappropriate in language the reader. writer uses a word choice choice (register) Audiencevariety of and/or sentence and/or word appropriate sentence construction are choice are language is structures and employed. present. employed. effective figures of speech. 5.0 %Format 2.0 %Paper Template is not Template is Template is Template is fully All format Format (use of used used, but some used, and used; There are elements are appropriate style appropriately or elements are formatting is virtually no correct. for the major documentation missing or correct, errors in and assignment) format is rarely mistaken; lack although some formatting style. followed of control with minor errors correctly. formatting is may be apparent. present. 3.0 %Research No reference Reference page Reference page Reference page is In-text citations Citations (in-text page is included. is present. is included and present and fully and a reference citations for No citations are Citations are paraphrasing and used. inconsistently direct quotes, used. and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment) lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present. inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and style is usually correct. page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.
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NR443 Chamberlain SBIRT Presentation

NR443 Chamberlain SBIRT Presentation

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based practice intervention used to


identify, reduce, and prevent problematic use, abuse, and dependence on substances such as tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. The SBIRT model was incited by an Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendation that called for community-based screening for health risk behaviors. The purpose of this assignment is to integrate SBIRT into nursing practice to help stimulate positive change at the individual and population focused level of care.

This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes (COs).

CO3: Plan prevention and population-focused interventions for vulnerable populations using professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice. (PO 4, 8)
CO4: Evaluate the delivery of care for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities based on theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines. (PO1)
Submit your completed SBIRT presentation by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 6.

Points: 225 points

SBIRT consists of three major components.

Screening—A healthcare professional assesses a patient for concerning behaviors using standardized screening tools. Screening can occur in any healthcare setting.
Brief Intervention—A healthcare professional engages a patient in a short conversation, providing feedback and advice regarding concerning behaviors.
Referral to Treatment—A healthcare professional provides a referral to resources and/or treatment options and additional services available (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], n.d.)
Prior to starting the presentation, you are to read the assigned training. SBIRT Education. (n.d.). Overview of screening, assessment and brief intervention: a nursing response to the full spectrum of substance use. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Choose “Watch On Demand Recording”
Start at minute 9:08/slide 12, end at 1hr 27 sec. (slide 80)
Or you may go directly to the YouTube video:SBIRT Education. (2015, May 10). Overview of SBIRT: a nursing response to the full spectrum of substance use [Video File]. Retrieved from Overview of SBIRT: A Nursing Response to the Full Spectrum of Substance Use (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Overview of SBIRT: A Nursing Response to the Full Spectrum of Substance Use Use this BNI checklist for the role play at the end: BNI Checklist (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. SBIRT Education. (n.d.). Brief negotiated interview checklist [PDF Document]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. You are encouraged to review the assignment tutorial found at the end of the Academic Integrity Reminder.
Next, choose one addiction or problem to focus on for this assignment from the options below.
Drug use (prescription or illicit)
You must be specific to which drug you are choosing
You are required to use one of the problems listed above. Assignments that do not follow the current guidelines or use the required forms or templates will be evaluated for evidence of an academic integrity violation. After the due date, there will be no opportunity for revision or resubmission of assignments that have been uploaded to the submission area. It is your responsibility to submit the correct assignment to the correct submission area.
After you have chosen the addiction/problem, you are to research SBIRT training specific to that problem/addition. Before starting to work on the presentation, it is vital you understand how SBIRT is used with that particular addiction/problem. You must find at least two scholarly resources (other than readings assigned in the course) and one video resource. Search YouTube for one SBIRT training video from a reputable source that shows a provider using SBIRT with a patient. Watch this video so that you understand the steps of SBIRT.
You may choose to complete this assignment as a PowerPoint poster or PowerPoint multiple slide presentation. Download the SBIRT PowerPoint poster (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or slide presentation template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Submit the completed PowerPoint poster or slide presentation by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.
Length: The poster should be one page with all boxes on template complete. The slide presentation should be no more than twelve slides, not including the title and references slide
Tags: powerpoint nursing Chamberlain College of Nursing alcohol abuse NR443