read chapter 9

read chapter 9

Chapter 9 People and the Process of Change Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Change • A natural


phenomenon • Macro- and micro-change Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company The Process of Change • The comfort zone – Unfreezing – Change – Refreezing – Return to new comfort zone Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company The Change Process Unfreezing Change Refreezing    Comfort → Discomfort → New zone zone zone Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Sources of Resistance to Change • Technical concerns • Psychosocial needs • Position and power Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Receptivity to Change • Recognize differences in preferences for certainty. • Speak to people’s feelings. • Stories and Drama vs. Statistics. Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Resistance • Recognizing resistance • Lowering resistance – Information dissemination – Disconfirmation of currently held beliefs – Psychological safety – Command Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Dictating Change • Effective in many situations • Communicates a sense of urgency • Change may be rapid but without a lasting commitment Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Active Resistance to Change • • • • Attacking the idea Refusal to change Arguing against change Organizing resistance of other people Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Passive Resistance to Change • • • • Avoiding discussion Ignoring the change Refusing to commit to the change Agreeing but not acting Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Strategies to Overcome Resistance • • • • Point out similarities. Express approval. Recognize competence and skill. Provide assurance. Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Strategies • Suggest new opportunities. • Express value of contributions. • Ensure involvement. Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Strategies (cont’d) • Provide opportunities for expression. • Allow time for practice. • Provide a climate of acceptance. Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Four Phases of Planned Change Design the change  Plan the implementation  Implement the change  Integrate the change Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Design the Change • • • • • What is the purpose? Is the change necessary? Is the change technically correct? Will this work? Is there a better way? Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Plan the Implementation • Why is there resistance? • Is the resistance justified? • What can be done to prevent or overcome resistance? Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Implement the Change • • • • What is the magnitude? What is the complexity? What is the pace? What is the current stress level? Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Integrate the Change • Is the change integrated into everyday operations? • Are people comfortable with it? • Is it well accepted? Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Conclusion • Your leadership will influence how change is handled. • Change presents an opportunity for professional growth and development. • View change in a positive way. Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company
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