I need help to make an Evidence Base Practice Research Paper
I need help to make an Evidence Base Practice Research Paper
Evidenced Based Practice Paper Evidenced Based Practice Paper Student Learning Outcomes: Use clinical reasoning
and evidence-based practice outcomes as the basis for decision-making and comprehensive, safe patient-centered care. Integrate principles of quality improvement and safety into nursing practice; justify decisions based on legal-ethical parameters for professional nursing practice. Instructions: 1. Introduction a. Identify a critical issue pertaining to patient care. For example patient falls, infection, medication errors, pressure sore prevention and discuss the issue. 2. Literature Review a. Research the topic on the library database and find (5) nursing journals that support implementation of a change to the unit to address the issue. 3. Propose a change that is supported with the literature found. Summarize the articles and provide clear summary that is relevant to how you plan to apply evidenced based practice. 4. Justify the importance of the change by applying ethical, legal, safety, and quality improvement principles. 5. Provide a conclusion including a summary of key points discussed in paper. 6. The paper is to be typed, using APA format, 6th edition. Appropriate references should be cited. Three current peered review nursing journal articles (less than five years old) should be used to support components of the paper. Journals such as American Nurse Today, Nursing 2016, RN, and Nurse Week are not quality peer reviewed nursing journals for evidenced based practice and should not be used for this assignment. If in doubt about whether your journal is appropriate, check with your clinical faculty. The paper is due by the date specified on the schedule. 7. All papers will be turned electronically using Canvas. Inclusion of the grading tool is required. Failure to include the grading tool will result in subtraction of points. 8. Papers with more than ten (10) errors related to grammar, spelling, or APA style will be returned to students for a rewrite. Students will have one (1) week to resubmit the paper. However, ten (10) points will be deducted from the final score of the paper. Nursing students are expected to be able to write professional collegiate level papers. Students are encouraged to utilize the available services on campus for assistance with writing, APA, and proofreading. Please make sure to proofread your papers before submitting them to faculty. 1 Evidenced Based Practice Paper Evidenced Based Practice Paper GRADING CRITERIA Criteria Points Worth 5 Introduction and Background Identify the issue and support why it is a concern to quality and safe care. 50 Literature Review (provide a summary of 3-4 sentences for each article and explain how it relates to topic of discussion) Journal #1 10 Journal # 2 10 Journal # 3 10 Journal #4 10 Journal #5 10 Identification of solution/change supported by literature 20 Supports the need for change in terms of: Ethical Legal Safety Quality Improvement Conclusion 10 Overall format a. Logical presentation b. Minimal grammatical/spelling/typographical errors c. APA format excluding clinical reasoning tool risk analysis form d. References cited in body of paper including three nursing journal articles e. Reference list includes appropriate references f. Length 5-8 pages (including cover page and reference page) g. Grading tool is attached to paper 10 5 2 Points Awarded 2
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