Application of Nursing Theory to Practice (1)

Application of Nursing Theory to Practice (1)

In any given situation, there is a constant need and desire to achieve homeostasis. If something is off, even in the


slightest way, it can prevent the general wellness in a situation or individual. “Under general systems theory, nurses interact with clients to help them attain homeostasis, defined as the constancy of the internal environment caused by the action of regulatory mechanisms” (Hood, 2018, p. 137). Mr. R has just undergone surgery for colon cancer and now has a temporary colostomy. This is a huge “disturbance” or “stressor” in his life that is now affecting his equilibrium. (Hood, 2018). Both the subsystems and suprasystems within Mr. R. have been greatly affected. Subsystems, which affect everything down to the cellular level, have been disturbed by both the cancer and the surgery. The suprasystems that have been influenced include his external environment. His personal life, his family life, work life and how others perceive him as a result of his new health concerns are all examples of suprasystems. From a nursing standpoint, we are responsible for our patients’ holistic wellbeing. We need to be able to manage them fully; mind, body and spirit. “Clinical intervention in illness is concerned with correcting underlying problems, managing the symptoms, and enabling the patient to come to terms with the disorder. In other words, clinical practice is concerned with restoring the homeostatic balance of the individual” (McVicar, Clancy, 1998, p. 603). McVicar and Clancy refer to homeostasis and the maintenance of such involving the nursing process. It starts with the norm altered, a nursing assessment, assessing needs, care planning, implementation, evaluation, reassessment and ends with norm restored. (Homeostasis: A Framework for Integrating the Life Sciences, 1998). Patient-centered care and the systems theory go hand-in-hand. With the systems theory, it allows for complete, holistic care of the patient. We have to consider all factors when providing care, internal and external, subsystems and suprasystems. In the case of Mr. R, his new stressors are causing him disequilibrium. In order to restore his equilibrium, we need to consider the possibility of any and all physical needs, emotional needs and spiritual/cultural needs. Physical needs due to his illness, post-op needs and physical needs moving forward with the changes he has experienced, etc. Emotional needs due to the possibility of altered body image, financial needs, etc. Spiritual/cultural needs due to the possibility of distress he is feeling. With the systems theory, we are able to focus on every aspect of patients’ needs in order to restore equilibrium and provide the best possible, holistic care. “The Nurse of the Future will demonstrate accountability for the delivery of standard-based nursing care that is consistent with moral, altruistic, legal, ethical, regulatory, and humanistic principles” (Nurse of the Future Competency Committee, 2016, p.14). Nursing theories in this week’s readings teach us different approaches to the same goals: best possible patient care. As nurses, we are all held accountable to providing such care. We need to maintain ethics, legality and morality in all decisions we make. We learn about the nursing process and different theories to practice this week. No matter what theory you chose to follow in order to deliver the best possible care, we are held to the highest standards and we are responsible for maintaining such standards in every aspect of care. I do not believe that my facility has adopted any of these theories into our nursing care. However, I feel as though it would be an interesting debate to be brought up amongst our nursing coordinating council. In this monthly meeting, there are members from each nursing unit that meet and discuss processes, any issues in each unit and any changes we feel need to be enacted. It would be interesting to see which theory each unit would decide upon and the reasons behind them choosing which theory they chose. Would we agree upon one theory or would it be more unit specific based on the type of patient, acuity, etc.? References: Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies. (2016, March). Retrieved April 9, 2018, from… Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Peppers professional nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer. McVicar, A., & Clancy, J. (1998). Homeostasis: A framework for integrating the life sciences. British Journal of Nursing,7(10), 601-607. doi:10.12968/bjon.1998.7.10.5686 ReplyReply to Comment