Epidemiology Paper

Epidemiology Paper

I want this paper to be on HIV Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology


and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance completing this assignment. Communicable Disease Selection Choose one communicable disease from the following list: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Chickenpox Tuberculosis Influenza Mononucleosis Hepatitis B HIV Ebola Measles Polio Influenza Epidemiology Paper Requirements Address the following: 1. Describe the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment) and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). Is this a reportable disease? If so, provide details about reporting time, whom to report to, etc. 2. Describe the determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease. 3. Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. (The textbook describes each element of the epidemiologic triangle). Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general population? 4. Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collecting, data analysis, and follow-up). 5. Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organization(s) contributes to resolving or reducing the impact of disease. 6. Discuss a global implication of the disease. How is this addressed in other countries or cultures? Is this disease endemic to a particular area? Provide an example. A minimum of three peer-reviewed or professional references is required. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Communicable Disease Chain Infectious Agent • • • • • • Microbes – All Types Pathogenicity Invasiveness Virulence Infective Dose Resistance Reservoirs Susceptible Host • • • • • Defense Mechanisms Immunity o Natural o Artificial Humans Animals Plant/Soil Portal of Exit Portal of Re-entry • • • • • • Same as Exit Means of Transmission • • • Direct Indirect Indirect Respiratory Integumentary Blood GI Sexual 1 Unsatisfactory 0.00% 70.0 %Content 10.0 %Comprehensive Description of a Communicable Disease and the Demographic of Interest 2 Less than Satisfactory 71.00% Demographic of interest and clinical description are omitted or presented with many inaccuracies. 3 Satisfactory 75.00% Limited and or vague summary of demographic of interest and communicable disease is provided. Overview does not offer a clear representation of information necessary for epidemiological study. 10.0 Description of the Paper partially %Determinants of determinants of describes the Health and health and their determinants of Explanation of role in disease health in relation How Determinants development is to disease Contribute to omitted or development. Disease presented with Development many inaccuracies. Overview of the demographic of interest and clinical description of the communicable disease is presented with some inaccuracies of the clinical descriptors. 4 Good 94.00% Clinical description of the communicable disease and demographic of interest is provided. Summary is brief but accurate. 5 Excellent 100.00% Overview describing the demographic of interest and clinical description of the communicable disease is presented with a thorough, accurate, and clear overview of all of the clinical descriptors. Paper identifies Paper describes Paper the determinants each determinant comprehensively of health in of health with a discusses the relation to the comprehensive determinants of communicable discussion of their health in relation to disease selected contribution to the communicable but does not disease disease, explains include an development and their contribution to explanation of progression. disease their role in the development, and development of provides evidence to disease. support main points. 20.0 Description of the The communicable The The The communicable %Epidemiologic epidemiologic disease is communicable communicable disease is described Triangle (Host triangle is described with disease is disease is thoroughly, Factors, Agent omitted or some inaccuracies described described accurately, and Factors, and presented with within the accurately and accurately within clearly within an Environmental many epidemiologic clearly within the the context of the epidemiological Factors) inaccuracies. triangle. A visual context of the epidemiologic model. A visual description of the epidemiologic triangle. A brief description of the factors and triangle. description of model and how the interaction is not factors and components of the present. interaction is model interact is presented. included. 20.0 %Role of the Discussion of the Discussion of the Discussion of the Discussion of the Discussion of the Community Health role of the role of the role of the role of community role of the Nurse community health community health community health nurse is community health nurse is omitted nurse is vague, health nurses is clear, with a nurse is clear, or unclear. with no limited, with a comprehensive comprehensive, and integration of case brief overview of description of inclusive of the finding, reporting, skills associated skills associated community nurse’s data collecting, with community with community responsibilities to data analysis, or follow-up skills. 10.0 %National Agency or Organization That Works to Addresses Communicable Disease Agency and description of contribution are omitted. primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention through tasks such as case finding, reporting, data collection and analysis, and follow up An agency or An agency or An agency or An agency or organization is organization is organization is organization is identified, but identified, but identified, but identified. A clear discussion is vague discussion discussion and accurate or inaccurate in regarding efforts regarding efforts description of relation to the to address to address efforts to address communicable communicable communicable communicable disease chosen. disease is disease is brief. disease is offered. lacking. 25.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Thesis Paper lacks any Thesis is Development and discernible insufficiently Purpose overall purpose or developed and/or organizing claim. vague, purpose is not clear. assessment and planning. assessment and planning. Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis is clear and Thesis is forecasts the comprehensive, development of contained within the the paper. It is thesis is the essence descriptive and of the paper. Thesis reflective of the statement makes arguments and the purpose of the appropriate to the paper clear. purpose. 25.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Paragraph Paragraphs and Some paragraphs Paragraphs are A logical Development and transitions and transitions generally progression of Transitions consistently lack may lack logical competent, but ideas between unity and progression of ideas may show paragraphs is coherence. No ideas, unity, some apparent. apparent coherence, and/or inconsistency in Paragraphs connections cohesiveness. organization and exhibit a unity, between Some degree of or in their coherence, and paragraphs are organization is relationships to cohesiveness. established. evident. each other. Topic sentences Transitions are and concluding inappropriate to remarks are purpose and appropriate to scope. purpose. Organization is disjointed. 25.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Mechanics of Surface errors are Frequent and Some mechanical Prose is largely Writing (includes pervasive enough repetitive errors or typos free of spelling, that they impede mechanical errors are present, but mechanical punctuation, communication of distract the are not overly errors, although a grammar, meaning. reader. distracting to the few may be language use) Inappropriate Inconsistencies in reader. Correct present. A variety word choice language choice, sentence of sentence and/or sentence sentence structure and structures and structure, and or audience effective figures There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. construction are used. word choice are present. appropriate language are used. 25.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 10.0 %Global Global implication A discussion of the A discussion of Implication of the disease is global implication the global omitted or of the disease is implication of unclear. vague, with no the disease is integration of how limited, with this is addressed some integration in other countries of how this is or cultures and if addressed in the disease is other countries endemic to a or cultures and if particular area. An the disease is example is not endemic to a provided. particular area. An example is provided. 5.0 %Format 2.0 %Paper Format Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. 3.0 %Research No reference Citations (In-text page is included. citations for No citations are paraphrasing and used. direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment) 100 %Total Weightage of speech are used. A discussion of A discussion of the the global global implication of implication of the the disease is clear, disease is clear, comprehensive, and with a inclusive with a comprehensive comprehensive description of description of how how this is this is addressed in addressed in other countries or other countries or cultures and if the cultures and if the disease is endemic disease is to a particular area. endemic to a An example is particular area. provided. An example is provided. Template is used, Template is Template is fully but some elements used, and used. There are are missing or formatting is virtually no errors mistaken, lack of correct, although in formatting control with some minor style. formatting is errors may be apparent. present. Reference page is Reference page Reference page is present. Citations is included and present and fully are inconsistently lists sources used inclusive of all used. in the paper. cited sources. Sources are Documentation is appropriately appropriate and documented, style guide is although some usually correct. errors may be present. All format elements are correct. In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.
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