Poster presentation

Poster presentation

Running head: POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION 1 Name: Felicia Mensah Date: April 1st, 2018 Institution: University of


Maine at Fort Kent POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION Implementing infection control strategies to promote quality care using EBP POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION Background information Healthcare-associated infection (HAI) is one 2 Literature review According to Pratt et al. (2007), evidence of the major concerns in the healthcare sector, based practice in reducing hospital based where many patients suffer extended hospital stays infections revolves around hand hygiene, and even death due to second hand infections preventing infections from invasive things, transmitted to them while they are in the hospital careful use and disposal of sharp objects, setting. Similarly, many visitors to the hospital preventing infection from central venous settings have suffered immense infections due to catheters, and using personal protective exposure to agents transmitting the pathogens equipment. A study by Pratt et al. (2007) (Katherine et al., 2014). This is thus a critical area indicates that hospital-based infections have of concern in the healthcare sector. Katherine et al. immensely reduced after the introduction of (2014) state that basing the prevention mechanisms alcohol sanitizers. The major hand-based hygiene on the chain of infection can immensely help to is supposed to be after touching an individual alleviate and prevent healthcare associated patient, before touching an individual patient, infections (Katherine et al., 2014). The chain of after touching patient surrounding, after body- infection entails having an infectious agent, one fluid exposure risk, and before aseptic procedure. then becomes the reservoir, then the pathogen gets Mehta et al. (2014) also reports that there is need its portal of exit, it enters the mode of transmission, to identify patients that need isolation. The major it gets to the portal of entry of an uninfected needs for isolation include skin rashes, individual, which makes one a susceptible host, and communicable disease, carriers of an epidemic then an infectious agent. According to Katherine et strain of pathogen, diarrhea, and immunological al. (2014), establishing mechanisms at each chain disorder. There is also need for continuous POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION 3 of infection can help a lot in reducing healthcare analysis and assessment of the implementation of related infections. set practices and guidelines to ensure there is adherence (Mehta et al., 2014). Implications for practice The above evidence-based findings therefore, necessitate that recommendations be made concerning the best practices that will aid in reducing healthcare-associated infections. The For reservoirs ❖ Washing hands in all the five instances mentioned above (Storr et al., 2017). ❖ Handling, storing and disposing body fluids in a systematic and careful manner major recommendations put forward from the ❖ Ensuring equipment is dry before storage. above studies and literature findings include the ❖ Ensure that ill employees stay at home following. ❖ Vaccinating all individuals against the Recommendations According to the above article, the most preferred practices that will help in preventing as well as reducing Healthcare-associated infections include: immunizable infections ❖ Cooking food thoroughly and handling food safely (Storr et al., 2017). ❖ Monitoring contaminated water and equipment in the hospital. ❖ Ensuring only sterile water is used in respiratory equipment. ❖ Treating ill people as soon as possible (Katherine et al., 2014). POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION For portals of exit ❖ Ensuring that draining wounds are dressed and covered ❖ Ensuring that sneezes and coughs are covered ❖ Ensuring high level of hand hygiene (Storr et al., 2017). 4 In regard to portals of entry ❖ Use dressing on surgical wounds ❖ Ensure there is use of aseptic surgical technique ❖ Use goggles masks and face shields whenever needed ❖ Keeping unwashed objects and hands ❖ Handling all body fluids with gloves away from the mouth and other body ❖ Ensuring that individuals with wet lesions openings stay at home In regard to means of transmission ❖ Ensuring there is directional air flow in wards ❖ Cleaning high-touch surfaces with disinfectants ❖ Prevent hole on the skin, like dermatitis (Storr et al., 2017). ❖ Use IV site dressing For the susceptible hosts ❖ Cover skin breaks ❖ Ensure good skin condition ❖ Ensuring the environment is clean ❖ Vaccinate individuals as required ❖ Maintain contact, airborne and droplet ❖ Encourage rests and balancing of life precautions ❖ Using gloves and discarding them after handling each patient (Storr et al., 2017). ❖ Disinfection and cleaning of equipment after using on one patient activities ❖ Remove invasive devices as soon as they are not required ❖ Maintain good nutrition (Storr et al., 2017). POSTER PAPER PRESENTATION 5 References Katherine E. et al. (2014). Strategies to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections through Hand Hygiene. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 937-960. Lee, G., & Bishop, P. ( 2012). Microbiology and Infection Control for Health Professionals. Sydney: Pearson Australia Pty Ltd. Mehta, Y., Gupta, A., Todi, S., Myatra, S., Samaddar, D. P., Patil, V., . . . Ramasubban, S. (2014). Guidelines for prevention of hospital acquired infections. Indian Journal Critical Care Medicine , 149–163. Pratt R.J. Pratt, C. P., McDougall, C., & Wilcox, M. (2007). National Evidence-Based Guidelines for Preventing HealthcareAssociated Infections in NHS Hospitals in England. Journal of Hospital infections , 1-59. Storr, J., Twyman, A., Zingg, W., Damani, N., Kilpatrick, C., Reilly, J., . . . Allegranzi, B. (2017). Core components for effective infection prevention and control programmes: new WHO evidence-based recommendations. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control , 1-67. Group 5: Drug & Alcohol Abuse Stephanie Dame, Jessica Blake, Samantha Carlow, & Felicia Mensah University of Maine at Fort Kent- NUR 401 Introduction Evidence Based Practice Protocols/Methods Nursing Implications PICOT Question: Do harm reduction measures such as needle exchange reduce the risk of HIV in those that abuse IV drugs? Problem Statement We should agree on a problem statement, any ideas? I was thinking something along the lines of, There is a lack of education available to the public regarding the use of harm reduction measures in the prevention of HIV or other infections in the IV drug user community. Purpose Conclusion The purpose of this research is to identify any possible interventions that may help educate and prevent individuals who abuse IV drugs from contracting HIV or other infectious diseases This is just a suggestion! I just wanted to get something started, please let me know if you have any suggestions on how we could make this better Background We will fill in this section with the information that we get from our chosen articles. Evidence Based Practice Results RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2015
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