Write story in essage form 750 words minimum

Write story in essage form 750 words minimum

ENG 200 Narrative Essay Rubric EXCELLENT GOOD COMPETENT NEEDS WORK Focus of Narrative 20 POINTS


Subject/event is crystal clear, and this focus remains the central point throughout the whole narrative. The narrative focuses sharply on one moment in time, and effectively builds up to it. A clear, strong thesis statement that answers the prompt is present. Subject/event is somewhat clear, and/or focus may stray just slightly throughout the narrative. The narrative at least focuses on an area of time, and the narrative builds up to it. A clear thesis statement that answers the prompt is present. Reader is left to guess as to the subject/event, and/or there are several events mentioned. The focus of the narrative is not clear to reader, and as such, there is not and effective building up to it. The thesis statement might be unclear, and/or does not directly answer the prompt. Subject/event totally unclear to reader; the writing is more of a stream-of-consciousness journal entry than a crafted narrative. No thesis statement could be easily identified. Organization & Logical Flow 25 POINTS The narrative structure is smooth and easily followed—there are no jumps in logic. It clearly follows the natural sequence of a good plot (as taught in the plot structure diagram), and logical transitions help the narrative flow smoothly. The narrative structure is followed easily; it follows the natural sequence of a good plot (as taught in the plot structure diagram). There may be a spot or two where smoother, more logical transitions could have been made, but overall there is a good flow. The narrative structure is not followed easily. The natural sequence of a good plot (as taught in the plot structure diagram) needs work. Restructuring and/or logic bridges/transitions are needed to help the reader navigate smoothly. There is not much of a narrative structure at all, or it is very confusing; reader is confused. (Plot Structure Diagram and Academic Essay Format) Academic Essay format was not used, and this caused the organization to suffer. Development of Ideas 20 POINTS All the parts of Academic Essay Format are present and are well developed. The development of the narrative is deeply engaging. It includes vivid and detailed use of detail and imagery, and dialogue if applicable. Word choice is varied and apt (extremely well-chosen). Narrative’s Significance/ Meaning 20 POINTS Poignant; deep and important; cutting. It is evident why this matters to you, and the reader clearly understands that. There is evident significance in this narrative, and it relayed well. The reader understands why this matters to you. Reader is left to guess what the significance of the narrative was, or it could have been relayed more clearly; it is not clear to reader. There is a very weak meaning or significance, or it is missing. Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, and Spelling (MUGS) and APA Formatting of Whole Paper 15 POINTS This paper has been revised and edited well. There may be a few MUGS errors, but they do not detract from the readability of the piece. It is clear that an APA reference source was consulted, as the paper’s format is perfect or nearly so. A good, solid attempt at revision and editing has been made. Only some MUGS errors remain, but they do not detract from the readability of the piece too badly. It is clear that an APA reference source was consulted, as the format is very close to perfect. While an attempt at revising and editing appears to have been made, there are still several MUGS errors that detract from the readability of the piece. An APA reference source was likely consulted, but format is off slightly. The many MUGS errors and lack of attention to format indicate little or no time spent revising and editing the piece, and that an APA reference source was not consulted. All the parts of Academic Essay Format are present. The development of the narrative is engaging. There is good/some use of detail, and imagery. Word choice is somewhat varied and well chosen. Most of the parts of Academic Essay Format are present, but they could use some fine-tuning and work. The development of the narrative only somewhat follows the natural sequence of a good plot (as taught in the plot diagram). More detail and elaboration are needed for making this narrative “come to life.” Word choice is clear. Little attention was paid to the plot structure diagram. Very little detail is used; elaboration and development are lacking.
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