Paragraph 6

Paragraph 6

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


When a disaster hits different cultures they still hold on to spirituality, beliefs and values. The help that is given will show great value and usually spirituality will be heightened during this time. People may question their faith based on the disaster that has been laid upon them. The volunteers and medical personal that approach these victims will need compassion, understanding and show dignity and respect with beliefs and as a human being (Varghese, 2010). Ethical and cultural awareness is needed to properly care and communicate. Nurses, providers and volunteers can listen and communicate and may even show support by prayer. Many times victims and even the help will question why this has happened and why is there not enough supplies. These are difficult questions and prayer and working together is important to move forward. Nurses can keep open communication and let people know what they can do and all the people that are helping their country. This will bring up the spirit when people know others will help. Nurses can stay positive and always try to encourage others to help each other.


Varghese, S. B. (2010, December 22). Cultural, ethical, and spiritual implications of natural disasters from the survivors’ perspective. In Critical care nursing clinics of North America . Retrieved August 14, 2018, from’+persp