Topic 3 DQ 1

Topic 3 DQ 1

Please Respond to the following post with a paragraph, add citations and references.


A T-test determines if there is a statistical significant difference between 2 independent sample groups. This test asks – whetherthere is a difference between the means of 2 groups because of chance. This test is geared for a samll sample size of <30.

Key points of a T test:

All data points are independent.
The sample size is small. Generally, a sample size exceeding 30 sample units is regarded as large, otherwise small but that should not be less than 5, to apply t-test.
Sample values are to be taken and recorded accurately.
A Z-test is a statistcal calculation that can be used to compare populations to means to a sample. Basically, how far in standard deviation data points are from the mean of the data points. This test compares the sample to a defined population and is used for a large sample size n>30. This tests hypothesis iwhen the S.D. is known.

Key points of a Z-test:

All sample observations are independent
Sample size should be more than 30.
Distribution of Z is normal, with a mean zero and variance 1.
Z Test & T Test: Similarities & Differences. 2018 Retrieved from…
Surbhi, S. March 10, 2018. Difference between t-test and z-test. Retrieved from…