Sentinel City simulation

Sentinel City simulation

Population Health – Communication Description: The baccalaureate graduate nurse will apply leadership concepts,


skills, and decision making in providing care in a variety of settings. Component: Essential II Area Gold Silver Bronze Unacceptable Mastery Acceptable Developing Observations All of the listed Three or more of Two or less of the Does not address Billboardsobservations are the listed listed section Advertisements clearly addressed observations are observations are and discussed in a not present or not present or City and/or comprehensive discussed in depth discussed in depth neighborhood and detailed newspapers, manner with 2 or community more specific bulletin boards. examples. Is there evidence of a predominant party affiliation? Additional issues, not listed are addressed. Forms of formal and/or informal communication. Displays or posters that tell about life in the community TV/Radio Stations/or other sources of mass communication? Develop an age appropriate (150 words or less) newspaper script, poster, or billboard for adults and teens related to the Case Scenario Develop an age appropriate (150 words or less) newspaper script, poster, or billboard for adults and teens related to the Case Scenario Develop an age appropriate (150 words or less) newspaper script, poster, or billboard for adults and teens related to the Case Scenario that does not demographics and health literacy Develop an age Does not address appropriate (150 section words or less) newspaper script, poster, or billboard for adults and teens related to the Case Scenario that is not age appropriate
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