Capstone Project Topic Selection Maternal (Mother/Baby)

Capstone Project Topic Selection Maternal (Mother/Baby)

Running head: CANCER PREVENTION 1 Cancer Prevention Name Grand Canyon University Professional Capstone


Practicum NRS-490 Professor Name Date CANCER PREVENTION 2 Cancer Prevention “Cancer” is a word that no one wants to hear when presenting to a doctor’s office or as a diagnosis for any family members. It is not one disease, but many diseases that affect many Americans each day (CDC 2016). Therefore it is very crucial to create awareness about the disease and its prevention. The setting or context in which the problem can be observed. The occurrence of cancer disease has been found out to exist mainly in the young adults aged from 18-29 years. The reason behind it is that majority of the patients are not event aware that it is this disease they’re dealing with until they visit the hospitals. The symptoms that indicate the disease involve significant hair fall, muscular pain, constant constipation and body swelling. (Scheel, B. I., & Holtedahl, K. 2015) A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem It has been observed that this disease majorly resides in the people belonging to middle or lower class because of their lack of knowledge for cancer. By the time these patients come to the hospital for a checkup, the disease has spread beyond than it can be cured. Therefore, it is essential to carry out an awareness program related to cancer in order to attain positive outcomes. The awareness to be spread must be through an official platform than the usual meagre number of clinical staff working to spread awareness about the disease. The cancer awareness program would involve improving the diet, exercise and living habits of the individual (Spring, et al, 2015). Moreover, the ratio of development of cancer appears to be greater among males than in CANCER PREVENTION 3 females according to a research done by the National Cancer Institute (Dowswell, G. 2011). This research also identifies that by the time the patients come to have their checkup, they are already at the last stage of the disease making the treatment not effective at all. Successful treatment can only be accomplished if the patient arrives before it’s too late i.e. in the first or second stage and the only way it seems possible is by making the people aware of this disease such that they can apprehend when to have a proper checkup. Impact of the problem on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes. The impact of this problem on the workforce lies in the insufficient medical equipment with the increasing number of cancer patients in hospitals, shortage of available expert doctors, and high treatment charges for cancer cure. However, the staff is well trained and work at their best skills to serves the patient with cancer with utmost care. Nevertheless, without proper medical techniques and therapies, these skills aren’t enough to cure the disease, neither prevent it from happening. Significance of the problem and its implications to nursing. The problem lies in the high treatment charges at the hospitals or cancer treatment centers that results in the patient not having regular checkups. The requirement of this prevention program to flourish is urgently needed because once the people are made aware of this issue, desperate measurements are likely to be taken to prevent it from happening in the first place. The problem can be signified when one apprehends the age range that cancer takes place or occurs (Cancer.Net, 2015). Lack of knowledge and improper facilities are the chief reasons that serve to CANCER PREVENTION 4 increase the rate at which cancer occurs. The problem also calls for nurses to be self-motivated and well-educated in order to help stabilize the patient’s condition at the workplace. Proposed solution It should be the top priority of the higher authorities in the healthcare centers to implement a cancer awareness and prevention program so that the lives of the people suffering from it can be saved along with the people who are prone to fall victims of this disease. If immediate parameters to prevent this disease from happening are not considered, then there’s a possibility that cancer might continue to haunt the nation in the future as well. For the best possible outcomes, it is necessary to maintain a healthy partnership with the leading health organizations of the world who would provide funds for the program to be carried out with better efficiency. Nurses and doctors must also take part in these awareness programs against cancer in order to obtain successful outcomes. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be said that the importance of disseminating cancer prevention plan is more than actually treating the patients for cancer. If focus is only laid down on cancer treatment and no actions are taken into account in order to raise awareness, then cancer will only continue to be an issue all over the world. Hence, prevention should be made a priority by higher authorities as treatment. CANCER PREVENTION References How to Prevent Cancer or Find It Early. (2016, September 06). Retrieved January 22, 2017, from Scheel, B. I., & Holtedahl, K. (2015). Symptoms, signs, and tests: The general practitioner’s comprehensive approach towards a cancer diagnosis. Scandinavian Journal Of Primary Health Care, 33(3), 170-177. doi:10.3109/02813432.2015.1067512 Spring, B., King, A. C., Pagoto, S. L., Van Horn, L., & Fisher, J. D. (2015). Fostering multiple healthy lifestyle behaviors for primary prevention of cancer. American Psychologist, 70(2), 7590. doi:10.1037/a0038806 Dowswell, G. (2011)” “Men’s experience of erectile dysfunction after treatment for colorectal cancer”: qualitative interview study”. BMJ, PP. 1-11 Cancer.Net. (2015). “Cancer and the Affordable Care Act”. Retrieved January 22, 2017 from Cancer.Net: 5
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