APA format, No plagiarism, Discussion Board post and reply please follow rubric

APA format, No plagiarism, Discussion Board post and reply please follow rubric

Page 1 of 2 Grading Rubric NURS4344 Management and Leadership: Bedside to Boardroom 4344 Forum Discussion


Grading Rubric Criteria Content Response to instructor question is relevant to the assigned question and two peer questions are included in the post. Engagement Engagement in forum discussion is evidenced by responding to one peer question (not two questions from one student). Expert Accurate citing of facts and ideas, consistently integrates ideas across readings, identifying bigger themes. And includes: -answers all components of instructor question – poses two peer questions related to selected instructor question topic (30 points) Accurate citing of facts and ideas, consistently integrates ideas across readings, identifying bigger themes. Includes: – Answering one peer question (20 points) Evidence Ideas are supported by student-conducted research using two supporting references for each response. Peer reviewed journal articles are considered optimal. Utilized assigned number of references (2) in each response, and all references are peerreviewed journal articles. (20 points) Proficient Accurate citing of facts and ideas from the readings. And includes: – answers all components of instructor question – poses two peer questions related to selected instructor question topic (27 points) Accurate citing of facts and ideas from the readings. Includes: -Answering one peer question (18 points) Competent Accurate citing of facts and ideas from the readings but integrates one idea to identify the bigger theme. And/or – partially answers instructor question – poses only one peer question related to selected instructor question topic (24 points) Accurate citing of facts and ideas from the readings but integrates only one idea to identify the bigger theme. Includes: -Answering one peer question (15 points) Utilized assigned number of references (2) in each response; some references are peerreviewed journal articles some are not (this includes textbooks and non-peer-reviewed journal articles). (18 points) Requirement for two references in each response was not met. As evidenced by inconsistences: – one response contained two references; some references are peerreviewed journal articles and some were not – one response contained only one reference and was either peer-reviewed journal article or not (15 points) Substantial Areas for Improvement Unsatisfactory Able to accurately cite facts but does not integrate facts to identify the bigger theme. And/or -partially answers instructor question -no peer questions included in initial response Content does not relate to instructor question or content absent (0 points) (20 points) Able to accurately cite facts but does not integrate facts to identify the bigger theme. And/or Includes: -Answering two questions from one student (13 points) Requirement for two references in each response was not met. As evidenced by: – only one reference in each response and references were not from a peer-reviewed journal article – no references in one of the responses (13 points) Content of response does not relate to peer question or content absent. (0 points) No references used in forum discussion activity (two responses). (0 points) Page 2 of 2 Grading Rubric Scholarly Presentation Writing style allows for clear communication of thoughts through logical presentation of ideas with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Posting meets stated minimum and maximum word requirements. Thoughts are logically organized at the paragraph level without errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Meets criteria of 300 words excluding peer questions and references in overall word count in each post. (15 points) APA Style Citations/References Posting is supported by proper citation and use of references following APA guidelines. Points will not be deducted for spacing and italics in the reference list on the Forum postings. No title page or reference page required. References to be listed following post. Thoughts are logically organized at the paragraph level with no more than 3 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Meets criteria of 250 words excluding peer questions and references in overall word count in each post. (12 points) Thoughts are logically organized at the paragraph level with 4-5 errors in spelling grammar, or punctuation. Meets criteria of 250 words but includes peer questions and references in overall word count in each post. (10 points) NURS4344 Management and Leadership: Bedside to Boardroom Thoughts show minimal organization with 6-7 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Meets criteria of 250 words in only one of the responses and includes peer questions and references in overall word count. (8 points) APA format used for all citations and reference listings with no errors. No more than 3 APA formatting errors noted. No more than 4 -5 APA formatting errors noted. No more than 6 – 7 APA formatting errors noted. (15 points) (12 points) (10 points) (8 points) Does not show organization of thoughts with more than 8 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Does not meet the criteria of at least 250 words in one or both responses and includes peer questions and references in overall word count or content absent. (0 points) 8 or more APA formatting errors noted in both citations and reference listings. (0 points) PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is considered cheating and is a violation of academic integrity as outlined in the Student Handbook. Any student who plagiarizes any portion of the assignment may receive a grade of zero on the assignment. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Unless prior faculty notification and negotiation of an extended deadline, ten points will be deducted per day if submitted late. Assignment will not be accepted if submitted more than 3 days late and assigned grade will be 0 (zero). LH:lh 08/17 In the forum discussion the student will select and answer ONE of the instructor questions. The response must be 300-350 words with two supporting references in APA format. To maximize your grade references should be peer reviewed journal articles (see Forum Discussion Grading Rubric for more information). Additionally, in this initial response the student will pose TWO questions related to their question topic. Yoder-Wise, P.S. (2015). Leading and managing in nursing (6th ed). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. – Chapters 12, 13, 14. • Douglas, K. (2011). What every nurse executive should know about staffing and scheduling technology initiatives. Nursing Economic$, 29(5), 273-275. Retrieved from http://www.nursingeconomics.net/necfiles/staffingUnleashed/su_SO11.pdf • Kirkby, M. P. (2003). Number crunching with variable budgets. Nursing Management, 34(3), 28-33. • Sherman, R., and Bishop, M. (2012). The business of caring: What every nurse should know about cutting costs. American Nurse Today, 7(11). Retrieved from http://www.americannursetoday.com/the-business-of-caring-what-every-nurseshould-know-about-cutting-costs/ Intial post Question: Refer to table 12-3 on pg. 228 in the Yoder-Wise (2015) text to answer this question. Which of the personnel expenses have a negative variance in the current month? Discuss possible causes for each variance and what you as a Nurse Manager could do to avoid future negative variances. Discussion Board response instructions: reply to ONE of their fellow student questions (not two questions from one student). This response should be a well-developed paragraph, 250 – 300 words with two supporting references in APA format. To maximize your grade references should be peer reviewed journal articles (see forum discussion grading rubric for more information). Include the statement or question in the response. Question: Base Salary Schedule at City Medical Center: RNs: Staff Charge $26/hr $28/hr Team Leader $ 26/hr Per Diem $ 35/hr LVN: Staff $ 18/hr CNA: $ 11/hr Overtime Pay for all staff is 1 ½ times base salary per hour As Nurse Manager at City Medical Center, you are budgeted to staff your 30 bed unit with four RNs, three LVNs, and two CNAs for the day shift. You learn that one of your RNs is going out on medical leave of absence for six weeks. Your options to fill the temporary vacancy include use of per diem nurses, use of overtime for your current staff, or just work with the available staff during this time. What would be the pros and cons of each option? Include discussion of salary expense, staff satisfaction, and patient safety. Discussion board Please respond to the following: Chelsea McBride (chemcbri) (Aug 8, 2018 3:27 PM) – Read by: 1 Mark as ReadReply to This Message Reply Base Salary Schedule at City Medical Center: RNs: Staff $26/hr Charge $28/hr Team Leader $ 26/hr Per Diem $ 35/hr LVN: Staff $ 18/hr CNA: $ 11/hr Overtime Pay for all staff is 1 ½ times base salary per hourAs Nurse Manager at City Medical Center, you are budgeted to staff your 30 bed unit with four RNs, three LVNs, and two CNAs for the day shift. You learn that one of your RNs is going out on medical leave of absence for six weeks. Your options to fill the temporary vacancy include use of per diem nurses, use of overtime for your current staff, or just work with the available staff during this time. What would be the pros and cons of each option? Include discussion of salary expense, staff satisfaction, and patient safety. Use of Per Diem Pros: · Salary expense—save money compared to overtime (OT) · Staff satisfaction—adequate staffing · Patient safety—no burn out Cons: · Salary expense—spending more money than working with staff available · Staff satisfaction—some staff might want overtime · Patient safety—N/A Overtime (OT) for Current Staff Pros: · Salary expense—spending more money compared to PRN staff or working with other staff members · Staff satisfaction—staff would make OT, larger checks and more money · Patient safety— N/A Cons: · Salary expense—excess money out of budget · Staff satisfaction—staff could become burned out · Patient safety—staff could become burned out, too tired and risk patient safety Work with Available Staff During this Time Pros: · Salary expense—save money, stay in budget · Staff satisfaction— no pros, staff would be unhappy with working conditions · Patient safety— no pros, patient safety at risk Cons: · Salary expense—N/A would be saving money · Staff satisfaction—burned out, too tired, inadequate staffing for patient load, unhappy staff with working conditions · Patient safety—risk patient safety, nurse patient ratio inadequate As nurse manager, it is my job to ensure sufficient staffing to provide safety to patients and also maintain an adequate budget. After discovering one of my RNs will be taking a 6-week medical leave of absence, I am faced with three options to fill the temporary vacancy: use per diem nurses, utilize overtime with my current staff or manage with the available staff. By utilizing per diem nurses, I would be saving money compared to paying staff overtime. Staff satisfaction would be positive due to adequate staffing and patient safety would not be at risk due to nurses not working overtime hours and feeling tired and fatigued. Paying nurses overtime would be the most expense option and would not help budget management. I also believe utilizing overtime the cons outweigh the pros. Over time pay could increase staff satisfaction due to the extra money, however it could also decrease staff satisfaction due to more hours. Working with available staff does save money and is easily manageable with budgets, however it does decrease staff and patient satisfaction. Staff can be unhappy with work conditions, become tired and fatigued and burned out. Wallis (2013, p. 18) discusses how working overtime “reported poorer communication, pain control, and responses to helps calls from nurses.” Wallis also states, “nurses working longer were 2.5 times more likely to experience burnout and job dissatisfaction” (2013, p. 18). Is it worth risking patient safety and staff satisfaction to work within the allotted budget? Or is it worth going over budget to ensure patient safety and staff satisfaction? References Wallis, L. (2013). Longer shifts increase nurse burnout and patient satisfaction. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 113(2) 18. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000426678.05741.b5 Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2015). Leading and managing in nursing. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
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