Nursing informatics

Nursing informatics

Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics. 1. Patient stays in the hospital are being


reduced for any number of reasons, but that does not mean the patients should not be monitored. In your opinion, identify no more than four new real-time devices you believe are crucial for a large enough pool of patients that every patient should be tethered to them, both in the hospital and at home during recuperation and rehabilitation. Explain your rationale and provide evidence. 2. Explain how data analytics leads to improved outcomes from both what you have read and from any personal experiences you can share. 3. In combat aviation, the concept of situational awareness and data fusion is critical. Attack or defend the notion that healthcare providers need similar kinds of data fusion to provide a more robust patient situational awareness, especially in situations of noisy and conflicting data. 4. Explain the key concepts behind six sigma analytics and explain why or why such approaches should not be used. Explain and support your position Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics. 1. From your personal experiences with healthcare workflows as a professional (if possible, else as a patient) and from the lessons you have been learning from this course, do you see the adoption of information technology as having been a smooth and graceful experience or a turbulent and sometimes painful one? Dig more deeply into your experiences and point to what you believe were the most critical contributors to the success or the causes of problems with the adoption. Be specific and support your position with references. 2. Based on your reflective analysis in question 1, which do you believe is a larger problem, lack of enough information or information overload? What evidence do you have to support your position? 3. Attack or defend the following assertion: “While it is true that a very small fraction of the population accounts for a significantly large fraction of total costs (e.g. “hot spots”), many of the root causes for these conditions have taken years if not decades to develop and to eliminate these hot spots will require significant life style changes, some with strong cultural reinforcements, long before the symptoms appear.” Support your position with solid evidence. 4. You have been brought in to help a regional hospital implement a major informatics upgrade that promises to significantly improve efficiency and patient outcomes. Leadership is nervous due to concerns that many of the “older” professionals will resist these changes. What strategy would you employ to maximize the probability of success with this new adoption effort? Explain the underlying rationale and support your position with evidence.
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