No Plagiarism, APA format, 250 word discussion forum 2 references

No Plagiarism, APA format, 250 word discussion forum 2 references

Summer 2018 Forum Grading Rubric NURS 4345 Healthcare Information Technology Forum Grading Rubric Criteria


Expert Proficient Content Content in the posting is accurate, relevant to the assigned question, and demonstrates student learning related to module content (Minimum word count of 250 words excluding references Content is accurate, relevant and topic discussed in-depth. Content demonstrates student learning related to module content within minimum word count Content is accurate, relevant to the topic and demonstrates student learning within minimum word count Points References related to instructor question Response is supported by student conducted research. Two references required. References should be peer reviewed, scholarly and professional. References should not be older than 5 years. Points Engagement Response is relevant to peer posting(s). Response demonstrates learning from the peers posting. Student must respond to two peer postings on a different question than the question they themselves answered. Minimum of 125 words for each of the two 30 Competent Content is accurate, and relevant with minimal discussion of the topic as it relates to the module content within minimum word count Substantial Areas for Improvement Unsatisfactory Content is not accurate OR Content is not relevant to the topic OR Student does not integrate the module content into the topic. OR Does not meet minimum word count. 20 Assignment not posted 27 24 Utilized more than the assigned number of references (2) in response Utilized the assigned number of references (2) in response References are peerreviewed, professional, scholarly and not older than five years. Requirement for two references was not met as evidenced by: +One reference cited OR +References were not peerreviewed, professional or scholarly OR +Reference(s) outdated Did not include references References are peer reviewed, professional, scholarly and not older than five years. Utilized assigned number of references (2) in response but reference requirements were not met as evidenced by the following: one reference was not peerreviewed, professional or scholarly 0 10 Response is relevant to two or more peer postings on different questions than they themselves answered. Response to peers is thoughtful, reflective, and respectful. Integrates learning from peers posting to module content within minimum word count 9 Response is relevant to one student posting on a different question than the question they themselves answered and responding to one peer posting on the same question they themselves answered. Integrates learning from peers posting to module content within minimum word count 8 Requirement for engagement was not met as evidenced by: +Response adds minimal information or knowledge to two peer postings OR +One response to peer posting is on the same question they themselves answered OR Response within minimum word count 7 Requirement for engagement was not met as evidenced by: +Response to two peer postings paraphrases what peer has said without adding additional information or knowledge OR +Responded to only one peer posting OR 0 Did not post response to student posting OR Reply is clearly disrespectful student peer posts excluding references Points References related to response to student posting Response is supported by student conducted research. Two references are required for each response to the peer postings. References should be scholarly and professional. References should not be older than 5 years. 20 Utilized more than the assigned number of references (2) in each response Points Scholarly Presentation Writing style allows for clear communication of thoughts through logical presentation demonstrating effective preparation and critical thinking. 10 Thoughts are organized, succinct and demonstrate critical thinking without errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure or punctuation. 9 Thoughts are organized demonstrating critical thinking OR One error in spelling, grammar, sentence structure or punctuation 8 Thoughts are organized OR Two errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure or punctuation 7 Thoughts show minimal organization and lack of critical thinking OR Three errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure or punctuation 15 APA formatting followed 12 One APA error 10 Two APA errors 8 Three APA errors 12 10 Writing style demonstrates correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and punctuation. Points APA Style Proper APA formatting should be followed Points Grade References are peer reviewed, professional, scholarly and not older than five years. 15 18 Utilized the assigned number of references (2) in each response References are peerreviewed, professional, scholarly and not older than five years. 15 Utilized assigned number of references (2) in each response but reference requirements were not met as evidenced by the following: +One or two references were not peer- reviewed, professional or scholarly +Did not meet minimum word count for each student peer posting. 13 Requirement for two references for each response were not met as evidenced by: +One reference cited in each response OR +Three or four references were not peer-reviewed, professional or scholarly OR +Reference(s) outdated 8 0 Did not utilize references 0 No posting OR Thoughts show no logical organization or critical thinking OR Four or more errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure or punctuation 0 Four or more APA errors 0 PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is considered cheating and is a violation of academic integrity as outlined in the Student Handbook. Any student who plagiarizes any portion of the assignment may receive a grade of zero on the assignment. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Unless prior faculty notification and negotiation of an extended deadline, ten (10) points will be deducted per day if submitted late. Assignment will not be accepted if submitted more than 3 days late and assigned grade will be 0 (zero). Revised 7/24/2013;12/29/2014;11/30/2016cs; 03/2017; 06/2017 cs/rp Participate in Forum Discussion activity. Please refer to the Forum Discussion grading rubric found in the module. that directly related to Health CareTechnology Do not focus on nursing diagnosis, disease processes, nursing treatments Respond to one course facilitator question as follows: 1. Identify three ways to improve the safety, efficacy and efficiency of nursing care using healthcare information technology. Include at least one rationale for each area identified. 2. Discuss how the use of healthcare information technology can: a. Enhance communication between healthcare providers, patients and other healthcare facilities b. Support decision-making c. Promote improvement of patient care and delivery systems 3. Clinical Decision Support (CDS) encompasses a variety of tools to enhance decision-making in the clinical workflow. Describe three CDS tools and the impact of each one on patient care. 4. Identify the two benefits and two barriers in the use of clinical support systems in healthcare organizations. Minimum word count of 250 words excluding references. References should be peer-reviewed, scholarly, References should not be older than 5 years. Responses in the forum should be in APA format. Summer 2018 Forum Grading Rubric NURS 4345 Healthcare Information Technology Forum Grading Rubric Criteria Expert Proficient Content Content in the posting is accurate, relevant to the assigned question, and demonstrates student learning related to module content (Minimum word count of 250 words excluding references Content is accurate, relevant and topic discussed in-depth. Content demonstrates student learning related to module content within minimum word count Content is accurate, relevant to the topic and demonstrates student learning within minimum word count Points References related to instructor question Response is supported by student conducted research. Two references required. References should be peer reviewed, scholarly and professional. References should not be older than 5 years. Points Engagement Response is relevant to peer posting(s). Response demonstrates learning from the peers posting. Student must respond to two peer postings on a different question than the question they themselves answered. Minimum of 125 words for each of the two 30 Competent Content is accurate, and relevant with minimal discussion of the topic as it relates to the module content within minimum word count Substantial Areas for Improvement Unsatisfactory Content is not accurate OR Content is not relevant to the topic OR Student does not integrate the module content into the topic. OR Does not meet minimum word count. 20 Assignment not posted 27 24 Utilized more than the assigned number of references (2) in response Utilized the assigned number of references (2) in response References are peerreviewed, professional, scholarly and not older than five years. Requirement for two references was not met as evidenced by: +One reference cited OR +References were not peerreviewed, professional or scholarly OR +Reference(s) outdated Did not include references References are peer reviewed, professional, scholarly and not older than five years. Utilized assigned number of references (2) in response but reference requirements were not met as evidenced by the following: one reference was not peerreviewed, professional or scholarly 0 10 Response is relevant to two or more peer postings on different questions than they themselves answered. Response to peers is thoughtful, reflective, and respectful. Integrates learning from peers posting to module content within minimum word count 9 Response is relevant to one student posting on a different question than the question they themselves answered and responding to one peer posting on the same question they themselves answered. Integrates learning from peers posting to module content within minimum word count 8 Requirement for engagement was not met as evidenced by: +Response adds minimal information or knowledge to two peer postings OR +One response to peer posting is on the same question they themselves answered OR Response within minimum word count 7 Requirement for engagement was not met as evidenced by: +Response to two peer postings paraphrases what peer has said without adding additional information or knowledge OR +Responded to only one peer posting OR 0 Did not post response to student posting OR Reply is clearly disrespectful student peer posts excluding references Points References related to response to student posting Response is supported by student conducted research. Two references are required for each response to the peer postings. References should be scholarly and professional. References should not be older than 5 years. 20 Utilized more than the assigned number of references (2) in each response Points Scholarly Presentation Writing style allows for clear communication of thoughts through logical presentation demonstrating effective preparation and critical thinking. 10 Thoughts are organized, succinct and demonstrate critical thinking without errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure or punctuation. 9 Thoughts are organized demonstrating critical thinking OR One error in spelling, grammar, sentence structure or punctuation 8 Thoughts are organized OR Two errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure or punctuation 7 Thoughts show minimal organization and lack of critical thinking OR Three errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure or punctuation 15 APA formatting followed 12 One APA error 10 Two APA errors 8 Three APA errors 12 10 Writing style demonstrates correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure and punctuation. Points APA Style Proper APA formatting should be followed Points Grade References are peer reviewed, professional, scholarly and not older than five years. 15 18 Utilized the assigned number of references (2) in each response References are peerreviewed, professional, scholarly and not older than five years. 15 Utilized assigned number of references (2) in each response but reference requirements were not met as evidenced by the following: +One or two references were not peer- reviewed, professional or scholarly +Did not meet minimum word count for each student peer posting. 13 Requirement for two references for each response were not met as evidenced by: +One reference cited in each response OR +Three or four references were not peer-reviewed, professional or scholarly OR +Reference(s) outdated 8 0 Did not utilize references 0 No posting OR Thoughts show no logical organization or critical thinking OR Four or more errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure or punctuation 0 Four or more APA errors 0 PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is considered cheating and is a violation of academic integrity as outlined in the Student Handbook. Any student who plagiarizes any portion of the assignment may receive a grade of zero on the assignment. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Unless prior faculty notification and negotiation of an extended deadline, ten (10) points will be deducted per day if submitted late. Assignment will not be accepted if submitted more than 3 days late and assigned grade will be 0 (zero). Revised 7/24/2013;12/29/2014;11/30/2016cs; 03/2017; 06/2017 cs/rp
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