Nursing Oragnization Essay

Nursing Oragnization Essay

N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience Instructions: Nursing Organization Essay Submit by 2359 Saturday of


Week 5. NOTE: You will create a new Word document for this Assignment instead of typing directly into this document. Overview: Nursing Organization Essay The purpose of this paper is to provide you an experience in maintaining an up-to-date, evidencebased practice by linking into professional nursing organizations and finding their standards of practice and practice guidelines. Connecting with these organizations and their products is a major way professional nurses maintain up-to-date knowledge and practice. For this assignment, you need to identify and investigate the professional nursing organizations that represent your specialty or special interest. You will then compare and contrast the organizations on key factors outlined in the instructions given. You will not be writing a separate paper summarizing your co-op reflections. As such, you need to reference your co-op experiences in this paper. One way you might do this is by specifically linking your experiences to the mission and resources of the professional organization you have selected to be the focus of the paper. This portion of the paper should constitute no more than two pages of your final five-page paper (not counting title and reference pages.) Rubric Completion and submission of this project is one of the requirements for the course. Components Acceptable Needs Improvement Project Completed according to instructions and submitted on time Failed to complete according to instructions and/or submit on time Identify Professional Nursing Organization Organization recognized by professional nurses Organization is not related to nursing Describe Situation Requiring Guidelines Has formal guidelines No guidelines applied Described Lessons Learned in CoOp Lessons applicable to nursing No lesson described or partial description Instructions Select or identify a particular nursing specialty. Identify professional nursing organizations that address the issues pertinent to that specialty. Analyze the organizations and compare and contrast them on the following components: • Stated purpose and/or mission of the organization © 2015 UTA College of Nursing Page 1 of 2 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience • Membership characteristics of the organization • Clinical practice guideline and/or standards of practice produced by the organization • Pros and cons of belonging to the organization Describe the organization(s) you have joined or would prefer to join, and explain the rationale behind your choice(s). Describe at least one situation from your co-op experience in which you applied one of the guidelines/standards you identified. Include at least one paragraph connecting your co-op experience to what you have learned about nursing organizations. REMEMBER: Your paper must be formatted according to APA standards, including a title page and final page of references. Use this link to view UTA College of Nursing APA requirements: There is an additional document that will be helpful for BSN students using the 6th Edition (prelicensure and RN to BSN) prepared by the UTA Librarian and available at this link. © 2015 UTA College of Nursing Page 2 of 2 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience Co-Op Log/Journal Submit each week by 2359 Saturday. Ugonma Darling Anyanwu Name: Date: 08/04/18 Overview: Co-Op Log/Journal One of the requirements of this course is completion of 120 clinical/work hours (verified by your supervisor) and another is an essay reflecting upon your experience. Keeping a daily log of your actions and reflective journaling will: 1) Foster development of new knowledge, skills, and behaviors associated with the role of the BSN-prepared nurse and 2) Help you focus upon your project goals and keep track of what contributed to accomplishment of those goals as well as factors or events that hindered your success. Your final essay will be a minimum of 5 pages long (not including title and reference pages), written in APA format with references. It should describe how you achieved your goals and the lessons you learned while working. The key is to remember that the intent of doing Co-Op is to have you apply the concepts you learn in class to your real work environment. The learning in this course occurs by intentional reflection. That is, you have to think about what you want to do/learn before you start the hours you will be counting for cooperative credit. These are the goals you submitted in Module 1. While working the hours, you need to be actively seeking ways to achieve the goals you established and thinking about how you will describe the things you see and do during the cooperative. You will see and do some things that will help you become more confident and competent in your role as a BSN-prepared nurse. You may also see some things that serve as “negative examples” – things you will strive NOT to do in your practice. Both types of observations and experiences are important opportunities for learning. Record those in your journal so you will remember specifics when you prepare to write your essay during the last week of the experience. Most importantly, you will be reflecting on situations that directly relate to Evidence-Based Practice, Professionalism, and Team Dynamics in your work setting/specialty. You also need to relate these situations to your goals and the articles you find. Remember, we don’t want you to just describe situations – we want you to focus on how to identify a situation, find up-to-date information and resources you need to practice according to the best available evidence/science, and reflect upon how these situations can serve to change your practice in the future. This is the information we want you to document in your logs and your final essay. This is a cumulative document; you will save it to your own computer desktop or memory device and update it after each shift. Then, you will upload and submit the latest version to your Academic Coach by 2359 Monday of each module. It is not necessary that your entries be formatted or written in any particular way because it is for your benefit. Your entries will only be reviewed to ensure that you are making sufficient progress and accumulating sufficient hours and information for success in the course. Objectives • Practice skills and use theory learned in the classroom. • Integrate work experience into total education. ©2010 University of Texas – Arlington Page 1 of 10 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience • Function as a member of the employer’s health care team. • Participate in personal and professional learning focused on the role of the BSN-prepared nurse. • Demonstrate understanding of the resources available to effect change. Rubric Use this rubric to guide your work. Remember that this course is graded Pass/Fail, but completion and submission of weekly Log/Journals will assist you in recording required information and writing your final essay. (Any student work that needs improvement must be revised and re-submitted to earn course credit. If you fall behind in work hours or reflective journal entries, you will be contacted to discuss an intervention plan.) Acceptable Needs Improvement Scope Records hours, actions, connections, and reflections for every work shift. Does not record sufficient hours, actions, connections, or reflections to document cooperative experience. Relevance Connects experiences to goals prior nursing practice, previous coursework, theories or research. Fails to connect experiences to goals, prior nursing practice, theories, or research. Describes how personal practice will be different in the future based on these experiences. Creates linkages to other situations where lessons learned can be applied. ©2010 University of Texas – Arlington Page 2 of 10 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience Instructions After each shift you work, record your work hours, experiences, connections to your key course concepts (EPB, Professionalism, Change Theory) goal and your reflections. For privacy, refer to patients and/or co-workers with initials instead of names. Save this document to your own computer desktop or storage device after each entry to create a cumulative log/journal. You will upload the document and submit it each week (by 2359 Saturday). Remember that the more thoughtfully and intentionally you record your immediate reflections, the easier it will be for you to pull all your experiences and thoughts together for your final essay in Module 5! DATE NUMBER OF HOURS (Must total at least 120 for the course) 07/02/18 13 EXPERIENCES REFLECTIONS & CONNECTIONS TO GOALS (What you did, observed, or felt during this shift related to the topic of the week linked to your goals) (Specify which goal.) Include how your skills, behaviors, or attitudes changed or could change in the future based on your experience and reflection. Identify previous course topics, readings or research that relate to experiences in this shift. Reflect on how you were able to access (or not access) information, data or tools you needed to provide EBP, perform the duties of a professional, or be an effective participant on a team. General reflections regarding your experiences and how you are changing your level of practice. I researched on my topic of choice for this course and also sort correlational issues at my place of work with reference to my goals. I recall, I happen to be the point of reference for lots of people. this was more reflective as I am embarking on a life changing practice. Nursing leadership Cop 3300 Nursing Research I have internet access which I was readily available for me. I am excited as to what I will come up with regarding my goal for this course. I generally look forward to incorporating EBP in staff development. Cop 3300 Nursing management This decision was made by me since I frequently evaluate the needs of my team. I am able to see what help is needed and when. My goal is to enhance productivity and achieve set goals for my team. EBP 07/03/18 10 We had optional holiday, but I worked to help my team’s work load. I feel it is important that be a team player in other to get things done 07/05/18 12 Team Work ©2010 University of Texas – Arlington Save this document to your desktop or other storage device after each entry. Page 3 of 10 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience I was in the field assisting team members. I had previously responding to an on-going investigation. I am still working on this. I reached out to other hospital to get medical record that is pertinent to this investigation. Nursing Research Cop 3300 All I needed was made available – internet, computers are available and are needed daily My goal is to enhance to help my team achieve set goals while I continue to grow professionally. 07/06/18 10 We held a meeting in which deliberated on emergency preparedness for the Houston area. On 07/04/18, some parts of the Houston flooded. We were to develop a policy of when we should contact our facilities in such emergency. Past experiences play a part here. I do not recall that I read this or was thought this anywhere. However, previous experiences were utilized. We deliberated on these issues to outline consequences and emergency preparedness I felt that I was contributing to the work force in ensuring safety of the people we serve. 0709/18 10 Today, I was out with team members. we have increasing work load and all hands were on deck to get tasks completed in a timely manner. Nursing Research Cop 3300 I frequently evaluate the needs of my team. I am able to see what help is needed and when. My goal is to enhance to help my team achieve set goals while I continue to grow professionally. 07/10/18 10 I was out helping my team on assigned task. It was extremely tiring since I have worked two straight weeks without a break. Nursing Research I frequently evaluate the needs of my team. I am able to see what help is needed and when. My goal is to enhance to help my team achieve set goals while I continue to grow professionally. Nursing leadership Cop 3300 Nursing Research All I needed was made available via our internet, computers are available and are needed daily. I felt that I was contributing to the work force in ensuring safety of the people we serve. Also, my team made me their resource person which allowed me the opportunity to research ad find EBP articles to back up our investigation findings/summary 07/11/18 10 I evaluated two staff members on the job in order to conclude their performance evaluations for the year. ©2010 University of Texas – Arlington Save this document to your desktop or other storage device after each entry. Page 4 of 10 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience 7/12/18 10 Assisted my team with online CMS required training set up. Also assisted my team through researching EBP to support cited violations. Nursing leadership Cop 3300 Nursing Research I have internet access which is readily available for me through my job This experience continues to help me practice and exhibit team playing, professionalism and EBP skill. Nursing Research All I needed to complete these were provided through my Job intranet. I feel good to help and learn new things. Provided support to providers who needed resource assistance for reference 07/13/18 10 I worked on generating reports to meet a time frame. I completed staff annual performance evaluations By helping, I continue to be the professional I can be while contributing to the growth of the profession in all. I researched information need to determine compliance for a licensure I also empower others to practice from a different perspective. I took CMS required training 07/16/18 07/17/18 10 8 I conducted employee training centered on using new survey approaches. I reviewed these materials in readiness for my presentation. I also researched and reviewed EBP documents to support the presentation. Nursing Research Nursing Management I worked with my direct reports in the field in order to complete their annual evaluation. 3300-CO OP Nursing Nursing Research Nursing Management ©2010 University of Texas – Arlington I have computer access and time to research and getter referencing for my presentation. I feel I am making meaningful contributions professionally in my practice. I am at the same earning and enhancing my capabilities and skills which make me a better professional My job intranet provided platform for these to be done using specific tool. I am doing my job not only accomplished set goal for my job, but it also helps me to lead in an exemplary way. I see the potentials of my staff and I encourage them to harness their potentials. Save this document to your desktop or other storage device after each entry. Page 5 of 10 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience 07/18/18 10 I had two-hour meetings with state office to defend cited deficiency. I needed to erase o supporting documents. I was looking into nonfunctioning Cooling system this week and had to read up a couple things. 3300-CO OP Nursing Nursing Research Nursing Management My job intranet provided platform for these to be done using specific tool. I am doing my job not only accomplished set goal for my job, but it also helps me to lead in an exemplary way. I see the potentials of my staff and I encourage them to harness their potentials. 07/19/18 10 I was working on schedule for the next couple of months. I found myself making sure the I assigned the right task to the best surveyors based on their abilities. This was part of team playing strategy Nursing Management My job intranet and the internet My overall goal is to achieve set professional goal and in the required timeframe. My job operates at a fast pace and so I need a proactive approach. 07/20/18 12 Today, I had the opportunity to present my EBP project to coworkers. I thought it went well but was not prepared with one question, someone asked me. I was able to honesty reply that I was not sure of the answer but will look into it and get back to the staff which I did later in the day. I also made my reference materials available to my audience and would be making some corrections based on the recommendation of others. 3300-CO OP Nursing Nursing Research Nursing Management My job intranet had tools I used My confidence continues to grow in the practice. I feel honored to be associated with change and professionalism. 07/23/18 10 Held meetings with managers to discuss how staff development can be improved within our agency. There were so many suggestions while we plan to meet again for further discussion on this. Nursing Research Nursing leadership I read a book and borrowed some ideas from this management book on how to retain staff in an organization to ensure they are equipped with the right knowledge and skills to perform the agency duties. My idea is to contribute to the growth of not only my organization but more to empower the staff the report to me. This way the have all they need to effect and accept changes in the work place. I am of the view that we can empower our staff through continuing education. 07/24/18 10 I participated in an online training conference. The reason for this training was to become aware of changes in a ©2010 University of Texas – Arlington The internet/computers were made available by my job. The internet Nursing research The internet and resource for the training was provided through the I love to learn so that I teach others to become contributing professionals. I feel proud when I can expand the Save this document to your desktop or other storage device after each entry. Page 6 of 10 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience protocol we use. CMS rolled out this recently. I wanted to learn these changes so that I can help my team transition to the new protocol. Work experience CMS and HHSC websites knowledge to people then I can expect more from them I am proud when I can expand the knowledge to people then I can expect more from them. I am practicing being a change agent. 07/25/18 10 We help program managers meeting to evaluate the work load and expectations and efficiency. I suggested doing things differently to save time and cut out numerous redundant paper work. Unfortunately, State office has the final say but I was very satisfied that I could make contribution on policy change. CO-OP NURSING 4300 The forum to meet and have open dialog on issue affecting the agency. 07/26/18 10 Today, I participated in a meeting with our local Ombudsman agents and staff. These individuals serve as our liaison officers btw our facilities and us. It was great to listen to them and as they share they challenges in getting their work done while new interventions were development to be implemented in order to make the collaboration more efficient. It basically was a learning opportunity for me. I helped to gather some documents needed Work experience The forum to meet and have open dialog on issue affecting the agency. I am out with the team members today as they are conducting complaints investigation while I conclude staff performance evaluation. Work experience Nursing research Nursing management 07/27/18 10 My job intranet provided platform for these to be done using specific tool. I am practicing being a change agent. My goal is to achieve set professional goal and in the required timeframe. I feel like I am mastering my leadership responsibilities. I feel it is important to evaluate them on the job since it gives me a clearer picture of their skills and abilities in relation to the expectations and responsibilities. ©2010 University of Texas – Arlington Save this document to your desktop or other storage device after each entry. Page 7 of 10 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience 07/30/18 10 Meeting with supervisor for evaluation debriefing. CO-OP Nursing 4300 I appreciate all the feedback and the opportunity to learn from mistakes. The course expectations and nursing research were used. Also used knowledge from previous class. Suggestions were immediately implemented I want to meet expectations of the course but also learn while doing so. Most importantly change my style of practice to include what I have learned and for the better, continue to be the agent of change wherever I find myself. 07/31/18 10 Met with team to initiate a change in the way we notify state of harm level deficiencies and violations identified in the facilities we serve. Every team member verbalized their thought about the process. We all came with the best way that everyone approves that serves us best as a team. Nursing leadership Nursing research Change theory It was easy for me to access the required material. I typically researched using the provided work computer I feel accomplished being able to meet the team expectation and work load, mostly importantly carry everyone along 08/01/18 14 Nursing leadership Change theory I used the provided material by my job. My computer skills came to play Helping the team was satisfying. I like contributing to success especially when everyone is onboard. 08/02/18 10 My team had a deadline to get some reports completed and submitted for review. Some team members volunteered to stay behind and work over to get this dome. I was very pleased with their decision and as such I stayed back and helped. Good news was the task was demanding but we got it done. Catching up on reading POCs from facilities on cited violations. I had made so changes in the process and It was a little challenging following through today. I did persevere, and I will continue. I do believe in the long run; this new way will be most efficient Nursing leadership Change theory I used the provided material by my job. My computer skills came to play I believe practicing what I preach will motivate those I supervise and encourage them to implement these changes made. Since we can all be change agents, I will continue to initiate changes in practice so that I lead by example. 08/03/18 10 It has really been a long summer for me and I have not had a break. I was finally overwhelmed with joy thinking that I am indeed nearing the finish line Nursing leadership Nursing research Change theory I used the provided material by my job. My computer skills came to play. My goal is to achieve set professional goal. I feel like I am mastering my ©2010 University of Texas – Arlington Save this document to your desktop or other storage device after each entry. Page 8 of 10 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience for this course and the program. I had some time to think of all I have been thought and how easy it was to forget them and continue my old way of practice. I have to make a personal effort to recall and practice the newly acquired skills and implement the knowledge. Although the course will end, I will continue to use EBP, be a team player, act and practice professionally and accept changes in practice. ©2010 University of Texas – Arlington 3300-CO OP Nursing 4300-CO OP Nursing Class room instruction Discussions with class mates and colleges. leadership responsibilities. Above all, I am ready to see where the newly acquired skills and knowledge will take me. Save this document to your desktop or other storage device after each entry. Page 9 of 10 N4300 Cooperative Nursing Work Experience ©2010 University of Texas – Arlington Save this document to your desktop or other storage device after each entry. Page 10 of 10
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