NUR 370 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Discussion

NUR 370 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Discussion


Only a discussion post! One-Two Paragraph MAX. Peer responses required. First peer discussion found below. Second will be added shortly. Peer responses on 1 paragraph needed.

Step 1 Download and read the Cultural Sensitivity and Competency handout describing the ASKED model. (see below)

Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board.
The terms cultural sensitivity and cultural competency are frequently used interchangeably. However, each has unique characteristics and implications for nursing practice. Realize that cultural competency involves intentional, lifelong learning.

  • Based on your personal self-reflection, summarize your self-reflection responses to the ASKED model.
  • Identify which component(s) were most helpful and most difficult for you to reflect on.
  • Identify two lessons learned from this experience. NUR 370 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Discussion
  • Explain how you will incorporate these cultural concepts into your nursing practice.
  • Explain how cultural sensitivity and cultural competency impact health care.


Step 3 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59 pm MT.

As part of your response to your peers’ posts, share one of your two lessons with your peers and explain why you feel this lesson was important to you.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Cultural Sensitivity and Competency Handout
Nursing practice is at the heart of nursing and is an important place to build diverse relationships for the purpose of providing optimal health care for all. There are numerous cultural assessment models; one of those models was created by Campinha-Bacote. This model is designed as a tool for nurses to increase self-awareness and explore their own beliefs and practices.
Ultimately, to assure culturally-responsive nursing services, CampinhaBacote suggests the use of the mnemonic, “ASKED,” which is defined as:
A – Awareness S – Skill K – Knowledge E – Encounters D – Desire
Use of the “ASKED” method allows the nurse to consider the five components of cultural competency. These components include awareness, skill, knowledge, encounters, and desire. Addressing each of these components assists the nurse in the continual process of developing cultural competency. It is vital that nurses view themselves as becoming culturally competent, rather than being culturally incompetent. NUR 370 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Discussion
Resource: Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). Cultural competence in psychiatric nursing: have you ASKED the right questions? Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association,8(6):183–187.

Peer Response 1 (Angelica)

When it comes to cultural competency the nurse must be open to diversity. Because cultural competency is a life long learning process having basic knowledge will enable the nurse to provide individualized care while keeping the upmost respect towards that individual. One way that nurses can reflect on their own cultural self assessment is using Campinha-Bacote’s model. The “ASKED” model which stands for awareness, skills, knowledge, encounters, and desire are the five components of cultural competency. Reflecting on my own answers I have realized that I haven’t had many encounters with different cultures. Unfortunately, many elderly patients where I work do not have active family so therefore I haven’t had many face to face encounters with different cultures. One example, I do recall was when I placed a cross outside the door of the dying patient as per the family’s request. I try to always maintain a patient’s dignity and respect even in their last days of life. If someone is catholic I make sure I have a rosary present and offer the last oils if the family requests. As a nurse you always want to provide the best care possible, yet I have found that dealing with a dying patient is always hard for me because you become attached to them in your day to day life. As a nurse I want to do everything possible to make a patient get better but there has been times I have needed to take a step back and remind myself they are on palliative care. They do not want to have treatment and as a nurse I must respect and carry out their wishes even if it maybe hard to see the family suffer along the process. Having cultural sensitivity is important because it will help you as a nurse to develop a better relationship with both the patient and family by developing trust. Being cultural sensitive will also help you as a nurse be able to do a cultural assessment. You will be able to develop an individualized care plan by using a holistic approach. Being able to reflect on your own culture enables you to be open to learning about other cultures and customs. I hope to continue learning about other cultures in my nursing career. NUR 370 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Discussion