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Guidance Module A Page 1 of 2 NURS4222 Healthcare Teaching Module A Guidance Prepare each Assignment


following the Course Objectives, Grading Criteria and Grading Rubric of each module. The common thread in each module is the role of the Nurse in teaching and should be emphasized in your writings. Your opportunity to explore and expand your knowledge in analysis of your learner will increase effective communication with your current and future patients. Reference Bastable, S. (2018). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice 5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. *Note: chapters & page numbers may not be specific for your textbook edition. Refer to the index with the topic name. Review Chapters 1 – 9 to begin your literature exploration and review. Specific to your assessment — Chapter 7 Use the Grading Criteria as headings to facilitate flow of your writing (Level 1 & 2 headings per APA format). Review Module A Example. • Instructional Material Briefly written in your own words • Analysis of Readability Results written as facts from your findings (no personal thoughts) • Analysis of Suitability Results written as facts from your findings (no personal thoughts) • Critical Analysis Applied to Learner Compare your textbook material and literature review to your chosen learner. Summarize your findings in relation to your chosen learner (no personal thoughts).  Critical analysis is specific to your chosen learner, NOT on how or what you are teaching. Findings on your chosen learner prepares you for presenting to that learner in Module B.  Choose a learner to teach. The learner may be a lay person/s from 3 yrs. to whatever age and/or gender. Professionals may be RN’s, MD’s, Therapists etc. Number to teach may be 1 or any number. Length of time depends on your chosen learner (a 3 yr. old learner may tolerate less than 5 min. where 25 professionals may require an hour presentation).  Assess learning needs of your chosen learner Review the literature & your textbook for characteristics, assets, limitations, & influences of your chosen learner: How do they learn, what works best for learning, do they need someone with them to Guidance Module A Page 2 of 2 NURS4222 Healthcare Teaching assist learning, do they need assistive devices, what is their strength, how do they retain information. Age, gender, culture etc. plays a role in learning which you will need to know in order to prepare & deliver a successful presentation. For example, a class of 7 yr. olds may not remain attentive for 30 minutes with a large amt. of information presented only verbally. Professionals may lose their attention span with a frigid room & a 3 hour verbal presentation without breaks. • Submission  Review Grading Criteria and Grading Rubric before submitting. YOU MUST HAVE CITATIONS & REFERENCES for evidence based findings in order to successfully achieve course objectives.  Length of paper MUST meet module objective (
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