holistic health

holistic health

Surname 1 How does the culture of an organization influence and affect employees, as well as the quality of care


provided? Effects of organizational culture to the employees. As years move on, everything around us eventually evolves, and so does the corporate world. The corporate environment has become a great victim of technological change and globalization, calling for intense changes to maintain balance in terms of productivity and quality. Issues of demographic and social forces within organizations have affected operations in all capacities. However, like any other developing institution, organizations build on a strong formal and informal cultures to help them maintain balance during operations. The organizational culture is made of values, mission, vision, communication aspects, goals and all other features that facilitate good performance within a workplace. Organizational culture promotes social interaction within an organization. Social interaction brings comfort and enjoyment, promoting teamwork and a community like staff cohesion. This also helps the new employees settle fast and adapt quickly (Nwugwo 19). Organizational culture also promotes solidarity. This is composed of mutual interests, common tasks, and well-stipulated goals regardless of personal differences. With solidarity within an organization, personal differences are put aside towards achieving a common goal. Organizations instill behavior and values within their organizations through norms. Through a well-institutionalized belief system, the norms are used to effect productivity towards achieving organizational goals. As organizations grow in terms of employees, the sociability within members weakens. However, if the sociability was strong, the communal cultures leave behind an attitudinal legacy that promotes performance within the organization. Surname 2 Making the culture of the organization known to its employees, helps them understand the organization’s history and the current approach. Through specific members whose role is to propagate organizational culture through socialization, corporate values and philosophy are upheld. A Corporate culture is also a great tool when it comes to controlling of behavior among employees. Finally, corporate culture promotes employee ethics, hence promoting morals that foster productivity (Nwugwo 22). Conclusion In relation to the above discussion, organizational cultures are very important especially to the performance of the staff members. Strong cultures can also be used to propagate productivity and beat through changes within an organization. Works Cited Nwugwo, Boniface C. “The impact of organizational culture on employee behavior and attitude.” IMPACT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE, Mar. 2010, p. 34, www.btctechnologies.com/boni/od501_paper.pdf. Accessed 6 Mar. 2018.
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